
Ninja Gaiden 3 revealed

Tecmo Koei has announced Ninja Gaiden 3, revealing one image which teases what we can expect from the sequel.

Attending a behind-closed door reveal earlier today, the image of Ryo Hayabusa holds secrets of the game to come. Ryu is pulling off his mask to represent a more human side to the series' protagonist and the idea that players will discover more about him.

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Spydr075018d ago

I'm curious to see how this turns out without...Mr. Sunglasses.

timmyrulz5018d ago

I was just about to say the same thing and you beat me to it lol

Spydr075018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

I r sawwy!

In the tradition of great minds think alike, I offer you a bubble!

Yeah, I hope it's at least on par with Bayonetta and hopefully, better. I don't think that's too much to ask. Not like I'm asking for Kratos Hyabusa, or anything.

qface645018d ago

*crosses fingers*

please please please don't let it be a disappointment like almost everything else shown today

Stealth Disagreer5018d ago

I feel for you qface64. Hopefully the universe has just needed to balance itself by taking some good away from us to provide something amazing down the line

Yi-Long5018d ago

... they don't 'censor' the game again, like they did with Sigma 2.

That was THE reason for me to NOT pick it up. Such a shame as well, cause I'm a huge fan of NG Black and was looking very much forward to Sigma 2...

bakasora5018d ago

I hope it has new art direction

nix5018d ago

oooooo... NG2 was tough as hell... i was surviving most of the levels by the strands.

Commander_TK5018d ago

how many controllers I'm gonna have to buy now...

KillaManiac5018d ago


Yes the censor was annoying in NGS2, but the extra characters and online mode was a GREAT addition and worth the stupid censored crap.

Double Toasted5018d ago

@Yi-long, maybe because you have the wrong console for it.

WildArmed5018d ago

'Ryu is pulling off his mask to represent a more human side'

Fuck the human side!

mikeslemonade5018d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 was pretty challenging. NGS2 was pretty easy on normal.

cayal5018d ago

I hope they don't do this stupid Ninja Gaiden 3 on 360 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 3 on PS3 6 months later.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5018d ago
otherZinc5018d ago

Ninja Gaiden is truly great to me! Its my 2nd favorite game series ever.

By the article stating his mask will be taken off is already fu*****-up the game!

I may still buy but it looks like a very disappointing future for Master Ryu.

midgard2295018d ago

um, u never played dead or alive have u? honestly i think it's wierder they cover his face.

i mean its not like they dont know who he is.

he's mutha F'in Ryu Hayabusa

so removed mask is fine.....tho kasumi better be in it


clank5435018d ago

As long as he doesn't have long, pathetic, high pitched soliloquies like when Samus took off her mask in Metroid: other M, then I think it'll be fine. Metroid: other M had some great gameplay, but I always liked to think of Samus as more of a badass.

mastiffchild5018d ago

Don't start me Clank. TN just don't seem like they understood a strong, independent woman so they turned her into something they could understand. Sad to me too. Controls were weak as well-just felt stubborn the way they stuck to the single, sideways Wiimote and it added nothing to the whole thing in terms of game play so despite the "two buttons" thing(which they made a nonsense of by allowing the rooted to the spot FP aiming of missiles and so on)I still see no point apart from it making it a little more awkward to play.

clank5435018d ago

@mastiff: Yeah, the controls were definitely wonky, but I thought once you got used to them the third person gameplay was pretty fun. First person sucked, though.

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Mizz_mai5018d ago

im usually a devil may cry girl....but kill him hayabusa....

Hudahudahuda5018d ago

He has been turned into an emo abomination, kill him ryu, kill him...

5018d ago
Strikepackage Bravo5018d ago

Ninja Gaiden is dead. This is going to suck most likely, probably be no blood at all, and it will most likely be filled with a bunch of last gen flaws like most Japanese games these days.

gamingdroid5018d ago

I completely disagree with that. I preferred NG2 personally although they come very close, but NG2 is in no way inferior to NGB.

Ri0tSquad5018d ago

No where near as good as the first one. It was rushed (probably by Microsoft), Itagki even admitted it himself and apologized. Oh, and no blood? Just look at the picture. I hope they use a new engine for this game. NG2 uses the same one from the first one which is why it seems so "last gen".

Jamegohanssj55018d ago


NG > All Hack and slashers.



Not even close... Wait for it... Wait for it... Squeenix, as the new owner of Eidor, just announced new Legacy of Kain game!!!!!!1111one

And Capcom announced Onimusha 5 next year!!!!1111234567

No, I'm kidding.

creatchee5018d ago

"I'm curious to see how this turns out without...Mr. Sunglasses."

