
Ninja Gaiden III: What We Want… And Why Ninja Gaiden II Sucks

DealSpwn writes: We were delighted to hear that Team Ninja are developing a third Ninja Gaiden title, with director Yosuke Hayashi promising us “the number one 3D action game of the time.” We’re excited partly because we love the series… but mainly because Team Ninja have a lot of making up to do. Sure, the first 3D Ninja Gaiden was a work of utter genius, but we genuinely can’t understand why anyone played the sequel. Let alone bought it.

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hennessey864871d ago

xbox exclusive my xbox is lonely and my ps3 is getting all the love and thats not going to change with killzone 3 less than a month away

Godmars2904871d ago

Once those games where finished and released, well after their release, they were ported over to the PS3.

Raendom4871d ago


I know what you mean though, but the PS3 version always ends up getting a lot more love, SIGMA proves that.

Godmars2904871d ago

Except, like most 360 to PS3 ports, where review scores are concerned :p

Though seriously, I wish Tecmo would remake the original 2D NG and keep it 2D while integrating some aspects of the modern one for a PSN/XBLA remake.

AssassinHD4871d ago

It hasn't been confirmed of course, but I am betting that Ninja Gaiden 3 releases on both consoles at the same time.

Eyeco4871d ago

NG2 was extremley linear to NG1 that was my biggest problem with the game, everything else , like the gameplay mechanics was perfect and fine tuned, but the level design was narrow and monotonous also enemies were extremley cheap, a term that doesn't stand next to Ninja Gaiden

Serjikal_Strike4871d ago

The article made good points...


I think NG2 was a good game and it did not suck.

The EDGE4871d ago

hopefully they improve the over all look of the game. it has potential

hot1114871d ago

NG2 didn't suck,on 360
It was a little rushed,but fine otherwise.

despair4871d ago

I like how you plugged 360 in there lol. But yea it was fine but nothing too amazing and that's the problem as the first one was just incredible, I actually bought an Xbox for Ninja Gaiden and Jade Empire. Part 2 was meh at best and this is from a huge NG fan.

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Team Ninja Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Its Stories

Saad from eXputer: "Team Ninja's stories may not appeal to everyone due to their barebones nature but they deserve credit for being fun."

mastershredder73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Exputer dude says Team Ninja needs more credit for their stories (what their known for) and credit for being fun (also known for challenging and fun gameplay). Team Ninja gets a LOT of credit. That's why they keep making games. You just can't expect everyone to award them the attention-level and regard that you think they deserve.

"I’m aware that some things are often not for everyone. Not because someone is actively gatekeeping but due to the product or premise failing to appeal to the masses" - Hmmm l dunno, sounds kinda like we are about to go for a cruise down gatekeeper blvd to me.

Takeaway, Exputer as a pimple gaming journal site that should not be concerned about the recognition standards of a studio they have zero involvement in. You perspective is outsider and totally disconnected from reality as far as how the industry sees them.

Takeaway 2, Exputer is only in about a generation deep into Team Ninja. Posers. Take your gate keepy BS and shove it. We know what makes team ninja great and they are doing just fine doing what THEY do.

Knightofelemia73d ago

Every branch under Koei Tecmo is talented I am a big fan of theirs no matter what the game is or who makes it.

GoodGuy0973d ago (Edited 73d ago )

I thought Nioh 1+2's stories were fine, nothing amazing but they kept me interested. William and the Protag in 2 were pretty cool. Wo Long was ok I guess but it just felt like another retelling of the three kingdoms again which we've seen told so much in video games and especially dynasty warriors.

ROCKY2873d ago

Where is a new DEAD OR ALIVE !!!!
That is the only game we care about from Team Ninja 😂


Team Ninja say Rise of the Ronin will have multiple difficulty options

Rise of the Ronin's difficulty options include Narrative, Intermediate and Hard. As the name suggests, Narrative mode is for players who just want to experience the story without any serious combat. Intermediate is your standard medium difficulty that will provide some challenge while Hard is in line with Team Ninja's previous games like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.


I’m Here For Everything Rise Of The Ronin Is Serving

The Nioh team’s next samurai tale launches on March 22 as a PS5 exclusive

sushimama176d ago

Gosh gosh I need this so much

RhinoGamer88175d ago

Ghost of Tsushima... your move!

goldwyncq175d ago (Edited 175d ago )

The visuals seem somewhat unpolished and looks like from a last gen game. I wouldn’t mind a delay.

Andrew336175d ago

A game doesn't need bleeding edge visuals to be good.

goldwyncq175d ago

Ghost of Tsushima did not have the best graphics quality compared to other PS exclusives but the beautiful art style made it stand out. This game just looks generic in comparison.

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