MultiConsoleGamer4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

Dear God what the hell is wrong with people? I hope everyone at the facility escaped unharmed.

Dante1124676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

Was the riots over a soccer game? lol I kid I kid

But yeah, seems like the world worsens every day.

Edit: Damn, just saw on youtube. They're trying to get the Armani shop, a warehouse in Essex and a couple of stores in Liverpool now. LA riots anyone? CRAZY!!!

iamnsuperman4676d ago


watch that. Shows what scum the police are dealing with. Its crazy

Dante1124676d ago

*Cancels dream trip to London*

o_o .....WOW!

jdfoster004676d ago

just a couple of youths (YOBS) on the out skirts of london ripping it up. Disgusting what they are doing. All happening in the rough areas though (most deprived) Looting disgusting. Thank god I'm in dentral london!

SuperKing4676d ago

This riot is serious business. This video scared me quite a bit since I live near the area.


gamingdroid4676d ago

Holy Sh1t! It has nothing to do with gaming....

Rush4676d ago

Lolz at the first comment on this thread, it was a riot against the police for a so called illegal police shooting.

They where hardly trying to hurt people, just a bunch of dick using a possibly legitimate cause for outrage to cause mayhem.

It's insane how many people still behave like apes in the current world. People like that need to take an IQ test before being allowed to breed for the sake of humanity.

Will-UK4676d ago

The Preliminary Ballistic reports such the bullet police say he fired back was police issue


Micro_Sony4676d ago

How the hell did this get approved? tried approving something the other day about MS looking for people to help them develop a security system and it failed because it was not game related.

Mods do your job please.

bozebo4676d ago

Crazy brits... oh wait I'm one.

Hozi894676d ago

@iamnsuperman, is it just me or does the Abdul Mohommed look like Amy Whinehouse?

about the video, it's truly sad to see shit like that happen. I should have been there to see the douche who stole the guys stuff. I am smaller than him but would fuckin bite his face off if I had too.

Christopher4676d ago

***Mods do your job please.***

Sony's DADC center is the location where many European game discs are pressed, packaged, and shipped out. This may affect the release dates of games to come in the area and is definitely gaming related.


If you want to question why another specific article was failed, submit a ticket or PM me.

rabidpancakeburglar4676d ago

My friend and I are planning on looting if the riots reach Scotland :)

killcycle4676d ago

This is nothing to kid about when people are dying and in serious danger.

15 agrees too, figures.

DatNJDom814676d ago

Bunch of xbox fanboys. I kid I kid.

Shadow Flare4676d ago

There were riots around where I work. I just took a walk around at lunch and saw a burnt out building, a completely burnt out bus, smashed windows everywhere and lots of looted shops. There's police everywhere, pretty tense atmosphere

frelyler4676d ago

Or, people are tired of police corruption and getting away with everything under the sun just because they are a "good ol'boy." I'm not saying the rioters are right, far from it. It's just that if you push and treat people like crap for long enough they are going to push back. All police in the world need to be fired, retrained, and not allow anyone under the age of 35 to be a police officer. A lot would change in the world if this were the case. Police don't have to be accountable for their actions and people have taken it long enough, this is what happens.

Hayabusa 1174676d ago

No, you can barely even call them riots. They're just random acts of looting and property damage. Thank God no one has died in all this so far.

DeFFeR4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

@ Hayabusa 117

Yeah, except for the guy the police shot that started the whole thing...

BigPenguin4676d ago

This is what happens when you have hardcore gun control like GB does.

Keep in mind the LA riots, there were entire streets that were untouched because one store owner on the street would camp out on the roof with a rifle and let the rioters know it was a protected area.

lil Titan4676d ago

Its when WE can not come together and fight the REAL threat is when they win. - Me

never understood why people would destroy businesses that had nothing to do with why they are mad. you think the government is unhappy about this? as long as it stays over there and not on there front lawn they are not concerned http://www.twitvid.com/4JTZ...

silvacrest4676d ago

apart from the guy who the police killed another person died today

AngryTypingGuy4676d ago

There was a race riot at the Wisconsin state fair this past weekend too. A bunch of young black men and women, or as the media likes to call them because they're afraid to call a spade a spade, "unruly youths". If it were white people attacking blacks, it would be front page news everywhere you turn, and Al Sharpton would be all over it.

