
Gamestop No Longer Selling 360 Replacement Plans

As you can see from the Gamestop mem GamersReprts.com obtained, Gamestop is no longer offering Xbox360 Product Replacement Plans on any new console. The plans currently out in circulation will stay good until they expire.

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shmee6040d ago

is MS crazy ?

This would deter the remaining potential x360 purchasers.

I hope MS changes the decision

JasonPC360PS3Wii6040d ago

RROD has been fixed, there are no other issues other than plain old wear and tear.

DJ6040d ago

it's simply under a 3 year warranty, which doesn't make sense considering people are going to own their consoles for a lot longer than that.

pwnsause6040d ago

you gotta be pretty ignorant to think that the RROD is cured...

power of Green 6040d ago (Edited 6040d ago )

Its understandable why PS3 fanboys hope and wish that MSFT won't fix it. You talk like Sony fanatics won't be bringing RROD up; long after people do not have problems. You people will look for things others would ignor if dug up about PS3.

unlimited6040d ago

yeah the problem can be solved if Microsoft didnt ship up to 10 million defect 360. and if they did something about it..but they didnt at all.trust me if you have a 360 it will most liikely die out in one year.even the elite 360 is crapping out on people..so far there is no revision of the 360 that would put a stop to the RROD..

i wouldnt want to deal with defective console gamestop made the right decision..and only microsoft is to blame..

FF7numba16040d ago

rrod= aids
will always be around

Evil0Angel6040d ago (Edited 6040d ago )

360 warranty was only 90 days . if you wany to go beyoned that you will havr to extended it with either:

BUT..BUT..microsoft extended the warrenty to 3 fu@king years. SO no one need to extend the warrenty beyoned it. that is why they saw no bussiness with it and stoped it

AngryTypingGuy6040d ago

Wow, you Sony fangirls really are desperate to plant any sort of 360 negativity in people's minds. Let's think logically, shall we? Microsoft recognized that there was a problem how long ago? Haven't they added heatsinks and a smaller microchip? Why on Earth would they continue selling a design that they know may cause problems and add to their repair costs? It doesn't make sense.

Some people on here actually said that the problem will never go away. Granted, there will always be times when any console will go bad in individual instances, but as far as mass breakdowns of the 360, it would appear that the problem is already starting to go away.

Some of you people are truly pathetic.

DZNetworks6039d ago

With Microsoft. Its GAMESTOP.

Blitzed6039d ago (Edited 6039d ago )

While I agree with the essence of what your saying, (and I think that this is just Gamestop removing a sales option that there is little interest in since MS extended their warranty) your putting some spin on it too.

"Microsoft recognized that there was a problem how long ago? Haven't they added heatsinks and a smaller microchip? Why on Earth would they continue selling a design that they know may cause problems and add to their repair costs? It doesn't make sense."

MS didn't 'recognize' there was a problem long ago, they 'admitted' to it. If you don't think they knew there was a problem long before they extended the warranty you are naive. Which also says 'yes' they did continue to sell a design with known problems.

Also, while they are fixing RROD boxes with larger heatsinks they are not adding smaller chips. What you have to also realize is how much of the old stock of RROD potential Xboxs are still out there on the shelves and in stock? There was never a recall and a whole lot of them shipped and have yet to be sold. It will be awhile before this problem goes away, hense the 3 year extension.

dantesparda6039d ago

While i agree, that MS is trying to do something about it (the RROD), i definitely DO NOT believe that it is fixed. And for all those people that believe that MS' repair center fix of adding a heatsink is fixing the problem. Well i got my 3rd 360 back on July 20-somthing and from the get-go it has been freezing up and disc read erroring like crazy. I am going to send it back in Nov, so i will be on my 4th 360! So the problem is not fixed!

AngryTypingGuy6039d ago

@Blitzed - "MS didn't 'recognize' there was a problem long ago, they 'admitted' to it. If you don't think they knew there was a problem long before they extended the warranty you are naive. Which also says 'yes' they did continue to sell a design with known problems."

-- I actually agree with you. No, I'm not naive, I should've said "publicly recognized", but I didn't realize that we'd have to get this technical. I'm sure they were in denial for a while that something was wrong, however the problem became too big to ignore and they were forced to acknowledge it. But what I was trying to say is, why would they keep selling a faulty design after they acknowledged it? To believe that they would keep selling them the way they were would be naive.

"Also, while they are fixing RROD boxes with larger heatsinks they are not adding smaller chips. What you have to also realize is how much of the old stock of RROD potential Xboxs are still out there on the shelves and in stock? There was never a recall and a whole lot of them shipped and have yet to be sold. It will be awhile before this problem goes away, hense the 3 year extension."

-- The heatsinks are enough to protect the motherboard, and when the new microchips come out - which they are - that will help too. I'm sure that there are still faulty Xboxes out there, but not every single manufactured 360 is going to break. Not every box was produced on the same assembly line, by the same manufacturer, with the same exact parts. I've had my 360 since February '06. I had to have a new disc drive put in because of a consistent "disc read error", but other than that, it is perfect. And I put it through the ringer sometimes. But if a 360 will break, that is what the 3 year warranty is for. If it's going to break, it will go within the first 3 years.

