
The Stupidest Mistakes Microsoft Made with the Xbox 360

"While many gamer’s first instinct will be to either embrace or shun this as some sort of hate article about the Xbox 360, it couldn’t be further from the truth. It will only be viewed that way by those that either can’t stand to face the fact that their favorite console has faults or those who just love to gobble up anything negative about competing consoles. No matter which side of the fence you sit on, there’s no arguing that Microsoft has dropped the ball in a few instances while sculpting one of the most innovative machines to grace the home videogame console market. We all know how achievements and Xbox LIVE have furthered the gaming hobby in recent years, so we’re going to look at the “not-so-smooth” moves by gaming’s youngest console company."

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kennykramer4815d ago ShowReplies(6)
vgn244815d ago ShowReplies(1)
ShyGuy134815d ago

Sure Microsoft has made some mistakes, but they definitely don't amount to the ones Sony or Nintendo has made..

MaxXAttaxX4815d ago

Like buying a good developing company like Rare and robbing them of their identity?

Oh wait, that was Microsoft.

Raichu504815d ago

RARE HAS ALWAYS made cute and cuddly games they are a bit of a SIDESHOW and an embarassment to manly games like Gears

MaxXAttaxX4815d ago

DKC, GoldenEye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Killer Instinct, etc.

Those games were great. Whatever happened to them and the original staff. Even their logo now looks like it belongs on some medicine label.

Ultraplayerxp4815d ago


NathanExplosion beat me to it but I was just about to list those games plus Perfect Dark and Battletoads.

Rare is an awesome dev, MS just isn't using them right.

MaxXAttaxX4815d ago

Perfect Dark and Battletoads are great as well.

gamingdroid4815d ago

The fact is a great studio is dependent on several factors, among the most important ones:

a) the staff, Rare lost most of it's original team members long ago

b) culture, once you change this and f'it up, you are better off just starting over with a new studio.

So the fact that Rare no longer is what you expected it to be is not odd, but considering Rare made games for the Nintendo such as DKC it isn't unusual for them to do games like Banjo Kazooie and Viva Pinata. Seems like right up their alley!

ShinMaster4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Except, DKC and Banjo Kazooi/Tooie on Nintendo were much better games.
Now their doing Kinect mini games.

Although it doesn't matter much anymore. Rare is gone!

Zydake4815d ago

Xbox gives milfs problems lol

DigitalHorror814815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

RARE is just a bunch of nothing now. RARE was essentially bought by Microsoft to be destroyed. That's the way it looks to me, at least.

Troll: "Why would someone buy it just to do nothing with it?"

Answer: To destroy that slice of the market share.

Kurt Russell4815d ago

I thought the Rare that currently works for xbox consisted of almost completely different staff to that of the old. But hey ho.

Now I'm dreaming of Killer Instinct again.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4815d ago
Vherostar4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Erm Riiiight... Thats why Sony have 3 of the most successful consoles ever made and MS have the flop that is Xbox? They have made huge mistakes and nobody can deny it. Sony have made mistake but only in the handheld market something they are still fairly new to. In the console market they have pretty much got everything nailed on and have done for a while everything else is just a blip. So stop being a fanboy and get over it. You really think saying Sony made more mistakes makes your console better??

Loner4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Not really Sony lost a ton of marketshare this gen.Microsoft and nintendo gained marketshare.Sony dominated the previous 2 gens but now are in last place for over 4 years
The PS3 was supposed to wipe out the competition and it ended up getting smoked by the 360 and Wii.Sony lost the most this gen.they will never dominate like they did in the past because of the mistakes they made(600 dollar PS3 , terrible advertising , arrogance , no games for first 2 years , crap psn etc , etc

insomnium24815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Sony will be back up there with over 100 million sold Playstations this gen too. The thing is that this gen is a LOT longer than what it used to be with previous machines. That is something you x360-people just don't get.

Sony sells over 100 million PS3s just like they did with their previous consoles. They haven't lost anything only the market has gotten bigger. The claim about "lost marketshare" is pure BS and TOTALLY irrelevant. Does a smaller market share make this gen worse for Sony if they yet again sell the same amount of Playstations to the world? This really calls for a smh big time.....

antz11044815d ago

Lol, c'mon now, you can troll an xbox article all you want but to say xbox is a flop? Thats just an ignorant, DUMB thing to say.

CoLD FiRE4815d ago

Whoa! the hypocrisy in your post is so obvious it hurts my intelligence. You say that Microsoft flopped with the Xbox yet you say Sony only made some mistakes in the handheld market because they were FAIRLY NEW to it! May I remind you that when Microsoft entered the console market it was something THEY'RE STILL FAIRLY NEW to?

4815d ago
FFXI1014815d ago

"The PS3 was supposed to wipe out the competition"
Why? cause you said so?

Every company would like to see their products sell well or even be the number one on the market but Sony's said it they want to have a 10years life cycle on their system, Their aim is for LONG term.

