
PlayStation 3 hacked again?

Eurogamer: "Reports are emerging that the PlayStation 3 has been hacked once again in the form of a successor to the original PSJailbreak, dubbed "JB2".

Similar to the first hack, JB2 apparently takes the form of a USB dongle that plugs directly into the PS3 and compromises the system on power-up. Videos released so far of the device in action appear to show an extended boot -up period before the XMB finally appears, featuring a number of options only available to developer consoles, allowing for the installation of unsigned code.

It's still unconfirmed beyond all doubt whether JB2 is the real deal or not. However, the evidence piling up over the last 24 hours does suggest that Sony's successful anti-piracy measures - which kicked off with the release of Portal 2 and the 3.60 firmware just over six months ago - may have finally been overcome."

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ksense4607d ago ShowReplies(1)
Dart894607d ago Show
NYC_Gamer4607d ago

some new way around the update was bound to happen

4607d ago Replies(10)
RedDragan4606d ago (Edited 4606d ago )

The security can't be that bad, it took them six months get around a security fix. On another platfom like iOS, Xbox 360, Windows it takes just weeks, sometimes days to get around security fixes.

Not too mention it took years to initially crack it which was previously unheard of as far as consumer products are concerned.

If the next security fix takes six months to crack then I would think Sony had little to worry about. The pirates get a few weeks of free games with PSN, but then a long wait and a wasted amount of cash on the JB device... because they were charging for that!

All in all it would infact appear to be an extremely secure system considering the PS3 is considered the Holy Grail of targets to hack.

(PS. I am not saying all hackers are pirates, just the vast majority)

disturbing_flame4607d ago (Edited 4607d ago )

Actually the PS3 slim may sell a lot more.

StarWolf4607d ago

you act as if there are thousands of people waiting for this. maybe like 200 max and thats being nice

disturbing_flame4607d ago (Edited 4607d ago )

200 max worldwide ? Every week ?

I think you underestimate the number.

T3MPL3TON 4607d ago (Edited 4607d ago )

Somebody is living in a fantasy world.

For every paying customer there are 10 who will cheat the system.

Old McGroin4607d ago (Edited 4607d ago )

I agree with disturbing_flame, there's surely more than 200 individual PS3 pirates worldwide.

Check out this round up of the most pirated games of 2010, the PS3 isn't on the list but top games on PC, Wii & 360 are being pirated over 1 million times each on BitTorrent alone and you can bet that a lot of the people doing this have a PS3 as well:


DrRobotnik4607d ago

And then there will be an update that will make this whole article null and void.

evrfighter4607d ago

and then a new revised usb dongle will come out that overrides the new update.

it's just going to be a endless loop from this point forward until console next-gen

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4607d ago
LackTrue4K4607d ago

here's a question that always comes to my mind when they bring up pirating. "dose sony lose alot more money from them pirated games?! Even if they sell a 5hit load more systems?!

caseh4607d ago

They kind of do, they will shift more systems which they don't make much money on...but they also develop their own games and publish others so they take a hit on those titles.

It can also go the opposite way, you may play a pirated game which you can't play online. It may lead to you buying future titles or even that game to play online.

Lots of variables to consider where piracy is concerned, its part of the reason why it hasn't crippled the industry as much as some make out in over 30 years.

Legion4607d ago

Good point. I travel a lot and see how Sony and MS fair against each other in many countries. The countries that have a larger piracy market are known to side with the system that is cracked.

So though a company might loose a lot of revenue on software they gain an advertising and system surge with the many people finding the modding of the system to be more cost effective.

Note that it doesn't seem to diminish the number of people that will still buy a system without modding it. Most people that I know have multiple systems and buy games based on internet capabilities for their non-modded systems.

jerethdagryphon4607d ago

they could stop it by changing usb power up to not until the system is fully booted

deny power to the usb and disc/memerycard systems until the os is fully booted

Jdrm034607d ago

Good point. It was one of the main selling reasons for the ps2 and the ps1. I never knew anybody that did not have chipped consoles so they could play burnt games.....

MasterCornholio4607d ago

I will stick to supporting the devs. Thank you very much.


lorianguy4607d ago

And you, my friend will get a bubble up for that.
The devs work hard and if cheapskates and penny pinchers won't support them then future budgets will decrease, leading to lower-quality games. And we don't want that, do we?

blumatt4607d ago

Another bubble to MasterCornholio and lorianguy

Developers need our money to keep making games. if everyone stole their copies, (Yes, I said stole.) the games industry could not survive. People need to start buying more games. However, I do understand that some people don't have the funds for buying new games. At the very least, go out and buy a used copy and don't steal/pirate it. (same meaning).

caseh4607d ago

I don't get the whole 'support the devs!' ethos...

They make a product, you pay for it. We all buy many things on a daily basis, I drive a VW Golf...I didn't buy it thinking 'support the manufacturer!'

Don't get me wrong, i pay for my games and i'm careful about what I buy. If a game is crap I won't buy it, I don't care about who developed it.

When was the last time you played a game that was inferior to its predecessor because they had to cut back on development due to piracy?

gta28004607d ago

If your game sells then developers will keep making games on your platform...if a lot of people begin pirating games and the developers aren't turning a profit...what do you think the developers are gonna do after that? Some developers stopped developing on the PSP because of piracy and the same can happen to any console if the issue gets as big as it did on the PSP.

Legion4607d ago (Edited 4607d ago )

On the same point your game isn't going to get pirated if it doesn't sale.

The most pirated games are those that are in high demand.

Name me a few of these developers that stopped developing for PSP due to piracy? I haven't heard a single developer step up and make such a claim.

Piracy can really hurt a market, but spreading false reports on piracy only weakens your argument. Making people think that all of the piracy issues are mute and null.

jerethdagryphon4607d ago

when you buy a branded product your supportign the ocmany who made it be it a pack ofchips to a dvd the sale is recorded which furthers developmentand production for whatever buy a chocolate bar filled with dried worms and cadburys will continue to make them its that simple

sonnyz4606d ago

I buy my games used. I guess I'm not "supporting the devs!"

Cenobia4606d ago


You're not.

I hope you aren't buying from somewhere like Gamestop..then you are not supporting the people that made the game, you are supporting a re-seller that makes most of its profit selling to people like you.

You are also getting ripped off...

KonGreat4606d ago

now THAT deserves a bubble.

the total percentage of who pirate their games compared to the sales it is really insignificant. And I know that there's been studies done that shows that at least on the PC most people who download their games buy them if they like them later on.
The worst (and the ones that should be punished) are the ones who try to profit by downloading and copying game and then selling pirated games on the market.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4606d ago
a08andan4607d ago

Yeah me too. I would never pirate a console game or even try too. I don't see how this could be hard to counter-act. Guess Sony will just put out new firmware which makes the USB-ports power on AFTER the system has loaded. Should be possible, shouldn't it?

smashcrashbash4607d ago

Very well said. I am amazed how the people who go on and on about how greedy and corrupt companies are but are always so ready and eager to cheat and steal from them. They harp on about rights and fairness but don't think developers and the companies have a right to profit from the things that belong to them.

Funny thing is that if these so called geniuses ever made anything or formed a company they would never give away what they have for free or cheaply or like it if anyone stole from them.It's always easy to be nice and give away other peoples' stuff. 'Its okay to steal Sony's property' But if I hacked into their computers and stole all their data for my own reasons or for profit, I'll bet you they wouldn't laugh and compliment me.They would want blood.

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Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy0118h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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