
Top 10 flops this generation

While not all the games on the list are bad, none of them sold well. Combine that with the amount of hype each game had before their respective release's, and you have the ten biggest flopsof this generation.

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TheWarmth5079d ago

Star Ocean was awesome!!! Blasphemy I SAY!!!!

The_Zeitgeist5079d ago

Star Ocean: The Last Hope was pure garbage.

klado5079d ago (Edited 5079d ago )

Desagree, sry but it was one of the game that made me go with my xbox, and I liked it, fck that site.

This is the list...

10. The Darkness (PS3, 360) 2K
9. Infinite Undiscovery (360) Square Enix
8. The Conduit (Wii) Nintendo
7. Mad World (Wii) Sega
6. Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3,360) Konami
5. The Last Remnant (360, pc)
4. Star Ocean: The Last Hope (X360) Square Enix
3. Lair (PS3) Sony Computer Entertainmet
1. Too Human (360) Microsoft

All the these games flopped but the RPG, loved infinite undiscovery and so the Last remnant.

Rhythmattic5078d ago


So we agree to disagree.

FanboyPunisher5078d ago

You agree if you agree, disagree if you agree even more

Danja5078d ago

how has the PS3 failed this gen ? cuz it stumbled out the blocks and had a slow start ?

it has the best game library this gen
best hardware
has great 3rd party support

3rd fastest selling console in history...

yup such a failure

Spenok5078d ago

Fanboypunisher.... how exactly is the PS3 a fail this gen when there is only 1 PS3 exclusive game on that list, and 3 on 360 (four if you could The last Remnant)?

baodeus5078d ago (Edited 5078d ago )

exactly, i would actually put SO at the number 1 spot for the worst game of all time, it is just so annoying. I actually like infinite undiscovery: the story aren't too bad, there are some interesting characters like the samurai guy or the so call "Twin Brother", and a single game play that felt more like muli-player which is also interesting. SO has better combat system, but that where its ends. But overall, i kinda agree with the article.

AW is actually a really good game (i wish the DLC explain the ending a little bit more because it is quite confusing) despite poor sale.

If x360 only buy FPS, then how do you explain Fable, ME, Fall Out, and other non FPS games that sold quite well on x360?

If people really buy PS3 because of EXCLUSIVE and VARIETY, then why there are so much FPS games (KZ2, MAG, Socom, Haze, Resistant) on it compare to x360 (halo3)

Why the highest sold game on PS3 to date is a multi-platform FPS game(MW2)? Sometime, you really need consider both sides before making a statement.

i don't know, maybe because FF13 is actually a good game but the the fanboy just really hate it because it went multi-platform. Seriously, how can you guys like FF10, but not FF13 (they are practically the same game with different story and setting).

FanboyPunisher5078d ago

Also since the ps3 is on a huge decline I'm not shocked to see only 1. Exclusive on the list since we know the ps3 has a tiny collection compared to xbox.

Hopefull the ps3 mods don't delete a post that's my opinion, this isn't Nazi Germany.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5078d ago
MariaHelFutura5079d ago

Alan Wake had to be disappointing for MS, even though it`s a great game.

SOAD5079d ago

It's Microsoft's fault that it sold purely. They didn't advertise it very much and they released it around the same time as Red Dead Redemption. In contrast, Sony made sure to release Heavy Rain during a relatively quiet time, and they advertised well and publicized it with review sites.

My theory is that Remedy wants to make Alan Wake 2 multiplatform or wants to release the PC version of the game, and MS is spiting them.

Imperator5079d ago

Hopefully Remedy will port Alan Wake to PC where it belongs. I still remember that PC tech demo. Miles ahead of anything the 360 could ever do. But I doubt it. Maybe Alan wake 2.

ATi_Elite5078d ago

Alan Wake was a failure because...

1. Microsoft made them kill the open world PC version for a linear Xbox 360 version.


2. It got released on a console that is only good for FPS specifically HALO or Call Of Duty.

sak5005079d ago

haze, halo odst, heavnly sword, lair, too human.

MariaHelFutura5079d ago

Heavenly Sword is a great game.

ExplosionSauce5079d ago (Edited 5079d ago )

It depends on how you define "flop".
Are we talking about sales, quality or both?

Some games are really great, yet considered "flops" due to the low amount of sales.
While there are some games out there that undeservingly have lots of sales, but aren't really the best out there. These may also be considred flops, though this case is more uncommon.
Then there's the ultimate flops. Bad games with low sales.

In the end, it all comes to preference and personal opinion.

darthv725079d ago

odst and lair. Shame they got marred for issues that could have been easily fixed before release.

