
Pinball FX 2: Mars Table Review - G3

Zen studios has created their newest table in a martian setting. Is it worth the tokens to play, or should you spend your points on something else?

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Rah5er04796d ago (Edited 4796d ago )

I like Pinball FX. The Marvel themed tables that came out before this theme was great, but this one looks interesting as well. I've noticed that your "camera angle" CON for this game could easily translate to all current iterations of Pinball FX, so no surprise there, but overall the virtual pinball experience is still enjoyable; in my opinion it's worth the points.

ian724796d ago

I got this table for Zen pinball on PS3, and its a good one to have. Its one of the best ones.

omicron0094796d ago

nice, looks fun. Good review :)

Murgatroyd74796d ago

I loves me some Pinball FX 2. I still need to get the Marvel tables, but I think I'll be getting this one first.

RaymondM4793d ago

oh sweet, i love some good pinball


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Pinball Tables Launching Next Week

From Cinelinx:

The developers behind the incredible Pinball FX 2 game have already dished out some greath Star Wars tables over the last ocuple years, but today, they've revealed a pair of tables based on The Force Awakens that will be hitting platforms next week!

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darklordzor3081d ago

Gonna be entirely honest here...I'll likely end up playing this way more than Star Wars Battlefront.

3080d ago
ChrisW3080d ago

I love those trailers where more than half of it is publishers, contributors, and licensing information.


Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within Review – The Force is VERY Strong Here Young Padawan | COG

Our pinball fanatic here at COG takes the newest set of tables for Zen Studios premier pinball game for a spin. Seems that the dark force had no strength here as they are all pretty darn good.

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Simco8763687d ago

Ah the grand days of Pinball. Even when I was a kid (30 years ago) I looked at Pinball as the old man's game, but still fun.

Makes me miss some of the great pinball classics I remember as a kid.

Josh1013687d ago

Pfft. They charge WAYYYY too much for those digital pinball tables. It's ridiculous. F*** Zen Studios. Greedy bastards.

optimus3686d ago

too much? the last few i bought were $1.50... and the last star wars pack was $5.00 Granted it was a sale but still. usually the packs go for $10 which still isn't too bad. it's the ONLY game with the most replay value for me as i constantly spend hours on it without expecting to.


Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball DLC Review

You wouldn’t really think of pinball and Star Wars merging together in the world of video games. However, since it has happened, it’s a good thing that development duties fell to Zen Studios, the developers behind the Zen Pinball series.

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