
Socom Developer Start Development On New IP

Slant Six mostly known for their work on the PS3 exclusive, Socom Confrontations, and the PSP Hit Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, is secretly working on a new multiplathform title. The game is set to include a rich multiplayer mode and is lilkely

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remanutd554873d ago

ohhh and i thought it was gonna be a new MAG or Socom game , oh well lets see what they do

xc7x4873d ago

that scared me when ya said that lol.

FanboyPunisher4873d ago

WTF are you smoking, they FUCKED up Socom BADLY..you'll want to avoid this Dev at all costs, they should stick to low budget PSP titles, bugs dont matter as much in that limited environment.


crzyjackbauer4873d ago (Edited 4873d ago )

the game was messed up when it came out but its playable now,it was really worth they money specialy with the $50 official ps3 mic, i still enjoy it
comfrontation is going to be the last real Socom
Socom 4 is COD in 3rd Person
health regeneration?
no thanks just bring back Socom 2 in HD

remanutd554873d ago

well Online Multiplayer games have suffered from the same laggy issues on the system it hasnt been only Socom Confrontation , the game has been good for quite some time but now hackers had taken over it , dont know what are you talking about , i used to play the game every day and its good and their Socom psp games have been very very good so yea i dont know what are you talking about , dont buy it if you dont want but i want to see what are they cooking now

Ravenor4873d ago

Hi, I try things once around launch and if a MP only game doesn't operate like it should around launch I have a HUGE tantrum.

Slant Six listened to a lot of people's complaints and the community also had an effect on the game while it was in development. Didn't like Sixaxis lean? They gave us the Dpad lean. Couldn't see through the score board or move? They made it opaque and easy to move.

It also played much closer to SOCOM 2 then SOCOM 3 but hey, "Confrontation is Bad, because it's buggy and Canadian." As if SOCOM 1,2 and 3 weren't buggy.

dougr4873d ago

the fact that you think Socom Confrontation plays anything like Socom 2 is baffling to me.

plumber154873d ago (Edited 4873d ago )

At( crzyjackbauer )you haven't read anything or seen anything on the new socom have you ? I suggest you do before you start to making comments like that . It may not be the same as the old socoms but structure is still there . Oh and they also have a classic mode just to let you know just like in the old socoms. I bet you i will see you on this sit when socom comes out saying it's just like if not better then the old socoms .

BattleAxe4873d ago

This site needs to do their homework, Sony Bend made Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror......idiots.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4873d ago
BobbyMcCOOL4873d ago

agreed, it will be interesting to see what the game is.

vgcgames4873d ago

I guess everyones using this technology now

xc7x4873d ago

i'm interested yet at the same time discouraged.

MrGunny944873d ago

WROST DEVS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE A LOOK AT CONFRONTRATION !!!! even modders do better work Slant six = fail

Ravenor4873d ago

I pre ordered Confrontation, when the networking horror had passed I found a perfectly functional HD SOCOM game for my PS3. Or are you another one of those people that just goes by internet word and doesn't try things yourself.

The game works now.

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New SOCOM Game Possibly Leaked by Actor

Over on actoraccess.com, acting talent David Veach lists on his resume motion capture work for "SOCOM 111" by Sony. According to the resume, he is the co-star of the game.

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_SilverHawk_66d ago

Hopefully true with a single player campaign and robust online multiplayer

InUrFoxHole66d ago

I remember at the time socom 3 had the best audio ever!

Cacabunga65d ago

I want to giggle, but i keep seeing those gaas ghosts those days😣


I remember liking SOCOM 4 a lot for its single player... Its MP got delt a devastating blow right after it released so I think my memories of it were of the betas...

Anyhow, it released the week of the PSN hack that left the network being down for a week or two... I enjoyed the SP in that time but all of my group that was looking forward to it just went back to the previous MP games we had been playing (mostly Uncharted 2) because after that break everything felt fresh and new again.

purple10166d ago

O jeezuz, praise the lord

They have seen the light

purple10165d ago

More info: developed by Geruilla games, (so no kill zone anytime soon).