Rioting seems to be a disturbing trend among young black people, and it needs to stop. At least the Philly mayor, who is black, had the courage to call them out on it this past weekend. There are instances when other races riot too, to be fair, such as in Vancouver when their hockey team lost, but they are very few and far between in comparison.

I know that the people here on N4G tend to be liberal politically, so I'm probably going to be labeled a racist for pointing out the obvious, but I'm only doing just that...pointing out the obvious, which many people and news organizations are afraid to.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4676d ago
badz1494676d ago

what is wrong with these people??!

skyward4676d ago

It isn't Sony's DADC center - just a distribution warehouse for DVDs and CDs - no games:


andibandit4676d ago Show
M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4676d ago

skyward: Read cgoodno's post please and stop saying it's not game related.

farhad2k84676d ago ShowReplies(7)
4676d ago
subtenko4676d ago

This article gets approved while other articles that are gaming related arent? thats BS...

anyway for the topic, yea this is messed up, they cant resist some free sony products tho, they probably stole those new 3d tvs >_> like they really need that...its ridiculous. This whole thing is spreading tho, the question is how far will it go? I hope innocent nice people are safe, for anyone who is near all the ruckus, good luck fellow gamers! Be strong guys.

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

silvacrest4676d ago

i think they just burn the place down rather then stealing anything

_Aarix_4676d ago

Stop with the "agree or disagree" thing. This isnt youtube.

kramun4676d ago


subtenko is one of those people that like to pre-empt his disagrees with his little 'Agree or Disagree if you Agree ' ending thing.

He thinks it's clever. It's obviously not as people disagree with him just because they disagree.

Most normal people would take it on the chin and accept that not everyone has the same view, but subtenko is on the 'SAD' end of the scale and needs a different way of dealing with things.

I feel sorry for him really, in a way.

FaulkinPunch4676d ago

@kramun actually not once did he mention anything about youtube asking for thumbs up or anything to get a "top comment" like on youtube.

You like some people I've seen, don't get it at all. He counter disagrees the disagree trolls. Doesn't seem like he's bothered by it as he just copy's and paste that like a sig or something.

By the looks of your comments, I say its working out for him. Lol, I gotta admit, nice one subtenko. Don't let these uptight posters stop you from doing what your doing. Obviously you know not everything you say is fact...right? Well I'm pretty sure you know that anyway.

kramun4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

'@kramun actually not once did he mention anything about youtube asking for thumbs up or anything to get a "top comment" like on youtube. '

I never mentioned Youtube. I didn't say one thing about Youtube or top comments. I explained why he used his crappy sig thing, and that was it.

He's probably glad to have bright sparks like you defend him.

EDIT:Lol, look at FaulkinPunch, check out out his comment history. He spends most of his time defending subtenko.

Alt account? You be the judge.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4676d ago
joab7774676d ago

Just hope and pray that it doesn't come here. I fear things will get much worse before they get better. We decided to take the easy entitlement way out and I fear it may come back to haunt us. The world is restless right now and we r no longer a safe haven. Hopefully this doesn't hurt Sony too much either after the losses they suffered earlier this year.

omi25p4676d ago

I doubt it will spread to USA. i just hope it doesnt go on for too long in the uk. We are going to have some serious rebuilding to do if we hope to be ready in time for the olympics. Also sony is a big company i dont think losing a distribution building is going to hurt them to much, I hope not at least.

joab7774675d ago

I agree. I may b naive but the more I think about it, the more it reminds me of the Rodney king beating that lead to riots in LA, though the worl does seemed to b inflamed right now.

Aither4676d ago

The socialist left at it's best. What do you expect from rioters who are looting not because of a gangster that was shot, but because that gangster gives them a reason to riot.





These riots have spread all over England and are not just contained in London. Now property damage, theft, and mob mentality is running rampant throughout England. Those who think this is about a gangster are dead wrong and even if it was does that give an excuse to damage property and steal?

There is a picture of a kid with a huge smile on his face after looting one of the stores showing all the items he got posted on facebook.

Kurt Russell4676d ago

It isn't running rampant through England... It's just a loud minority.

Aither4676d ago

Well that loud minority is certainly doing a lot of damage no matter how you look at it. I have provided video's which show the destruction in the cities of London, Birmingham, and Croydon.

I suggest you watch this video as I posted above:


tablav4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

Spread throughout England eh? It is pretty bad, but not to the extent people are making out. I've travelled through the Clapham / Lewisham area several times to and from work and haven't seen so much as one looter, so it's obviously quite contained.

