
PS3 Crysis 2 Config up and Running, Looks Solid

A Gametrailers forum member by the name of Clukos has gotten the PS3 config up and running for Crysis two and the game looks just as good.

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samoon4854d ago

I can't wait for this game, I just wish EA could have at least released the beta on the PS3 as well or shown more footage, but this is a sign of good things to come, hopefully.

Redman224854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

Looks like KZ3 is beasts Cry2(talking consoles here).


BattleAxe4854d ago

That YouTube video is being played from the PC version using the PS3 configuration. The author of the video explains this in the comments.

maxcer4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

"Looks like KZ3 is beasts Cry2"

i found that this crysis2 footage impressed me more than KZ3. and don't hit the disagree like a blind fanboy, download the footage and watch it.


Death24944854d ago


Well it's not like you the first guy to throw PC footage against the ps3 so hey, why not. It's already determined that PC is completely beasting. With that said, Killzone3 beat out Crysis2 on consoles. Sorry bro it's just how things are.

Inside_out4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

...Will look exactly like the 360 footage and game play. Comparing the 360 Crysis beta graphics to the KZ 3 beta graphics shows that Crysis is on a different playing field.

I keep hearing how the Single player graphics will be better...fine. Plan on downloading the KZ SP demo now that it's finally FREE and believe me, if it's better than crysis Beta multi-player, I'll be the first to say so...BUT...this is going to be hard to beat...ALL IN REAL TIME...


I'm not sure how KZ 3 is going to match up to that...just the water and lighting alone, all interactive with the game play...I mean c'mon now, look at the details in the docks, boats and background...I like KZ and actually bought KZ 1 day 1 on PS2...whatever...lol

Kalipekona4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

True, this is being played on the PC, but it is being played using the PS3 configs. It is a pretty good indication of what to expect as far as overall graphical settings, but it doesn't tell us exactly how it will RUN on actual PS3 hardware.

But it's not like we haven't seen 360 footage that looks this good.

Here is some Xbox 360 config gameplay:

Have you guys seen the new trailer from EA that specifically tells you that it is all 360 footage. It looks amazing and will easily be one of the best looking games on consoles.

DaTruth4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

How do two guys saying exactly opposite things both get 12 disagrees and 6 agrees?

Or are you guys just disagreeing/agreeing with the attempt to incite a fanboy war?

Off topic: I can't believe Firefox still doesn't recognize fanboy as a word! Webster, what the hell are you waiting for? They need to switch to Funk and Wagnalls!

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4853d ago

Well i gotta say that was really impressive. The gun sounds, the explosions, the water...it's all looking fantastic. And I will give this game a go. But as expected I am more impressed with Killzone 3.

I guess you really can't compare them though. Crysis goes for a strictly realistic approach to graphcis while Killzone is more artistically realistic. When I look at Killzone I see a painting. And as an artist it just appeals to me more.

Dee_914853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

best looking multiplat ever

edit @ battleaxe

I take that back ..

@cez of rage
if you are talking about graphics why do you keep mentioning stuff interactive with the gameplay ?
thats great and all but from what I see the kz3 looks better on consoles ( pc is just too crazy .. if KZ3 was on pc it would look better than crysis 2 hands down )
as for interactive environment I hear KZ3 has that
you keep saying its better for having the same stuff kz3 has
you did the same when the xbox slim came out saying its better than ps3 because it had wifi and stuff the ps3 had from the beginning lol

HappyGaming4853d ago

If it is going to play like that on the PS3 it will be fantastic but you have to admit KZ3 has much better character animations.

Look at the gun it barely moves a cm when you shift from left to right it is as if your body is made up of a metal frame... oh wait his got a nano suits... but still it looks unrealistic.

Overall Crysis 2 on PS3 should be amazing I am just nit picking here there are things that are wrong with KZ3s presentation too if you look at it with a magnifying glass.

fatstarr4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

Funny how there is no comperison
no ps3/360 game competes with crysis 2 on the pc maxed out. lol

Crysis on MED > KZ3

Kalipekona4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

"as for interactive environment I hear KZ3 has that"

Well, you might hear that, but where is the proof? There is a ton of campaign footage from Killzone 3 out there and I have never seen the degree of interaction and physics as we have seen in Crysis 2. There is some decent interaction in some cases, but not to the same degree as Crysis 2.

