
Ninja Gaiden 3 will be more accessible

Eurogamer- "Team Ninja's aim with Ninja Gaiden 3 is twofold: to be the number one 3D action game of the time, and secondly, the main character is Ryu Hayabusa. They're the two things we're focusing on," Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi told Eurogamer.

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xino4878d ago

people sceptical about this

because Sigma 1 was so hard many people did not and since haven't purchased Sigma 2.

NG3 will have easy difficulty for newbies and harder difficulty for Master Ninja like me!

Now do you believe NG3 is sick?

wait for GDC!

NeutralGamer4878d ago

NG2 on xbox was hard as hell :D

First time I played it I died 4 times in the first stage right after the first cutscene... LOL!

Istanbull4878d ago

The rocket spamming in NG2 was the single most useless crap i've seen in a videogame. The game was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, I don't know if they fixed it with NGS2 tough.

Yi-Long4878d ago

... had a perfect difficulty, and the camera never bothered me too much TBH.

It was hard but fair, which is always the most important thing when it comes to 'difficulty'.

I'm hoping they won't dumb it all down, and I'm hoping they won't make the same mistake they made with Sigma 2, in that they censored themselfs

m234878d ago

Ninja Gaiden Black on original xbox was a tough game. The first boss was one of the toughest fights I'd had at the time.

Bnet3434878d ago

well it really is a hard game but this is what I feared with NG3, I mean really wtf why do this. No more Itagaki which means you'll have this new guy tinkering with it. *sigh* as a hardcore NG fan, I really hate this. the farthest ive gotten is chapter 7 on Mentor. the first few chapters on mentor are just ridiculously hard.

NG2 is def the hardest game I have ever played. It's actually hard, not like "oh hey you take more damage" its more like "hey we're gonna be turning chapter bosses into regular enemies now" pretty nuts. I just pray NG3 doesnt change the way too much.

gamingdroid4878d ago

This guy has been screwing around with the series in all sort of fashions and frankly, in places it doesn't need to be.

The acolyte difficulty, albeit a little harder than a usual easy in other games perfectly embodies the idea behind NG punishing difficulty. Why remove that?

If anything, the game needs more pointers on how to deal with some of these difficulties instead of dumbing it down.

So far, of what I have heard it is more and more less of what I want in a sequel unfortunately. I was hoping for some fresh GOOD ideas, not some fresh let's tweak things around and screw up the game ideas!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4878d ago
scofios4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

What ever they do they have to leave the blood on the sigma version this time .

ZombieAssassin4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Doubt they'll have much blood in either version, the reason NG2 had so much blood and gore is because of Itagaki but now we have the guy who did NGS1 & 2 leading on NG3 and I think it was his decision to not have all the gore in NGS2 as he didn't like it or some such BS.

I hope I'm wrong even though the gore was pretty cheesy it I still liked it.

Bnet3434878d ago

IDK what's cheesy about the gore ... it belonged in the game. I didnt play sigma 2, but without blood that really is stupid for him to do that. its like playing gears with no blood, it just doesnt work really. I hope he comes to his sense and brings back the gore and blood and all that jazz.

gamingdroid4878d ago

Seems like Hayashi doesn't understand the legacy of this game.

Everything he has done so far has not improved the games he helped release:

a) In NGS1 he added Rachel, which was the most un-interresting and annoying game mechanic ever. To those that actually did play NGB, would notice that NGS1 actually didn't feel right, because there was a lot of things off with the game from the original.

b) Then in NGS2, Hayashi added more characters, and they significantly improved, but still a bore to play. Instead, he screwed up on the timing of the game mechanics, removed blood (added some crap mist thing) and completely f'ed up the re-balancing of the game.

The two things he did do, was to add a pretty neat in the air Ultimate Move and co-op. I wonder how much of that was his idea though... Oh, the boob jiggling is genius though!

