
20 Games You Must Buy This Year

Coming soon: 20 games in no particular order that are coming out from now until the end of the year that are going to stretch your wallet to bursting point.

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gillri5050d ago

so they reckon Halo Reach is Bungie's best game?

they only had extremely positive things to say about it

Cevapi885050d ago

if i was Rockefeller, then i would buy 20 games in 1 year /s

EvilBlackCat5050d ago

how much i hate this "You must buy titles"

kingdavid5050d ago

Or just any stupid list in general.

Come on, is there no originality in journalism anymore?

Christopher5050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

Does the average gamer even buy 20 games a year? Sorry, just seeing the title, was the first thing that popped into my head.

Anyway, as far as me?

- Professor Layton
- Castlevania
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta (need something for my PSP other than Peace Walker)
- LBP2

Some of the lower items are really questionable as 'need'. I mean, really, Kung Fu Rider and Dance Central? And NFS over GT5? Very surprised at that.

I would have put Fallout: New Vegas and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on the list ahead of many of their choices, but that's just me I guess.

raztad5050d ago

"(need something for my PSP other than Peace Walker)"

Well, let me suggest you some stuff I'm buying.

ZHP:Unlosing Hero vs DarkDeath Evil Man (next big thing from Disgaea guys)


I just got Lunar:Silver Star and GTA:CTW for $15 each.

Eric Barrier5049d ago

Don't forget Birth By Sleep.

Game-ur5050d ago

Missing Fallout Las Vegas, Enslaved, Medal of Honor, Gran Turismo 5 and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Christopher5050d ago

Oh, gee, totally forgot about The Witcher 2. That should be in the top 5 :)

GusBricker5050d ago

...8-9 of those.

No to PC games, fighting and driving games. No offense.

RockmanII75050d ago

You don't like a certain type of genre?!? I am offended and I want an apology for you malevolent crimes against humanity!

GusBricker5050d ago

Ya never know with some people, all touchy and stuff, like they got a cactus up their asses.

Christopher5050d ago

Haven't you heard, anal cacti are all the rage and help improve digestion.

Myst5050d ago

Dance Central? Why not Dance Dance Revolution? It comes out this year [Yip yip horray!]

Though following this list I can only see myself buying I suppose three out of all these games listed. That game is Fable III of which I am still on the fence about pre-ordering at this moment. Also very surprised at least Ninja storm 2 didn't make it as it seems to be shaping up to a very strong sequel. The other two being Rock band 3 which is already done and hopefully LBP2.

ndibu5050d ago

I think people are underestimating the impact that GT5 is gonna have on this year. Easily the 2nd if not the highest selling exclusive this year.

N4PS3Fanboys5050d ago

GT5's preorders have it on track to sell slightly less than the PS3 version of Modern Warfare 2, which itself got outsold by the 360 version of MW2. Halo: Reach's preorders are currently outpacing MW2 360's. So there's pretty much no shot in hell that GT5 will outsell Halo: Reach this year. It's practically no competition.

It might not even be the best-selling PS3 game of the year, because Black Ops has far more preorders than it, and it comes out a week later. I believe GT5 will be the third highest selling exclusive of the year, behind Halo: Reach and SMG2.

ico925050d ago (Edited 5050d ago )

ha ha, your judging a games overall sales based on pre-orders from one region, wow

Scotland-The-Brave5050d ago

your basing all this off a specific website/region for pre-orders /fail

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thorstein288d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3