Without him, I'm not sure if this franchise is Dead... or Alive...


Gago5018d ago

I hope this one will as good as the master piece Ninja Gaiden 1

1Victor5018d ago

it'll be easier, have more blood and boobs

spacetattoo5018d ago

Hell yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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PrinceOfAnger5018d ago

really my favourite hack an slash game!

BYE5018d ago

Yeah it's the best! GoW is second.

LeonSKennedy4Life5018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )


Edit: What I really meant to say was...

Combo System - Nothing compared to Devil May Cry's/Bayonetta's
Boss Battles - Nothing compared to Devil May Cry's/Bayonetta's/God of War's
Story - Nothing compared to...anything...

Remind me again why people like this franchise?

va_bank5018d ago

First two points: no, they can not be compared - in Ninja Gaiden you actually have to be good and know what you're doing.

Story? Can't argue with that. This is NG series weak point. But from this small amount of information, sounds like they will actually have one this time.

BeaArthur5018d ago

So you would proclaim that the story in DMC or Bayonetta is any better than that in Ninja Gaiden? At least in Ninja Gaiden they don't bore you with long cut scenes. As far as the gameplay goes, I can't believe you brought up DMC. That series' gameplay is beyond stale at this point. At least NG is challenging.

bjornbear5018d ago

but you can't compare the combat system to devil may cry or bayonetta...its a whole tier ahead

NG is notorious for its complex battle system, and thats its niche

story wise yes...its pointless, its just a very arcady hack and slash, and I'd say along with GOW, its the best H&S series out there - probably THE BEST for H&S enthusiasts

cemelc5018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

Combo System - Nothing compared to Devil May Cry's/Bayonetta's

Wrong, thats your opinion and a bad one at that.

Boss Battles - Nothing compared to Devil May Cry's/Bayonetta's/God of War's.

Compared to GOW true, the rest youre wrong.

And plot wise ninja gaiden never bother to have one.

LeonSKennedy4Life5018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

Disagree all you want.

That doesn't give NG a better combo system. Lol. It may have a lot of moves...but they're all variations of eachother...and that's it.

It's sad when you can't tell the difference between more moves and more good moves.


Ninja Gaiden is NOT challenging. Block! There's a BLOCK button. It's pretty easy.

There are opinions...and then there is just wrong.

jetlian5018d ago

NG has the most move out of all the games. Its not a game based on combos though. Thats why it has more moves. DMC,BAYO,GOW all have a few moves but most moves can be comboed however you see fit.

NG is all about being the quick and the dead...not going for 200 hit combo.

The boss battle are far more engaging too. Not some hit 10 times and watch a cutscene repeat, repeat. doku and the ninja guy are some of the coolest battles there is. That ninja guy in 2 won't let you rest for a second. the story is about the weakest of all the games.

N4g_null5017d ago

Well we liked it when we saw it in the arcade you could swing on things and flip off the wall LIKE a real ninja yet the arcade game went he'll some where in the middle.

Then came the nes version which is the perfect version in my mind even when I replay it now. The story and 2d cut scenes where epic nothing is cooler still. This game is one of the reasons story became ok in action games. Then on top of this you had to be good at gaming to see the story to it's end which was what hardcore gaming use to be about.

It seems the jump to 3d and lack of power along with dead lines looming made them rush out the ninja gaiden we see today. It's still hard yet it's hard to tell what you are getting good at some times lol. It became convoluted to say the least and the story became empty almost like a place holder.

Did the epic story of the 2d games simply run dry yet they just have to keep making these games to pay the bills? May be so maybe so.

I wonder what would happen if they choose to leave the story out and just speak with the level design.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5017d ago
Stryfeno25018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

Where's Tomonobu Itagaki? This wont be a true NG to me.

Edit: People just don't get it...Its just like how you can't have a Mario without Shigeru Miyamoto. It won't feel the same. This NG3 is going to be a lame excuse.

LMAO Pirate...Those NES games and the arcade beat-em-up cant compare to what NG is today. FAILED!!

Those 8bit days are over get over it.

PirateThom5018d ago (Edited 5018d ago )

Even though there were 3 games before he was involved?

Oh, OK.

Edit: No, you're right, NG Today is NOTHING compared to the glory of those amazing games.

Chris3995018d ago

Itagaki sorta bowed out (from life and sanity) around the time of NG2. The only thing he really brought to the game was massive breasts and buckets of blood.

Pretty sure Ninja Gaiden will endure without his imput. I'm willing to bet it will thrive, even. Team Ninja (you know, the people who actually made the recent gen games) are handling this, and I suspect they'll do a bang-up job.

