
Top Five - Most Overrated Games of All Time

SFL Chronicle: This new article is going to cause a lot of dissent, because nobody really likes hearing that their favorite games in the world are “overrated” or flawed. So take this article for what it is: what I personally feel are the five most overrated games of all time. The games do not necessarily have to be bad, just overrated. What counts as overrated? Either games that sold more than I think they should have, or games that got obscenely high reviews I felt they didn’t deserve, or a combination of both. Keep in mind that these are all opinion based, so you’re welcome to strongly agree or disagree, or even agree to disagree altogether.

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Pikajew4659d ago

Did I read the title correctly?

GSpartan7774659d ago

Standard way to get hits for you site. Write a top list of overrated games and include some of the most successful games in gaming history in it.

Best4659d ago Show
DragonKnight4659d ago

You can tell that this is for hits more because of the picture along with the title. It's pure flamebait because everyone says FFVII is overrated in articles like this.

TekoIie4659d ago

I completely agree with the atricle, Half-life 2: OVERRATED GTA4: OVERRATED.

The_Devil_Hunter4659d ago

I dont know about Half Life 2 but GTA4 FOR SURE was the most overrated game i have ever played.

Kanji084659d ago

I believe Jim Sterling accurately summed up everyone who calls a game "overrated":

To say something is overrated is to say that it does not deserve its critical success and that those who remember it fondly are injecting their memories with a little too much fondness. Oftentimes, I find the term "overrated" an arrogant one, as you're implying somebody else should tone down their appreciation of something because you don't care for it. Much of the time, I think the term betrays intellectual cowardice, as some people just want to say that they dislike a game but use "overrated" to dress it up and artificially make their personal opinion look like part of an objective, factual statement.

TruthbeTold4659d ago

That's all fine and good Kanji, plenty of truth there, but that's not all there is to it. Sometimes people don't see past the hype until the hype is over. When something is new, it deserves the acclaim in those people's minds, but then later after emotion dies down, time passes, and perspective is gained, a game is seen more for what it actually is. And yet, the initial review scores, and acclaim and 'Ratings' remain.

MaxXAttaxX4659d ago

Just.... overrated.

And where's Halo 3?
2 and Reach were better.

KING_KAI4659d ago

halo 3 comes with 4 player co-op, map editor, theater, matchmaking, balanced multiplayer, actually takes skill to be good at. the biggest FPs's of this year doesnt come with the features H3 has.

stu8884659d ago

Calling some of these games overrated is a sin. HL2 and GTA3 were a revolution in gaming. HL2 brought physics to another level and is one of the best games ive ever played. GTA3 brought sandbox games to a new level and brought much gaming to the masses.

To say bioshock 1 and 2 are better than HL2 is a joke. To compare elder scrolls with GTA3 shows the guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

GTA4 in my opinion is brilliant, there are some haters but the gritty realism of it was awesome. Its the little details in this game that make it what it is in my opinion.

He then says Red Dead Redemption is an overrated game? what is this guy on?

paintsville4659d ago

Crysis 2, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 1, ODST (Aweful),GT5, Darksiders. Just to name a few.

JohnnyMann4204659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Wow... this many people care about the opinion of what amounts to a blog post?

Id say the Author did her job then.

I 100% disagree with the choices though.

GTA 3 was not overrated when it came out (if anyone remembers) The series really started to take off in VC and SA. GTA 3 didn't beat sales numbers initially.

Also putting GTA 3 and IV in the same top five list is just sh*tty writing and laziness.

bozebo4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Here's my opinion:
Metroid Prime: never played it
Sonic Adventure: never played it but it is probably turd compared to the 2D ones
HL2: A brilliant game, I don't understand why the author thinks it has no enemies; perhaps he's too bad at games to get far enough through to where the big action happens...
GTA3: Amazing game, author is a dumb idiot
GTA4: Slightly overrated... only slightly. It was a fantastic game but nowhere near as good as San Andreas or Vice City (almost nothing is). It had some huge design flaws which don't normally come from Rockstar's offices... regardless, it is one of the best games of this gen.

Here are some overrated games:
Bioshock, it is fantastic, but loads of people have no idea what system shock was - bioshock is basically a remake with a different theme but the gameplay and depth is like a paddling pool when compared to system shock's oceanic rift.

