
Top Ten Videogame Characters

The popular Sunday Special feature here at Electronic Theatre is doing things a little differently today, thanks to the Guinness World Records. To help celebrate the launch of the Guinness World Records 2011 Gamer’s Edition, Electronic Theatre brings you the results of a poll conducted by Guinness World Records to find the Best Videogame Character of All Time.

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Dark_Charizard4887d ago (Edited 4887d ago )

Mario and Link at #1 and #2 were obvious choices. However I do think that the list is incomplete without Ryu(or Ken), Samus Aran, Simon(or Richter) Belmont and Donkey Kong.

Sonic should definitely have been placed higher and Master Chief above Solid Snake is blasphemy!

Anyway, it's someone's opinion. How can it be wrong?

digitalivan4887d ago

"Ryu(or Ken), Samus Aran, Simon(or Richter) Belmont"
Are you kidding? I had to google them before I realized who they are.

antz11044887d ago

@ Above, what rock do you live under?

Thought Sephiroth was more memorable than Cloud.

Etseix4887d ago

No Duke? yeah hes been missing for 10+ years but cmon, he needs a place in here... unless this list is made by kids who only plays mario, halo, zelda, games :/

mathsman4887d ago

Mario & Link? Surprise =0.

trains4887d ago

John Marston
Brucie Kibbutz
Lance Vance
Nathan Drake
Blowjob gal from Gay Tony

tablav4887d ago

Fan of Rockstar perhaps?

"This is the last dance for Lance Vance!!!!"

trains4887d ago

well rockstar characters have personality's that other developers have trouble beating :P

x5exotic4887d ago

they all sounds the same,,,rockstar characters that is.
except CJ is the coolest

Etseix4887d ago

agree, IMO San Andreas had the best "dialog" from all GTA's (imo)

Laeto2564887d ago

you cant have cloud without sephiroth, and cant have sephiroth without cloud. the 2 are so interconnected both as characters and fame.

ryan_s4887d ago

what about zack cloud is connected more to zack than to sephiroth

Laeto2564887d ago

after crisis core, but in the original their connection wasn't shown as much. but yeah zack is there too but then if you count zach you have to bring in angeal and genesis it's a big clusterf**** with these SOLDIER's lol

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Super Mario 64 DS: Remakes Done Right

Super Mario 64 DS was offered as a launch title for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the classic platform game with a few original tricks.

Chard38d ago

Not with those D-pad controls

CDbiggen38d ago

Needs more appreciation. I never had an N64 so this was what I played. Sure the Yoshi hat mechanic at first is a slog but you unlock Mario and the others for real and then it takes off. Personally I never had an issue with the controls. Can't forget the mini games and the 4 player rumble over download play.

kevco3338d ago

Indeed, as stated in the article there were tonnes of control options and very much a 'take whatever you like, leave the rest' attitude to most of the game's extras.

34d ago

A Super Mario 64 Remake Would Be The Perfect Game To Launch The Nintendo Switch 2

Releasing the Nintendo Switch 2 with a Super Mario 64 remake would be the perfect way to unleash the console to the world.

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-Foxtrot123d ago

If they ever did I hope they would add onto it, there's so much you could do with Princess Peach's castle alone

roadkillers122d ago

Or just make the Mario 128... the cancelled sequel that sounded amazing (or was it just an amazing tale).

fr0sty122d ago

Funny that after all these years, we still use 64 bit CPUs, so it wouldn't make sense to call it that.

fr0sty122d ago

Yeah, a straight remake doesn't sound good to me. Same formula, but different game.

Number1TailzFan123d ago

Each level is pretty small today in the original game, I don't like huge levels but I think they could be at least 2x bigger, or close to it and more of them, with more things to do.

They could do a mix of having open levels and more linear ones like in 3D World or Land, I doubt they will do that but it would make a change.

Neonridr122d ago

I mean Odyssey's levels weren't massive, but requiring you to do different things in each world is what made the levels feel bigger than they were.

ZeekQuattro123d ago

I'd prefer a Oydessey 2 or Galaxy 3. Besides the DS
game was a Mario 64 remake complete with more playable characters, stages, bosses and muti player content.

Cacabunga122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

I did not like Odyssey i found the idea of ot lame.. i find it boring to just look for moons instead of exploring and enjoying the levels. Let’s not talk about the extremely repetitive and ridiculously easy bosses. Level design is so meh most of the time. Galaxy 2 is a far better game so Galaxy 3 anytime!!!

TiredGamer122d ago

Agreed. I enjoyed Odyssey for a while, but it quickly became very formulaic where each level felt like a checklist of things to do with WAY too many moons to find. The Galaxy series were the best, as they took some of what made 64 great and juiced it up perfectly.

Lolly122d ago

Yes! Let's release an almost 30 year old game to kick off the next generation for Nintendo...
I'm over re-releases...FEED ME NEW MARIO!

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The Most Iconic Game Weapons Ever

BLG writes, "There are many fantastic and iconic weapons in game history, but some are significantly more memorable than others. When we think of iconic game weapons, these are the top 20 that come to mind."

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phoenixwing124d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.