On topic...i would classify a flop as being something that did not exceed the development cost via sales figures.

It is funny how there are many games that are flops and yet extremely fun to play. Just as there are many considered hits and yet may not be as entertaining.

Kind of like a bad movie. It may be bad and you know it but it can drum up some type of cult following.

360Defender5079d ago

Yeah that was a huge flop. It only sold 5.3 million copies so far. How terrible, especially for what PS3 fanboys were calling a glorified add-on. Sony wishes they had more flops like MS and ODST.

360Defender5079d ago

It only sold more than 5.3 million copies. Sony wishes they had flops like ODST.

Imperator5079d ago

Yep, All Lair needed was the addition of analog control on launch and all ODST needed was to be priced as originally planned, $40.

klado5079d ago (Edited 5079d ago )

So what xboxdefender?, sales doesn't make the quality of a game, do you know why dragon ball is so famous, so death note in the anime world? cus of its fans, they would buy the stuff they like and can the same be said for halo, now, let me tell you this, I may be a xbox user only but don't tend to troll crap on others like you ignorant kind tend to.

I prefer alan wake over halo 3 so odst, and it didn't sell that much but still is one of the best horror games around, hate shooters, so no need to state, cus sale will never be meaning of quality.

Milkjdo, it is the list from the article...do you even know how to read?

nunley335078d ago (Edited 5078d ago )

I thought silent hill and mad world were good games and the article said Haze was 1st party when it wasn't,it was developed by free radical who went out of business because of the poor reception it got. And TRI-ACE developed Infinite Undiscovery with square-enix as publisher.

Shuklar5078d ago

lair has a free download for zero six-axis (analog) controls now. Not that it matters.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5078d ago
ico925079d ago

How is FF13 not on the list

InfamousHero5078d ago

Contrary to many posters on video game blogs. FFXIII was amazing to some (Me being one of them). Especially people who were NOT fond of Final Fantasy XII and wanted the Final Fantasy X feeling back.

Spenok5078d ago

I have to say i agree with InfamousHero on this one. The game sold well over 5 million copies. No matter how much you may have disliked it, it most certainly wasnt a flop.

Paradicia5079d ago

The Darkness was NOT a flop, in fact it has to be one of the most underrated games this generation.

Anon19745078d ago

I love this game to death. It cracked 80 on metacritic. It almost broke the one million mark, something 80% of games never accomplish.

And Haze. Haze's biggest fault was that it was average yet still almost broke the one million mark.

Man, someone really needs to do a list of actual flops sometime - and not trot out the same tired crap every single time. Or better yet, they should actually play the games they claim are terrible rather then parroting what some other website claimed.

Spydr075078d ago (Edited 5078d ago )

Pfft, Haze's biggest flaw was that the control was mediocre and the dialogue is among some of the worst ever. Cheeeeeeeezzzzzzyyyyyyy. The dialogue killed the game in the first 15 minutes.

Haze was just awful. There's no way to get around it.

8thnightvolley5079d ago

cant lie too human was really over hype thou i cant lie i did play the heck out of it.. trying to get all the sets of armours and doing runs with friends.. and somewhat addictive due to the rpg elements.. in some twisted way i want to see the second too human and i am hoping MS gets that studio to do it right.. coz the title could be a good iP if handled well.

Danja5078d ago

Haze was a pretty decent game , its not as bad as they say.

Lair I actually like and with the Control Patch its worth a rental and or a buy if you can find it..

MadWorld is one of my Fave Wii games

The Darkness is a GREAT GAME...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5078d ago
kissmeimgreek5079d ago

Too human has been hyped since it was announced for the PS1 by Silicon Knights. You cant just blame Ms for all that hype.

BTW I thought the darkness was an awesome game. Was it really a flop cuz i thought they were coming out with a sequel?

Shaka2K65079d ago ShowReplies(3)
The_Zeitgeist5079d ago (Edited 5079d ago )

It only sold 700k combined between 360 and PS3. I love The Darkness. Next to Bioshock and Uncharted 2 I'd say its my favorite game this gen. I hope they release a sequel for. It's been like two years since they announced it and no word since then.

The_Zeitgeist5079d ago

Haze wasn't planned as a trilogy. Microsoft had HUGE ambitions for Too Human.

Elven65079d ago

Microsoft didn't have any ambition for a trilogy, the hype was mostly if not all Silicon Knights and Dyack.

Poor research on the part of the author,

ukilnme5079d ago

Even when it's not on them, it's always easier to blame MS.

spooky2055078d ago

lair and too human should battle it our for first. While both games had some good elements the most important thing in a video games is good controls. If the game is unplayable or just not fun due to controls then to me its a instant flop. I still to this day dont understand why silicon knights bothered rushing out too human when they could have put it on hold to further polish the game. Same with Lair. They could have been so much better.