BC2, seriously; are people blind to the bugs? Other than that: the map design is totally horrid and the game is designed purely for grenade, rocket, c4 & noob tube spam... I just stand at the back and snipe with the UMP or PPSH (to avoid the random explosive spam) because for some reason they are 100% accurate at crazy ranges. And half the guns in that game feel soggy and rubbish.

CoD MW2 and BO: the usual, they are just CoD but with more bugs, less balance and worse maps. CoD 1, 2 and 4 were the best and W@W was good.

TF2: I don't understand tf2 at all... whatever it is, it isnt a first person shooter. I am good at it (because my aim is generally good) but it annoys me when people take several headshots to die - because you are forced to take damage yourself that you earned the right to avoid by headshotting the enemy instantly.

L4D 1 and 2: The guns feel horrible, I would like guns in a game to actually feel like they are shooting when you pull the trigger. Try playing killing floor if you think L4D is good and you will be blown away.

The Witcher 2: SO MANY BUGS. And the voice acting is still terrible for 90% of the characters. Also it was a lot smaller than I was expecting :( probably because they had to make it fit on the 3shitsty's tiny little DVD. Combat, story etc. - all great though.

Portal 2: Tried playing portal 1? It's a million times better.

There you have it... genuine opinions. It annoys me when a game is amazing but there are small things (bugs, grenade spam, bad maps, lack of content) that make it half as good as what it could be. I didn't have to make a stupid hit farming article to point out my opinions.

SonyPS3604658d ago


How can you say any of those are over-rated or better than the other when none of them are even out yet?

You don't do the stereotype for COD fans any favours, you idiot.

Pixel_Pusher4658d ago

Mass Effect 2 was alright but in MHO overrated.

MaxXAttaxX4658d ago

You make it sound as if those features were new...
I still stand by my opinion. I'll also add ODST as well.

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KFox1094659d ago

@GenoZStriker: Or maybe they just actually find the games to be overrated?

sprayNpray4659d ago

or maybe you posted this article (and many others from this site) because you wrote it and don't like getting called out for the hit troll you are.

Who approves this b.s. anyway?

jp02491074659d ago

Sooooo you're saying you're the equivalent of those hipster idiots that only listen to bands that no one else has heard of? And that you only like games that everyone else hates and you don't like ones that are actually classics?

Your parents didn't love you enough did they? Don't worry man! The WORLD LOVES YOU!

seinfan4659d ago

lance42 (2) | 1h ago
OllieBoy (2) | 50m ago
Pikajew (1) | 1h ago
rabidpancakeburglar (1) | 1h ago
john2 (3) | 42m ago
OtherWhiteMeat (1) | 1h ago

consolez_FTW4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

@ SprayNpray
Great way to call that hit troll out man.
I love when trolls get in the spot light.

Kurt Russell4659d ago

I'm amazed by the amount of people who actually give a shit. If you don't like top 5/worst 5 articles... It is fairly easy for you to avoid them.

As it happens for the most part I found the aforementioned games to be a little over rated too.

SonyPS3604658d ago

Only 1 or 2 of them were worthy of being called "over rated" for any reason.

The rest were genre defining, unique or deserved all the praise they got.

This is hit-bating and the N4G community fell for it, as usual.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4658d ago
Gray-Fox-Type04659d ago

says who?


seinfan4659d ago

You're one of the people that approved it. Don't act surprised.

metsgaming4659d ago

Completely agree with gta4 but completely disagree with gta3. Replace gta3 and put cod at the very least. The others i dont care to comment on but there are other games to change those out with

Maester074659d ago

I stopped reading after I saw Metroid Prime.

Also this article has jumped to the top of the hitlist....

Gen0ne4659d ago

I know right? Metroid Prime?!? Are you f'n kiddin' me?

Obelisk924659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Metroid Prime 1 is tedious as hell.

I played it last year in the MP Trilogy, it was so slow it was painful to play.

You know, it could have been better by just introducing teleports between save points (for example) to make it faster, but naah. Let's just have the pumped graphics.

I managed to beat it in... 3 months I think. I couldn't play more than 15 minutes in one sitting.


Kleptic4658d ago

I thought MP was great at the time, as Super Metroid is easily one of my all time favorite games...

MP stuck to the formula pretty well...as half of the game is simply back tracking and figuring out what to do with your upgrades...and there were still memorable boss battles...

but even in 2003 or whenever it released...that type of gameplay was already heavily dated...

