
GameFaqs Game of the Decade is...

The Gamefaqs users have been voting for the past weeks to decide which game deserves the title of Game of the Decade. View the full bracket after the jump...

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Dark_Charizard4918d ago

Which one is it? Brawl or Majora's Mask?

Dark_Charizard4918d ago

Good choice then! Half-Life 2, Modern Warfare or Super Mario Galaxy would have been good choices too.

harv0524918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

Majora's Mask is no doubt a great game. But to beat the likes of Uncharted, Morrowind or Oblivion, Half-life, God of War, Fallout, Halo or Metal Gear? I don't know....

Washington-Capitals4918d ago

Gamefaqs is full of pro xbox and wii users. If you have ever seen their daily polls. Stuff like "What console do you play the most" PS3 out of 5 options is behind 360 and wii.

Megaton4917d ago


Mostly Nintendo fanboys at GameFAQs.

Eamon4917d ago

Majora's Mask was on N64. A lot of PS3/360/Wii owners could have played it on N64.

Before you were born that is.

neo8814917d ago

Seriously ?? zelda was good game of the decade? meh

My top games this decade in no particular order

Mass Effect 1/2
Metal Gear 2 or 4.
God of War 2

Cheeseknight284917d ago

@most above

Majora's Mask is quite possibly my favorite or one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't think it's a good representation of the decade as a whole. It's a fan-service sequel that came out in 2000, that shouldn't be the one game that defines that year AND the next 9.

I believe 2000-2009 was the decade of "story-driven experiences" where games tried to become art. As such, the award should have gone to Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, or Half-Life 2. Possibly Resident Evil 4.

Theonik4917d ago

Excellent choice. I'd have picked it personally.

antz11044917d ago

So Snake Eater beat Shadow of the Colossus and Metroid Prime beat Half-Life 2?

There's something rotten in the state of Denmark.

Kee4917d ago

No disrespect, but I've never heard of majora's mask.
I think I would tend towards GTA: San Andreas, even though it had its flaws, It is the game I've enjoyed the most in the last decade.
Oblivion would be a close second because it was just HUGE.
And an honourable mention would go to Demon's Souls because that game was just so different and interesting.

wiis4917d ago

Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask are amazing, and its no surprise that Majora's mask won game of the decade, you obviously must not have played Majora's mask, i mean the games you listed are definitly candidates, but in my opinion Majora's mask is the clear winner

Dac2u4917d ago

Majora's Mask shouldn't even be on the list. If they're saying game of the last decade, that would mean a 10 year period of time. Since, we're in 2010 going into 2011, that would mean their decade should start in 2001, not 2000. Unless, this list is a year old or a year late. I call shenanigans!

HolyOrangeCows4917d ago

Picking a best game out of an ENTIRE DECADE is pretty silly if you ask me. You got a wide range of great games of different genres and directions.

I don't think it would really make sense to pick just one.

TheLastGuardian4917d ago

Didn't the decade end when 2010 began? I say GTA: San Andreas is Game of the decade.

sobekflakmonkey4917d ago

i dont think majoras mask should have won that..majora's mask was more or less a let down in comparison to ocarina of time.

JohnnyBadfinger4917d ago

I agree, Ocarina of Time blows Majoras Mask outta the water.

Over the last ten years i think its near impossible to pick a winner... and he(this author) has only given HIS opinion of which is the best game of the last decade.

Mine is completely different.

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Halo Combat Evolved
Half Life 2
Mass Effect 1&2
Gran Turismo 4

And i honestly CANT pick 1 of those as #1...
But i think if 1 games sums up this last decade in a nutshell its Crysis... the game is the pinacle in pushing graphics to their limit... and ever since people have been attempting to achieve its glory.

NoBias4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

I agree as well. I thought Ocarina of Time was muuuuch more amazing than Majora's Mask.

And wtf... Melee was SO much better than Brawl. I don't agree with this list what so ever.

Vaud-Villian4917d ago

Given to an unworthy follow up to a far superior game? Don't think so.

For me it's Knights of the Old Republic.

Theonik4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

I don't get you people Majora's mask was much better than OoT imo, it brought a lot more innovation to the table for one. OoT was just your average Zelda at heart Majora's Mask took what they did right with OoT and improved on it to make something new and its atmosphere has yet to be outdone on any other Zelda game. And yeah i have no idea why this list is 1 year late. It is vote based though so you can't just call BS on them.
*Not saying OoT was bad just think MM is better.
(but the gamefaqs community is sh*t so i guess you can)

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fossilfern4918d ago

ahh majoras mask, loved that game and many memories with it also. hmm might start playing it again cuz it has been about 10 years since i touched it :D

Ratchet5104918d ago

i rather have brawl, but i prefer MGS3 because how much they put into the game.

Imalwaysright4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

I dont even have to think twice to know that MGS3 is my favorite game of the decade because to me is the best game ever made.

