
Why Is Anybody Still Playing CoD?

Platform Nation: Over the years, I’ve built up a mental list of stuff that I struggle to understand why any sane human being would enjoy: Those awful spoof movies, the music of Razorlight, the comedy of Lee Evans, and, lately, Call of Duty.

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GWAVE5087d ago

"The masses" have no taste. It's why cheap "lite" beer always sells more than quality. It's why McDonalds will always outsell quality hamburger joints. It's why Madden still exists. It's why Wii Sports exists. It's why CoD is one of the top-selling franchises in the industry.

The masses. lulz

D4RkNIKON5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Oh god no! I went back to Killzone 2 till KZ3 comes out. That's the only shooter I need.

By the way, if any one does play KZ2 here and wants to join a clan we are recruiting and we are 24 wins with 4 losses.. Hit me up with a PM if you're interested

paladin_veltron5087d ago

agreed. i dont even touch mw2 anymore, been playin killzone 2 and uncharted 2 mp everyday. people who didnt like KZ2 probably didnt like the fact that they actually had to aim and not rely on auto aim. i played mw2 after playing KZ2 and it just felt dumbed down. KZ2 requires skill and precision. headshots and kills feel so much more rewarding on KZ2 than mw2. still want to get mag but not enough cash. by the way, age of zombies, the mini on psn i got fo free with ps+ is really fun and hilarious. i know its off topic but i love that little game.

Snakefist305087d ago

Dude pleazz add me MY PSN ID is Jokerkid20 I wanna join ur clan.

BlackSpartan1875086d ago

Send me a clan invite, I been playing KZ2 since the beta, my PSN is Black Spartan 187

VoicesInMyHead5086d ago

I felt KZ2 was sluggish ....but it was better than that CoD rubbish.....I can't wait til Socom 4 comes out (no rap line there)

moparful995086d ago

I am so sick of MW2.. Only part of the game I enjoyed was the single player campaign which I beat the night I bought the game.. I dont know why the masses flock to a game where you can absorb a clip of bullets while doing some kind of raiden dash from 30 feet away to knife someone... Btw how does a single knife wound kill someone instantly whereas a healthy dose of 5.52mm rounds just gives a jello screen?? Oh well killzone 2 destroys this game in and out.. Graphics, controls, gameplay and so on... Alot of people complained about the weighty feel of the controls but thats one of my favorite designs.. It adds alot of realism and depth that the arcadeyness of mw2 cant touch... Well thats my two cents PSN id: moparful99

ViciousBoston5086d ago

Paladin hell yeah man. I played Age of Zombies last night and I was ROLLING. So funny and really handles well. I like the bosses and stage setups.

IHateYouFanboys5086d ago

i honestly dont understand how people still think that Killzone 2 has no auto-aim lol.

do you not remember the horrible 'shotgun light' auto-aim fiasco for the first few weeks? have you guys ever actually played the game? if youre on one team, get a mate on the other team and have them just run backwards and forwards in front of you, across your screen, and watch your character auto-aim to them with ANY gun. its quite slight compared to some other games, but it definitely still has it.

its a combination of being on a controller with huge dead spots and loose analogues, having the 200ms of input lag that the game has, and being a 30fps game - if it DIDNT have a slight auto-aim noone would ever hit anyone unless you all stood still lol.

on topic, people play MW2 because its fun, its fast, and it provides many ways to play the game and have fun. also, its fun. did i mention its fun? regular people play games to have fun, no other reason. MW2 is fun, if i havent already mentioned that.

if you dont like it, great, dont play it - but to abuse other people because they enjoy it is stupid - especially when its one of the biggest selling games of all time, and regularly has 800 000+ people playing it every day on Xbox Live alone. it has more people play it on xbox live alone in a single day than play Killzone 2 + Uncharted 2 in 6 months. add people playing it on PSN in to the mix and it would probably have more in a day than those 2 games get in a year.

also, i took this pic a good 6 months ago now and have never gotten an answer on what it is: http://tinyurl.com/2793s7k

MW2 subscription on the way? this article also made mention of a supposed subscription service.

peowpeow5086d ago

I miss out on alot of good MP games since no aussies play and the lag is a painnnnnnn

BX815086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

@D4RkNIKON As much as I hate MW2, KZ2 is trash in comparison. You are better off talking about BFBC2! 24-4 and the game has been out for a min. Who da FK has ur clan been battling? KZ2 cannot match W@W let alone MW2! Sorry sweetie!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
5087d ago Replies(1)
Aphe5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

To say "The masses" have no taste is quite unfair. What you mean is "The masses" don't have your tastes. I never understood the appeal with MW. it's the same with Halo, The Sims and anything else I don't really enjoy. But obviously it's something that a lot of people do enjoy, and if they are enjoying it then why knock it?

There's a majority on this site that are ps3 gamers. Now a lot of this majority think Killzone 2 is the greatest FPS to have ever been made. I don't agree with this, but I would be outnumbered. Does that mean I have taste while the majority doesn't? Or does it mean it's just a game I don't like?


BRAVO my friend bravo....well said!!

Kurylo3d5087d ago

Its cause modern warfare 2 is extremely fun and satisfying. People die easy and its like an action movie. And it has that rpg element of building up your character and unlocking new weapons and abilities. So every player has their own abilities. Mixes things up. And its just sick to take out an entire team yourself... its a lot of fun.. There is a reason why this game is that popular.