Devils Third looks like a poor-mans WET, and that ain't saying much. Goes to show how talented Itagaki is without his team. A visionary sure, but visionaries rarely create their vision; you need engineers to do that.

5018d ago
fishd5018d ago

I would love to know what you think about the next Halo not made by Bungie...

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What a New Ninja Gaiden Game Needs to Fix

Screen Rant Writes: Team Ninja knows fans want a new Ninja Gaiden game, but if Ryu Hayabusa is going to come back, there are some things that the series needs to fix.

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Melankolis1579d ago

- Better story, not that it has to be very deep though
- Better level design, on par or even exceed NG1
- Better enemies design, NG3's enemies design were boring and repetitive

TheRealHeisenberg1579d ago

Agreed and bring back the dodge roll. The dash was trash.

Melankolis1579d ago

Yep. I also prefer dodge roll than dash.

NapalmSanctuary1579d ago (Edited 1579d ago )

I'd say just re-add the dodge roll and have both but with different properties. As long as they made both tactically useful in their own ways, it could be really interesting.

Godmars2901579d ago

- No NG has had a good or deep story. Its best has only been about action and enemies.
- Likewise, level design was stages where you fought enemies, which said shallow story connected.
- NG3 utterly forgot that enemies where either trained and highly skilled psychotic killers, or literal demons who'd crack a baby's skull open for fun.

At this point Nioh and Shadows Die Twice have taken NG spot.

TheRealHeisenberg1579d ago

NG Black beats them both. Agree that NG3 was trash. Nioh and Shadows can occupy the spot until NG makes a triumphant return.

NapalmSanctuary1578d ago (Edited 1578d ago )

I take it you never played NG3: Razor's Edge. That game fixed the lack of difficulty. Maybe a little too well with how unfair some of the enemies and bosses were. Still not on par with the previous 2 games but miles ahead of the original NG3 release and well worth playing.

And whats this shit about story. Few action games come close to being on the same level of quality as NG 1&2 and having "good or deep story" didn't get them any closer to it. "Its best" sets it apart and far ahead of almost any other game in the genre except for DMC 3-5 and the Bayonetta series. NG 1&2, along with other games like Doom, prove how little story matters when you get the important aspect of a game (gameplay) right.

Not that Sekiro isn't a great game. The only thing that keeps it from standing shoulder to shoulder with NG 1&2 is its lack of weapon variety and its frame rate issues.

NapalmSanctuary1579d ago

I definitely prefer the Zelda-esque game progression. NG2 was still a great game though.

CorndogBurglar1578d ago

Don't give Ryu some crazy weakness that interrupts literally anything he is doing in order to do some BS animation of him wincing in pain! That garbage ruined NG3

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1578d ago
AK911579d ago

Bring back the difficulty of the first game both 3 and Yaiba (yes I played that POS game) had laughably easy difficulty that it wasn't even funny.

Thundercat771579d ago

With games like NiOh, I don't miss ninja Gaiden at all.

NapalmSanctuary1579d ago

Completely different sub-genres, dude.

CorndogBurglar1578d ago

Nioh was totally different than Ninja Gaiden...

Hungryalpaca1578d ago

Might as well say “wish games like Forza I don’t miss Mario kart”

Asuka1579d ago

Bring back the difficulty.

NapalmSanctuary1578d ago

I want a Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 remaster for all consoles/PC. Complete with peak difficulties intact and maybe some new weapons and outfits. The problem with the Sigma series was that 1) they removed most of the puzzle elements 2) they nerfed the difficulty and 3) they seriously reduced the number of enemies on screen at a time in many places.

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The History of Ninja Gaiden: The Resurrection

In the conclusion to a three part series, CV takes a look at the most recent Ninja Gaiden games, for better and for worse.

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spicelicka1632d ago

They need to make a true sequel to Ninja Gaiden 2, that was the most satisfying combat I've experienced in a hack n slash game.

micdagoat191632d ago

been playing 1&2 on and off since they were released. I usually will play until I get frustrated then take another year off lol. Nver tried 3 or the 4th one even though they are in my backlog.

Domestupidname1632d ago

I tried to go back to Sigma but good god those controls are just insufferable. Couldn't do it.


Fatality: Games That Killed Their Franchises (Or At Least Put Them On A Long Hiatus)

Phil writes, "Sometimes all it takes is one game to make a long-running or promising franchise become dead in the water, maligned to irrelevancy and just a memory in the annals of gaming history. It's a dog-eat-dog industry where it doesn't matter if the franchise has been around for ages or for milliseconds--just one or two failures and you're done. That's the case with these franchises, all of which I'm sad to see are currently nowhere to be found. Whether any of these will return for a kick-ass comeback or not is up in the air, but what is known is that for many, these franchises met truly unfortunate ends."

