
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces Flies Onto the Scene!

"The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces was released on January 12, 2010 for the Wii with a MSRP of just $29.99. The game was developed by Access Games, and published by Xseed Games for the North American release.
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces received an ESRB rating of "Teen" with "Mild Language, Violence" listed as content for gamers/parents to be aware of.

How many hours have Wii owners reported flying the skies in The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces with 587 days of game-play reported? Let's take a look!" writes CWG.

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Ace Combat Series 25th Anniversary Interview (Part 2/2)

Ace Combat’s creators discuss the 25th anniversary and history and future of the series in this interview.

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Abnor_Mal1432d ago

Never got to play Ace Combat6, that game should have never been exclusive. I don't even think it sold well being only on the XBox 360.

autobotdan1432d ago (Edited 1432d ago )

So glad Ace Combat 6 and 7 will be backwards compatible on Xbox Series X. I hope both AC6 and 7 will be Enhanced on Series X with HDR and 4k


Top Ten Nintendo Wii Games You May Not Have Heard Of

SuperPhillip Central writes: "The Nintendo Wii has a wide range of games that went under the radar. These ten games aren't just titles that were overlooked - these are ten that a fair share of gamers and consumers might not even know exist! Read our thoughts on what ten games are deserving of your attention."

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Cajun Chicken4336d ago

Oh man, I've got Blast Works, it's got ports of all of Kenta Cho's classic freeware games too.

Phil324336d ago

I remember when I had more time and back around release that I was all about getting high scores and making levels with Blast Works.

Moncole4334d ago

Blast Works would be an awesome game on the Wii U with tons of online support.

from the beach4334d ago

Nice list, Kororinpa and Munchables are two I've been meaning to try.

I'll also add Disaster: Day of Crisis, Eledees, Wario Land Shake and Pandora's Tower as some lesser-known titles worth checking out.


6 Games To Complete Your Wii Experience

Erik G of VideoGameOlogists.com writes:

"So playing Xenoblade Chronicles has got me thinking about the other great games on the Wii that a lot of people probably haven’t played, but totally embody the Wii experience. With Xenoblade, the Last Story, and maybe Pandora’s Tower being the last real hurrah’s for the Wii in North America, I decided to compile a list of Wii games that people should be sure to play inorder to say that they experienced all the Wii could offer."

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SovereignSnaKe4442d ago

-ewww, Awful list!, Except for Other M, No Xenoblade?, Last Story?

frequentcontributor4441d ago

Apparently you didn't read the article, because Xenoblade IS on the list at the end of the honorable mentions (because it doesn't showcase the motion controls...), and Last Story is not out in the US yet, so...
Pretty good article. I hate when people complain about the lack of good Wii games; there is a ton of great stuff for the system even if you don't count first party stuff. I'll admit that the fighting and racing genres are quite barren on the system, but there's lots to enjoy in spite of that.
Anyway, I've never even heard of Sky Crawlers, so I'll have to check that out. I'll add A Boy and His Blob to the list of other great games at the bottom. The motion controls are unnecessary, but it's still fun and gorgeous, with some real puzzlers, later on.

Venoxn4g4441d ago (Edited 4441d ago )

if you want to see what great games are on Wii, try my page, all games tested :D and not Wii only


SovereignSnaKe4441d ago (Edited 4441d ago )

-Actually Last Story comes out in June, So close enough. I didn't see the Honorable Mention, so apologies for missing Xenoblade. I own a Wii, I bought the Black one the Day it came out, I have everything from Muramasa and the Demon Blade, to Goldeneye, to Madworld, Other M, M-Galaxy I&II, Smash Bros, Okami, even Fragile and Boy and His Blob, Super Paper Mario, DK:Returns, Resident Evil UC, etc.. -so the Wii has gotten plenty of attention over the years, from me anyways.

Venoxn4g4441d ago

try Let's Tap game too, running mode with friends (or not) is EPIC WIN!