
Resident Evil called 'racist video game series'

An author on left-leaning AlterNet.org not only jumps on the controversy of Resident Evil 5's alleged racism, but calls it a "racist video game series." The article is such a mess that you really have to enjoy it for its absurdity. The piece starts by saying those who go to see the "blockbuster Resident Evil: Extinction" in the theaters may want to play the game, but those who do "will likely enter a world little-known beyond the expensive and expansive universe of gaming, a world increasingly populated with very dangerous depictions of nonwhites."

acetw1n6082d ago

hati is where the whole zombie mythology started,I dont consider this game to be racist , grand theft auto san andrea seems to be racist to me.

MrWonderful6082d ago

GTA is note racist! are the tv shows with all black people racist! NO! and by the way im black

ArduousAndy6082d ago

the zombie myth o's of voodoo started in Africa. When the slaves started to come over. They hid there religion from there owners some even converted. Haiti was just an island that was taken over by the slaves that kept there beliefs.

There have been many off shoots of Voodoo like Santeria which is a mixture of Christianity and Voodooism and is predominantly in the Caribbean.

masterg6081d ago

How to make sure your game is not racist.

1. Make sure you have main playable characters from every race.
2. Make sure no race gets killed more than the other.
3. Make sure the race of the player you are playing only kills people of the same race.
4. Make sure each race have equal amounts of good and bad guys.

Now is that so hard... hehe

ShiftyLookingCow6082d ago

I just read the original article on alternet, this is even more ridiculous than the original. To people who are falsely reporting, did you even read the damn article?

Depressed Mode6082d ago

This should have been approved, hmmmm.

Dudeson426082d ago (Edited 6082d ago )

But I've been killing white, skinny, fat, bald, redneck, etc. zombies for YEARS and YEARS. Now that it's set in a primarily-black part of the world SUDDENLY thier racist? Um, no, I'm going to have to disagree there.

And if this is true, then I want all the previous RE games (which I own ALL of...) to be pulled from the shelves/resale shops/ebay too because I'm white and male-pattern-baldness runs in my family and shooting balding white guys seems awfully racist and degrading to my family heritage.

I didn't see all the foreign-language(was it spanish? I forget...)-speaking farmers get bent out of shape when Leon rolled into every singly village and killed men and thier wives in RE4...

REbirth6082d ago (Edited 6082d ago )

yep you right...did the spanish complain when they put then zombies?

its rediculous to see an article like this...its the same thing when the Lord of the rings the 2 towers was realesed in cinema...that actually were people saying that tittle should be changed cus the things that happened to world trade center an year sooner... tokien wrote the LoR in 1930 or something....

i just say one thing its STUPID...this guy is the one who is being racist cus this time we have black in the game... by the way we are all the same...

SmokeyMcBear6082d ago

well the lord of the rings is pretty racist.. how come there werent any black people in the kingdom of men? who were the only people to have dark skin? what were they? hehe,, just adding some fuel to the racist argument

socomnick6082d ago

People need to shut up about this game being racist heck I would love to kill zombies of all races. Asian , black , Hispanics and white. Im a equal opportunity zombie offender.

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

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vgvill3d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional3d ago (Edited 2d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow13d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill2d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb2d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!


A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

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anast8d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk8d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast8d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk8d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac8d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk8d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


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