The studio hired ex- rainbow 6 siege developers in 2019, also hired Chris Lee as principal game designer, guess where he used to work, “Slant Six’, ive just been informed thats the PSP version of SOCOM: US Navy seals developer!!

2+2 equals four in this case lads! It’s gotto be’

Omegasyde65d ago

Great If True. I gave money to the H Hour kickstarter and it was sad how that turned out.

Shiro17365d ago

I'm still waiting for my ps4 copy 😭 lmao

Johnh522365d ago (Edited 65d ago )

If this is true graphics should be amazing using decima engine.

Amplitude65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

The only source I can find with the info you just said is one random Reddit comment from two years ago and a very fake looking box art of "Socom Resurgence" with Guerrilla's logo on it. Not saying it's not true but definitely take it with a grain of salt lol

It does seem likely that a new Socom game in 2024 would follow the same path as R6 Seige' Free to Play model though, unfortunately. I highly doubt we'll get a new Socom game that plays like Socom 2 and doesn't gouge you for microtransactions. It's too niche and too slow to hold the attention of the TikTok YouTube Shorts generation enough to be profitable. I'm equally as cynical about this as I was when waiting for Last of Us 2's multiplayer lol I dont trust this new "Games As A Service UwU" Sony very much. Helldivers 2 proved me wrong though so we'll see

Inverno65d ago

Don't let it be GaAS for the love of all that is gaming goodness. I only played the PSP games but I enjoyed them very much. If it does have multiplayer then I hope it's quality, FACTIONS needs a good replacement after it was cancelled.

Rynxie65d ago

Socom and MAG can only survive being a gaas game. I also don't mind it. I would gladly support a kz, resistance, mag or socom gaas game if it means longevity with updates.

Inverno65d ago

Longevity with updates can be achieved without it being GaAS, as evident by all the games supported long term before this service trend.

NotoriousWhiz65d ago

Games don't need to be supported long term to be successful. Just make a good game. Socom never had any updates because it was fantastic straight from the disc.

Rynxie65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

Socom would die again, if it's not a gaas game. Cod releases every year, in order to compete with cod and stay relevant in the market, socom would have to release yearly (resulting in rushed or poor quality releases). If not, every two to three years and that would mean it would never grow to the level of cod, because it would become irrelevant. Being a gaas game, socom could be updated regularly with content and remain relevant in the market.

NotoriousWhiz65d ago

Socom's community lasted for years without any updates. If they make a solid game, it can do the same.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 65d ago
Johnh522365d ago

Multiplayer can really work as a gaas. But need a single player mode too.

outsider162465d ago

They Have to have a good single player campaign to atleast sell the game to players who love single player games. For online it's ok they can gaas it. I hardly buy them anyway unless its worth it and i support it.

ocelot0765d ago

Fingers crossed it's true. Socom confrontation was great imo.

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A Socom PS5 return would be a perfect time to bring the hardcore shooter back

Sony’s original flagship shooter is a perfect series to bring back for PlayStation 5.

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purple1011566d ago

I want killzone.. And I want it NOW

C-H-E-F1565d ago

I loved killzone, I really hope they bring it back. I literally bought a ps vita just to play that iteration of killzone as well. The series is just sooo good. However, Socom would be so dope, there's still no game like socom on the market.

Father__Merrin1565d ago

Socom tactical team shooter would be brilliant on PS5 would also suit a BR mode

monkey6021565d ago

I need this in my life! Even with the closure of Zipper and despite being bitter over it for years now because it has been so long I'd be willing to see another studio take the mantle

ShinRon1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

if they could capture the feel of the first two games i would be down. socom 3 is where it started to lose me

T2X1564d ago

I hope they do and keep the Clan and communication systems intact. Loved you could vote jerks out of the room if they started any crap! That was done right!!