AntoineDcoolette4917d ago

Hell yeah, MGS3 is one of the few games that has genuine soul.

princejb1344918d ago

how the hell did brawl beat melee
theres no way
in my opinion brawl failed compared to melee gameplay wise

rezzah4917d ago

not every game actually got compared to each other, some went up w.e game won the previous round. It was like that tree set up meaning the games didnt go up against every other game.

ReservoirDog3164917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Game of the decade for me: MGS3. Followed closely by HL2. Easily.

Though to be fair, Majora's Mask is one of those games you play and look back on it and realize just how unbelievably* good it was.

NeutralGamer4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

50 % of the quarter final could be played on a Wii
37,5 % was Wii exclusive

37,5 % could be played on a PS2

25 % was PS2 exclusive...

Only 1 game was a current game multiplat...

There was 8 games...

Now what does that say about PS2 and Wii??

Consoles of the decade...

sobekflakmonkey4917d ago

agreed, i say it was nintendo's and sony's decade, the ps2 and gamecube.

Mahr4917d ago

The correct answer is obviously Metal Slug 3, but Majora's Mask really is sublime. Easily the best game they had in the running.

Good for Gamefaqs for actually getting the choice right.

FinalSpartan4917d ago

looool at people saying like they played Zelda MM and how modern games best it and dumb stuff like Seriously?


fail for all of use dont no jack about gaming , people were playing this game before you lot were born.

to this day games haven't even matched its quality.

Majoras Mask is legendary go play it before you talk crap.

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Smacktard4918d ago

I personally think Metroid Prime should've won. Judging by the picture used for the article, I thought that TP won, and I was gonna go off about how unenjoyable that game was. Thank god it was Majora's. Still don't even think THAT should've won, though.

Omega Archetype4918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

I agree. Metroid Prime is definitely my favorite game of the decade.

It's hard though cause there's tons of games that are almost right there with Metroid Prime, such as Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4, Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner, Final Fantasy X and XII, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Guild Wars (plus all add-ons,) Fallout 3, Demon's Souls, Dead Space, Gears of War, Resident Evil 4, Grand Theft Auto (Vice City, San Andreas and IV) and many more.

All I know is that this has been an amazing decade for gaming! Hope the next is just as good!

GodofSackboy4918d ago

Nintendo is so ridiculously overrated it's unbeleivable. It's like the reviewers are adding 50% just because it's Zelda or Mario. I mean I had the Wii launch Zelda game and couldn't be bothered to finish it.

KillingAllFanboys4918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

Only a Sony fanboy would say Nintendo is overrated. They work hard on their games and deserve all the good reviews they get. Expect few Nintendo games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and everything with Wii in front of it. Other than those game, most Nintendo games are amazing. Watch all the Sony fanboys disagree on this!!

tommyth3cat4918d ago

Is it called irony when a person named KillingAllFanboys disregards someone else's opinion and calls them a fanboy? When in fact he makes a fanboy remark as though Nintendo shits gold every time they release the same 2 games for over 20 years.

gunnerforlife4918d ago

do u know why i disagreed with you?
well because your chatting rubish! i might love Sony but ive always had respect for Nintendo
i grew up playing pokemon and super mario 64
but most of the Nintendo games that are being created now do not even hold my attention the way those games used to!

IKONACLYSM4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Dude Sony fanboys are retarded,immature,annoying,par asites there the cancer of the gaming community disagree all you want it doesn't make it less true

Ratchet5104918d ago

it really is overrated because i dont see anything new that nintendo is doing. zelda is the same like always and is really overrated, mario is mario thats why people overrate his games. i grew up with sega genisis because their games were more challenging, the only hard game on NES and SNES is megaman series. But if i rather choose a nintendo system or xbox i rather get the nintendo because they have some fun games like sonic,DK and no more heros 1&2. super mario galaxy was the most overraten nintendo game ever, i know because i played the game and i beat it and it was too easy and i saw nothing new. LBP, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Dexter, Sonic and explodemon are the best and only good platformers. Whoever disagree with me are stupid playstation fans and nintendo fanboys and xbox fanboys. Im a hardcore playstation gamer.

Baka-akaB4918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

yeah that's right they never do anything new i guess .

But but... wait a second , why are every important features of any 3rd person action games and platform games always coming from nintendo titles then (especially metroid and zelda ) ?

What was the last feature from those that wasnt from a nintendo game again ? Oh yeah that's right , the most useless one of all , sometimes even ruining hack and slash games when abused : QTE .

And at most another one , the cover system from Killswitch later on upgraded .

Actually whoever agreeing with you and not disagreeing is literally going at odds with the likes of Insomniac , naughty dogs , santa monica , and even spitting on them , as they abundantly stated where they took their inspirations , and how much they respect nintendo's staff (along with a few others) and their games .

No nintendo , none of those games exists with the improvements we've grown to love ... not bad for a company that doesnt do "anything new" ?

tommyth3cat4917d ago

Good name for you. Another shining example of "you don't agree with me therefore you are wrong"

Innovating and improving a system is one thing. Uncharted proves it doesn't need to be a new idea to work, but sadly when you've played Mario since you were 6 years old it's premise gets a little thin. Zelda even more so. Sunshine was the last good Mario IMO.