LeonSKennedy4Life5079d ago

The Darkness was and still is an amazing game!

Please go buy it!!!

Paradicia5079d ago

It was one of the best games I played this generation. So original in many ways. I wish I kept it but I traded it in some time ago after 100% everything. Such a memorable experience now that I look back at it.

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Garethvk2d ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack2d ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

jznrpg1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

With their shitty practices I really don’t care what Ubisoft announces until they reverse their course

Relientk772d ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long2d ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk2d ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

RaidenBlack2d ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius2d ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer19922d ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack2d ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist2d ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

jznrpg1d ago

I love Rayman, played it a ton with my kids years ago. But Ubisoft puts dumb crap in their games. MTs , paid tiers , always online requirement for single player games and as they stand now I could see them doing that to Rayman

OtterX1d ago

Yea unfortunately, you're right. :'(

Garethvk2d ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX2d ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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Ubisoft say AC Shadows protagonists will be "romantically attracted to different types of people"

Ubisoft recently shared more details about Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonists, confirming that both of them will romantically attract and be attracted to different types of people.

Hugodastrevas9d ago

That should please everyone I'm sure...

RpgSama9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

Crows909d ago

Or even modern day accuracy.....

Lexreborn29d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about, bet you didn’t know nobunaga was bi-sexual. Or ran maru his is often depicted as androgynous was a “beautiful boy”.

So yeah, feudal Japan had tons of lgbtq and kawaii enough… A BLACK SAMURAI! All without the need of offending a Caucasian because the world is diverse.

VenomUK8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

This story has cracked me up so much! Bravo Ubisoft, bravo! 🤣. So last week everyone was upset that in the long-awaited first Assassin’s Creed: Japan game the protagonist is black. But NOW he is also LGBTQ+ ! It’s like the Ubisoft creative team sat around a table and said “How can we best impress our Kotaku/IGN/Polygon friends and antagonise gamers? Let’s make it woke x 100!’ And then they all silent clapped!

Just you wait until the Star Wars: Outlaws details come out, there better not be anybody complaining about Kay Vess’ dating preferences and the gay droid armies.

Christopher8d ago

It actually is.

Japanese were very Greek in their sexual experiences.

lodossrage8d ago

Lexreborn2 is right

Go read up on Japan's feudal era homosexuality and bisexuality was a very common thing in that time.

I just have to laugh because the same people complaining about this are the same ones crying about wanting "historical accuracy". When it's clear most of the whiners don't even know history themselves.

Christopher8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Facts don't care about downvotes, btw. You either claim to understand historical accuracy or you just admit you don't like the stuff people did throughout history.


thorstein8d ago

Japan had no Christian stupidity about sexuality.

That's where your nonsensical puritanical view comes from: the Abraham's faiths.

It's feudal Japan, they don't believe in your religion's made up nonsense.

I mean, if you're going to embrace a particular viewpoint, you should at least be aware of where it comes from. Most of the world doesn't care about your ideals.

In those days, they certainly didn't care about your religion.

Get over yourself.

RpgSama8d ago

All of you guys missed the point, I even said I'm very sure they did it ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate. Stop defending this, we all know why they did it and who they want to pander, it's not out newfound respect for history.

lodossrage8d ago


Nobody is defending anything.

People are just pointing out the fact that after they just cried about the game not being historically accurate, when they SHOW they're accurate, they cry about it because they don't like certain parts of history

Not to mention you contradicted yourself RPGSama. You just pointed out you said they "ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate". Then turn around and accuse them of pandering and/or having an agenda. Those two things are opposing statements

Cacabunga8d ago

Dumbest decision ever.. always online was a pass for me but now not even for free I’ll try it..

LordoftheCritics8d ago

It's made by Ubisoft Montreal.

Obviously we'll be allowed to bang anything that moves.

RiseNShine8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Yeha pretty sure.

H98d ago

People actually telling you that Japan had sexual deviancy which is correct however what's hilarious is that they will act as if it holds the same moral value that the LGBT community holds today, oh the things men used to say about themselves when they are attracted to other men, it's not empowering in the least bit

senorfartcushion8d ago

It was more common to be attracted to the same sex before the crusades.

8d ago
Tapani8d ago

You are completely lost on Japanese history. Japan was one of the most liberal places in the world, and in many ways still is. You can slice and dice it from your western hubris and whatever point of view, but the reality is that history tells great stories about freedom of choice and people not being judgemental on this island. Also one of the reasons I want to raise my family here, no need to have those whatever Western woke bullshit here, because everyone just respects each other without using all that nonsense.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
CrimsonWing699d ago

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

Crows909d ago

Oh yeah!!!! What about being inclusive???

