
Gundam Musou 3 Review | JPS

After the success of the first two titles Koei has decided to make a new version “Gundam Musou 3”. Unlike the prior titles in the series, it is the first “truly” next gen title for the series. With the removal of the dead weight known as the ps2, will this allow the title to soar to new heights, or will it be devastatingly bad?

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renegade4903d ago

no matter the score gundam will sell in japan.

MightyMark4274903d ago

I never really get into the Gundam games.. heh

Godmars2904903d ago

Sadly, especially for this game, I can only agree.

Why did they have to take this turn?

Arup024903d ago

Japanese are fanatics for Gundan. But the games are very meh.

ThanatosDMC4903d ago

Tried the first game and it was trash. I still dont understand what there is to like about this game. I bet it's also trash compared to the anime.

Vherostar4903d ago

The second game was just annoying to make it harder they just gave the enemys an insane amount of HP and made there attacks practically kill you instantly.. Made the game no fun whatsoever. I expect nothing less from this and it will be the first in the series I won't be buying day 1.

RedDead4903d ago

Wow isn't there any manga/anime games which are good? Or are they all just Fanservice and cash ins?

admiralvic4903d ago

Some games are good, but most arnt. This isn't due to anything fully controllable but trying to score annually. A lot of these games are like CoD and get a new one every year so the quality drops.

Jump Ultimate Stars, and Super Stars are good examples of a solid game. The older Naruto portable games were also amusing.Gundam 0081 another PS3 title was very fun, but its a lot better in quality next to this game. Jojo's bizzare adventure the capcom fighting game wasnt bad, same with the Hokuto no ken fighting game though ungodly broken.

Hokuto no ken also had a cute motion comic where you pushed points on the screen to use hokuto shinken on them. Even some of the other ones werent that bad, like the one piece RPG's werent too bad but a lot of the side elements like the fighting game were awful. Same with the One Piece Unlimited Cruse game which featured some odd playable characters, and less than enjoyable gameplay.

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StarScream4Ever4903d ago

Seriously can we just have one original Gundam game that is great?

VenomProject4903d ago (Edited 4903d ago )

You'd think by now Japan would've created separate Gundam series games like Journey to Jaburo...

I want a standalone, next-gen Gundam Wing game already!

StarScream4Ever4903d ago

I doubt they would go back to Gundam Wing.

Right now its about Gundam OO.

Infernostew4903d ago

It's called Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C. 0081 on PS3 and it'll probably never be released in america. Another great idea by Namco Bandai.... I hate them so much.

admiralvic4903d ago

I also have it, and enjoy it greatly

Godmars2904903d ago (Edited 4903d ago )

Can we have a "realistic" Gundam game you mean. A proper mix of arcade shooter yet with some consideration on a GT level. An RX-78 Gundam taking on 3-4 Zaku with a better than even chance of winning, yet getting stomped on by the Sazabi.

Naw, I mean something closer to the Gundam vs Gundam games, but with a modding, loadout and paint scheme options. An actually competent enemy AI. Bandai could likely do it with only a few tweaks which only makes it more frustrating.

Oh, and an English release!

StarScream4Ever4903d ago

There is actually a 'realistic' Gundam game back in the Dreamcast.


Tony-Red-Grave4903d ago

i wish KY, creator of the GT series, would get in on this i know he has some exp in games like this and wouldnt it be cool if the gundams had detailed internal cockpits? lol a man can only dream

TANUKI4903d ago (Edited 4903d ago )

I have Musou 2 and my god, there are a lot of unlockables. Too bad, that's the same situation for this game... makes trophy hunting exhausting/not worth it.

Good to see the lag fixed though and the graphics slightly updated.

HmongAmerican4903d ago

only improvement i notices was the added lighting effect and enemies collision detection, but regardless I'm still buy the game.

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Koei Tecmo seeks Civil Litigation against YOUZU (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. for IP infringement

Interesting email from Koei Tecmo which states that the company based in Yokohama, Japan seeks civil litigation for IP infringement with regards to assets used by YOUZU (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD from the game series “Nobunaga’s Ambition” and “Taiko Risshiden”. According to the email it seems that YOUZU PTE.LTD used music and other assets from those series in its own marketing campaigns online for their game app the “Defendant App”.

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Koei Tecmo to Open New AAA Studio to Develop "New Major Title"

Koei Tecmo is establishing a new AAA studio this April that will be creating a game "independent from existing brands."

XiNatsuDragnel71d ago

Nice I'm excited for this new title

Cacabunga71d ago

Nothing to do with the topic but i would love some more Dead or Alive

just_looken70d ago

Same but so many mt's now along with censorship

ravens5271d ago

New AAA single player games are always welcome.

Friendlygamer71d ago

Hope ronin sells enough to keep team ninja afloat, they're a good studio

Nuvem71d ago

Just give us Ninja Gaiden already

GoodGuy0971d ago

Koei tecmo and a quality AAA title is just still to odd for me lol.

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Koei Tecmo Director Discusses The Importance of Being a Gamer to Excel as Manager

Koei Tecmo's Integrated Report 2023 published this morning alongside the company's financial results includes interesting insight from veteran Yosuke Hayashi.

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