PlayStation Franchises That Sony Should Revive Next | From The Legend of Dragoon to Syphon Filter

The Legend of Dragoon, SOCOM, Resistance, and Syphon Filter are a few PlayStation franchises that deserve a modern revival.

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ThatGuyDart1812d ago

I would give anything to have Dart and company come back. I have so many ideas of what they could do to bring The Legend of Dragoon back.


UltraNova1812d ago

1) Killzone or/and Resistance
2) MAG and/or Socom with proper hard core BR mode
3) Syphon Filter

bouzebbal1812d ago

The Getaway
Siphon Filter
Jade Cocoon
Mark of Kri
so much potential..

AlexanderHUN1811d ago

@UltraNova "MAG"
I see you are a man of culture as well

1812d ago Replies(3)
rainslacker1812d ago

A proper Wild Arms instead of that mobile crap. Or Arc the Lad.

FACTUAL evidence1812d ago

Great ps5 launch:

Tomba 3
Legend of legaia remake
Legend of dragoon remake
Resistance 4
Infamous 3
Killzone 4

Platformgamer1812d ago

infamous 3 already exist tho, it's second son.
but yeah, tomba 3 and resistance 4 would be pretty neat

telekineticmantis1812d ago (Edited 1812d ago )

Definitely a modern 3rd person take on Twisted Metal, Key Moto and a game called G-Police.

Also what's your idea, because turned based is not so popular anymore.

KickSpinFilter1811d ago

God no please no Twisted Metal

Retroman1812d ago (Edited 1812d ago )

Go to Releases.com you will see Legend of Dragoon coming to PS4 this year.
Edit : Jax and Daxter please!!!

shuvam091812d ago

The list of dormant Sony franchises is wayyy too big....
Sony might not be able to appease even 10% of those classics fans...

S2Killinit1811d ago

Its not about quantity, quality is what would please the fan base.

Muzikguy1812d ago

All these games people are saying are great ideas. I know it's not a Sony game but I would love to see a remake of Soul Reaver

ReVibe1811d ago

*Dart's father's voice*

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PhoenixUp1812d ago

I wish Sony would add more games to PS2 Classics for PS4

Also it seemed strange they brought Parappa the Rapper & Locoroco to PS4 but didn’t bring any other PS1 or PSP games to the system as well

blackblades1812d ago

Ikr wonder why they stopped doing that. Hope they bring something like that back on ps5.

LoveSpuds1812d ago

I would assume it wasn't financially viable to bring that kind of title to PS4, they were niche titles originally and although are beloved by those who played them originally (myself included) you have to think that audience is even smaller today.

phoenixwing1812d ago (Edited 1812d ago )

legend of dragoon remake or sequel would be appreciated, or just a new resistance or syphon filter. they should definitely remake syphon filter in an alternate timeline/dimension with different stuff going on. tazer is still the best weapon in syphon filter xD

Kados1812d ago

Prequel during the dragon campaign.

Qrphe1812d ago

I'd rather have a sequel where they fight the rest of pantheon of gods. We know there is an evil god of war (allegedly possessed Haschel' daughter) and Soa who created meant to destroy the world by creating the god of destruction.

ShadowWolf7121811d ago

I'd honestly even settle for a re-release with better localization.

WickedLester1812d ago

Legend of Dragoon
Mod Nation Racers
Jak and Daxter
Twisted Metal

Araragifeels 1812d ago

Mod Nation Racer for PS3 was a fun game but sadly, it was a underated game.

WickedLester1812d ago

Loading times killed it. But the online was a blast and so were the creation tools.

SamPao1812d ago

yup, the loadingtimes were easily the worst i have ever experienced. else the game was great. but I just could not get over the loading....

zodiac9091812d ago

Twisted metal Black 2
Motorstorm 4

1812d ago
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