I'm sorry
..please replace the word inclusive with stupid.

Hofstaderman8d ago

You asking UbiSoft to make a good game? This is not 2002.

thorstein8d ago

I thought you crybabies wanted "historical accuracy." Now that your going to get it, you're going to cry more.


It's past the point of retarded, everyone seems forced to do this bullshit now in games. 😑

Barlos8d ago

Hell no. A good game or film is secondary now to the agenda and the 'message'.

It's not enough to be simply entertained these days, there has to be an overarching real world narrative. I mean look at Dr Who as a recent example. Disney have completely destroyed it all in the name of 'diversity'.

senorfartcushion8d ago

You sound like you don't have a very active sex life ,😅

CrimsonWing698d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Are you projecting? 😝

senorfartcushion8d ago

It's the only thing that explains the incel crap. They can't simply be angry virgins who don't get any, so then a lack of a sex life i.e. a dad of three or something, is also a good additional explanation. They're either lonely and don't get any or too busy to get any. There's a horrible news for sexual control with incels, and they're angry because they simply aren't the right people to achieve that control. They're weaker animals.

notachance8d ago

dude’s too busy commenting on other people’s sex life to actually stay on topic.

That or he’s angry but didn’t have half the brain needed to refute back so he went for the classic ad hominem fallacy.

senorfartcushion8d ago


It's a fact that remains true. The only way it can't be true is if humans were not greedy and heavily reliant on procreation.

Your username is fitting.

CrimsonWing698d ago (Edited 8d ago )

dude, let’s be real, you’re on a video game news site going into the comments section and taking time out of your life to go to war with people you think don’t f*ck. You sound as much of a virgin as any incel does.

Let’s be real, bub you’re just as pathetic as the rest of them. Anyone who would look at this who doesn’t waste their time on a video game news site or video games in general probably thinks the only thing you f*ck is your crusty ass pillow.

C’mon, man. Anyone who f*cks doesn’t immediately go into a comment section claiming others have no sex life. It’s just one of those things if you are getting your d*ck wet. It just comes off like you’re projecting in hopes to god nobody figures out you can’t get any, so you try to flex, even though you’re completely full of sh*t.

I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me 😅.

senorfartcushion7d ago

I'm engaged without children - I'm doing just fine.

This is just nerd sites now. Users are just so angry and for basically the same reasons. Most people go through phases with this type of stuff but it's scary seeing the same attitudes being regurgitated over and over again. From what I've seen it's a strange mix of sexual frustration, lack of proper financing and the need to have 100% control over both so that they aren't taken away from the users.

CrimsonWing697d ago


Look, man, people are allowed to have opinions and show frustration with stuff. It has no bearing on them not getting sex or not making money.

I have no idea how people commenting on being tired of hearing about SJW sh*t being shown in the spotlight like some carnival sideshow where publishers are wanting some pat on the back for means they’re financially unstable and don’t have a sexual relationship.

What, are you on the spectrum? Like how do you come to that conclusion and make multiple responses to the discourse with “virgin alert” or “you need to have sex?” That right there is kind of sus to me.

I don’t know in what world you lived in where this hasn’t been a nerd site, but people are allowed to comment their thoughts on things and still have relationships. You’re just as much of a nerd as everyone in here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
9d ago Replies(3)
darthv729d ago

Is that genuinely a selling point for people?

RpgSama9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

VincentVanBro9d ago

You have to understand they’re incapable of writing a good story so this is the best they could come up with

thorstein8d ago

Well, after last weeks crying about historical accuracy. Now Ubi days, " Oh, okay, historical accuracy: here you go."

Now you're saying you don't want the accuracy? Can you guys just make up your minds?

8d ago
notatallsurprisinggg8d ago

It's a genuine click-bait snippet to rile up people like you to push traffic.

8d ago
8d ago
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Square Enix Is Going Multiplatform; The Layoffs & Its Past Don't Inspire Confidence

After its latest games didn't meet sales targets, Square Enix is going multiplatform but the company's track record isn't convincing.

Scissorman15d ago

Square Enix been multiplatform for decades, a few exclusively-deals doesn't make them any less multiplatform.

fr0sty15d ago

Nor is selling their games on a console with only 25 million install base going to bring their sales to where they hope they will be... Unless they somehow manage to dumb down FF7 trilogy to work on switch, they aren't going to have much luck. They already released it on PC, after all.

anast15d ago

Where are you getting that number?

