
Capcom Wrong About Why Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Doesn't Have Mega Man

After the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 roster was partially leaked, Capcom producer Ryota Niitsuma explained how Mega Man is not in the game due to low fan requests. Some digging, however, reveals that this just isn't the case.

~ Nick Tan, Game Revolution

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dbjj120884699d ago

Capcom just can't hack it these days.

T3mpr1x4699d ago

I want the truth NOW or I want it eventually!

StarWolf4699d ago

creator of megaman quit, capcom is phasing him out. Cancelled 2 Megaman games and megaman on MvC. Gives crap reasons saying there arent enough fans.

DEagle-izer4698d ago

I thought that since Crapcom already owns Megaman, that they can do whatever they want with him w/o the consent of Keiji Inafune.

They are making BS excuses like they did when they cancelled Megaman Legends 3. I could care less what the reason is. If you cancel a game knowing all the hard work you and your fanbase that you allowed to take part on the project did for such a long time, and then cancel it, You deserve no support or respect from me.

Optical_Matrix4699d ago

They lied. Megaman X was the most requested character on the most recent MvC3 character polls on Capcom Unity. They're gassed.

cemelc4699d ago

Lol they did know about the poll look at characters from 2 to 6 all of them in the game what a joke crapcom.

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Mod Brings Batsu Ichimonji And Bishop To Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3

Batsu Ichimonji and Bishop from the X-Men are joining the fight in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 through a recently created mod for the game.

SinisterMister683d ago

The PC modding community is a gift that keeps on giving.


Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Lives Again Thanks to Mods

Dual Pixels: "After Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite there was a lot of doubt regarding the franchise ever returning in some sort of fashion..."

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gangsta_red860d ago

Capcom seriously dropped the ball with MvC Infinite. You can tell that it was heavily influenced by outside marketing that wanted to promote the characters in the MCU films only. The roster was lacking, the gameplay was slower than the previous game and there just wasn't a lot of the wackiness we come to expect.


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