
Bungie Punishes 15,000 Cheaters - Now Listen to Their Crying

BattleStrats has taken the liberty of quoting some of the funniest cry babies begging for their precious ranks back. The best part of all of this are the rants and crying from the cheaters on the Bungie forums. Not only is it extremely satisfying to see a developer actually do something about cheaters at their game, but it is very funny to read the sob stories from the losers who were caught with their pants down.

We also have included each cheater's gamertag so feel free to message them and tell them how "awesome" they are!

So sit back and enjoy. Thanks Bungie. You rock!

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DTMBSquid5002d ago

OMG friggin hilarious. Cheaters crying FTW

JLesinski5002d ago

I nearly pissed myself reading this one. Nothing tastes better than the tears of a cheater.

MerkinMax5002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Congrats to this guy.

gamertag: Sylent Soul
"Yes, I cheated. Yes, I deserve the ban. Bungie, I'm sorry. I hope theres no hard feelings."

This made me lol though.
"did not cheat and got banned, explain that"

Achronos | Bungie.net Overlord
"I'd imagine it have something to do with that day you managed to complete the same challenge 17 times in 30 minutes."

MrMccormo5002d ago

Now Bungie needs to start banning all the people using aim-bots and hacks. Otherwise, Reach will become exactly like Halo 2 and Halo 3 turned out.

ambientFLIER5002d ago

I don't remember Halo 3 having much, of any, hacking.

Motorola5002d ago

Its pathetic, they dont respe t the people who made the damn game

-Alpha5002d ago

Bungie is freaking awesome. They are also extremely witty over on Bungie.net.

Love how they reply with such funny comments.

People are raging, yet they've all been proven cheaters. Wait till the banhammer comes :D

pixelsword5002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Cheaters never prosper, or at least in Halo: Reach.

Instead of laughing at them, I'm going to feel sorry for them for wanting to be cheaters in the first place.

ExplosionSauce5002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Lot of people there threatening to return the game and getting Black Ops instead, lol.
Freaking cheaters. Hope they all were deserving of the ban. I would hate to be part of the 15K people and be wrongfully banned.

"i take poops with more entertainment then this game"
"Wtf bungie i want my rank back i done the challenge glitch like 4 times"
- These people are smoking something :P

gman_moose5001d ago

I love how they all say they are taking the game back...Yeah, good luck with that kids....

Spydiggity5001d ago

the people make this threat are the mouth breathers that were gonna pay for this rehashed garbage in the first place. bungie knows this.

i can't wait for black ops to come out either, then halo won't be plagued with noobs that think the only good game type is SWAT.

AntoineDcoolette5001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

Is it wrong that it sickens me how they all threaten to return Reach and get Black ops instead? I didn't see a single one of those people mention Medal of Honor T_T. I bet they were all MW2 glitchers!

Take this for example

"well bungie, first off i would like to start by saying, F*** Y**. and second of all, its your own dam fault this happen, maybe if you ironed out all your bugs in the testing stages. this wouldn't have been a problem. So now Modern warfare 2 is going to have another 15000 people playing it. because for dam sure. i'm done with your broken excuse for a game.
This was supposed to be the last good halo. And now you ruined it.
thanks alot D BAGS"

cLiCK_sLiCK95001d ago

Most of these people complaining are kids! They sound so immature. They shouldn't be playing the game in the first place.

Also, the threats are soooo hilarious! I seriously want to see them trade in the game for Black Ops. Which I doubt.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5001d ago
princejb1345002d ago

some of those sound like they were playing legit dou

ELite_Ghost5002d ago

that'd be horibble getting banned for being too good XD

-Alpha5002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Likely all liars. Bungie has the evidence, they wouldn't be so careless. There is one exploit that they are letting people get away with because they concluded that it was technically their oversight. They told the people that though this is pathetic of them, they didn't do anything technically wrong.

Everyone else is a rotten cheater who can make all the empty threats of selling their copy all they want. Some guys (like the one Bungie responded to above) are plain liars.

Note that this is just a mere resetting of rank and banning credit-earning for a day. Wait until they decide to throw in the banhammer, which they are currently working on doing.

Why o why5001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

surely they cant all be cheaters....how can anybody be 100% correct with something like this. Like i said before ill get banned...i keep using that exploit were i constantly die without seeing who killed me:(

oh and the 'blam's in the comments are killin me...lmao

mastiffchild5001d ago

Yeah, there'll be some that did nothing wrong. For instance:the guy claiming he'd had his Live account nicked. He might easily prove himself(if he is) innocent by getting the proof from MS. Anyway, in 15,000 there WILL be wrongly doled out bans but it should be minimal given Bungie have nearly all the info available.