I think most people simply thought MP would be a first person shooter set in the metroid theme...and it was VERY far from that...I liked it as a fan at the time, but fully understood why many simply gave up on it...

lelo4659d ago

All games are overrated. No game is perfect. No game deserves a perfect 10.

showtimefolks4659d ago

GTA is over rated well the 4th one is i give you that but the past 3 on ps2 all did something special for its time.

Metroid i never played so not sure but i heard the last one wasn't that good

sonic has lost its touch

half-life 2 is a great game

so 3 games on your list are over rated i guess other 2 are not and that's just my opinion

OhMyGandhi4659d ago

GTA IV was overrated.
the article's issues with Sonic Adventure DO make sense, (camera was annoying, as well as the platforming, though the game as a whole was damned fun).

Half Life 2 and Metroid Prime should not be on this list. period.

bayport4659d ago

When i saw the article picture with sephiroth in it i was thinking.. "OH NO HE DIDN'T!"

QuodEratDemonstrandm4659d ago

He didn't. The games listed are Metroid Prime, Sonic Adventure, Half-Life 2, GTA 3 and GTA 4. Final Fantasy 7 is nowhere on the list.

The picture of Sephiroth next to a title including to word Overrated is a guaranteed attention grabber.

PR0X14659d ago

Half life 2 is 7 years old you dumb children!!!

It brought the FPS to the next level. All the coming FPS and even other games are in many ways based on the brilliant HL2 and counterstrike.

GTA4 was not overrated it was just released on shitty consoles. If it was unlimited specs like PC only that it would have been a way better game. I enjoyed GTA4 and it's in my top3 in the best games ever made.

ryhanon4659d ago

Ok, I'm seriously not trying to start a fight here, but can you please explain what exactly HL 2 did that "brought the FPS to the next level"? Because I seriously can't think of anything at all. Also, when thinking of things, remember that Counterstrike was a mod to Half Life 1, *not* Half Life 2. Not that mods should have anything to do with the game in question, but since you mentioned it I thought I'd point that fact out.

Motion4659d ago

@ ryhanon

These aren't my words, but I feel this guy summed it up pretty well:

"Source Engine was by far the prettiest engine available in 2004, despite lower hardware requirements than competing engines. Heck, in my opinion, Orange Box Source is still the best engine on low-to-midrange hardware.

Facial Animation is taken for granted today, but it was revolutionary when it came out. Before HL2, HL1-style flapping jaws was the norm.

Physics is also taken for granted today, but HL2 had one of the most interactive environments in a title to date, and pioneered the Gravity Gun concept.

Deep storytelling isn't new to games, but despite the successes of games like Half-Life 1 and Deus Ex, it was still fairly rare for developers to treat a video game as a story-telling medium. The success of HL2 made everybody get on board with it.

Shaders were still in their infancy at the time... The refractive effects (force fields, water) blew my mind when I first saw them. IMO what really sets Valve apart right now and keeps Source Engine fresh is their shader artists. Their shaders (especially skin) look so much better than anything anyone else is doing, and they keep coming up with ways of producing very cool effects while maintaining scalability to lower-end hardware.

Vehicles were pretty rare before as well. The airboat and jeep were a couple of the first really successful vehicle sections."

ryhanon4659d ago

@ Motion

Those are all valid points... *IF* we were talking about the Source Engine. We're not though, we're talking about Half Life 2. Was the Source Engine impressive at the time? Yes, absolutely. I won't dispute that.

The only items on that list that have anything to do with the game are 1) the story and 2) the vehicles.

Let's start with the story. Even the quote you pasted says it, deep storytelling was nothing new to games at the time. In fact, it had been done much better prior to HL2 with games like Deus Ex, System Shock, Marathon, even HL1.

As for the vehicles, yes, they were fairly rare at that time, but there were still plenty of games using them to better effect than HL2. Halo 1 and 2 being the most popular examples, and before that the Tribes games. The vehicles in HL2 were a nice addition, but did nothing interesting. They were little more than a way to ferry the player across a vast uninteresting landscape to the next point of interest. There was almost nothing to do with them. They might as well have been taxis.

