
Monster Hunter 4 debut trailer

Check out the first trailer ever for Monster Hunter 4.

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4648d ago Replies(1)
fatalis954648d ago

this looks terrible what have they done to you MH

Hozi4648d ago

Give credit where it is deserved. This looks great for a 3DS title. However, it will look much better on VITA.

fatalis954648d ago

i ment the way it plays, monster hunter uncharted..

NewMonday4648d ago

A game changer for the 3DS

ShamefulDispray4648d ago

And you'll never see this outside Japan. Thanks Crapcom, you sure do hate money.

badz1494648d ago

what the hell was THAT? that's not Monster Hunter!

Godmars2904648d ago (Edited 4648d ago )

The PS3? Probably because they don't/can't build up in terms of graphics or gameplay. Improve past anything other than the PC version on the 360.

Though by the trailer they're aiming for a frenetic SothC.

Godmars2904648d ago

How many examples has Capcom given that they're a sometimes good but often lazy company?

Paid DLC that's on the disc? Several remakes done months apart? DmC?

Again, the MH on the 360 is a direct port of the game on the PC. The one coming to the PS3 is a direct port of the PSP game. Right now they're doing MH4 on the 3DS and it looks like a platformer.

They've been a lazy company for years. Why defend or argue the point?

narutogameking4648d ago

I'm sure this is also coming to Vita.
There's a huge PSP community in Jpan who will buy a Vita just for Monster Hunter. They played the games on PSP with 1 analog nub so I doubt they'll get a 3DS for Monster Hunter if its also coming to PSV.

phntom4648d ago

I hope that Capcom go bankrupt.

ZoidsRaven4648d ago

A trailer shows off a good game and you want the guys behind it to go bankrupt? 7_7


phntom4648d ago

It would be a great game... on PS3 or 360, not in the fucking 3DS or Vita.

ZoidsRaven4648d ago

"It would be a great game... on PS3 or 360, not in the fucking 3DS or Vita."

That's just stupid.
Handhelds can have good games too.
I'm not gunna waste time on a list, because you should already know. 7_7

kesvalk4648d ago

if it wasn't for the PSP, you wouldn't even have MH, cuz they only sold a good amount of copies on the handhelds, and that why they keep making it, you incult ingrate!

i would like that capcom goes bankrupt too, but not because they dont make the gaemz for mu xbux or mu ps3 !!1!!!1111


Arnagrim4648d ago

When did Monster Hunter become a platforming game?

Hozi4648d ago

I welcome the addition of platforming. It will be like Monster Hunter Uncharted.

Mario4life4648d ago

it sound interesting by the sounds of it, the gameplay will be the same premise, but with Sotc climbing, which sounds epic :)

ronin4life4648d ago

How did you get disagrees?

Hozi4648d ago

We get disagrees because there are some who are mad that this is on 3DS, there are others who hate change, even if it's in a good way and lastly there are some who have no idea of what makes a game fun.

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Several Monster Hunter games discounted

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has been discounted to $16.33 on 3DS and $19.79 on Wii U. Also on sale are Monster Hunter 4 ($28.99) as well as the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations ($31.99 for Amazon Prime members).

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If Square Enix Designed Monster Hunter 4's Rage Armor

Check out a gallery of images for the epic-looking figure, designed by Final Fantasy's Tetsuya Nomura.

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Monster Hunter X sales top 1.5 million in two days

Monster Hunter X sold 1,542,104 units within its first two days of sale in Japan, according to a Famitsu report. The number includes retail copies, download cards, and the Monster Hunter X Special Pack. (It does not, however, include sales of the download version through the eShop.)

Additionally, 3DS hardware (including 3DS LL, New 3DS, and New 3DS LL) moved a total 133,628 units, compared to the previous week’s 33,203 units.

Here’s Monster Hunter X‘s launch numbers compared to previous big 3DS titles:

(Note: These are all according to Famitsu sales numbers.)

Pokemon X and Y – 2,096,050
Monster Hunter 4 – 1,875,115
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 1,617,949
Monster Hunter X – 1,542,104

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EcoSos33107d ago

Those are really good sales, I hope that means it'll come over faster to the west.

styferion3107d ago

I hope so too, but judging from past titles we'll be waiting for the ultimate version before they decide to localize it.

freshslicepizza3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

good to see strong console software sales come out of japan.

Masterchief_thegoat3107d ago

3ds is the best place to play on the go

Guardia3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

Yes, That means that One Kid You Knew in Elementary School's uncle at Nintendo will still have a job! ;)

RoseSapphire3107d ago

When Monster Hunter gets made for a non-Nintendo console I'll be more interested. I'd be much happier with a PS4/Xbone version with fully integrated online play.

EcoSos33107d ago

There will be a MH online that runs on CryEngine 3. I also hope this one makes it here.


This is still the close beta and it looks amazing.

rezzah3107d ago

I hope it comes back to a PS console, been waiting since MHFU (Freedom Unite). I'd prefer the PS4 over the Vita.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3107d ago

lol okay

even when they support online already on 3ds lol

Neonridr3107d ago

Of course you would be. I mean why support Nintendo, when you can be the cool kid on the block and be Anti-Nintendo?

RoseSapphire3106d ago

Anti-Nintendo has nothing to do with it. The PS4 and Xbone are more powerful machines with a much more robust and friendly online service. It opens up the game to a significantly wider audience while also allowing for an improvement in quality.

Neonridr3106d ago

@BranWheatKillah - fair enough, I was only joking. The fact that you said a non-Nintendo console made it seem like you had other motives. If the NX is more powerful than the PS4, then is there a problem with playing it on that machine?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3106d ago

those wider audiences rather
play CoD, Madden, NBA, GTA, Assassin Creed, Need For Speed, FiFa and all the other popular western games.

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