
What a girl wants, A Guide for Female Gamers

One of our authors wrote this entry back an January six months ago, but apparently the article has hit a nerve with some of our readers. The '5 Commandments of what a female wants from games' is definitely opinionated, however maybe she needed 10 to get her point entirely across. We have included our own opinion above the column, and as she's a big time WoW fan, we felt her dialogue was exactly what most gamers would relate to.

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SpaceSquirrel4693d ago

Pretty good list. The depiction of women in game needs to be better.

GammaTru4693d ago

Laura Croft?

Anyway, I'm a 'girl gamer' (not a title I particularly identify with) and mostly play single player games or just play with my mates, most of whom are male anyway. I'm not a FPS player really, so I haven't encountered much asshattery. Maybe I'm just lucky? I've certainly never been given any free stuff in MMO's on account of having boobs, which is a damn shame :( I love free stuff >_>

It's a good article and I agree with the points raised. I would love to see more stronger female characters. i'm not bothered by violence/sex in games if it's done well either, I really enjoyed the romantic subplots of Mass Effect 1/2 for instance as they focussed a lot on character relationships. I would love to see more of that!

I do somewhat disagree with Lara Croft being a bad role model though. Yeah, she's been groomed as eye-candy, but discounting the recent remake, she's strong, tough and in control of her life. Even Bayonetta, who seems to raise more eyebrows amongst male gamers than female gamers, is a great gaming character as she is also tough, skilled and owns her own sexuality.

Characters are getting better, although yes, I would love to see more female main characters too.

LightofDarkness4693d ago

I agree, Bayonetta's sexuality was almost a weapon in that game, which was an interesting take. She was certainly strong-willed and independent and never shown to be overly emotional or in need of some masculine rescuing (as women in games tend to be).

Samus Aran is still the most awesome lady in gaming, though (not counting Other M, because screw that game).

gameguidedog4693d ago

I concur on the Tomb Raider front. That series is kind of the staple of my gaming, and i'm a guy. Isn't so much that it's a female lead, albeit she gets nicer looking each release, it's more the spelunking and exploring I can't really find in other games. Uncharted tries, but it's more action than going into pyramids and caves and exploring. All that said, I know the story is taken with a grain of salt for most guys, but i'm a guy, not a gal, and like playing as a gal in games if she's strong or has the better buffs for a group, so i'd say it's a sexual orientation argument less about the characters and more about how the people who play them when they are guy playing a gal and i'm sure the other way around in terms of communication via MMO that can irk some folks. If's a single story mode, godspeed to everyone and in closing, this conv has got me wanting to grab a copy of Bayonetta since I let the mixed reviews get to me. The gameplay footage looked awesome and i'd love to destroy some gi-hugic creatures with a kickass heroine. That's my 2 cents. :) If you are curious what's being said on our side of the pond you can see the sillyness here: http://videogames.gameguide...

Kee4693d ago

Everyone has different tastes... But this list just sounds like things everyone wants more of in a game.

Hicken4693d ago

Yeah, I pretty much see the same thing. I'm not quite getting why this is labeled as something for female gamers.

On that note, why does it seem like every other week, women are asking for special recognition in gaming?

FCOLitsjustagame4693d ago

Amazing isnt it...that gamers are gamers. Though it shouldnt be amazing I mean we all expect female sports fans to actually want their team to win so why wouldn't we expect female gamers to want good games.

As a female gamer (who likes all types of games FPS especially) I thought the list was fine but I don't actually need to have strong leading female character. I am perfectly fine with the lead male characters in most games. But when a game does have a female character it annoys the hell out of me when they sterotype them.

Generally its the small things in an otherwise decent representation that annoys me. In Mass Effect 1 I didn't like Ashley as a person (because she was a bit racist) but what really annoyed me in the representation was her initial powerder pink striped armor. Seriously, stuff like THAT annoys me. It is what I am petty about. Otherwise I don't get too worked up about stuff and I don't really see what the problem with Laura Croft was...sure she was over the top on the tight shorts and the boobs but in the few games (and one movie) I have played/seen in the series they don't see to portray her as any sort of ditz. Though really long pants with pockets would be better logical suit for climbing around in bug ridden jungles and caves. Though not all games have the male character in practical attire either so whatcanyoudo....

Peekayboo4693d ago (Edited 4693d ago )

If you want to say how a game is made make it yourself but don't tell everyone eles what to do and cry about it. If you believe in your idea go for it

CrescentFang4693d ago

I'm not sure how people are going to take this, but here goes...
A lot of Japanese games get bashed for treating women in a different way. But here's the problem, women are viewed a little different in different countries and there's no way to stop that. If you ever decide to argue about how women are treated in a game just take into consideration what country it's from and the intended audience.
(ex. Catherine was made for the Japanese audience) I'm pretty sure sometimes the audience for a game is not for the country it was made in... but I don't know much about other countries who are into game developing...

