
The Top 5 Things that Frustrate Me the most in Gears 3 *beta*

"I come home, I sit down, turn on my Xbox, and try to relieve stress that’s been built up during the day. Playing the Gears 3 beta is completely counter-productive because everyone I match up with seems to lack any sort of manners whilst they are on the battlefield shooting at other people. Here’s some examples of what really grinds my gears, so to speak:"

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oghost854780d ago

I'm glad I don't play gears anymore the first one was awesome.after that it went way... down hill for me anyway. it seems no matter what "improvements" the developers make, someone is going to complain about something else that THEY don't like.MY best advice move on..

maxcer4779d ago (Edited 4779d ago )

I don't know how you can say that. I went back to gear1 after a few weeks of gears3beta and two years of gears2 play and its a big step back. clunky character movement, less weapons, no cover-cancels, you can hardly wallbounce. seems like you liked the oneshot sniper down to make it easy. Don't hate on the game because you get worked over by 90% of the players online.

Pyscho_Mantis4779d ago

bu the online gameplay was solid in gears 1. First of wallbouncing was bs especially in gears 2 were it took half an hour to get into matches sometimes cuz the lag gave false impressions. Moar weapons yay but still not as many I would have thought. Dont you remeber ow everyone used to run to a pillar at the beginning of the match and shoot the pillars to see the lag. I luv gears 2 though but I hate three Its become too casual with super speed, retro stab, sawed off, camos wtf and all tactics have been shot out the window and replaced with rush the spawn with shotguns.

oghost854779d ago

lol.. worked over? GET OVER yourself tough guy I get it YOUR number #1 mlg pro super star gamer right?.. GEE mister tell me more Random percentages that you got from Nowhere.. lol

aviator1894780d ago (Edited 4780d ago )

Get rid of the sawed-off shotgun as a loadout weapon, put it somewhere strategic on the maps for pick-up, and that'll fix most of my frustration.

RaymondM4779d ago

So many problems with this game. Thank god im just looking forward to the Co-op and story and not the online MP

Murgatroyd74779d ago

I'm with Raymond. I'm still really excited for this game, but 20 minutes of the beta is about all I need. Just like the previous two games, playing versus online simply isn't all that fun.

Eiffel4779d ago (Edited 4779d ago )

I had a rough start, overall it's pretty good. Has it's B.S moments. Though, they really need to scrap that Sawed-Off, the damn thing is cheap as mofo. Possibly not include it as a load out weapon at least.

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anast86d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Gears Of War 3 And Judgement Servers Are Brimming With Life Once Again

Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

348d ago
348d ago
KicksnSnares348d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima505d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto506d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned506d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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