SegaSaturn66915d ago

It kind of does, giving preference to a certain platform by timed exclusivity. Console ports generally feel superior. Legend of mana PC port extremely broken

neutralgamer199215d ago


It doesn’t when square themselves didn’t want to fund the development of remake. It’s only after the success of the 1st they realized their mistake but now contract is signed. If it wasn’t for Sony there would be no FF7 remakes. Same goes for silent hill 2 with Konami. They don’t want to fund AAA budget. Companies like PlayStation and Nintendo get blamed when in reality they are saving some of these franchises

Remember sega didn’t want to fund bayonetta and epic games didn’t want to fund another gears of war. It’s easy to blame console makers but they are the ones taking the risk and paying huge upfront costs without seeing the final product. FF7 remake trilogy won’t be coming to Xbox now or in the future. PlayStation and PC is what square signed up for. Sony paid them more than they would make from Xbox sales.

ravens5215d ago

I just wonder when everyone is going to demand that the Square Enix exclusives with Nintendo come to PS and Xbox. Or it's just the PS exclusives that matter lol

phoenixwing15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I'd love for the nintendo exclusives to come to pc or ps5. They'd actually be playable then.

neutralgamer199215d ago


Exactly and that’s where square enix does more exclusive than any other platform. Gaming is square has always been very unrealistic with their sales expectations. Remember when tomb raider reboot sold 7.5 million and square said it wasn’t enough. They need to spend less on development and have more realistic expectations from sales.

And those thinking games being not on Xbox makes a difference don’t understand we have a decade plus of data showing square enix games having less than 20% of their multiplatform sales on Xbox (final fantasy series) and Nintendo consoles aren’t strong enough to run any current games. Nintendo switch should be as strong as Xbox one x atleast but we all know that’s most likely won’t happen

RoadRacer15d ago


thing is, as neutral said in their comm, the switch isn't strong enough to run flagship SE games
i think what SE does is, it makes unique games for switch only so that it has something for that console too. Thats where all the "underlined sans" rpgs go to mostly

maybe things will change when Swtich 2 drops cuz that's gonna be as strong as ps4 afaik from the rumors flying around

TheGamingHounds15d ago


Your point is valid enough but when the icon of this company is limited to one console in timed-exclusivity, it means the company has crossed the line. By some degree at least

All things aside, Square itself stated "aggressive multiplatform strategies" so we all know what it's talking about

Scissorman15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Then the headline should read "Square To Drop Exclusively Deals in Pursuit of A Sweeping Multiplatform Strategy". I don't recall this argument when Square Enix released Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy on one platform. And even if FF is the icon, not all of its titles have gone to one platform. We're talking about three games, one of which is already on PC. Did Square suddenly go 'multiplatform' after it released subsequent Tomb Raider sequels on more than just the Xbox? It's just a silly way of putting it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15d ago
TheGamingHounds15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

SE needs to go all in optimization. Broken PC ports won't help its case, especially with big releases like mainline Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix15d ago

It's actually simple. What doesn't inspire confidence is Square allocating their budgets on the wrong projects such as Forspoken, Avengers, Babylons Fall and Foamstars.

Square has always been multiplatform since PS3/360 days which 80 % of their games are. People kick up a fuss over PS exclusivity but not Nintendo which has more exclusive projects console exclusive from Square.

FF16 has done ok but not enough to fix the blunders that the past mistakes Square has made with some of their projects. FF7 Rebirth is unclear we'll see a PC release for sure so it's hard to say so far not as good as they would of liked.

Then again unrealistic expectations. If it weren't for Sony these games would at least had another 2 years development time. So some people need to be realistic in that regard.

Scissorman15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

It's the blunders that set those expectations so high. If you remove those from the equation, I bet the sales numbers would be more than stellar. Square believes it's okay to release a pile of risky, middling, garbage because the big boys will ultimately subsidize the cost. Don't worry if Forspoken sells poorly, FF16 will surely sell 10 million copies to balance that right out. Oh wait, it only sold like 4 million. Well that's a disaster. Meanwhile games that sell 2 million units with comparable budgets are deemed successful.

thorstein15d ago

I would also add that FFXVI, which I loved has a hint to one of their biggest problems: the number 16.

It's a great franchise, but that's all they've become known for. Dragon Quest is my favorite all time series but it's like they don't know what to do outside of those two IPs.

Valve never makes trilogies. The idea is that they don't want to become stagnant. Gabe Newell hates the number 3.

I can't imagine their talent wouldn't want to try a new RPG.

RoadRacer15d ago

Square Enix just really need to revise its expectations. Maybe consider a change in strategy on dev end as well. Multiplat will help for sure but only good games that are marketed well will sell

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