The ONLY reason people say this is spreading is because gangs in other deprived areas are using this as an excuse to go out and cause trouble. It's exactly what happened during the LA riots. Many people rioted for the cause, but there were a minority who caused trouble for the sheer sake of it.

EDIT: Croydon is a London borough, very close to the original riots.

thor4676d ago

Socialist left? WTF are you talking about? The only reason they are rioting as far as I can see is because unemployment is still high in those deprived areas. And unemployment isn't high because of the "socialist left" in fact it's lower than in the states.

jony_dols4676d ago

Now that Kurt Russell knows about the riots,
these pikey pieces of shit don't stand a chance!

news4geeks4676d ago

Calling rioters the socialist left lol...

Kurt Russell4676d ago

Just getting my shovel and gaffa tape ready now jony_dols...

It'll be sorted out in no time :D

mastiffchild4676d ago

@Aither-the socialist left? What socialist left? IF there WAS any left of centre politics in the UK then they MIGHT have tried to listen to inner city kids rather than ignoring them purely because they can't vote. I don't condone any of the rioting(though totally understand the feelings behind the Tottenham riot which started it all)but I'm not silly enough to imagine it's just because of ONE thing and it certainly has NOTHING whatsoever to do with socialism.

We had riots in 81 when the tories squeezed the poor to empower the rich and we're, shock, getting it again now when they're once again asking the poor to pick up the banker's tab. These youths should find another way to voice their frustrations but in a society where they get exploited by local businesses for the training scheme money which the Govt forces down everyone's throats with no job at the end or get stuck in pointless education schemes which offer no end product either I understand exactly why they're wound up.

Consider this: a lot lf the youngsters get "paid" around £42 a week when they're 16-18 for the subsidised(for employers who exploit it)work/training placements as they now HAVE to be in school,college or training to work-with no jjobs on offer at the end of it. Hell graduates are finding it hard. these kids feel pushed from pillar to post, told to desire the expensive consumer items and cannot HOPE to afford them despite being surrounded by them every day. They can't even vote against those they feel have put them where they are. I completely see why they might be frustrated and have a lack of respect for the system in the UK and predicted we'd see youth riots as soon as I saw the extent of the cuts to social spending Cameron's lot were imposing.

Sure, a lot of these kids couldn't express this verbally but they're hitting out to get the things they're told by society they should be aspiring towards. they see no hope of getting them legitimately so when lawlessness broke out looting was inevitable even if unforgivable.

You cannot excuse what they're doing but, by the same yardstick, a lot of nasty, exploitative stuff has gone on behind their backs which directly affects all of them too. They feel powerless all the time and is it a shock when they find a bit of power they like it and abuse it when they feel abused themselves?

It's sure as hell screwed up but it's no shock to me-no shock at all. Blame the parents if you must, gaming if you like but it's simply unavoidable, when talking to those who actually work WITH these kids, that they just don't feel part of what we call society and because they aren't likely to vote even when old enough the politicos ignore them until an outcry like this one. If it was solely motivated by greed it would happen WAY, WAY more often but a heated city centre summer among such austerity measures and exploited, bored youth? Always trouble.

I fail to see what the HELL it's got to do with any form of Socialism, though, and we haven't even had a mainstream leftist politician in the UK since Michael Foot was leader of the Labour party in the 80s.

lh_swe4676d ago

@mastiffchild - You got it totally right!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4676d ago
jspc19894676d ago

These guys are just mindless moronic idiots, who took advantage of what was a peaceful protest and exacerbated it. They're don't even know why they're rioting, let alone who's livelihoods theyre destroying all over london.

Theyre giving the general youth populous a bad name, when 99% of us are incredibly ashamed of what's happening - they give real anarchists a bad name, theres no good cause behind their actions just pointless violence.

On a different and admittedly less important note, if any of my pre-ordered games get delayed because of this.....i'm pulling out the shotty :-P

Ares844676d ago ShowReplies(4)
zeddy4676d ago

well atleast they're insured.

Bleach4676d ago

Whats wrong with people disagreeing with this guys comment, you want people to have been harmed in the fire? This generation is turning into something i wish i wasn't apart of.

DanSolo4676d ago

I know mate, a mixture of Apathy, Anger, total lack of personal responsibility and a supreme sense of entitlement is pretty much becoming the norm in society these days!