Certain pillars and barriers in Killzone 3 seem to have destructibility, but Crysis 2 has that too and it seems more consistent and prevalent.

Crysis 2 also has amazing explosions and deformations. http://www.youtube.com/watc... Check out the way those metal containers bend and deform from the explosions.

Also, in this video of the 360 version http://www.youtube.com/watc... check out when he tears apart that car at minute 1:55 with a large caliber machine gun. The glass shatters, sparks fly and the doors get completely blown off.

Blaine4853d ago

Right... You show me a 300$ PC that can run Crysis 2 on higher settings than a PS3.

Dee_914853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

The Helghast Jungle environment interact with the gameplay
im not sure if its been confirmed but I dont the site would just say something like that if it wasnt true
and more than likely if you can interact with the jungle environment you interact with other environments thru-out the game
besides swimming which is the only difference I can see between kz3 and crysis 2 interactions with the environment

edit : just saw the videos you posted
no I dont think KZ3 has that type of destruction mainly because it doesent have those types of environments

4853d ago
TOSgamer4853d ago

@ Blaine. Challenge accepted.

$58 after rebate for Athlon II 250 x2 + Biostar motherboard on sale at microcenter.
4gb of ddr3 from mwave $27 after using a $5 coupon thats easy to get).
$35 after rebate for corsair 430 power supply. (often times on sale for $20 after rebate.)
$30 for any case newegg has on sale all the time.
$30 for 500 gb hitachi hard drive at mwave. After using a $5 coupon)
$17 for any dvd burner newegg has on sale.
$95 Galaxy GTX 460 768mb after rebate.

=$292. Some of these might not be on sale any more but they all were in the last month. Its also about $100 in rebates so there is some extra work involved. But bam there it is. A $300 pc that can probably play Crysis 2 on medium to high at 1680 x 1050.

4me24853d ago


You forgot about
1) shipping
2) cost of OS (which could be half of that PC)

Dee_914853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

^^ add another $100 or $200 for your warranty ;)

thnx for that mwave site

paintsville4853d ago

Yeah it looked great but....it's running on a PC...Hello?? Not running on a PS3.

tacosRcool4853d ago

Well it looks great! But I'm gonna get it on PC instead since I'm gonna build a new PC later on this year

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
meetajhu4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

i'll post my video soon running the same map. The game is far superior in PC u will see!

trancefreak4854d ago

LOL this game will crush any gaming pc on the market. Cloak mode will squash your RAM. Strenghth mode will take an I7 fry Its transistors worthless. Don't forget armor mode thats where and when your 2000 watt power supply toast the neighbourhoods main power grid.

But it will be a priceless gaming experience on teh pc.

That is how Ill be rollin when its released.

IcarusOne4853d ago

Jesus, look at the fire effects in the first minute. Beautiful game.

But if this is the PS3 config, why does it keep saying LT behind cover?

Vesemir4853d ago

@trancefreak: That's the most bullshit comment I have ever read on N4G

meetajhu4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

aww there is problem will post soon

Snakefist304853d ago

U dont need a Core i7 to run crysis 2.U just need a good Graphics Card thats all.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
Kazu0 Hirai4853d ago

i thought it was ironic the guy was taking cover right beside that 25 speed limit sign. at that point the frame rate was about 25 fps. for a lot of that video it was even lower. i predict that, as usual, the ps3 version will be the worst.

SoSLy4853d ago

I noticed that as well. There were some FPS drops ehere and there but I think they'll smooth these out before it releases since it is Crytek were talking about here not Treyarch.

nycredude4853d ago

YOu predict that the Ps3 version will be the worst version because you watched a video of a pc running the game in Ps3 config? OKay sir. I think it is past your bed time.

I could care less really cause I have a laptop that will spank this game on highest settings.

Masterchef20074853d ago

Next time check the net before you open your mouth

"Crytek, the Frankfurt-headquartered studio responsible for Crysis, the first-person shooter still torturing high-end PCs years after release, just admitted the PS3 version of Crysis 2 performs better on the PlayStation 3 than the Xbox 360."

