
IGN UK: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Hands-on

IGN writes: "Pitches are being tended, Rooney's back home in Manchester and sneaking a quick fag around the back of a nightclub and Cesc Fabregas is idly browsing for cheap single tickets to Barcelona on the internet. Yep, the football season is drawing nearer, and while it means that we're mere days away from seeing the Premier Leagues big guns rejoin battle it also brings another opportunity to play this year's console contenders, with Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 stepping up first to the plate."

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In Response to Glue

Joseph of GAMElitist.com - "Gaming communities have surpassed the constraints of the games that started them. They have the power to unite hundreds of people. They now have the power to make an impact, to boycott, to protest and get themselves heard."

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gametaroo! - Videogames: The Destroyer of Minds?

gametaroo! writes:

On page 15 of the London Evening Standard’s 2nd November 2011 edition is a large picture of the singer Lara Del Rey. There’s nothing untoward about that - she has, after all, recently enjoyed UK pop chart success with her single ‘Video Games’ managing to reach the top then. It’s not until you scan down the page and read the accompanying headline that you might - if you are a videogamer - find your interest being piqued:

'Video's Killed the Brain Cells'

As it transpires the story, written by Richard Godwin, is a small slice of praise for Del Rey’s song - ‘Video Games’, we are told, is a ‘heartbreaking ballad’ and a ‘perfect modern pop song, as authentic as they come. It takes an ancient theme (unrequited love) and puts it in a contemporary context (the object of her love keeps ignoring her, retreating into video games).

‘Video Games’ really is a lovely track, and one that deserves to be heard if you haven’t heard it already.

It is in the final pa...

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zerocrossing4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

Whhaaaaatt!? Video game no hurt Brain!! :O

Seriously though this is nonsense, there is absolutely no proof that games have any ill effect on a persons health or psyche.

Jake_the_Dog4596d ago

I lost a few brain cells after reading this.


PES 2011 UEFA Champions Festival, an Italian podium

Salvatore Mulé gets the second largest in Europe!

The tournament Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 UEFA Champions Festival was held in the magnificent setting of Wembley, home to the final of the Uefa Champions League football tournament that has seen the face Manchetster United and Barcelona, ​​with the Blaugrana vittoriori out against the British.

Our Savior Mulé, winner of the national tournament Elminster belonging to the clan, has taken up the flag until the coveted game history: the final!

Find the video of the match at the bottom end of the article.

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