
Nintendo, Sony Need to 'Reinvent' Portable Gaming or Lose to Mobile, says Alan Wake Dev

iPhone gaming has been booming and Android has been coming on strong as well. The popularity of smartphones in general appears to be putting a dent in the traditional handheld space. Nintendo and others have complained that mobile apps are devaluing games, but rather than complain, companies like Nintendo and Sony will need to react and "reinvent" handheld gaming, say some developers and analysts.

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NukaCola4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

The NGP looks like a reinvention to me and unlike Alan Wake, it didn't take 5 years to deveolop and never was hindered by restrictive technology.

Washington-Capitals4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

lol nukacola, im pretty sure NGP was in development right after PSP was released. If you arent working on the next rendition of whatever it is you make whether it be games or toaster, you are not making a smart decision.

Anyways, i do understand the point the developer is trying to make. If you do look at consumer trends, you will see that the smartphone technology it seems everyday is getting better exponentially. Open a newspaper or watch tv and you see new rendition of Samsung's Galaxy S or iPhone 6 etc. With the crazy advancements Google has made with the android platform there are lots of possibilities.

Where sony and nintendo might have a problem is, they put lots of development time into NGP and 3DS but a year or two down the road, the average consumer will have a smart phone that will be just as powerful or more powerful then the NGP / 3DS etc. That's the point i think this guy is trying to make or at least what i think he is trying to make. Technology is moving to fast.

Reibooi4762d ago


As far as I'm concerned the power or tech behind a smart phone means squat. Reason being is they are not dedicated gaming platforms and they may be able to make games that LOOK good but never play good because they are phones with no real dedicated control. Sure there are a few exceptions to that statement but then again there is a exception to every rule.

nycredude4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )


All that advancement and still missing buttons. And lets not forget who has the largest lineups of developers. If Sony just get one or two of their developers to focus on just portable cheap titles like on the ios or android then there would be more games than we could keep track of.

I'll take one peace walker or gow psp game over 1,000 mobile game. Just saying they are two different breeds.

mastiffchild4762d ago

IDK. Sony sold plenty of PSPs in the face of this mobile uprising and DS dominance,didn't they? Who'd say they won't this time as well?I'm guessing similar figures(60million plus) would do again for NGP and f they stop the hacks why shouldn't it be enough?

As a gamer I barely ever take my iPhone with me. As it's a crappy phone compared to my Sammy (poorer performance online, poorer touchscreen for the job and way weaker reception and camera)and nowhere near the games platform a DS or PSDP is I've no reason to use it really even if I do periodically try to make use of it for an exclusive JRPG or whatever but even though a couple of those are great thee's still better on PSP/DS and just as good on any other phone and ALL phones fall down in terms of their controls for proper games and not five minute skives.

NGP is going EVN farther down the great control route as well with the blessing of twin sticks,a touchy and those mental rear mounted pads-so no chance,unlike iPad/iPhone/Android tablet phones of my fingers and thumbs akl over the screen playing SF. Cos that's why phones are shit for games and NPG/DS/3DS are SO much better if you actually care about the quality of your portable game play.

You can develop games around the touch screen all phones now have but you'll never beat sticks and buttons for the vast majority of game genres and you'd expect a dev like Remedy to get that-how shit would Alan Wake have been on iPhone/ios? Controls would have killed it like MGSTouch and SF4 for mobiles-and Sony won't NEED huge numbers to make a profit from this machine as i'm suspecting PSP, minus the piracy, would have been fine. 60million isn't crap,you know and is plenty tos upport devs and games alike.

miyamoto4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

So does this statement mean MS has no intension of doing a handheld?

Nintendo has already shown its hand on their latest handheld which is basically a DS with 3D screen with new features:
1. glassless 3D screen
2. an analog nub like the PSP's
3. accelerometer/gyroscope
4. etc

Not a huge leap in innovation compared to the GBA to DS leap - a touch screen, dual screen,etc. But Nintendo's stregth is on its target market not the hardware. With Nintendo's vice grip hold on the kiddie market that will assure its longevity for the next 4 to years.

Sony on the other hand has made a huge move more akin to the 'GBA to DS' leap in innovation that is more up to date or future proof with smartphones, tablets, laptops in terms of functionality & more competitive in terms of games for hard core & casual alike. Plus new features:

1. a huge back catalog of games
2. two analog sticks
3. touch screen functionality
4. competitive CPU & GPU
5. HD graphics
6. front & rear facing cameras
7. accelerometers/gyroscope
8. force feed back
9. GPS
10. 3G
11. Android OS
12. etc

Sony is known for developing future proof and long lasting hardware. Compared to the PSP the NGP sports an Android OS that means future games will still work on the NGP even if its considered old hardware seven years from now.

And finally, NGP could be the right machine to reinforce Sony's 19 & up gamer market philosophy.

But the NGP will be classified under the Android group of gaming devices giving it huge leverage and potential in terms of game development.

jetlian4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

company waits to start R&D. The second a product comes out the next ones in production! Anyway most of what remedy said is going over your fanboy heads

These companies are public trading(most of them) they are bound to make the most money with minimum effort. Mobile games are making more money then standard gamin.

