
IGN: Uncharted 3 is Better Than Hollywood

How Nathan Drake's latest outdoes the action films that inspired it.

Despite myself, I love Nathan Drake. More rugged than Jason Statham, sexier than Indiana Jones and much less of a jerk than Han Solo, he is one of the great action heroes. Watching him escape death by a hair is endlessly compelling. He isn't just one of the PlayStation 3's best heroes, he's one of the best game characters of this console generation. And he has amazing hair.

Kain814632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )


btw, i think Uncharted is this generations Indiana Johnes...

dark-hollow4632d ago

not the last indiana jones movie.

that was horrible!!!! DX

BattleTorn4632d ago

no SP! don't hate on George Lucas!

DatNJDom814631d ago (Edited 4631d ago )

after all the praise these guys give Uncharted, youll see them give it 8.5.

Doesn't matter though cause this game will be great.

WhiteLightning4631d ago

@DatNJDom81 You know you could be right

They'll complain about something silly how it feels like the second one yet give MW3 a 9 or 10

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4631d ago

I agree with the fact IGN seems to low-ball ps3 exclusives, but mark my word, I have a feeling UC3 will be so compelling, IGN will have to give it a 9.5...

TBONEJF4628d ago

Indiana Jones IV Sucks. Their are too many alien movies out their and J blame George Lucas for writing a terrible Script & Harrison Ford says it him self he hated it too.

Gamer30004631d ago

guys ...what score this game will get ???
i think 10/10 from IGN
(yes i know this will never happen but man can dream)

buddymagoo4631d ago

After seeing the demo video I can't see why not. I would give that demo 10/10

4631d ago Replies(1)
KingPin4631d ago

if this game got a 1/10 from IGN would that make it a crappy game?

i dont care what this game scores. Uncharted is Uncharted and its still made by naughty dog so its still a Day 1 buy for me no matter what any reviewer tells me.

Boody-Bandit4631d ago (Edited 4631d ago )

Agreed. Screw reviews. Everyone should be their OWN reviewer. Review scores only matter to fanboys and trolls.

Gamers play video games, not reviews or sales charts. Besides, I heard the stories on those (reviews and sales charts) suck! ;)

Figured I had to clarify to those with a set of ( ) so there was no misinterpretation.

LightofDarkness4631d ago

If you've played one and two you know what to expect, scores be damned. Day one for me, and that's all that matters.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4631d ago
e-p-ayeaH4631d ago (Edited 4631d ago )

lol even call of duty is better than hollywood (for the most part) seriously

Troll-without-Bridge4631d ago

A game is better than a whole region? Damn

LightofDarkness4631d ago

Yes, I believe it was decided in a hop-scotch competition. A single copy of Uncharted 3 against all of Hollywood, and it won. Technology sure is amazing these days.

Pozzle4631d ago

The thing I like most about Uncharted is that it reminds me of those awesome 80s action/adventure movies that you just don't see nowadays. Kinda like movies like Indiana Jones which had had likeable characters, an interesting story and was all about having fun and getting caught up in the ride. Nowadays a lot of movies (not all, but a lot) are more focused on fast-paced action sequences and CGI effects, so plots and character development end up getting shoved to the wayside. Uncharted brings it back to the characters and the plot. You really care about what will happen to the characters, even when you're not in the middle of a gunfight or a car chase.

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Pintheshadows4613d ago

The comma is giving me a nervous twitch. Decimal point. Decimal point. Decimal point.

Relientk774613d ago

I feel like 9.5 is the lowest score Uncharted 3 should recieve from any critic

ABizzel14613d ago

Unfortunately there are a couple of 8's out there, that based off every review I've read so far seems out of place, but whatever. It's generally accepted that Uncharted 3 is a 9.5 - 10 game.


[Complex Magazine] Review: There’s Nothing Deceptive About “Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception”

While this sequel has many of the same minor issues as its predecessor, as well as one rather unique one, it's also just as big of a thrill ride.