It's not all about the hate though, one good thing HL2 did that definitely hadn't been done very well before (and is only recently being done well since), is introduce a companion AI character that was interesting, not annoying, and actually useful. I will give the game significant credit for that. However, it's not enough to redeem it of its other shortcomings in my opinion.

DarkFox4659d ago

@ Motion

Actually, vehicles were NOT "rare" before HL 2. Halo did them and did them really well in two different games before HL 2 even hit the scene. As far as facial expressions are concerned: they existed long before. Right off of the top of my head I can clearly remember FF X having facial animations and it being a "major selling point" for the game three to four years before HL 2.

As for story telling: Bioware had been doing it for years. This isn't exactly a gift from VALVe.

snipes1014659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Not trying to start a flame war (though I think it might but I have to say this), but I think pc gamers can sometimes get the words "game" confused with "specs." Do all the awesome specs in the world necessarily make a game good?

@prox, what would the pc have allowed GTA4 to do besides look pretty and perhaps allow more space to run around in? Maybe add some more physics into the equation? What about the story that people said made it so great? What could the pc have possibly done to make the story better?

@motion, like ryhanon said, only 2 of the roughly 6 things you listed actually had anything to do with the gameplay and (also like ryhanon said) had been done before.

It seems a large argument for pc gaming seems to be a (mostly, not totally) technological one.

vyke34659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

you know what? you PC fanboys dont deserve GTA. since it started on consoles, why should it run better on PC? Dont you always say that BF3 is better on PC 'cause it started there? by that logic you should be given a dumbed down version of GTA on your PC. Problem? :P

Motion4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Whoa whoa whoa :) Like I said, those were not my opinions, I was just trying to find an example to give ryhanon, if he was in fact asking a serious question.

On a side note, it has been years since I've played HL-2, so I probably remember it with rose-tinted glasses, but I still remember it as one of the best FPS shooters I've ever played.

Didn't mean to get everyone so riled up :)

Oh, and not to stir the pot, but vyke3, gta actually started out on DOS, ported to windows, then playstation and has multiplat releases ever since

Saladfax4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

I still play HL2 every now and then. I've always enjoyed it very much, and I think it's held up quite well and compares very favorably with FPS games old and new.

Other really solid ones, like Deus Ex, while still being amazing in most areas, are pretty fugly, still have those oddities of voice acting, and have AIs who couldn't get out of a paper bad unless it was by sidestepping three feet and crouching to shoot repeatedly.

The thing about Half-Life 2 is that nothing about it can really be considered "bad." Okay, so maybe the vehicle sections suffer a bit on replay, but by and large they still come as a nice way to break up the running/shooting portions. They're not so overbearing as to really become anything annoying, and they actually serve a very important point: they provide a snapshot, a scope to the world they live in. Be it trolling through radioactive slums where helpless, hopeless resistance members pretty much wait to die, letting antlions crunch beneath your tires, or exploring an abandoned house only to start screaming at the top of your lungs when black headcrabs start to boil out of the woodwork, even the vehicle sections add significant life and flair.

It's not just that it was amazing for its time; it's that it's a memorable experience that, even remade today, could hardly be vastly improved. Yeah, GTA4 could do with a bit of tweaking in the "social" aspect and making the missions less ungodly linear. FFVII could benefit from script revision and a character consistency outline, not that it was mentioned in any way other than the trolling article picture.

When you have a game that really doesn't have almost any bad aspects to it, that's something truly special. Not being able to get into it, even just simply not liking it doesn't make it bad or even overrated.

GiTS4659d ago

"you know what? you PC fanboys dont deserve GTA. since it started on consoles, why should it run better on PC? Dont you always say that BF3 is better on PC 'cause it started there? by that logic you should be given a dumbed down version of GTA on your PC. Problem? :P"

I don't know any PC fanboys that say that? And even if that logic applied, then GTA would be better on PC because it did start there X.x. GTA 1 was released on the PC before consoles. Sigh, but luckily that's not how the world works.

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RufustheKing4659d ago

you have read it correctly but i think the guy who wrote it didn't understand what the hell he was talking about.

