
Playstation Phone in action

"Along with a "review", we've also got for you tonight some footage of the PlayStation Phone's menu, game performance and screenshots of the thing in action."

DORMIN4898d ago

If that thing plays MGS:PW and Valkyria Chronicles sign me up!

irepbtown4898d ago

You know the two dots (Circles) next to the D-pad,
My thought might be a bit weird,
But i think it might be an Analog, touchscreen type button. Just like a Analog stick on a PS controller.


Well your thought is quite old around here as everyone and their mom alread came to same conclusion.

Not trying to pick on you, but why else would be two simetrically positioned circles marked between in a gaming phone?

TheLeprachaun4898d ago

Why do people keep calling it playstation phone? It's the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, and doesn't look all that impressive to me. There's a lot better Android phones out there.

nycredude4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )

Yeah sure but non with buttons! And none with access to playstation's gaming regimen.

To be honest, I have an HTC G2, and I wish instead of my keyboard I had buttons like that.

TheLeprachaun4898d ago

I agree the controls on the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play are good but android games aren't really that good. Unless the thing can play DLC PSP games like PSP GO there's really no point in buying it over other better android or WP7 phones.

Trroy4898d ago

If you're looking to do some gaming, there are NO better Android (or any other kind) phones out there.

I think you're kinda missing the point.

irepbtown4898d ago

Last time i checked, it has no proper name.
Sony Ericsson Zeus, Or SE Playstation Phone (And yes, it is Xperia) are what it is currently called.
And i am confident that, the phone he has is just a prototype.

It will be fully announced on Febuary 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. Rumors suggest the release date is Spring.

Ju4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )

Looking at the videos, non of the Android games support the new buttons. This is a shame, but might be because this is part of the 2.3 system? (buttons are there even in the Android 2.x SDK, but there are just no pre-2.3 phones with joysticks available). Maybe 2.3 games will adopt that - not just Playstation games (see Asphalt5 or NFS:Shift for example).

Unless we see a wave of PS specific games for this phone, the pure Android gaming experience will hardly change.

TheLeprachaun4898d ago


That's my point, thank you. :)

Lord_Doggington4898d ago

the graphics on the android in the comparison look a lot cleaner and sharper

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mrv3214898d ago

This is genius.

Sony boss

'We need a new PSP, we aren't selling enough PSP's so no more games are being made

Sony developement

'Our PSP wasn't all too powerful, it had a 333MHz processor and 64MB, our new Phones are more powerful.'

'What are you saying? and how does this mean money?'

'Every phone we sell could run the PSP, it just needs the controls, why don't we make a specific phone with D-PAD etc and sell that... no news hardware R&D, just softwere and we are done'


'And in a years time we can sell the designs to other makers so they can do the same'


Lord_Doggington4898d ago

why are people not considering this to be the next psp? there's a gaming controller built into the thing...why wouldn't you assume it's a gaming device/phone?

why would sony make a competing handheld device within their own company... ??

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ChristianGamer4899d ago

This thing has fail all over it. N-Gage all over again.

visualb4898d ago

he's believes in jesus, so he's right, duh /s

either way, I have my reservations, but Sony had to enter the competition. No need to jump to conclusions just yet though

that includes you too jesus

Motion4898d ago

Enter the competition in what? Neither hand-helds or phones are new territory for them.

jaizenmonillas4899d ago

ps phone is fake, i can't believe how many people are getting fooled over this fake ps phone.. guess what iphone 5 is already available in china. everything is being copied in china even things that doesn't exist yet like ps phone, they probably just recorded an android os screen demo and put it on that china phone as a video file LOL

SonyNGP4898d ago

Have fun eating crow in the future.

PietroDimeglio4898d ago

This is kotaku. there not gunna lie to you retard. remeber when engadget got the iphone 4 early?? dumbass.

Toolster4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )

@jaizenmonillas "guess what iphone 5 is already available in china" =FAIL

I work for Apple and I can tell you that its not out in China!!

ChickeyCantor4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )

Apple people,
Not as bright as they pretend to be.

It was obvious sarcasm as places like china usually have knock-offs.

irepbtown4898d ago

Sony will announce this fully on February, 2011 in Barcelona Spain.

Sony Ericsson, PS phone is coming out. Rumors suggest Spring 2011.
So not long.

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4898d ago Replies(6)
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Playstation Phone Hacked! PS1 Emulator Running

Tech savvy readers are well aware of the Sony Ericcson device and it's been a slow push getting the desirability to market mainly due to lack of content and games that would make it useful. Some folks have mentioned that having to re-purchase a PS1 title just to play it again on your phone doesn't seem fair. That's all about to change, at least for one hacker.