If they didn't care about that they'd have release the PS3 long before the 360 with price of $299.(If they did that they wouldn't have much room to adjuest the price in the 10 years cycle)

Terrible advertising, I'll give you that. But saying they have no games in the first 2 years? That's just ignorant.

Iroquois_Pliskin4815d ago


Loner, in every ps3/xbox article you boast how the ps3 is in last place when it actualy isn't. Are you on n4g just for trolling? Or are you retarded?



larrym4815d ago

50+ million consoles sold is a flop? And Sony went from 1st to 3rd in this console generation? You don't go from 1st to 3rd without making some f--k ups, dude. Sony has been in the handheld market for 6 years now, how are they still new at it? They need to leave the handheld market alone, that is Nintendo's area of expertise. Go put your Sony glasses back on and sip on a tall glass of Sony kool aid.

PirosThe4th4815d ago

To be fair the only reason PS3 console sales weren't as high as 360 is because they weren't hacked until recently. And many developing countries never manage to cash in on the ps3 since games aren't "free". Now you will see south american countries and others are buying shit loads of ps2 when they were cheap. By the time ps3 gets as low as 200 bucks its going to own everything.
Everyone is emerging countries were getting 360 cuz it was cheaper and hackable and so on for HD needs.

Trust me its the sad truth.

smashman984815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

the psp was in no way a mistake its the first handheld to ever to actually be able to compete on some level with nintendo.

as sega just wasnt able 2

(btw i own both a game gear and a nomad and i love both, but no one can deny that they stood no chance against nintendo i have never in my life met another person who owned a game ggear or a nomad... ever)

Lawliet4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

How is it that a handheld which sold over 65million and over millions of software get class as a flop? The PSP has run 6years in its cycle and still running strong with numerous support. It ain't a flop! A flop system should be those that could not complete its full cycle that was planned and base highly on its potential. PSP is an old tech now, it has run its course and succeeded. It only look like a flop because it is being compare to the mammoth NDS. You need to know such strong sales doesn't generate every generation.. Even for a new handheld with new highly integrated tech get into the market, will probably never see it pass over 60million let alone over 100million!

The original Xbox has great potential, its technology is far greater than the PS2, it didn't flop because of hardware failure or because of the great differences in sales, it flop because it lack support, thus lead to cease production. Unlike this generation where developers has easy option to port their games to another console, last generation the developers would have to study different architecture of each hardware to create their games which is far difficult! Microsoft might have pick themselves up this generation, but for the past few years, I have to say they are running out of luck... The same mistake that cost the original Xbox to flop is now taking its toll on the Xbox360. If it isn't for the Multiplatform support the console would've been long gone. And now Microsoft is playing their tricky card with the Kinect. It won't be long now that a New Xbox will be announce and Xbox360 be discontinued. Kinect will be compatible with the new hardware, but expect various peripherals for the games.

awi59514814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Yeah right i had just as many broken ps1 and ps2 than broken 360. The diffrence is sorry sony charged me to fix every one of them. My Walmart even stopped taking them back anymore from the huge flood of broken consoles. And started checking serial numbers of all consoles returned from people with broke consoles who's warranty has run out.

And xbox live mods are better than psn ive gotten suspended for something in my gamertag or something i said. IF enough people report you they will ban or suspend you.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
morkendo234815d ago

The Stupidest Mistakes Microsoft Made with the Xbox 360

was to enter it into gaming world

Moentjers4815d ago

Sony learns from their mistakes, MS ? they don't give a damn shit about mistakes and their cusotmers.
Or... they would have recalled the 360 after the rrod.

awi59514814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Why should they recall sony never did for the broken ps1 or 2 microsoft learned from sony. But they did offer to fix them for free. I bet sony maid lots of money fixing the broken consoles since they charged you 90 bucks to fix your console back then when they were faulty to start with. The first run of ps2 where broken. The disc read errors they were sued for later on. All the ps1 consoles that people told you to turn them upside to get them to play. That worked for awhile untill it dies completely.

Moentjers4814d ago


'only' 6% of the PS2 had the DRE problem, that's within the limits of electronic devices.

how much 360's had the rrod ?
(you can round down to the nearest 10%)

Bull5hifT4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Yeah like making Very Faulty Hardware.. 33% failure rate that amounts to nothing. Just a slap on the wrist.. People put up with that bullcrap' i personally would be very effing Pissed if i had just spent $60 on a game or $150 on a kinect then got ready to play it when the piece of crap dies, and they force you to pay for Multiplayer... If that developers should have hidden those options to not eff with your mind thinking you can play online, thats BS ...

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Emilio_Estevez4815d ago

Good article, makes a good argument there. Theres always 2 sides to a coin though, they did a lot right too.

Raichu504815d ago ShowReplies(4)
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HellspawnPR1981146d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii146d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies145d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.