"“At the moment, we’re getting slightly more performance from PS3 compared to 360. I’m very confident that products using CryEngine 3 are going to come out as the best looking, or at least in the top three, on every platform.”"

"But if we believe Crytek’s business development boss, then the game runs even better on the PS3 than it does the Xbox 360. The games may look identical, or extraordinarily close to it, but the Xbox 360 is being pushed far harder than the PS3."

As usual blind fanboys who refuse to believe the facts that the devs throw at them. Try harder Next Time

jetlian4853d ago

arguement is from april 2010 lol yet its the one version they don't show hmmmm

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4853d ago
eliasg4853d ago

Crysis 2 graphics are presumably the best ive seen on any console this generation!!!

lil Titan4853d ago

looks just as good as the PC version...i wonder how many people would disagree with the truth, im waiting.

talltony4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

Well if you forget about a the lower Rez and framerate then I guess it is the same.

floetry1014853d ago

You aren't accounting for the fact that the PC version is debug code, and runs on directx9 at the moment.

I've played it on PC and I can pretty much say unequivocally that it's the best looking game I've seen to date. The campaign took me about 12 hours, 2 of which were probably spent just standing still and taking in the scenery. Times Square on a rainy night looks like Blade Runner.

Consider the fact that I have a modest rig, and can run it best on Medium settings, the game looks amazing, regardless of how powerful your computer is. It's also in 1080p, without the jaggies, and runs at about 50-60fps consistently.

The game is monstrous in every concievable way.

Computersaysno4853d ago

'looks just as good as the PC version...i wonder how many people would disagree with the truth'

Don't kid yourself LOL. NO console game looks as good as the original on PC three years ago. Nevermind this.

pain777pas4853d ago

I am starting to warm up to this game. We need a demo for PS3 owners.

4853d ago
solidt124853d ago

If it looks like this running on the actual PS3 that would be out of this world. I already planned on getting this game along with Killzone 3, SOCOM, and Resistance. Those are the FPS games I will be playing for the next year. Black - Ops gets traded in when I go to pick up Killzone 3.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
PirateThom4854d ago

Some nice lighting effects, even in this gimped beta state.

samoon4854d ago

Agreed, I can't help but feel this whole beta leak is an inside job by EA in order to create hype around the game.

I mean how does a beta of a singe player campaign get leaked like that??

hassi944854d ago

I suspect the same, and apparently the highest settings in the game beta are equal to medium when you look in config files, so maybe it was leaked to trick people into thinking they could run the game fine? I dunno :/

ProjectVulcan4854d ago

What exactly is the point of this? We know it'll look similar to the 360 version. This tells us nothing of the most important thing: How it runs on PS3.

jack_burt0n4853d ago

damn look how many xbox zealots are in here!?!

have you adopted crysis 2 as ur great ambassador of 360 graphics LOL

The game looks great on pc, but play the 360 beta it looks like a mess, it is nothing to get excited about actually after u see or play the pc version u wont wanna buy it on xbox..

starchild4853d ago

Oh quit acting like you play on the PC, you PS3 zealot. You never care about the PC unless it gives you a chance to bash the 360. The only reason you badmouth Crysis 2 is because you think it threatens your precious Killzone 3. It doesn't. There is enough room in this world for two amazing looking shooters. In fact, the more the better.

Tinasumsum4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

Fake misleading video with the game running on a different platform.

zootang4854d ago

We all know what the PS3 can produce you only have to look at Killzone 2/3 and Uncharted

zootang4854d ago


You boys are missing out! No MGS, No KZ3, No UC2, No DS, No GT5, No DCUO, No LBP2, No free online.

DeathMetal14744854d ago

super linear games big deal. The scope of Crysis is much bigger than those games

hassi944854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

People are disagreeing because your comment literally means nothing in this context and adds no value to this topic. What the PS3 can produce and what Crysis 2 produces on the PS3 are COMPLETELY different things.

But tbh I read back over what you've said and it seems to be some rubbish attempt at PS3 advertising from a desperate fanboy. Be happy with your quality purchase of the PS3, other people don't wanna hear about it when it's not relevant.

