
Man Gives Up Sex with Two Women in Order to Play MvC3

A man known only as Woolie has been caught on camera confessing to perhaps the greatest crime of all time -- giving up a free squish-session with two willing participants in order to play Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

This of course leads to the ultimate philosophical question -- would you pass up sex for videogames?

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Active Reload4856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

If the girls were ugly and head wasn't a part of the equation then this was an easy decision. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, tis grown folk conversation after all...

Kalowest4856d ago

"If the girls were ugly and head wasn't a part of the equation then this was an easy decision"

So true lol.

NewMonday4856d ago

like rosie o'donnell and Oprah?

n4f4856d ago

i woulnt pass sex for mvc3. specially mvc3

n4f4856d ago

i would did oprah.
why? in her next she would say: I had the best sex in my life, lady get sex with n4f.
and many lady would knock at my door.
plus ill make her pregnant so tHat she would pay me child support

Perjoss4856d ago

not to call the guy a liar or anything, but there's always the chance that the story isn't true.

HolyOrangeCows4856d ago

Any random bi-sexuals willing to pound a random person, especially "Woolie", are probably loaded with STDs anyway.

No offense, Wollie.

4856d ago
Dee_914856d ago

its good to see he regret his decisioni know he wants to kill him self
games wouldve been the last thing on my mind

kancerkid4856d ago

This is a great thread.

pixelsword4856d ago

I think it's real; if multiple people die playing games from not eating, crapping; I'm sure someone is out there that would pass up "chowda" for games, even if the girls are beautiful.

RankFTW4855d ago

I think Woolie needs a shower.

AyeGee4855d ago

Why pass sex.. when you can have BOTH? I was having sex while playing White Knight Chronicles.. works for me.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4855d ago
AGamerOfConsoles4856d ago

I fully support his dedication to this game.

I am completely hooked on it myself.

seinfan4856d ago

He didn't say they offered to have sex with him.

shooterexpert4856d ago

Who would sleep with that guy :/ He looks like a smelly Oscar the grouch.

SuperStrokey11234855d ago (Edited 4855d ago )

Disagree, thats a moron... or a liar

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4855d ago
LOGICWINS4856d ago

Meh...depends. If the women in question look like ducks...id pick MvC3 as well.

cochise3134856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

Yeah, it was probably two fat chicks because if they were hot he would have said screw MvC for now.

*I guess the thumb downers love fat chicks or have a fat grilfriend/wife.

elbeasto864856d ago

Fat chicks need love too... They just gotta pay.

NiKK_4194856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

fat bitches need love too, craig

All I want Santa Claus is two fat bitches and a bag of weed and two bag of chips to give to the fat bitches.

elbeasto864856d ago

Unless the women in question looked like a cross between a hog and a bear with a scorpion tail and they continuously drooled and had sharp teeth I would choose the sex. But that's just me...

Pillage054856d ago

really? it would take all of those features combined for you to turn them down? lol. What if it was just hog/bear/scorpion tail/drooling/ no sharp teeth...you'd be all in then huh? :P

elbeasto864855d ago

@Pillage05 haha I'd think about it. With no sharp teeth you could at least use a paper bag with a smiley face drawn on it and a cut out for the mouth. Then I could just close my eyes and pretend it's Jessica Biel.

And not specifically this combination. Basically if the women look more animal than human I would choose the game. Sex is hard to pass up dude.

oguzsasi4856d ago

I pick gaming and my hands :D

Active Reload4856d ago

Keep it up and you'll no longer be One-eyed willie, but No-eyed Willie...ha...weak sauce, I know..

Dart894856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

Hell i would have got some then gone for the game.If he had it pre ordered he wouldn't have had to worry about getting a copy.

Edit:Why didn't he just get a friend to get it for him??

Balt 4856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

My god those guys are goobers. WOW! And that story was absolutely made up. It sounded like the punchline to a really bad joke that's being miss told.

Camera guy: "Forever EVER!"

Oh, my god he sounds like he's been punched in the nutz. And who admits that? In the midst of his absurd situation that was clearly plucked from the Red Shoe Diaries, "Oh, nose! I gotta run and pick up my video game!". Who does that?

I'm willing to bet the last time "Woolie" here hit any skin was with his fist.

Get the **** out of here, Woolie.

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Love art like this. Good stuff.

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Makes me despise Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite that much more

So much wasted potential


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Skuletor1702d ago

They should make a collection of all of them, for this gen or the next

PhoenixUp1702d ago

The 90s was a time when videogame IP established themselves heavily to the point where a lot of major companies could start doing crossovers

MIDGETonSTILTS17369d ago

MvC3 did NOT have a larger roster than 2…


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