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newleaf4683d ago

It's a Playstation, of course it was hacked

Nitrowolf24683d ago

It's running on Android, should anyone really be surprised with this?

Information Minister4683d ago

It's not just the fact that this is an Android phone. This is an Android phone with an unlocked bootloader!

And this is old news by the way: http://n4g.com/news/756091/... .

JerryMatters4683d ago

Actually this is a reply to Information Minister.. the old story was the original hack story. This is a new story about HOW it's just been hacked to play PS1 games, kind of a completely different story. In your eyes, if one writer ever writes, PS3 hacked, then if it was ever hacked 'again' that would also be old news.

Information Minister4682d ago

The Xperia Play has been able to play PS1 games from day 1, hacked or otherwise. There's no shortage of PS1 emulators for android. That IS old news.

If anything, the real news here is that someone has found a new way to play those games by hacking the built-in PS1 emulator on the device, which is what the title should have made clear in the first place.

gameguidedog4683d ago

It kinda needed it. Sony should just get smart and release an emulator with free roms anyway. Or cheaper to buy roms, like $.50 each.

limewax4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

Beneficial how? giving the PS3/PSP community the middle finger in favor of the mobile crowd. Or dropping all prices and losing a lot of money

Edit: Also a PS1 game packs more value than an Ipod app, So app prices shouldn't really apply, if anything it should have the same availability as PSN price and content wise, As far as its hardware can carry it

Kamikaze1354683d ago

Lossing money how? for 50 cents a game, a lot more people would buy them. This would more than cover any cost it took to get those games on the phone.

But yeah, it would be a huge middle finger to PSP and PS3 owners.

limewax4683d ago

You have a solid point there, sales would likely outweigh the loss in money, Only conflict I could actually imagine would be maybe PS plus users would see their weekly free game value decrease. It would be a very good idea though, If I could pick up PS1 titles at that price I would certainly have a larger PS1 library on my PS3

bacrec14683d ago

Somebody needs to hack my ps3 so i can play my damn ps2 games.

CrescentFang4683d ago

Too bad, Sony wants you to buy their rereleases (which I'm sure why they removed PS2 compatibility...)

frelyler4683d ago

Or you know, own a ps2.

kreate4683d ago

i think its more like ..

the developers/publishers wants u to re-buy their re-releases.

if u want backward compatibility.
sony offered one for 399 when the 20gb fat dropped in price.
but ppl didnt buy it. oh well.

Cpt_kitten4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

ps2 + component cables = enjoying your games

always been the better option vs the BC PS3's


that sentece makes no sense what so ever, did you play them on the ps3 when they ps2 first came out? think before you speak

STK0264683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

How is it the better option? I mean, is there any advantage to play PS2 games on the PS2 rather than on the 60GB/20GB launch PS3s?

I don't see how my sentence makes no sense. You said that playing PS2 games on the PS2 is a better than playing them on the PS3, and I asked how it was any better. You and I never mentioned when PS2 games were played; by the way you commented, I assumed you meant that still to this day PS2 games play better on the PS2, and asked you in which way.

You compare the PS2 to the BC PS3, and when asked how the PS2 is the better choice, you answer by saying that the PS3 wasn't released when most PS2 games were being released, which is true, but completely irrelevant to the matter at hand.

ThatArtGuy4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

The PS3 has upscaling abilities that the PS2 doesn't. So if you're playing on an HDTV, the BC PS3 is the better option.

ChiVoLok04683d ago

Not to mention being able to play on an official PlayStation wireless controler.

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PlayStation Chat ~ Episode 79 - Here's Nolan

The latest from the PlayStation Chat team who bring the unbiased opinions on the latest games and gaming news as well as an insight into the gaming scene across the United Kingdom. In the limelight this week: Mortal Kombat, Minecraft, Final Fantasy VIII and Motorstorm: Apocalypse.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY Gamers Get Free Copy of Gameloft’s Asphalt 6

Verizon Wireless is preparing to launch the world’s first PlayStation certified Android phone with Sony Ericsson’s Xperia PLAY in the U.S. With the phone already available internationally, Sony Ericsson has revealed the launch titles for the smartphone. Everyone who picks up the new phone with get a free download of Gameloft’s Asphalt 6 racing game installed on the device. Check out the new phone in this exclusive video preview.

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