Eamon4917d ago

I can understand Mario but how can you say Zelda isn't "anything new."

Every new iteration of the series is extremely polished and innovating immersion and puzzle gameplay while also bring new creative ideas.

Like Baka said, almost all the current developers' inspirations come from old Nintendo classics. Nintendo is currently the oldest and still-successful company making consoles up till date.

People like Miyamoto is considered the Godfather of game development.

tommyth3cat4917d ago

I didn't say anything about Zelda "doing nothing new" I said the premise and gameplay does not interest me anymore.

Baka-akaB4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

And how was that relevant to my post and warranting your attack ?

He was mentioning a lack of innovations while praising game that as a matter of fact got plenty of there ideas there .

It's straight from those devs' mouth , it hardly can get clearer .

FYI i havent been interested in a regular game since super mario world ( hell i nly care about smash brawl and mario kart from the franchise) , same goes with zelda for maybe the same reasons than you.. but i wont foolishly claim that they dont add anything new or interesting anymore like he did .

That's all

Etseix4917d ago

game developers these days always say they took inspiration from old nintendo classics, OLD nintendo classics, wich i also love, but IMO, -my opinion- nintendo is not doing that great anymore, ratchet was right on some part, - just because its mario, people like it, no one judge at it anymore, but its the same mario we have seen for years!) same candy another cover, i have a Wii but just because the new Metroid, and for me Kojima is more talented than Miyamoto -present time-

ChickeyCantor4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

- zelda is the same like always and is really overrated-

Yeah love the argument right there...

Let me remind some ignorant gamers that MM is using a TIME EVENT BASED system.
If thats not new then you're full of horse sh/t.

mamotte4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

well, tell me if FPS has done anything new since goldeneye. Or if GOW has done anything new since TMNT IV: Turtles in Time. Or GT5 since Top Gear. There are really many few companies that has done anything new (I`m thinking on Journey right now), but's not about doing new things. It's about doing things right, and Nintendo knows how to do it.

Sorry'bout Zelda not being a bloodbath, though. U can blame Nintendo for that, but, who cares?

IKONACLYSM4917d ago Show
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kramun4918d ago

If you want to hate on a company that has made such an impact on gaming from the beginning of the nes age until now then that's up to you. They've made tons of great games in a period spanning over nearly 3 decades.

I don't think they are overrated at all, you may not like their games but to claim they are overrated is just ignorance.

acky14918d ago

I disagree. They did play a big part in making gaming popular with the NES and the wii but they really offer nothing new that satisfies the true gamer. That's where sony stepped in and made gaming what it is today.
Sony 'til I die

kramun4917d ago

The true gamer? I play games on the pc,wii and ps3 and the wii has plenty of games that I love, does that mean I'm not a true gamer?

nnotdead4917d ago

i wouldn't say its ignorant to claim Nintendo is being overrated. really its just an opinion.

i think the great divide between Nintendo lovers and haters comes from Nintendos goals in making a game. Nintendo just tries to make the game mechanics as perfect as possible. so much so, Nintendo tends to pay a lot less attention to story telling, character development, genera pushing, etc.

this is also why their games tend to score so high, and why there is divide even among the places that do the reviews. the mechanics are so well done that it wouldn't be fair to grade the games down, but at the same time they don't try to do as much as other games in this bracket.

i too believe Nintendo is overrated(at least Nintendo in this decade), but i tend to look for more, or just other things when it comes to the video games i want to play. while looking through the whole bracket i see a lot of winners i think are crazy for people to vote over the loser, but obviously the people voting for the winners would think im just as crazy. like me not liking Majora's Mask, and i would have it losing all the way back in RD 2 against Chrono Cross. crazy i know.

oricon4917d ago

Are you an Idiot have you even played Super Mario Galaxy, Mario innovates platform games again, it did it first with the first Mario bros game and everyone copied that framework even little big planet is basically copying mario just added with a level creator. Zelda games have innovated graphically and game play wise.

Big_Dom4917d ago

Fucking slap yourself across the head hard...with a hammer for that statement. Without Nintendo, there'd be NO Playstation and NO Xbox. Without Nintendo, the game industry would most certainly be dead a long time ago. That is not hyperbole. That is a fact.

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tommyth3cat4918d ago

At first I thought that picture was a joke, then I realized it was the actual finalists. After that I stopped laughing and started to sigh instead.

Black-Helghast4917d ago

Conker's Bad Fur Day is the best of the decade for Me...Think about it, that game made you laugh, cry, angry etc. It was my first game and i'll never forget Conker's bad fur day...

Relientk774918d ago

Wheres Ocarina of Time?

I'm confused

silkrevolver4918d ago (Edited 4918d ago )

Not in the decade. (but it’s pretty close)

gunnerforlife4918d ago

that was the last decade, not the one that just passed i think

Relientk774918d ago

Yea I just wikied it

just kidding

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