GTA4 is overated, GTA3 is not(GTA:SA is a great but not as good as GTA:VC). MW2 is overated. Cod4 is not. RDR is overated, Gun is not. Halo is overated.so is alan wake. UC2 is overated(still a great game)compared to UC1(better story). Rome total war is underated compared to Empire total war. GOW3(god of war) is overated GoW2 is underated. killzone is overated along with MaG. GOW(gears) is very overated) Oblivion is overated, morrowind is not. Fallout 3 is very underated. Fifa 11 is over rated compared to Fifa 10. Kinect is well overated. ps move does not have any games to realy judge :(

hey if idiots like this guy who wrote this crap gets paid then someone like me with no job should have his. a blind squirrel with rabies can foam crap better than this guy. N4G mods plz stop crap like this from appearing on your site. it makes you guys look like this guy.

Amaterasu54659d ago

Halo,Uncharted 2,COD,Mario,GT5 i just got aloooooooooooot of fanboys pissed off :D

joab7774659d ago

I have to say that the last line made me laugh out loud.

hassi944659d ago

I disagree with every one of those that I've played (all but Metroid Prime).

GTAIII has superiors of Shenmue and Morrowind? Morrowind isn't even slightly similar, and Shenmue isn't a real seamless open world game. Don't get me wrong I love Shenmue but it's a completely different thing altogether.

And Bioshock 2 better than Half Life 2? Please don't kid! Bioshock was great but the sequel was a dud!

Sonic Adventure was brilliant for me as a young kid - loved every minute of it.

GTAIV seems unappreciated by so many but it's such a brilliant game!

mastiffchild4658d ago

Do we want to be REALLY honest about overrated games? DO we? Seriously, I can't think of MANY good games that aren't also a BIT overrated and can't think of many even considered average that aren't overrated too!

GTA4 tends to get stick but loads of games added a lot kless to their series and genre than IT did. It was the first GTA with a coherent, imho, and adult storyline and carried the single most important series update since going 3D-the gameplay update which actually made shooting fun in the series for the very first time. Isn't shooting a big part of the series? I know a lot of folk who liked SA think that GTA4 took away too many activities and vehicle options but they just had a mkorre grown up game this time and bikes and planes didn't fit-and SR2 went more the gonzo way of SA which R* left to them and rightly so. However, GTA4 WAS overrated even though, imho, it's still one of the best games this generation. It's not worthy of all the tens it got and no game ever is and because good games get perfect scores average games get good scores too and the result is EVERY game is seemingly overrated these days.

Think of the number of games that get 7 out of tenh that we play. How many of these games deserve BETTER and how many are just average which should mean scores of around 5 and not 7? TONS of them are average and rarely is a game better than it's meta these days.

So, imho, the taking to heart of review scores has led to us overrating nearly EVERY game in existence. I don';t blame Metacritic and don';t blame the critics themselves, not even gamers get the blame but something needs doing because there's very little accuracy and honesty in the way we rate games today. Doing away, totally, with a score or grade at the end of reviews full stop would be my perfect world scenario! Then we might look at the words which outline the faults and good points in all these games that get ignored by us all looking solely at the score at the end currently. No game is perfect and few games even warrant an 8/10 but it's become the watermark for a lot of people between games worth playing and those not worth renting. It's got daft and nearly everything is overrated imo.

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rabidpancakeburglar4659d ago

I agree completely with GTA IV, can't comment on III because I never played it. Bioshock is in no way overrated and I think that Bioshock 2 is underrated.

MoreRPG4659d ago

i agree with Bioshock is an awesome game and the second while not as great as the first one it still a great game

gamingdroid4659d ago

Bioshock 2 to me was predictable and average, but had great game play. The reviewers seem to agree.

gnb20034659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Where in the article did the author say Bioshock was overrated?

Edit: In fact, the author actaully praises Bioshock highly in the article.

rabidpancakeburglar4659d ago

The alternatives to Half Life 2

gnb20034659d ago

Ah, I see. I think that you misinterptated the author. The author was pointing out alternate games to play instead of the overrated one, not that they were runners up to be overrated.

rabidpancakeburglar4659d ago

Oh, I only noticed that when I saw your comment

chidori6664659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

1- MW2: look,another shit CoD game on the list!yes,the call of duty games are a goldmine of overrated FPS.

2-Mario galaxy:so overrated game!

3-Chono trigger:overrated a lot.

4-Soul Calibur IV:good game for a bit but it doesn’t deserve to rank nearly as high as it does.

5-Final Fantasy X (will never understand why this was the first in the series to get a 'sequel, it was just awful)

jp02491074659d ago

where in the world did this come from? Just because games have been popular because they are quality produced titles doesn't mean you have to hate on them.

