
PSP2 Is Real, 'Pretty Powerful' And In Developers' Hands

In an PAX 2010 interview about the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot, Executive Producer Shaun Himmerick let slip the existence of a PSP2 development unit at Netherrealm Studios.

IndustryGamers asked about the possibility of a version of Mortal Kombat on the current PSP or the upcoming 3DS, and Himmerick replied:

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donniebaseball5009d ago

It's about time. I just wish Sony had used TGS to unveil the thing already. They need to do it soon before 3DS really grabs the spotlight next year.

8-bit5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

Agreed +1

@below, Yeah it is. I just might have to pick up both. The 3DS showed off some awesome looking games and I loved my PSP although it seriously needs updated hardware and a second analog.

FishCake9T45009d ago

Its going to be an epic battle between the 3DS and PSP2.

sikbeta5009d ago

Finally... I want PSP2 NOW!!!

AtatakaiSamurai5009d ago

something I don't like about the news i've been seeing from TGS. way too many behind the scenes showings.

Blaine5009d ago

And a lot of would-be good news turned sour.

New Devil May Cry game? Sweet! Actually... No, Ninja Theory fucked up this good news.

New game for fans of Demon's Souls? Well, it's published by Namco/Bandai (they produce awesome games, right?...) and it's multi-plat.

Etc... so far.

Rainstorm815009d ago

It needs to have dual analogs or it won further handheld gaming to where it needs to go......Ive said it before a handheld killzone or cod with dual analogs and multiplayer....and it will sell

zen05009d ago

I'm sold if it has dual analog.

nix5008d ago

Dual analog plus it should be able to make calls, take pics etc etc..

ReservoirDog3165008d ago

Probably unveiled next E3.

I guess I should start saving now...

Just found a nickel.

+ $0.05 towards PSP2

Marquis_de_Sade5008d ago

I don't really see a problem with Demon's Souls going multi platform, it's hardly the best looking game around and I'm sure even the 360 could handle the first.

ThanatosDMC5008d ago

I hope it has 3G so we can be online at all times on the psn, and if it's powerful enough, portable MAG!

ConanOBrien5008d ago

The question is, what's the point of it? Will it just be a "better" PSP, like faster, higher rez, that sort of thing, but mostly the same basic idea?

moparful995008d ago

I was flipping through the new game informer today and they, without reservation, claimed that the psp2 has a built in mobile phone operating system like the android platform thanks to a partnership with ericsson. We all know that ericsson is sony's go to for mobile phones, this sounds legit... If sony makes the psp2 with iphone esque touch screen and cell phone functionality count me in.. I will sign a 5 year contract right now!

Nihilism5008d ago

No it won't one sided fight are never fun to watch, PSP2 will be washed away by 3DS, just like PSP was by DS...sony marketing is just pathetic.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5008d ago
Star515009d ago

i mean sure the 3DS is strong competition, but maybe sony knows something we don't...like whether or not the 3DS is really releasing this year. If it's not, they have months to hype the new PSP. If the 3DS does launch this year and there's no specs or pics from sony...i'll be worried.

Kain815009d ago

i thought Sony would show us the PSP2 @TGS...

ABizzel15009d ago

It's probably not ready, and won't launch in Japan until holiday 2011 March 2012 in the rest of the world.

Expect to hear about it at CES or E3.

N4g_null5008d ago

I betting they have the emulator for the psp2 or a tegra. I don't know any one with this kit yet and this is a suprise yet I don't think they have the offical psp2 since it's not ready. The power jump will eat your batteries like drug addicts. Plus what can they do to one up the 3ds. True 3d would be nice.

LinuxGuru5008d ago

A dual-core 1GHz Tegra chip was just released...I'm willing to bet something similar will be in the PSP2

jellybalboa5009d ago

i have advertised my psp on ebay, ghost of sparta can wait, i,ll keep the money on the side until it releases, yes i know it may be well late into 2011. i am also putting my 360 on ebay coz i have only turned it on thrice since purchase 20/8/09.

FragGen5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

Are you seriously so poor that you can't afford to save $200 for a product that likely won't be available for 12months or more? That's less than $20 a month. You need to log off N4G and get a job.

Ghost of Sparta will PWN!

JLeVRT5008d ago

Youre gonna need to sell your house if the PSP2 is as good as it sounds...

moparful995008d ago

If it has cell phone functionality expect it to have an exclusive carrier and a contract deal.. 99 dollars with a 2 year contract is my bet.. Look for it to be a sprint or tmobile contract as well.. Any takers??

xAlmostPro5009d ago

agree'd they dont want the psp2 to go down the route of the ps3 at launch because they let a competitor release there console a year before.. 3ds looks like a pretty powerful device..

although did that just say they had psp2 running at 60fps?.. thats impressive right? xD

f7897905008d ago

Well anything can run a game at 60fps if the quality is low enough for the hardware to handle.