Xfanboy4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

We all know what the PS3 can produce but never in a big environment!! you only have to look at Killzone 2/3 and Uncharted :) & BF!!! oh never mind :(

Tinasumsum4854d ago

PS3 exclusives have linear game design that is why open games are superior on the 360. Now developers are making new powerful engines that actually push the 360's hardware when the common multi platform engines could not. PS3's linear exclusives are made by developers that invest heavily in PS3 hardware, Microsoft does not have developers that do this with hand crafted game engines.

Your point doesn't matter because the developers are coming out with new powerful engines that can produce more open games that are superior to PS3 exclusives with Rage, Crysis and Brink being example not to mention Forza 4

zootang4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

You boys obviously never played half of these games and Infamous is open world so what's your point?

Think about it a DVD (6gbs) will not produce more content than a Blu Ray (50gbs) You can argue Download only but then who wants to download 20gbs. Especially with a lot of broadband providers capping usage. Go play them!

How you can say some of these game are linear is incredible. Especially when a lot of these games are less linear than Halo, Gears, Alan Wake. The enemies on screen and the content speaks for itself.

maxcer4854d ago

"You boys obviously never played half of these games and Infamous is open world so what's your point?"

played and beat infamous, good game but it wasn't a large city at all, GTAIV was bigger. and don't get me started on the over used textures, the entire city looks the same, no real variety.

Kalipekona4854d ago

"Infamous is open world so what's your point?"

Yes, inFamous is open world, but it doesn't look a fraction as good as Crysis 2 (even on console) in terms of the quality of the lighting, the textures, or the overall detail.

Single player Xbox 360 footage:

Again, inFamous is a good game, but it doesn't look as good as Crysis 2.

NukaCola4854d ago

GTA IV was a giant city with no life at all. Not one thing was interactive, other than the hot dog stands. Here's GTA IV in a nut shell:

Cutscene, drive to yellow circle, cutscene, shoot everyone, cutscene, escape cops, cutscene, walk around for 10 secs, phone call, steal car and drive to yellow circle, repeat.

inFAMOUS had a city that had destructable environments, places to explore, tons of side missions. Your choices effected your gameplay style, moves, and the city would physically change accordingly. You could climb on everything, and go anyway (minus water...lol), and have tons of fun all around.

inFAMOUS 2 will totally crush as it's literally the Uncharted Sandboxer with is gorgeous visuals, ingame cutscenes, stellar story, and all around cinematic feel.

WetN00dle694853d ago

All i know is that its safe to say that the console version of Crysis 2 looks amazing. The KZ3 Developers should be worried! I was actually thinking of skipping the Console version of Cry2 BUT Road Rage changed my mind! Day one for me.

nilamo4853d ago

Lol I beat and finished infamous but lol no way infamous has a more lively city than gta4

peowpeow4853d ago

zootang your just annoying. I hate when people list games like you did as if you are sony pr

candystop4853d ago

"You boys are missing out! No MGS, No KZ3, No UC2, No DS, No GT5, No DCUO, No LBP2, No free online."

You forgot no thank you.

ilovemyps34853d ago

1 million crysis on ps3= 950.000 units sold
1 million on xbox=700 000 dl on torrent/hotfile like websites
1 million on pc = 950 000 pirated copies

1% of pc games will buy the game,why buy when you will have hundred thousand seeders for it?

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
BK-2014854d ago

The sad thing is trolls like you are getting bullshit agrees. Infamous 2 easily debunks your crap about the PS3 not able to have open world games. Just Cause 2 also looked practically the same on PS3 as opposed to the 360. Crysis 2 is far from open world. Most of the gameplay is played through maps like the single player demo in KZ3. The game is much more linear than Crysis 1. All it does is add some vertical gameplay. Watch vids of each mission an you'll see how incorrect you are. You obviously don't have the beta of Crysis 2.

DeathMetal14744854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

than Killzone, and you can go in the water, has destruction, can pick up objects, kick over cars. It's not point a to b cutscene. You still have optiions on how to do things in many cases. However I agree with your point, of course the PS3 can do an open world game. There just have not been that many.

juggulator4853d ago


Even the devs said that Crysis2 gameplay has an "open" aspect to it by adding vertical gameplay but the story is still linear.

Death24944854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

Ha, I love you 360 fanboys remain blind to the facts that's out there. For you guys saying that ps3 can't do open world, you must've quickly forgot about the Rachet and Clank series on ps3. It's been quoted for being a playable Pixar movie. Oh and just to add fuel to the fire, I'm about to Sucker Punch you with this one.

