
Five Fantastic Games That Had Disappointing Finishes

Daily Joypad's Dan writes:

"There's nothing like going through a game that you're really enjoying only for it to have a mediocre finale that doesn't stand up with the rest of the game's brilliance. You've played for hours and hours and reached the end and were presented with something either too easy, uninteresting or just downright dull. This list will look at five titles from the last few years that whilst fantastic on the whole, just fell short at the end.

In the interest of keeping things spoiler free, the five games in this list will be Alan Wake, Resident Evil 5, L.A. Noire, Batman Arkham City and Uncharted 3. If you're not up to reading about those games' endings in any detail, please, direct your browser elsewhere or carefully skim past them to the next section. We won't mind, go enjoy those games to their fullest."

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LightSamus4593d ago

Evidently, hence why I warn people in the second paragraph. :)

Laxman4593d ago

I agree about LA Noire. In fact, once you get out of the Homicide desk, the story is pretty bland. Its more like a bad crime TV show with slightly-linked stories in the episodes and no overarcing excitment. Dont get me wrong, its one of my favorite games of the year, but a better complete story could have made it truely something special.

Convas4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

Disagree on Alan Wake. Uncharted 3 and L.A. Noire though yeah.

Uncharted 3 felt so ... empty at the end. I mean, exact same setting as Uncharted 2, lost city, hidden power, I was fully expecting creatures of legend or something. I was getting excited when he was battling Marlowes's minions and they were, you know, different.

Then comes the end of the game, and I felt a bit disillusioned. I know they said no boss battles, and the knife fight against you know how was epic, but still. It felt less conclusive than Uncharted 2's ending.

And L.A. Noire, sweet mercy. Where to start. I'm just going to say that I wish they would've given us branching paths to take throughout the story, let us make our own decisions. Forcing us to play through Cole Phelp's ... indiscretion (Seriously, where the hell did this come from, and even if it DID come, why wasn't it supported in the backstory of the game?!), betrayal, and subsequent ... well, it was a crap design choice. I was mad. Not going to lie.

Captain Qwark 94593d ago

disagree with batman. great ending fun boss battle. you get to slice through foes with a sword as batman, people die, protocol 10 is stopped and its over. im not sure what else you would want, did they want batman to somehow save talia and go off and get married and live happily ever after lol?????

nothing wrong with that ending imo. he finished what he set out to do then went back to finish cleaning up AC. it ended as if it were a movie or an episode of the animated series.

Inzo4593d ago

This what I hate about gamers, more often than not we bring opinion forward as fact. In my opinion U3 had one of the best endings this gen.

ironfist924592d ago

In that case, what happened to Chloe and Cutter?


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25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom25d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator33d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast33d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers50d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran850d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto49d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia50d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger49d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie49d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

49d ago
Profchaos49d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie49d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh49d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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