
Follow the History of Battlefield Live

GamerSpawn takes you on a trip through the history of the Battlefield franchise. From the shores of Normandy and the jungles of Vietnam to the streets of the Middle East, Battlefield has brought big, explosive battles to multiplayer gaming for the past decade. Now, relive the greatest moments of the series through the years, with GamerSpawn's History of Battlefield!

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thebudgetgamer4610d ago

I have owned Both Bad Company games, 1943 and BF2 always fun high quality games.

Cowflab4609d ago

I advise all FPS gamers to watch this video! LOVE GAMES! LOVE BF! LOVE DICE! LOVE YOURSELF!


20 Amazing Games That Have Completely Disappeared From Storefronts

Cultured Vultures: In the spirit of preserving some kind of history of this industry, we’ve decided to list some of the best games that you just simply can’t get hold of digitally at the minute.

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TheEnigma313106d ago

I just started playing Spec op. I've had it for years on steam and forgot about it. Such a good game.

EvertonFC106d ago (Edited 106d ago )

Fantastic game,.so underated

Cacabunga106d ago

Yes great game spec ops! Since the time we’ve been asking sony to make one:/

Auto Modelista.. a PS2 capcom racer!! A blast to play and great graphics!
Rival Schools!

LordoftheCritics105d ago

Spec Ops: The Line was super dark.

Incredible story.

SheenuTheLegend105d ago

all the games in the above list are bang on. this is the only reason we need backwards compatibility and physical presense of games for the upcoming future, no matter what.

Yi-Long106d ago

Honorable mention to the excellent Driveclub, one of the best racing games of all-time and one of my favourite games ever.

melons106d ago

yes! incredible rain effects; so good to drive along in rain with your Spotify playlist blaring

Skuletor106d ago

I really wanted a MotorStorm using the same engine, Driveclub is easily one of the best looking games on PS4 and I'm surprised they didn't even give it a PS4 Pro patch.

ravens52105d ago

Yes indeed. May just install it on my PS5. You know, physical copy and all.

monkey602105d ago

I adored Driveclub and the Bike expansion. I also loved Motorstorm. Evolution shutting down was a crime

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 105d ago
darthv72106d ago

Outrun Online Arcade, Sega Rally Online Arcade, After Burner Climax... all good stuff. I keep my 360 hooked up to play these as well as the TMNT games that were also delisted.

Skuletor106d ago

I have quite a few of these. Timed licenses suck.

Terry_B105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

wow...I have all of them except the Nintendo ones either in physical or digital version.

Also..Deadpool the Game is missing on that list.

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The Argument for Battlefield: Bad Company Remakes

With the franchise’s mainline entries failing to find their footing in recent years, now is the perfect time for a Battlefield: Bad Company remake.

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thorstein156d ago

Of course there is no counter argument. This is what fans of the franchise have wanted for years. This and/or BF Bad Company 2.

When asked why there hasn't been another Bad Company:

“There's one thing that lingers with Bad Company that we've been asking ourselves: What is it that the people really liked about Bad Company?" DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson told Eurogamer.

Troedsson says that he and his team can’t put their fingers on what it is that people loved about that branch of the brand. “It's hard for people to articulate what that is, which is actually hard for us,” he says. “It would be hard to remake something like that. Can we do it? Of course. We have our theories when it comes to the multiplayer."

(Source: Game Informer, June 24, 2014)

SonyStyled156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

I always activate the Black Weapon on BFV Solomon Islands for all the BC2 fans who hear/recognize it, thus starting the events of BC2 on BF5 :)

Derrrunnn. Derrrunnn.

RNTody156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

What is so hard to understand for them?

Bad Company 2 is one of the best and most memorable games in the series because:
- It was class-based (duh)
- Heavy focus on squads
- Substance over map size or gimmicks
- Fantastic and realistic gun play
- Well designed maps
- Destructible environments (why has this been minimised so hard in the series? You could demolish buildings in bad company 2 with some well placed C4
- Great progression system and variety in play
- No stupid CoD imitations or focus on the store over the game
- It was *drumroll* incredibly good fun?
- It was unmistakably BATTLEFIELD


Probably should add a fun campaign to the list.


EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX180d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled179d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa180d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno179d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac179d ago (Edited 179d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast179d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial179d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!