DeckUKold6039d ago

comedians lol Americans always have unreliable hardware thats why the Japanese are so much better than us at well EVERYTHING cars toys machines period thats why m$ will fail because they went to the roots on us with the 360

Blitzed6039d ago (Edited 6039d ago )

To say 'I'm sure they were in denial for a while that something was wrong,'.
Denial?! There is a big difference between denying there is a problem and being 'in denial'. Like I said, if you don't think they knew there was a problem long before they extended the warranty you ARE naive. MS is not stupid. They knew there was a problem and also knew to acknowledge it would be very expensive and would hurt sales. They were not in 'denial'. They hid the truth and continued to sell faulty consoles. That said, I am not here to bash MS, most large corporations would have probably done the same, its money that drives decisions, not morals or values.

Then you say...
'To believe that they would keep selling them the way they were would be naive.'
No it wouldn't since they ARE still selling them, they may not be shipping them but they are selling them (again hence the 3 year extension on the warranty).

Finally you write...
'I've had my 360 since February '06. I had to have a new disc drive put in because of a consistent "disc read error", but other than that, it is perfect.'

LOL! So other than it was faulty it was perfect! I think its you that may be in denial.

If I was selling you a new car and said "Hey, it has a manufacturing defect, its probably going to break down, but it has a 3 year warranty." Would you buy it? If your answer is yes, I have a car...

I should add I have had a 360 for over a year.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 6039d ago
socomnick6040d ago

I dont think ms has anything to do with this its Gamestops Decision .

fenderputty6040d ago

The extended warranty offered by best buy and gamestop are totally separate from the warranty MS offers. Everyone knows that places like bestbuy and gamestop usually makes tons off of their warranties. I wouldn't be surprised if gamestop found their warranties to be more of a liability then a cash cow in this situation.

cloud360-7th_account6040d ago

This would deter the remaining potential x360 purchasers.

I hope MS changes the decision
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socomnick - 6 Minutes ago

Ignore2 -
I dont think ms has anything to do with this its Gamestops Decision .

DJ6040d ago

Retailers lose money on defective products since they risk having the customer come back, wanting to replace it with a working unit. This is probably cost them, as well as other retailers, a lot of money for something that they have no control over.

It's bad for us since Microsoft only helps with RROD issues (the majority of all problems, but it's not everything), and I can understand why they're doing this.

JasonPC360PS3Wii6040d ago

Is there any other problems the 360 has had other than the RROD? One more did Sony eventualy fix the problems of the PS2? so to assume to problem isn't resolved is well... cosidering people are still buying the 360 more and it's games.

crck6040d ago

Go to the Gamespot xbox 360 forum and there are over 5k posts. Most are red ring issues but there are plenty of ones that are not.

DJ6040d ago

This is 2007. Bringing up an issue from seven years ago isn't going to magically make the RROD issue (which has been around for two years) magically go away. You act as if saying "PS2 had laser issues" totally negates Microsoft's f*ckup, which it doesn't. Sony got sued, paid handsomely, and even publicly admitted that they had put a low-quality DVD drive into the PS2.

This is why they were willing to spend $130 per system for the highest-quality Blu-ray drives; they new that buying low-cost components and shoddy manufacturing may save money in the short run, but can damage both reputation and finances further down the road.

The PS3, when it was launched, cost over $400 more to manufacture than the Xbox 360, and while the PS3 has a defect rate of around 0.1%, the Xbox 360 has a defect rate of 30%. Sony learned from their mistakes; Microsoft didn't. The Xbox had a similar issue, though not as widespread, and luckily both my PS2 and Xbox didn't suffer from any issues.

"cosidering people are still buying the 360 more and it's games."

The 360 had a great September thanks to Halo. Um...that's about it. Sony's catching up to their 5 million unit lead (which used to be an 8 million unit lead back in January), and Nintendo's creaming the both of them from a hardware standpoint (though not a software one). Consumers love their PS3s, and its popularity is definitely spreading. Now that the console finally has a reasonable price tag of $399, I don't see how it won't have a great holiday season, especially with all the great titles either already released or pending for release.

BTW, you guys should seriously consider getting Ratchet and Clank: Future. This game is too tight to pass up!

The Wood6040d ago

and cant wait to get r+C but we have to wait till the 9th

BloodySinner6040d ago

Jason, just to be clear with you, the Xbox 360 has had no other problems besides the "red ring of death". And since DJ is a loyal Sony fan, that's why he replied to you in such a manner.

Witty Comment6040d ago

I bought my 360 a month before my boss bought his PS3. This was in August. He got his in September.

His PS3 crapped out two weeks ago.

Not that I'm saying Sony manufactures shoddy pieces of equipment, but I think a lot of this is seeing what we want to see, and nothing more. (also known as fanboyism)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6040d ago
Texas GMR6040d ago

..should give everybody that buys an XBOX 360 a 3 year replacement plan on anything that goes wrong with it. There is no excuse for how faulty their console has been.

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Interesting. The Unsung War is my personal favorite of the series.

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NANI!!? Wait does this mean AC5 is getting remastered good laws my dreams came true

Abnor_Mal2060d ago

Damn, now that's what I call call a bonus. Loved Ace Combat5: the Unsung War.
Can't lie but would have loved to play Ace6, but since it's a Xbox exclusive, that's not going to happen.
Will definitely be pre ordering the game soon. Didn't read the article, so I'm hoping this is for the physical copy of Ace7 and a code for Ace5.

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really looking forward to this game. Haven't played Ace Combat in quite some time

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microsoft should be afraid very afraid i dont think xbox one will catch u with ps4 or nintendo. I would be surprised if the xbox one will be supported anymore in 2016.


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