Given that fact the industry could shift weather you like it or not. If uncharted ngp really is close to ps3 version sony can not afford only 1-2 million sales. the cost to perofit won't be there

edit: axel that list is nice and all problem is nothing on there is future proof! All sony did was add everything phones are doing except the PHONE!

you can't get 3d glassless on phone and thats nintendo's hook! Sony is relying on power far to much. I'm getting ngp over 3ds simply for the games but hook wise 3d is better.

imagine 3d uncharted on ngp!!! sony really should change it no matter what

NukaCola4761d ago

Thanks for the WELL SAID, but jesus, this is my third one and I still am at 3 bubbles. What do I have to do to get some more talking privelages here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4761d ago
TheDivine4762d ago

Ngp reinvention WHAAAAA???? Its a psp with better hardware, i think he means REINVENT as in do something new and exciting, make a new market. Its true in my eyes, il still get a ngp and 3ds as im a sucker for new toys but not many outside of hardcore gamers will get a ngp as opposed to 100 mil on the app market.

a_bro4762d ago

look at the control configuration.

sikbeta4762d ago

By reinvention what he is referring? stop making games more immerse, complex, with more length and with way more development work and start making tiny games that are good for a couple minutes of entertainment and worth 2 bucks just because that kind of games sell most on the ifawn and smartphonez? none of these guys realize that those games sell because they're everywhere and are so damn cheap... unbelievable...

Pedantic914762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

He makes a game on the IOS and it does fairly well and then says Sony and Nintendo need to reinvent the portable market without trying to make a game for neither the NGP using the twin analouge sticks and it's rear touchscreen nor the 3DS with the use of it's 3D just to see how that would work out.

Sounds like to me he was stealth advertising the Iphone/Ipod.

My 2 cents.

dc14762d ago

I wonder what would happen if the average mobile game cost 29.99 USD?
I wonder if my wife, her two sisters and the countless other family members that couldn’t care less about the DS, PSP, NGP would buy them. I mean.. 'worddrop' and 'Scrabble' for 30 bucs.. really? ¬_¬

In short, we are talking about different demographics. Smart phone 'penny' apps should not be compared to elite hand held gaming. I expect a little more savoir-faire from a game developer. Or.. maybe he's in the process of building out a flash light game for the IPAD.. Oh..wait. Yeah, there's an app for that.

--------4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )


OT: Reminds me of Valve talking sh-t about PS3...then what happened? Steam came to PS3.

ATiElite4762d ago

....whoa! Elite hand held Gaming! what are you some kind of Elitist? You must be one of those PC Gamers or something.

Now if I said "Console casual gaming should not be compared to Elite PC Gaming". I would get crucified.

I'm just joking with you...I understand your point and i feel the same way. Smart phone games are not the same as hand held games like the 3DS and NGP.

dc14762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

Good stuff - I love your avatar pic!! You must be a PC Elitist as well ;)

Regarding consoles: I had them all. My gaming focus is on the PS3 and PC primarily.

Can’t wait to pick up the NGP.

O_o.. Forgive me ..I'm a little late to the party. 'ATI'+'Elite' ..I see what you did right there.. you ARE a PC Elitist! With respect that is!!! +Bub to you!

Raendom4762d ago

Alan Wake dev needs to stfu and realise Japan alone is enough to make the NGP sell up to 20Million units (should be double if they price it right and have a long system cycle).

Whitey2k4762d ago

wtf does he know they never developed a game for the ps3 not psp

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gold_drake13d ago

if they make their mobile games playable on ps5 and their maybe new handheld, that would be huge. cause i aint playing any free games on my phone, cause mobile games suck. haha.

Retro198612d ago

I like mobile games, but the problem for me is that «free games» usually has alot of p2w or other microtransaction connected to them. LoL, Hearthstone, civ, fm etc is great on iPad 😊 Would love to see rise of kingdoms etc Get rid of p2w formula.

Guitardr8512d ago

Does anyone remember PS MInis from the PS3 era? I feel like most of those were mobile games that were ported...No reason they couldn't do that again I suppose. :)

gold_drake12d ago

yeeeess i had some of them haha

P_Bomb12d ago

Ha, I remember those! They didn’t have trophies so I’ve lost track of most of them, but I remember Hysteria Project and Angry Birds.

piher12d ago

I feel like people don't understand what mobile gaming is anymore.

It's not the button phone cheap Tetris clones or movie licensed stuff anymore.

Mobile gaming is huge games like Genshin Impact Honkai: Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Amazon and Bandai/Namco's Blue Protocol games with budgets that rival and even exceed AAA, but even things like CoD and other big western games have mobile versions.

All the games listed also have PC and console versions.

Sony already owns several big mobile games most famously Fate/Grand Order.

gold_drake12d ago

i feel like you are overblowing what other ppl have said ha.

most mobiles are still very much your gatcha style of gaming.

the games u listed, absolutely, but that wasnt even my comment. mobile games, if they are not on anything else, sucks. so to have them on a handheld with buttons or on a console to, would be a win for me

Philaroni12d ago

I'm going to say this and ether A: I'm crazy or B: I'm crazy, but do any of you remember when Sony years back had the Xperia Play. Touched one never got it myself. If Sony is looking for a handheld (Look at Apple with the games it can run on there own devices) I wonder if maybe, just maybe they try to make a play for the Phone space again. Just my 2 cents, well with inflations I guess my 2 dimes.

Kurisu12d ago

Make an Xperia Play 2 that actually has functionality with the PS5 and I might bite! Loved the Xperia Play, showing off Crash Bandicoot on it was great but that's the only game I had for it.

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