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What Happens to Your Steam Account When You Die?

The Outerhaven writes: While Steam has come out recently, stating that Steam accounts can't be transferred, we need to think about it since we all will eventually kick the bucket. But if Valve is denying transferring accounts, what can be done? Plenty, actually.

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thorstein3d ago

It goes to my kids because I gave them the passwords.

To Steam: Missio has a song that conveys my feelings about you stealing my purchase after I die. It's called "Middle Fingers"

shinoff21833d ago

Pretty much. My son knows my info.

Abear213d ago

Yeah worrying about digital ownership when you’re on the other side of the grass seems a little strange, but also on brand for these millennial journalists to worry about.

qalpha2d ago

I'm sure Keith will be happy to hear he's a millennial journalist.

Goodguy013d ago

I suppose if I have kids, I'd just give em my account details by retirement age. If I die young then...idk lol.

CrimsonWing693d ago

Yea, I mean just give someone the password to your account. Is that difficult to do or something? Like, I’m legit asking because I don’t know.

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It's not difficult but It's against the policy. If they find out, they will lock the account permanently.

CrimsonWing693d ago

Ah ok, I had a feeling there was something like that. It seems kind of weird that you can’t just hand your account over to a family member or friend and let them take over the account.

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World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria's Spell Gems Are Meant to Be Game-Breaking

In an interview with Game Rant, senior game designer Brian Dowling shared just how much Mists of Pandaria Remix's Spell Gems will shake things up.

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Ghost of Tsushima PC has 84% positive reviews and a peak online audience of 72 thousand people

On 16 May, the long-awaited release of the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima took place. And the game proved to be a great success on the first day.

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PrinceOfAnger16d ago

all-time peak 3 minutes ago.

thorstein16d ago

Nice. It's really cool that PC players get to play this masterpiece.

PrinceOfAnger16d ago

It has surpassed spider man now
it's 71k+
game did this with way shorter time than spider man.

itsmebryan15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I'm confused. Does that number mean total players at one time playing like a snapshot
or total sales? If it's the former that's not very accurate because I know I'm not the only person that buys games and plays them later and that number is not included.

RNTody16d ago

Great, I loved this game. Definitely think it's Sucker Punch's best work to date!

rippermcrip16d ago

Is this going to be the new thing thing? Articles about Steam reviews? Which of course was in response to the false article about the review bombings in the first place.

Christopher15d ago

Hey, just a heads up that the new owners did open news to Steam updates, but we try our best to not allow them to go on daily updates unless relevant to some other news. I understand this isn't everyone's cup and tea and sympathize, but the door has been open. If you feel it's 'too much' please do PM me or submit a ticket to the mod team. Thank you.

15d ago
shinoff218315d ago

I came here to post this link in that specific article. 84 perce t is pretty good. How many bad reviews were there like 5

GamerzElite16d ago

This is good game and Ghost eliminate all fake outrage.

CrimsonWing6915d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I always get confused by this, but is 72k good sales numbers for a game? I keep seeing games fail at selling 2.5 million and that they need to be on multiple platforms but is an additional 72k adding much?

Fishy Fingers15d ago

Im not sure how its confusing :\

72k actively playing. Not 72k sold.

A good example is Helldivers 2, 6m sold, 450k (at its peak) active players.

But how many swords swung is what we're all really waiting for.

shinoff218315d ago

Lmao. How many swords swung. I was hoping for how many steps

wesnytsfs15d ago

And its how many years old from initial release.

Crows9015d ago

72k is concurrent
...that is not the sold figure.

Michiel198915d ago

for one they already had a huge launch on the playstation, they don't need to sell 5m to make the porting to pc profitable and as pointed out below that number you see is just the people playing it at this moment.

Plague-Doctor2715d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Also from the insomniac leak we know these PC ports are a quick turnaround and budgeted around $2-4 million. At 100k sales they break even including Steams cut. They may not sell millions but they are a great ROI

elazz15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

72k concurrent. That is a global number. People who bought the game are not playing at the same time because of timezones, working schedules, holidays, events... There is no good rule of thumb but you can extrapolate based on other games that also released sales data. Then it is clear that the PC release alone accounts for at least 500K copies sold on steam, maybe closer to 700-800K. Probably will sell over a million this extended weekend.

According to steamspy and other data gathering sites games like Days Gone, Spider Man, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn have sold 2 to 5 million copies on Steam. So I expect Ghost to reach similar numbers. Probably even surpass it.

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