I do feel sorry for one mate I have who was playing with his pals at home when he had to go out. One of them offered to help him level up and.. well, you can guess what happened. Maybe he should have better taste in friends! I told him "what don you expect-you're even prepared to by MY mate" but he doesn't see the funny side. Lord knows what his pal had been doing to level him up, mind, but I'm guessing Bungie will have told him what he's supposed to have done like usually happens with these things(IDK as I've never been banned off a game yet), yes?

So, Alpha, mostly liars ,certainly, but unlikely they all are. Still, some funny stuff among the tantrums-I especially like the guy who admits he deserves it-what's with that? Honest cheats(I'm English, there's no word in my language called "cheaters"?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5001d ago
Imperator5002d ago

I hate cheaters. They just ruin the fun. And what the hell is the point of cheating anyways? It just takes out the fun.

vickers5005002d ago

Some people think it's fun to take advantage of an exploit. Some people think it's fun to just piss people off. Some people think that pissing people off is hilarious, and will record put up reaction videos on youtube.

Not saying those reasons are justifiable, but I imagine that's the "point" of cheating in their eyes.

pixelsword5002d ago

That's true vickers, but some people may also think it's fun to see people being rightfully punished for taking advantage of an exploit and pissing people off.

Spydiggity5001d ago

i like water because it splashes. i like to be in water cuz i can splash it

mastiffchild5001d ago

But, diggity, cheats are the kind of people who pee in your water just because they can.

SeanRL5001d ago

They get some misguided sense of accomplishment from winning something even when it requires basically no effort from them. In their eyes they are superior to the players playing fair.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5001d ago
iPad5002d ago

Recon Liam
gamertag: Recon Liam

Wtf bungie i want my rank back i done the challenge glitch like 4 times wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf

lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao

Sayai jin5001d ago

"Wonder twins activate, form of a Ban Hammer"

PtRoLLFacE5002d ago

but the funiest post are the ones that got asnwered by ferrex, ohhh men i wish i had ferrex's job

Brklynty15002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Achronos | Bungie.net Overlord
"I'd imagine it have something to do with that day you managed to complete the same challenge 17 times in 30 minutes." LMFAO!!!! SNAP!SNAP!

FACTUAL evidence5002d ago

BUNgIe!!......nuuuuuu plz! lmao

dredgewalker5002d ago

Lol, the languish and cries of thousands of cheaters is like music to my ears. I don't play Halo: Reach but it's nice to see cheaters being punished.

SonyPS3605001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

Funny how most of them are banging on about how they're now switching to black ops.

So what, they're gonna go to Black Ops, cheat there as well and get banned again?


4lc4pon35001d ago

The problem with this statement is this. Bungie cares about the game/product and has always placed the ban hammer when they wanted to.

Now here is the next problem if they do go to Black ops they wont be banned or anything for cheating because Trey/Activ doesnt care at all.

I see hardly any bans in the COD franchise. my little cousin & his friends hosted a tons of lobbies, ripped people off for points and what not for the longest time. i even turned them in a ton of times & no one ever cared.

5001d ago
visualb5001d ago

all cheaters deserve all the hardship they deserve.

what scares me is seeing all these "cheaters" hailing black ops, I have a feeling that will be where they all go, thus, ruining it too =/

4lc4pon35001d ago

because they know that they wont get banned because there really isnt a company like Bungie who is willing to Ban 15,000 people for cheating.

Bungie doesnt play games with people who will ruin the game. Other Devs just dont care & will let it go

visualb5001d ago

and that worries me =( more devs should do as bungie, but they don't. which SUCKS

TROLL EATER5001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

BUNGIE U ROCK!! hackers can go bak to modern puberty 2

Scary695001d ago

I wish they would do this with ALL Multiplayer especially MOH & for sure Black ops.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5001d ago
wat6345002d ago

Entertainment at its best.

xxxAnubisxxx5002d ago

Here is my favorite:

"gamertag: Astro AU

I just got reset i was maxed rank so -blam!- my life"

JawsofRegret5002d ago

March 23rd hushed the wind, the music died.

Anime-Vixen5002d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Kaii5d ago

Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

DefenderOfDoom24d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Final Spape campaign getting very positive reviews. I am enjoying the Final Spape campaign myself. Definitely worth the delay.


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Sonic188127d ago

"I feel incredibly lucky because as part of my new role I get to still work closely with my Bungie family."

New role and more pay and still can work closely with Bungie

27d ago
fr0sty26d ago

Yeah, he basically just got a big promotion within the same parent company.

27d ago
S2Killinit26d ago

Seems logical for him and probably for PlayStation

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InUrFoxHole62d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?