
New Super Street Fighter IV 3D screenshots

Capcom just released new screenshots of Super Street Fighter IV 3D.

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cochise3134834d ago

I really want to see what the 3d on the 3ds looks like. I wonder if it's any good.

Jio4834d ago

Everybody says its amazing, head to your local Best Buy, chances are they have a demo there.

g5bay4834d ago

psp is better than this shit

Perjoss4834d ago

unless you can prove that your some kind of important person in the gaming community your opinion is quite irrelevant, and even if you can it will probably still remain irrelevant.

FernandoMartinez4834d ago

Well he is probably only talking about visuals and if so he is right.

FernandoMartinez4834d ago

Looks like Nintendo isn't even trying to make it's consoles on pair with it's competitors hardware wise.

dgroundwater4834d ago

Not really. Having cutting edge specs is not a good way to become popular or have the best games anyway. All it does is give more developers headaches and gamers less money. It has worked since the DS launched in 2005 and I'd say every Nintendo machine will stick to it.

Masterchef20074834d ago

Well in that case Nintendo shouldnt have used 3D because it increased the price by 100€. The DS when it first launched was released at a MSRP of 150€ Now the 3DS costs 250€.

Also the NGP will be priced at around 250€ and its extremely easy to develop for as well. So your point in the end is moot.

boxman1204834d ago

Forgive me if im wrong but Nintendo hasn't tried to wow people with great graphics lately. They have been trying to focus on innovating or coming out with some interesting ideas like the 3D screen on the 3DS for example.

I don't think they ever meant to compete with the Sony PSP graphically. Imo the screens look pretty good and the game will most likely look better in motion.

I'll probably get shat on and get called out to be some kind of fanboy for this but...MEH =P Posted!

josephayal4834d ago

SSF4 in 3d? lol .... MEH!!!!

Masterchef20074834d ago (Edited 4834d ago )

The console versions look a lot better than this. And yes i know its a handheld but we all know that handhelds can do better than this.

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Wonderful article!! 3DS is far the best console of 8th generation....


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