
OPM Scores Warhawk(9), Heavenly Sword(7), SingStar(9), Stranglehold(8) & More

NeoGAF member pswii60 posts:
"Got my latest Official Playstation Magazine UK.
PS3 Reviews:

Lair - 6
Heavenly Sword - 7
Stuntman Ignition - 7

RadientFlux6128d ago

The Stranglehold score is nice, the rest of the reviews aren't surprising

MK_Red6128d ago

Agreed. I was expecting a 7 or something but it is great news for me. Big fan of Strangehold and John Woo.

sonarus6128d ago

i was gonna get stranglehold collectors edition the one with the blu ray but then i played the demo on xbox live. I think the game is rubbish. Gameplay is extremely repetitive and if a game like heavenly sword can get a 7 so should stranglhold. I am extremely dissapointed at the poor heavenly sword reviews. Puzzles are apparently lame which is something i seriously look forward 2 in games like this, then they have like only 5 differnt types of bad guys. Good to see warhawk do good though. I am still waiting on a lair demo before i purchase the game so factor 5 better deliver that demo and hope it convinces or am not buying. back 2 warhawk

rusgreim6128d ago

Gives PS3's 3 "Big Hitter" games a dismal average of 7.3?

Bwa ha ha ha ha.

Keep waiting for a decent Bioshock or Halo grade title there Sony fanbois.

MK_Red6128d ago

Warhawk is a PS3 "Big Hitter" and recieved 9. Not to mention dozens of other high scores from other sites.

Anal6128d ago

Keep playing the same crappy halo. And yer Bioshock is great on my PC ahahahahahahaha! Oh wait and my 360. ahahahaha LOL. Who's the arse?

thereapersson6128d ago

360 fanboys complain about Sony fanboys, but the truth is that they are no better than the people they bash and vice versa.

beast6128d ago

Did i mention i am playing Bioshock on My Sony Vaio PC

Bazookajoe_836127d ago

Hehe, have you read the article abou fanboys anatomy?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6127d ago
MK_Red6128d ago

Sad scores for Lair and HS but hey, at least Warhawk and SingStar got 9/10 plus Stranglehold got 8 which isn't that bad.

ShiftyLookingCow6128d ago

Microsoft paid OPM with tons of opium

pilotpistolpete6128d ago

Took the Warhawk plunge, and at 39$, why not!

See you out there on the battlefield

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro92d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7292d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_92d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga92d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2392d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200093d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin93d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole93d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix93d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198992d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

93d ago
Michiel198992d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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10 Most Underrated Third-Person Shooters

GF365: "Here are our picks for the ten most underrated third-person shooters that you might not have played before or even known about."

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neutralgamer1992405d ago (Edited 405d ago )

Actually great list TBH I agree with all 10

I hope one day we get some remakes for the following

The saboteur(with a proper remake and quality of life features this game could be great)
Scarface world is yours
Binary domain ( such a great game with great story)
GUN(this needs a remake)
Space marine 40k(such fun time)

Would also like to suggest adding the mercenary series even the 2nd game which is disliked by many is a fun time

cthulhucultist405d ago

I recently finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and found it to be very enjoyable.

The game respected the lore and the gameplay was quite decent.

The color palette was a bit underwhelming (backdrops and setting) and recycled but I think that it deserved better.

Here's hoping for an amazing sequel

Vengeance1138405d ago

Space Marine II !! My most anticipated game of 2023! Woot


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490d ago