
Halo 3 Spoiler Out? Enter At Your Own Risk

Please, if you don't want a possible spoiler to Halo 3 do NOT click this link.

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ktchong6150d ago (Edited 6150d ago )

This pretty much spoils the ending.

C'mon, you know you want to... just a little peek.

nasim6150d ago

Halo 3 -- the cartoon game in the era of Crysis and Killzone 2

Tackle9906150d ago

why are u being a sony f@gboy?

rubarb236150d ago

"why is MS releasing this cartoon game???
Halo 3 -- the cartoon game in the era of Crysis and Killzone 2"

Are you that dumb? maybe because "the cartoon game" will blow both crysis and killzone away. "the cartoon game" will sell more than both of those titles combined! no disrespect to Crysis, i think it's going to be an amazing game but as far as killzone goes, last time i checked that game was a piece of sh1t!
i think you sony fanboys should be more concerned that guerrilla develops a decent game in killzone 2 than try to compare it to halo.

Halo -> proven franchise
Killzone -> still tyring to be a decent game

Sangheili856150d ago

Just ignore him all he does is come in any new topic with "Halo" in it and copy and pastes the exact same thing "Halo 3 -- the cartoon game in the era of Crysis and Killzone 2".... got news for you.. if a "cartoon game" is already pre-sold over 4million then i guess over 4 million people love cartoons!

VirusE6150d ago

Nasim if halo is going to suck so bad why does it make you so insecure? If it’s going to suck so bad why does the mention of it get your panties in a bunch? You seem to think that it's your personal mission to ruin halo for everyone else. WE HALO FANS DON'T LET TOOLS LIKE YOU MAKE CHOICES FOR US SO PLEASE GO SHOVE ONE OF THE DRAGONS FROM LAIR IN YOUR REAR YOU SAD LITTLE TROLLING FANBOY!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys I really hate nasim and his playmate jin kazama and I have had a bad day.

Volks046150d ago

nasim i rather have have color then a gray and black game like killzone2. You know huge levels 5 miles wide with battles of over 30 guys on screen at once or small levels fight 10 guys? Games that are small look cool I.E Gears of War.. Games that are big may not look as good but offer more in terms of gameplay i.e oblivion, GTA and more.

darkequitus6150d ago

Yeh you are right Nasi, in the era of R&C, mario galaxy, Uncharted and all the other cartoony games.

You are obviously a serial killer wating to happen. A game is not worth playing if it not like doing the real thing. Every post you commit is the same. you are a retarded gimp wh probably does not own a console of any form.


ben hates you6150d ago

completely ignore him don't even respond your just falling into his trap

JasonPC360PS3Wii6150d ago

We all know you want this game so you might as well just admit it. Think of it like masterbation, we all do it but it takes a real honest man to admit it. Oh wait LOL you may not even be old enough to get an erection yet. Are girls still yucky to you?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 6150d ago
Dr Pepper6150d ago

Argh! Why do people post this stuff!!!??? It is so tempting check it out. Perhaps I'll look just for a minute...

fbetancourt6150d ago

Lol.... don't say we didn't warn you.

ktchong6150d ago

Some people just want a little spoiler but not too much.

rubarb236150d ago


drtysouf216150d ago (Edited 6150d ago )

My eyes have now melted.

DrPirate6150d ago

Fleeting memories of


iceice1236150d ago

Would they ruin the ending? I don't get it, I can't see Bungie/M$ doing it, wtf?

fjtorres6150d ago

...But there's no real spoiler there.
Its purposefully ambiguous and can be read pretty much any way you like. Doesn't even say what planet that symphony is playing on...!
Move along...nothing to see here...

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981146d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii146d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies146d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer183d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog183d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned183d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c183d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb183d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72182d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman183d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos182d ago (Edited 182d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows182d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72194d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai194d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ194d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil194d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces