
Black Ops MP Trailer: 8 Secrets You Missed

NowGamer: Were you paying attention during the trailer? Gold stars to anyone who noticed these beauties! Here's some stuff you simply won't find anywhere else...

1. Clan Name Weapon Decals...

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DoomeDx5037d ago (Edited 5037d ago )

N4G Community is wrong! Its not MW 2.5...

Its MW 2.3!!!

(The clan-tags on your gun is pretty cool though.)

SeanRL5037d ago (Edited 5037d ago )

Nice, I missed a bunch of secrets, because I wasn't paying attention, because this game will fail....

Edit: Exactly, because the majority of COD's market is stupid casuals and teens who don't follow the gaming industry.

DoomeDx5037d ago (Edited 5037d ago )

The thing is, treyarch KNOWS this game wont fail. even if they fuck up now.

This game will sell like crazy!
Because some people are blind, and think that the CoD series are the most hardcore war games ever created.

MW2 = over-rated.
Black Ops will end up just like MW2.

Btw..Red Dot Sight in the vietnam war?..

@ Psfan999: Bubble up! More casual gamers should learn more about how Activision is

irishninja5037d ago

the game spans over several decades not just during the Vietnam war

0mega45037d ago

the game looks like it will be fun to try out the new stuff but the things like cameras and the ballistic knife will be exploited by the community making the online experience frustrating



Aren't everything on a heavy played multiplayer game exploited by it's community? I play SOCOM, many people exploit point in the map to go out of sight (they just don't go out of map because it would get themselves killed for glitching).

Don't get me wrong, I hate COD as much as the next guy, but I see it in every game... It's not community fault (well, it actually IS, but it's also unstopable), as with any cheat it's up to devs to keep up with what are player liking or not and cut those out...

IW support is crap like hell, they finish the game and forget it ever existed... But this game is Treyarch, they aren't that bad.

I don't really care as I barely play COD since 4, and even when I did it was single player.

nickjkl5037d ago

guns act just like mw2 meaning im not interested give me some inaccurate killzone 2 guns now those guns require you to burst fire

Millah5037d ago

I'll say, I'm not the biggest shooter fan, I only play one or two very rarely. And I certainly wasn't the biggest fan of Treyarchs past Call of Duty's, nor do I think MW2 isn't without a large list of glaring flaws. However, I will admit that this game DOES look pretty good.

Based on that trailer, and everything else we've seen/heard about it, I really think Treyarch is going to outdo themselves this time. And I think they'll really improve the multiplayer where MW2 fell so far short. They've had all this time to get reactions to everything in MW2. Add that to the fact that Treyarch really seems determined this time to "prove themselves," I think they'll surprise all the Treyarch haters.

Call of Duty isn't a bad series either. The first game was a very innovative shooter for its time. COD4 set the golden standard for modern multiplayer gaming. It just seems, the more popular Call of Duty becomes, the more "hardcore gamers" hate on it. Seems like people always feel the need to hate on the alpha male and cheer for the underdog.

Thats just human nature I suppose.

PotatoClock5037d ago

...Or that subsequent call of dutys have added nothing to the series or FPS's in general compared to the trailblazing of COD 1 up to MW. Which shows in people who regularly play FPS games hating on it because of the milking going on with it which creates extremely successful sub-par games.

Casuals won't buy anything that is different or doesn't have the big name their've heard of. Just look at Killzone 2, apparently the controls are crap JUST because their not COD's controls :|

BloodyNapkin5036d ago

The only people that cry about COD is people that suck at the game. Don't like it don't play it, and that is a good thing so i wont have to hear your whiney @ss when you go 2-17.

But i do love how everyone comments this POS sucks balls and i wont never buy a activision game or a COD game. But hey guess what you had to come into a article and post comments on it. The true people that don't support the game wouldn't look at articles either.

Tarasque5036d ago

Nice, I missed a bunch of secrets, because I wasn't paying attention, because this game will fail....

Edit: Exactly, because the majority of COD's market is stupid casuals and teens who don't follow the gaming industry. "

And you have the balls to call people stupid and teens. Maybe you should put down video games for a while and pick up a grammar book. Then when you make good sentences and right grammar choices then you can call people stupid.

frostypants5036d ago

First you say it will fail, then you say it won't fail but only because people are stupid. Which is it, man? And why are casuals "stupid"? What's the air like way up on that horse?

mcnablejr5036d ago

'stupid casuals and teens who don't follow the gaming industry.'

jesus christ.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5036d ago
TheFreak5037d ago

I am not a big COD fan, but I like what I see in the trailer. Just hope it will be more balanced then mw2 is.

MrAwesome5037d ago

Anybody else notice the video-player options at the bottom of the screen at 1:18 suggesting there is a Halo/Uncharted 2 style match recorder.

kunit22c5037d ago

DualChief, I think EVERYONE noticed it, it wasn't even hidden.

2Spock5036d ago

I am about as tired hearing people cry about COD as about hearing how the 360 is as powerful as the PS3. And for the people in here crying about COD you are making yourselves look like little whiney @sses. And you know what your comment isn't even 1 your comment is like 0.2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5036d ago
Hellsvacancy5037d ago

I thought this might b the 1st COD game that i was gonna buy but after seein the trailer (like 2 mins ago) ill hav 2 say "im not that impressed" ill wait till ive seen sum more levels in action

I was kinda hopin 4 sum jungle like levels with underground tunnels and shit

Still not decided so dont hate

jimmins5037d ago

I agree. It does seem odd that it's in 'Nam, but what's on show is Arctic-style, or industrial.

xAlmostPro5037d ago

actually they said it will take place in the vietnam war and the cold war era..

SoSLy5037d ago


They didnt say its Vietnam War. So your gonna see alot of Russia and Vietnam.


I don't know about jungle, but they definetely had a trailer with 3 guys in an underground tunnel.

2Spock5036d ago

Man before you guys go spouting off about the game at least know what you are talking about my god.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5036d ago
animalia855037d ago

it better have jungle levels, games dont have enough of them. this game does look good but where is the dismemberment.

Odin7775037d ago

Well it is in Vietnam...It would be pretty ridiculous not to have jungles in a vietnam game.

Fishy Fingers5037d ago

Seems as much as people hate COD, they cant stay away from it.

AEtherbane5037d ago

Its funny because its true...

hassi945037d ago

I can!

I laid off WaW, bought MW2 regrettably, and now I will not buy another until something real changes. Making these trailers that seem good, but when you think about the mechanics they're showing off it'll destroy CoD's greatness even more, is not going to cut it.

So many people are blinded because of these flashy trailers, they'll buy the game and be disappointed for the 3rd time in a row.

Venatus-Deus5036d ago

I think Fishy was commenting on all the CoD haters (including you) that still show up in the article.

The fact you didn’t pick up on that yet still made your case was funny as hell.

2Spock5036d ago

Way to burn his @ss. Plus is he telling me what i will or wont like. I have enjoyed playing the last 3 COD's. I understand you have a opinion and that's fine and voice your opinion is great. But please do not speak for other people.

f7897905036d ago

Because it seems nobody likes making a splitscreen shooter.

Xelai5037d ago

Buying CoD is like being thrown out of a trendy club and the next day be again in line smiling at the bouncer.

You want in because everybody plays it, not because the place or game is awesome.

-Judge_Fudge5037d ago

i bet the phrat boys will be eating this up just like they bought this years madden. you cant fool me activison because im far too delicious to be fooled by your trickery

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