So Hayashi's claim to fame is his boob jiggling feature!!!

nix4878d ago

i finished NGS 2 just by hanging by the thread. i thought the final boss was dead but he lunged back and i probably killed him with .0000000001% of life left. i can never replay NGS2. ever again! but it was a great game. can't wait for NGS 3.

m23454878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

yeah, sigma was tough but i beat all four modes. had to keep practicing and training. i think i master ninja'd everything on master ninja. was not easy. :(

haven't beaten ngs 2 since that glitch where i fell through the floor. it's a great game but that glitch sucked. -.-

"Not easy," Hayashi replied, "but it will enable more people to play. More accessible. We don't plan to have Ninja Gaiden 3 only for the really good, skilled people."

they never said they were making it easier. maybe they'll have a mode for people to get used to the gaming mechanics. if it's a good game, i'm getting it.

Kewl_Kat4878d ago

The only time you don't have that silly sig is on a Ninja Gaiden article?

-Ninja Gaiden 3-is sick!:)

otherZinc4878d ago

Without Tomonobu Itagaki, NG3 will not be the same nor near as good as any Ninja Gaiden on an XBOX console.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4878d ago
DEADEND4878d ago

I'm looking forward to see what they do with the series.

ZombieAssassin4878d ago

I'm sure the NG fanbase will love that /s

Still I can't wait for this game I just hope they don't screw it up since they're going for the whole reboot angle.

BYE4878d ago

"Now press forward on your analog stick to walk forward!"
"You're doing great!"

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Team Ninja Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Its Stories

Saad from eXputer: "Team Ninja's stories may not appeal to everyone due to their barebones nature but they deserve credit for being fun."

mastershredder73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Exputer dude says Team Ninja needs more credit for their stories (what their known for) and credit for being fun (also known for challenging and fun gameplay). Team Ninja gets a LOT of credit. That's why they keep making games. You just can't expect everyone to award them the attention-level and regard that you think they deserve.

"I’m aware that some things are often not for everyone. Not because someone is actively gatekeeping but due to the product or premise failing to appeal to the masses" - Hmmm l dunno, sounds kinda like we are about to go for a cruise down gatekeeper blvd to me.

Takeaway, Exputer as a pimple gaming journal site that should not be concerned about the recognition standards of a studio they have zero involvement in. You perspective is outsider and totally disconnected from reality as far as how the industry sees them.

Takeaway 2, Exputer is only in about a generation deep into Team Ninja. Posers. Take your gate keepy BS and shove it. We know what makes team ninja great and they are doing just fine doing what THEY do.

Knightofelemia73d ago

Every branch under Koei Tecmo is talented I am a big fan of theirs no matter what the game is or who makes it.

GoodGuy0973d ago (Edited 73d ago )

I thought Nioh 1+2's stories were fine, nothing amazing but they kept me interested. William and the Protag in 2 were pretty cool. Wo Long was ok I guess but it just felt like another retelling of the three kingdoms again which we've seen told so much in video games and especially dynasty warriors.

ROCKY2873d ago

Where is a new DEAD OR ALIVE !!!!
That is the only game we care about from Team Ninja 😂


Team Ninja say Rise of the Ronin will have multiple difficulty options

Rise of the Ronin's difficulty options include Narrative, Intermediate and Hard. As the name suggests, Narrative mode is for players who just want to experience the story without any serious combat. Intermediate is your standard medium difficulty that will provide some challenge while Hard is in line with Team Ninja's previous games like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.


I’m Here For Everything Rise Of The Ronin Is Serving

The Nioh team’s next samurai tale launches on March 22 as a PS5 exclusive

sushimama176d ago

Gosh gosh I need this so much

RhinoGamer88175d ago

Ghost of Tsushima... your move!

goldwyncq175d ago (Edited 175d ago )

The visuals seem somewhat unpolished and looks like from a last gen game. I wouldn’t mind a delay.

Andrew336175d ago

A game doesn't need bleeding edge visuals to be good.

goldwyncq175d ago

Ghost of Tsushima did not have the best graphics quality compared to other PS exclusives but the beautiful art style made it stand out. This game just looks generic in comparison.

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