Go drink your Pabst Blue Ribbon you hipster idiot. Fail troll is fail

TekoIie4659d ago

I like how your say MW2 is "another shit COD game". So i assume that COD4 and WaW are shit? Cuz if i recall COD4 is considered as one of the best games this generation and WaW didnt quite live up to the reputation but it still delivered very well.

Also Black ops is VERY good, Only 1 overpowered weapon which isnt ridiculously OP. Then ghost is considered OP but on a fair side if you played COD4-MW2 then i think you can see that no one saw that coming.

iWishTifaWasReal4659d ago

u didnt notice that every year you are still buying the SAME DAMN GAME.

what did they improve huh?

new weapons and maps?

just look at the graphics

CAMPERS for god sake

and Stories in every cod (excluding COD4)
are CLICHE -,- and boring at the end


Obelisk924659d ago

I liked ALL of the game you listed (except Soul Calibur IV, didn't play that).

So I think it's just you.

Raven_Nomad4659d ago

I actually agree with Half Life, never saw the appeal there. Valve to me has done 2 games right, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2.
I'd throw MGS4 on that list as well.

omi25p4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Ive never played MGS4 but going by the huge fanbase shows that it isnt overrated.

A game is rated by how good it is. If millions of people say the game is amazing and they all agree with the ratings then surely the ratings are right??

ryhanon4659d ago

Uhm... "going by the huge fan base shows that it isn't overrated"


You realize that for something to be "overrated" it has to be held in higher regard than is deserved, right? This means it has to have a large fan base.

Nobody is going to say "Duke Nukem Forever is sooo overrated!!" because almost nobody *likes* Duke Nukem Forever therefore it *cannot by definition* be overrated.

Amaterasu54658d ago

if millions of people say it's amazing and it's not really amazing then it's overrated, to each his own i know...but there are things that no one can deny or prove wrong...like how typical a story is yet everyone says it's amazing and how lame and repetitive gameplay is, but still called revolutionary

and of course how the lack of gameplay whatsoever makes the game one of the best games ever(heavy rain) that's how things are overrated

KFox1094659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Have you tried Portal and Team Fortress 2? They're both amazing.

@omi: you can't really say something is not overrated just because it has a large fanbase.

ClimateKaren4659d ago

Actually, he can. If you can say:

"What counts as overrated? Either games that sold more than I think they should have, or games that got obscenely high reviews I felt they didn’t deserve, or a combination of both."

then he can say that if the gaming public loves a game that gets high review scores and sells well, it isn't overrated, despite the fact that you don't love it.

Being a subjective opinion, there is no definitive answer as long as there is enough opposition to your point of view, but don't try to sit there and make up the rules to a make-believe science as you go along just to make yourself look correct. If the name of the game is subjectivity then this guy's opinion holds as much weight as yours. If the game is logic, then his opinion totally wins in this case.

Ugh, I feel trolled for responding to that.

Ares904659d ago

"I'd throw MGS4 on that list as well."

Hufandpuf4659d ago

I agree with half-life, i couldn't get into it, and when i finally sat down to play it, an invisible wall blocked me from progressing further. I'm not saying HL is a bad game, it's rather good in fact; but for me the game was generic kill bad guys flip levers and drive around for a long time. SORRY IF I HAVE OFFENDED ANYONE.

ryhanon4659d ago

I enjoyed the MGS games, but I agree with you. The entire series is way overrated. They're the only games I ever played where I felt the gameplay segments actually got in the way. Given that I'd play for 5-10 minutes only to be interrupted by a 40+ minute cutscene, I think even Kojima felt the gameplay was an annoying distraction from his hopelessly convoluted, nonsensical opus.

BeastlyRig4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

If you would have played half life before all the latest shooters you would realize how much HL2 was ahead of it's time! It was an awsome 2004 game!

Was Mario over rated? It was amazing fior it's time!

You probably played half life on a console years after it was released on pc.. no awsome memories for you then.

If anything is over rated it's call of duty.. the new mw3 trailer looks like mw2 dlc shame..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4658d ago
omi25p4659d ago

WTF Half life 2? Grand Theft Auto IV Grand Theft Auto III overrated??? We would have half the games we have today if it wasnt for GTA III. Half life 2 is amazing and so is GTA IV

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Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno7d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.