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PiNkFaIrYbOi2166d ago

For Tony Hawk's Pro Skater really the first 3 were really the only good ones. After that they sort of went downhill.

Skull5212166d ago

Biggest shame I think is SOCOM. Easily Sony’s best franchise by a long shot and they just let it die.

BlackIceJoe2166d ago

I was going to say SOCOM too. That was one of the best strategy games on the market and then Sony turned it Into a normal shooter.

Dabigsiebowski2165d ago

I thought Underground was pretty good

Segata2166d ago

Klonoa was great but released at a bad time on just 1 system with no marketing. Razors Edge fixed many issues with NG3 vanilla and is a guilty pleasure. Another one that killed a franchise is Lost Planet 3. The better game was Japan only in EX Troopers on PS3. I also would say Marvel vs Capcom Infinite killed the series. I know it's less than a year old but the writing is on the wall. Silent Hill series as soon as Konami gave it to western devs and also made mobile spinoffs.

CorndogBurglar2166d ago (Edited 2166d ago )

With all the licensing effort it takes to make an MvC game you are probably right.

Which sucks because people love MvC. Bad decisions were made with the last one, that's all. But I guarantee if they made a new MvC and put a good roster in with 3 man teams and no easy mode combos then people would go right back to it.

Unfortunately, most companies won't be willing to make another sequel as soon as the latest title flops. Even though MvC Infinite wouldn't have flopped if they had just made different decisions.

81BX2166d ago

Nice try buddy. Then why have they made 1,000,000,000,000,000. Games? Cod has never gotten it wrong...over and over and over.

FPS_D3TH2166d ago

Never gotten it wrong? I guess in terms of how to get kids to steal money out of parents wallets. It’s done plenty wrong lol

81BX2166d ago

Lol. Little money grabbers! I remember when paying for map packs was a big deal. Now we have to pay for everything. This is crazy

REDGUM2165d ago

It's all well and good saying COD sells well, which I don't deny, but that doesn't make it a good game. It merely means people want more of the same,game play, as you put it, over and over and over!

If it's so good, why are more people playing Battlefield 4 over the more current COD releases!

People impulse buy i recon, pre order a game before it's been shown to the public then just stick with it when it releases hoping for change!

I Find COD games much of the same with every release which is why I'd call id a dying franchise.
These kids will grow up soon and realise there's more out there than just corridor shooting games.

It's just an opinion afterall.

DialgaMarine2166d ago (Edited 2166d ago )

When has CoD died or gone on hiatus though? You may not like them, but tens of millions of people do, and buy it every year. People seriously need to shut up and leave that franchise alone. It’s not hurting anyone, and the whining is seriously getting old.

T2X2166d ago

I know right? Those games are always fun. At least IMO. The fun varies a bit depending on the location and theme, but overall, always pretty damn good.

81BX2166d ago (Edited 2166d ago )

Youre 100% wrong. They need to be called out just like every other company. That's why they returned to boots on ground. You let them treat you however they like... some of us chose to be treated how we like

DialgaMarine2165d ago

You say that as if I’m an avid CoD player. I don’t mind the series, but it’s definitely not my favorite. The bitching, however, was old back in 2010. 99% of people that do it only do so because they see others doing it. You don’t like CoD? Play something else. It’s not supposed to cater to fans of other franchises.

MWH2166d ago

I love Klonoa, there's always hope for a new game.

Pickledpepper2166d ago

I loved the dead space 1+2 hated 3. Played through them so many times but found number 3 such a bore to get through, really hope they pick this back up.

PowerOfTheCloud2166d ago (Edited 2166d ago )

Dead space 1 is imo unrivaled when it comes to horror games and part 2 was already kind of a let down by still good. I didn't even play part 3 because i didn't like the direction that game went.

Wish they will reboot dead space one day .

Pickledpepper2166d ago

I totally agree with you on that, dead space 1 was the pinnacle of survival horror and dead space 2 was still a great game, I have all achievements for 1 and 2 and both games still hold up well against modern games, 3 was a complete let down I did finish it just for satisfaction but had no fun from the game at all, found it very boring to say the least.

CorndogBurglar2166d ago

For me, the only reason Dead Space 2 wasn't as good as the original is because it wasn't new anymore. But when you think about it, DS2 was still just as good of a horror game. DS1 was so good because everything you came across was new and terrifying.

I remember the feeling the first time I played DS1. No other game, before or since, has given me that feeling that something is going to jump out and attack with every footstep you took. Talk about great atmosphere and tension!

REDGUM2165d ago

and the Resistance games franchise!

Fist4achin2166d ago

Agreed, plus I didn't care for what they did to the weapons crafting system.

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