
Dead Space 2 trailer features scares, quotes, and Smashing Pumpkins

Dead Space 2 is one of the year's most anticipated games, and Io9 have an inside look at the action-horror series' next chapter. Check out an trailer featuring Smashing Pumpkins, plus their interview with Executive Producer Steve Papoutsis.

CernaML4893d ago

Now this is what you call a quality multiplat game.

MatthewMk24893d ago

Of course its a quality Multiplatform game, it's EA, the only company putting out games that are quality on all platforms.

Jaces4893d ago

Guess I'll have to say bye bye to the frightening atmosphere and intense loneliness for more action, guns, and out of this world set pieces.

Not a bad thing mind you but I was hoping for more of a DS1 feel instead. Even during the demo I didn't feel the same atmosphere that DS1 gave off, it felt empty and full of lame startling moments that did little to nothing for me.

Anyway, trailer was pretty cool...not big on Smashing Pumpkins but other than that I liked it. Cannot wait!

crimsonfox4893d ago

I could feel it...down in my plums.

VenomProject4893d ago

Eww, Smashing Pumpkins and Dead Space? What a bad mix.

DelbertGrady4893d ago (Edited 4893d ago )

Yeah. Was that Billy Corgan or a really really old woman singing?

Now this tune would have been perfect for any survival horror game: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

VenomProject4893d ago

That song is much better suited for a Dead Space video.

Queasy4893d ago

Has to do more with the lyrics in the song I think. Clarke is supposed to be going crazy in this one and the lyrics fit that.

Dr-Zoidberg4893d ago (Edited 4893d ago )

Hmmmm this isn't a good trailer, music is great but not for Dead Space. Feels too out of character compared to the original trailer.I know DS2 is more action than horror but this makes it look like an action game all the way....

I liked the demo it felt like the old DS but this makes me think it is one great big action set piece. I somewhat like the change though, it reminds me of Aliens compared to the original even though there was more action it was tastefully done and it was tense in its own way but not like the original. I hope this applies to DS2.

Reading the previews and interviews it seems DS2 is on track to be a superb sequel but I think it will have a different feel and pacing.

Have to say this was a fantastic trailer.

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EA Shoots Down Dead Space 2 Remake Rumors: 'No Validity to This Story'

EA has shut down rumors that EA Motive considered a Dead Space 2 remake before shelving it due to low sales of the previous game, saying there's "no validity" to the reports.

XiNatsuDragnel56d ago

Sure.... right.... at least remake dead space 3 w/o microtransactions bs.

XiNatsuDragnel54d ago

I sometimes I wished I didn't Ngl lol

Knightofelemia55d ago

Why not remake DS2 whether shot down or not it's still my favorite game next to DS1. As much as I hate EA I would buy or would have bought DS2 day one.

MeteorPanda55d ago

No validity XD "Guys guys, we cant possible make a good game or cater to the gamers wants, stop"

Yi-Long55d ago

I don't know if sales met their expectations or not. I just know that the high review scores received my attention so I was interested in buying it, but its price stayed high (50+ bucks) for so long that I simply never bothered picking it up.

Tacoboto55d ago

Doesn't pay full price
Doesn't pay *any* price
Ponders if sales met expectations regarding an allegedly canceled sequel.


Yi-Long54d ago

Well, for starters, I'm sure there are plenty of games I never bought which did, somehow, still, meet their sales-expectations.

Concerning Dead Space; I never played and thus cared for the original. It's in multiple genres (shooter, sci-fi, horror) I don't particularly care about so it was barely on my radar pre-launch. I was never its target-audience.

When reviews hit, and it was scoring big, it gathered my interest, so while it wasn't in my field of interest, it mrans that I wanted to give it a fair shot and at least give it a try, as I do with many games across different genres; I tend to just cherry-pick the good stuff and see if it's for me or not.

But, I do wait for sales on those games I take a risk on.

Kornholic54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Lol, you are a huge part of the problem. If a very high-quality game is not even worth 50 bucks to you, then what is?

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13 Years Later, Dead Space 2 Is Still A Perfect Video Game

Nameer from eXputer: "Dead Space 2 is a sequel that delivers such a feast that by the time you're done, you're not only full but also satisfied."

Aaroncls775d ago

It was amazing. All 3 DS games game solid for me, but 2 was special.

hombreacabado75d ago

i can do without ds3 but the first two are solid.

mariopasta75d ago

Hope they remake this one too. Just like they did with number 1. The remake of Dead Space 1 was perfection

Terry_B75d ago

thanks to the digital pass for it it was not perfect..in fact its difficult to find a working copy since many years.


EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

Read Full Story >>
OtterX178d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled177d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa178d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno177d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast177d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial177d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!