We have a whole bunch of problems brewing up for the future and no-one it seems has the brains or the balls to sort it out!

DanSolo4676d ago

What really sucks is I was working up in London and I had a date with a fit bird lined up for when I finished work..... and because of these bloody riots the job was closed early as there was trouble starting around the corner from where I was working.... so with all the alerts of potential riots tonight... I had to call my date off and drive back home to Kent.... I was looking forward to that as well! lol

zerocrossing4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

The rioters are just a bunch of thugs! They in no way represent any of the good decent people in London and elsewhere in the UK. The acts of violence and thievery they are committing is shameful! I hope each and everyone of them rots in a cell because that's exactly where they belong!.

zerocrossing4676d ago

Well obviously one of the rioters is here on N4G, WTF is with the disagree!?

BigBacon874676d ago

Everybody slap the next Brit you come across. Even if they aren't involved in the riots, they deserve it.

lh_swe4676d ago

I hope that was just a bad joke...

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4675d ago
Razzamataz4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

BBC news have sporadic footage of the blaze every so often, but they keep getting locations mixed up. Edit: Seems like they are confusing Sony's facility with a Sainsbury's one in Essex.

For anyone watching the BBC - Sony's DADC plant is on fire in Enfield, Sainsburys warehouse is on fire in Essex. BBC are getting them mixed.

FlyShootRaceSims4676d ago

Oh really? Thanks for the update...>>proceeds to tell the rioters to set the other facility ablaze. :) I'm only kiddin guys!

bozebo4676d ago

BBC news also said that looters took "Wii consoles" from the Sony distribution centre...

Sidewinder-4676d ago

yeh lol i heard that.

bull-shit eye witness?

Or a deeper sony/nintendo conspiracy!?

Christopher4676d ago

That was a quote from a pub owner across from the warehouse. He likely has no clue what they really took, just saw something that looked similar to another game console he's actually seen.

iamnsuperman4676d ago (Edited 4676d ago )

The police need to crack down harder. This is just getting stupid

Even better:

Parapraxis4676d ago

These riots were supposedly started by a police shooting.
The first one that is, the subsequent ones, many believe, are copycat riots combined with a few from the first.

Mr Scooch4676d ago

The first riot wasn't really anything to do with the shooting. It was typical Tottenham Youths deciding that they had a point to prove and started smashing up shops , then the looting started and lots more people got involved. After that there were lots of other youths who thought it'd be fun to do the same thing in other areas. The fact that there was someone shot and killed by police doesn't really come into it. At least the LA riots (and the Tottenham and Brixton riots in 85) seemed to be for a reason. These aren't, other than the fact that a small minority of Pricks think that they can do what they want when they want and fuck everybody else! This isn't civil unrest as much as stupid kids playing at being gangsters! I'm quite ashamed to be a Londoner today!

monkey nuts4676d ago

Scooch, this all started because the geezer from the Mandem crew was shot by the law, friends gathered to pay tribute, police turned up, 1 girl who must have been no older than 17 picked up a brick and threw it at the police line, said police charged previously mentioned girl. Crowd got angry at they way the police were pulling and shoving the girl, all hell broke loose. That was the flash point that started it, the thefts and looting is just the underprivileged taking advantage, which pisses me off because as a taxpayer I'm paying for them to live the way they do. Something has to change,

GamersRulz4676d ago

Fixing this is not hard, One bullet in the head of the leader, and the rest will turn into pussies immediately.

tablav4676d ago

Yeah, because that'll work. That's what started this in the first place. Besides, there is no 'leader'. It's opportunistic criminals taking advantage of a bad situation.

Jihaad_cpt4676d ago Show
Bonobo123454676d ago


Moronic behaviour is not country specific....

silvacrest4676d ago

thats how this shit started, i dont think repeating the process will help at all

@Jihaad_cpt, stupid, ignorant trolls should not be allowed to speak

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4676d ago
Fez4676d ago

I can understand why the police can't do much. Any heavy handedness and people go crazy. So they either crack down, and get criticised for using too much force, or do as they are and get criticised for losing control...

In saying that, they gave the students more of a beat down a couple months ago compared to these scumbags. Ridiculous.

They should castrate anyone who is found guilty for these crimes.

Razzamataz4676d ago

Caller on BBC confirmed that the fire was started by looters, who fled the scene carrying Sony products. Story now includes a screen cap of BBC's report.