Infamous 2, "open world" nothing on the 360 comes close.

Insanelyman4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

It does comes close to the 360.
Even though Infamous 2 has a lot more action goin on, L.A. Noire and Infamous 2 both look graphically the same.

Rachet and Clank are fun games to play but they don't have that pixar movie look at all.

OsamaOnCrack4854d ago


first of all la noire is also on ps3 so it doesnt count and la noire also was a ps3 exclusive before but they turned it into a multiplatform so la noire looks better on the ps3 cuz it was built on it first then ported to 360. and if you are saying la noire comes close to infamous 2 then you need to get a new pair of eyes.

Insanelyman4854d ago


I think you need to open your eyes and look at the link I posted. Because the cars and city look much better and alive than Infamous 2 EVEN though Infamous has more action. Also rockstar make the biggest and best open world in their games.

And I know it was a PS3 exclusive before so stop lecturing me on what you think I don't know and the 360 version will look the same.

Death24944854d ago


I agree with you to the extent that L.A Noire does look amazing. L.A Noire's strength lies in it's unique ability to actually capture the smallest detail in an actors performance. But if you look at the trailers, L.A. Noire characters look "softer" and not as clear as Infamous2 character models. Also OsamaOnCrack make a valid point. This is a multiplatform game with the ps3 being the leading console. When it comes to simple exclusive, Xbox 360 has nothing in it's library that comes close.
Infamous: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
LA Noire: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Watch both in HD and you will see LA noire has "softer", less detailed, character models.

Insanelyman4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )


Your right about LA Noire having softer character look in which I think looks kind of meh but both do look amazing and for a multiplatform game you gotta give credit to rockstar.

Death24944854d ago

@ Insanelyman,

You're absolutely right about that. I'm definitely buying LA Noire day one. It's a mixture of Heavy Rain meets Gran Theft Auto. The fact that they have actual actors to really help drive the story makes it better. They also raised the bar presentation-wise. You feel like you're in the 1950s, also I watch alot of "Mad Men" (check out the avatar).

awi59514854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

Crackdown 2 does and it has a far better physics engine with 4 player multiplayer that takes place in a giant city all rendered at the same time with dead rising amounts of zombies on screen. With countless vehicles and bystanders.

gamer20104853d ago

Sorry to both sides, but neither Crackdown nor Infamous looked that good. If you want some examples of great-looking open world games look no further than Red Dead Redemption or Assassin's Creed.

Death24944853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )


Sorry but while Rockstar's RDR looks great, I have to go back to the character models and the "softness". I'm not belittling RDR in the least. Rockstar has the ability to really make you feel apart of the world aka "immersion". But in the end it's personal preference. My point about Infamous was that ps3 can do gorgeous, open-world games.

This is where I would point at games like Borderlands, Rage, and Crackdown. These games use a cell shading method. This has two apparent benefits to it. It's not taxing at all on the processor, and you can give alot of detail to the character model without adding polygons. Rage on Iphone4 is a perfect example. Kratos God of war 3 model probably had more polygons than an entire district of Crackdown and all it's co-op players. Halo Reach Spartan has more polygons than Crackdown.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
linko18-19904853d ago

@ Deathmetal1474 how exactly is Littlbe big planet a linear game when its a never ending game? i will admit Crysis 2 its a big Deal on PC, on consoles not so much its just a newer game with pretty graphics.

baodeus4853d ago

looking good, but there are some shadow flickering problem.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4853d ago
x8004854d ago

fake fake. what does a guy by the name of Clukos know about cryengine 3? yes if it were connected to the ps3 i would believe it. ill only trust crytek when they show it. untill then its all BS.

hassi944854d ago

It's not PS3 footage, the Crysis 2 leaked Beta has a 'PS3' graphics setting if you look into the editor, so this is the equivalent of what the PS3 should look like unless EA/Crytek have used this as a publicity stunt and actually the PS3 version is much worse than what is hinted at in the leak... I don't know about that though.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1422d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1806d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071806d ago (Edited 1806d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141806d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1805d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1805d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1805d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1805d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1800d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


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