Millah5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Ridge Racer for PSP ran at 60fps. So whats your point? Sonic Adventure ran at 60fps on Dreamcast too. Framerate is meaningless if you don't know the quality of the visuals.

Not that the visuals won't be impressive or anything :P. I'm guessing this thing will have visuals slightly below 360, and probably better than 3DS.

BrianB5009d ago

3DS is heading for a great start and it hasn't even been released yet, psp2 however is doomed before release, if sony doesnt develop a strong software lineup and release it at a reasonable price

moparful995008d ago

It's funny you mention price, there is no way that nintendo can release the 3ds for under 200.. I'm willing to bet the 3ds will sell at 239 us dollars... Are you willing to pay that much? I know I wont pay that much for a bunch of casual titles and 5 new versions of the same old pokemon.. Not even kid icarus is worth that much.. At least the psp has multimedia functionality...

silvacrest5008d ago

i think your probably right, at first i thought the PSP2 and PSPhone were two different handhelds but now im not sure

vhero5008d ago

Seems Sony don't want anybody to know what they got planned.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5008d ago
ULTIMATE_REVENGE5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

Please be real man, I never bought a PSP for several reasons but the PSP2 for sure will be a day 1 for me.

This is flippin BIG news, Sony make it happen!

Biggest5009d ago

His comment makes no sense. He's stoked for a new system for no reason at all, but has avoided buying a current system for years because of several reasons. Maybe he doesn't like any game from any genre. There are too many of every genre on the current PSP.

ULTIMATE_REVENGE5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

1) Wack graphics.
2) Too many versions.
etc etc...


Are you a gay sissy Emo? why do I need to tell you all of my reasons? I never bought the PSP for the same reasons so many other people didn't.

You sound insecure.

BannedForNineYears5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Wack graphics?
What's a wack?
Have you even played it first hand?
Or just saw videos of it on the internet? :P

Too many versions? How's that a bad thing?

PSP is an amazing handheld.

@Raz....I know what you mean about wishing you had more time......

raztad5009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

I'm actually enjoying the hell out of my PSP. I only wish to have more time and its game to be cheaper. Like $30 for big projects like GoW:GoS, VC2 and even less for smaller ones.

UP5009d ago

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is good to. It is the best in the entire series.

moparful995008d ago

I just pre ordered my ghost of sparta bundle which incidently also comes with chains of olympus the best psp game to date and I'm also picking up peace walker and birth by sleep.. Man I just realized that gran turismo 5 comes out november 2nd.. Ohh man how am I going to fit all of this gaming in with two jobs and school coming up???

divideby05009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

lets all hope its the handheld we really want vs PsP go..(what a joke for a followup to the PSP)

this next PSP is gonna be EXPENSIVE.... just like the Go was

Stealth20k5009d ago

Its already be confirmed to have a physical medium

xAlmostPro5009d ago

other than the price the go was/is a good device.. the psp is playstation portable, but never actually fit in pockets.. they made the go to be portable.. although the price point was and still is insane lol..

DatNJDom815009d ago (Edited 5009d ago )

I admit its too expensive, but if u didnt own a psp (like me) and dont want to carry all those umds, then I dont see what the big deal is. I have 12 games on it already. FYI if u buy it at best buy for the 200 price, u get 3 free games. if u go on psstore, they have alot of the best pspgames that came out. and they are very cheap. 17 bucks for coo 10 bucks for syphon filter and 13 for the other one. the convinience is worth the price.

newhumanbreed5009d ago

Sony is making their platforms too powerful. The competition is still in the dinosaur age with theirs.

SkylineR5008d ago

Yet that dinosaur tech Is and will continue to crush anything PSP. ;) 135 million DS units so far... I'm sure the 3DS will carry that popularity over.

moparful995008d ago

The ONLY and I mean ONLY reason the ds sells like it does is for two reasons. Pokemon being the biggest and every snot nossed kid on the planet begs for every new nintendo handheld made.. Thats it, it holds no merit when it comes to quality gaming. I've yet to enjoy a game on the ds with scribblenauts being the exception... That game was clever and I really enjoyed it...

FinalomegaS5008d ago

You talk as though you've played every 1000+ DS game, but only one sticks out :P

The DS didn't sell like that because of 1 million unit series but it has many and please remember that nintendo did advertise the thing strong to every age group especially women and older folks.

the 3DS is going to bring the power the core gamers want yet can still give those casual buyers what they want.

PSP2, funny how they have the dev kit for something that sony hasn't announced but they don't have the 3DS, just find that odd.

Lord_Doggington5008d ago

pretty much this. how many holes can sony dig themselves into before the realize a powerful platform doesn't sell anything

Kingdom Come5009d ago

A second Analogue Stick...
Glad to know it's in development and hope it receives new ip's and not just new spin-offs of console games like many Portable consoles get. The 3DS has proven the potential of the next generation of Portable gaming, lets hope the PSP2 can keep it up!

AceofStaves5009d ago

Sony has an opportunity to make PSP2 something special, especially if it includes a second analogue stick.

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