Show all comments (265)

Sony CEO says although AI "has been used for creation," it's "not a substitute for human creativity"

"AI is not a substitute for human creativity. We position it as a technology that supports creativity. Creativity resides in people. We will continue to contribute to people's creativity through technology," the CEO said.

Read Full Story >>
1nsomniac5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

...not yet but 100% within the next 10 years!

..Then Sony will use it like the drop of a hat. They're no different to the others.

isarai5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

They used to be 😞 sure it was always a business, and money's always the priority, but they used to have a very strong stance on supporting artists and creativity. "Dont f#@k with the artist" was a phrase they touted a few times back in the ps1-ps3 era, a philosophy carried over from their music branch PlayStation was created from. It's not COMPLETELY gone, but it's barely there compared to what it was back then, i just want them to return to that.

Eonjay4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I am highly encouraged by their statement about human creativity. "Dont f#@k with the artist" is exactly what they are saying. But at the same time, I don't think people understand that Sony is a corporation. If they don't realize growth, they don't get to exist. When you say 'Sony', you are talking about a bunch of investors. To speak about them any other way is a illogical and incorrect. They haven't changed. They have been a group of investors since they became a public business.

isarai4d ago

Ugh, i really wish people would stop gambling people's livelihoods by turning a project/game into their political soapbox. Im all for statements and having your own opinion, but there's more people working on this than just druckman, ham fisting your political beliefs onto just seems inconsiderate for everyone elses job security when it can result in a failure due to people avoiding it for that reason.

I play games for escape, im so tired of nearly every AAA game blatantly dragging real world issues to shove in my face when I'm trying to take a break from it all. They don't even bother to be subtle about it, quite the opposite, it's blasted and force fed to you and it's just getting exhausting

Einhander19724d ago

People are taking a whole interview and cutting it down to clips that make him look bad and take what he actually was saying out of context. For example he also said things like this AI has "ethical issues we need to address"

-Foxtrot4d ago


Why defend him at this point?

It’s not taking things out of context, he said what he said.

Old ND would never talk about soulless AI taking over so many creative things they are well known for. The whole “ethical issues” is just a good PR spin people who push this crap fall back on to make their statements not seem as bad. So many AI lovers do this.

AI has no place is so many creative based things.

Einhander19724d ago

Well yeah, because everyone else is using it so they need to stay competitive. It's the same as paid online, they didn't want to go that route but their competition was making so much money they needed to add paid online just to keep up.

RaiderNation4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

AI will never replace humans in game development in terms of conceptualizing new games. Humans still need to come up with the ideas and what they want to implement. However much of the day to day menial coding could be AI driven to reduce production time and team size. I could also see AI being used for bug testing/optimization that could lead to better quality games at launch. I'm actually very optimistic about how AI can positively impact game development.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
XiNatsuDragnel5d ago

Good statement but hopefully this holds up

NotoriousWhiz4d ago

People that aren't software developers just don't understand the benefits of AI. People who's only exposure to A.I is the Terminator movie and other related sci fi films won't understand the benefits it provides.

It's not about replacing human labor. It's about making human labor easier.

Many years ago, I had laser eye surgery done. It was performed by a robot. The doctor took my measurements and calibrated the machine to make sure it would do what needed be done. And then the robot corrected my vision in 10 seconds.

15 years later and I still have 20/20 vision.

Eonjay4d ago

AI in and of itself is not a 'bad'. Money is bad. Money is evil, and corporations will do whatever they can to get more of it. They will find ways to implement AI to replace as may jobs as possible. This isn't even up for debate. It is the charge of the corporation to maximize returns for the investors. They have no choice. I'm a developer and I know that my job will absolutely be replaced. Therefore, I have decided to become an AI dev. AI has a lot of potential to help us solve problem on a scale most can't even imagine. The issue, as ever is that our monetary system only ever allows us to focus on greed and fiscal growth.

But I am a pragmatist. Perhaps an AI model can be built to help protect us from our most dangerous instincts and habits. And perhaps Congress can pass laws to protect us from people who would use AI to manipulate and control us (spoiler: they wont).

RaiderNation3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Progress is inevitable. Nobody driving cars today is complaining that the horse and buggy is no longer around. Yes, some jobs will be lost but guess what? With innovation comes new job opportunities. It's how the cycle of the job market works.


Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers33d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken32d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g33d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing33d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H933d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola33d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66933d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle33d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg33d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos33d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola33d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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