Consoldtobots5086d ago

I call BS on your assumption that "many think it's the greatest FPS ever made" blah blah blah. I have NEVER seen anyone other than some raging fanboy say that about KZ2. What I have seen said is that it's head and shoulders above the other FPSers that have come out this generation and I think that's quite reasonable.

besides, KZ3 will be the greatest FPS ever made. ;D

deadman1215086d ago

Guess what guys, I don't like Final Fantasy 7! Or any Final Fantasy game, is this because the 'masses' have no taste? Or is it because It is simply not my type of game!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5086d ago
cyborg69715087d ago

Because the game makes noobs feel good about themselves.

Hideo_Kojima5087d ago

So what? Isn't that why we all play games?

Or do you play games and than cry about yourself?

cyborg69715087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

No gun. I make peeps cry let's get that straight. And as far as this pos game is concerned the hype was so huge and the let down even bigger. I cant take anyone seriously who thinks they are good when it comes to this game. This game has the most amount of aim assist in fps history. And that's what ruins it for me. If you could have a playlist with zero aim assist only three killstreaks and most importantly dedicated servers I would still be playing.


Maybe COD is death because of BFBC2 and MAG.

FragGen5087d ago

Maybe because COD is fun as hell and everyone else plays it so it provides common ground, culturally?

The last thing video games need is a bunch of elitist cork sniffers who take themselves way too seriously, IMHO.

TruthbeTold5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Isn't that what what Bobby Kotick and Activision are though? That's why I'm done with CoD personally. The games are decent, but most definitely not all that. And certainly not worth buying from a group of people who see consumers as mindless puppets whom they can treat, and insult anyway they like.

willie62895086d ago

^ What he said. bbl for you. The only way any of us can effect this industry is with out money. If you dont agree with a company, dont buy their games. I think Activision isn't worth spending my time and much less my money on. so i dont buy their games.

It seemed to work with EA. They are still no the best, but they are much better than they used to be.

mastiffchild5081d ago

I'm not disputing that COD games can be fun-they can. however, I'm so sick of the Activision milking machine that never gives a toss abut the gamers who oil it's massive wheels and pay all it's wages that I will never give them a penny again until they change considerably.

I like lots of other shooters just as much(and some more than)as MW2 and find the fact they stuck with P2P all round purely for profit insulting when I see that amount of lag on what is the market leading shooter in 2009/10. It's disgraceful that they didn't give everyone dedicated servers on a game that profitable and shows exactly what they think of us , the people who keep them in beans and felt berets.

Acti spent twice as much on marketing a game which needed barely ANY marketing to sell as IW got to develop and test the game, there wasn't enough QA or anything like enough beta testing for the online game. Ally that to the fact it was the third time we'd had the game(COD4 and WaW ARE the same damn game in a different wrapper and sillier story every time)and they divided the community with the PC server strip,EU hike and PC hike and (oh, Christ the inanity of the FAGS video and No Russian exercise in feeble notoriety)you'ree some way to seeing just how wound up I am with Acti/IW over this game.

Again, it's a fun game and is inclusive(which is why people like it) but I like a learning curve and after a week everyone is basically as good as they're getting on COD games. They're so pick up and play that IW realised this issue and that's the reason you get MORE help as you get a biot better with perks etc-otherwise after day two you'd never know you were because the differences would be so tiny as there's precious little left to learn once you know the damn maps. I get a little sad that more complex shooters struggle but when people have busy lives I suppose they don't want demanding but sure to God they can see how giving their cash for the same basic game every year with few, if any, real improvements isn't clever.

Really, we should be ashamed at buying Activision games whether we like them or not because making Acti more powerful only weakens our position and they WILL continue to rip us off and cut corners while running good series into the ground for every last cent while not giving one crap about quality or dedicated servers.I also find it incredible just how many gamers have no idea what either P2P or dedicated servers are but it shows just what an easy job Kotick has(and he needs it to be easy considering he knows nothing about games himself)in fleecing most gamers and it's why it's the duty of people like us to tell other gamers what the actual truth is-sometimes it's more important to make a point than give in to the "I want t now!" urge. Fun or not doesn't matter to me as Acti need taking down a fair few pegs but while [people are both ignorant of the evil they do and too desperate to hand over their cash because it's all short term selfishness we're a bit screwed.

If Warhawk can have dedicated servers can anyone give me a decent reason why bloody COD can't?

gypsygib5087d ago

It's why democracy fails in so many areas...

Consoldtobots5086d ago

democracy was NEVER meant to work, only to lead the world into totalitarian socialism. Go read Karl Marx, he made no bones about the role of democracy in the 20th century.

swice5086d ago

Democracy could totally work, and could be awesome. The problem is that nobody knows how the fuvk to do it right

mastiffchild5081d ago

Democracy doesn't exists and never can while the choices are all virtually the same and the majority of those eligible to vote know sod all about anything. When the last UK election was going on I remember wincing in terror at the idiot members of the public(not everyone but easily the majority)that got interviewed about their voting preferences and the whys and wherefores behind them-these people have a massive say in the future of a major country and , imho, were just too stupid for the job.

I'd much rather we got rid of party politics(which isn't true democracy anyway)and just trained people up to run areas of the government so they actually knew what to do when they arrived at their jobs in defence, health, welfare or whatever. When all the parties say the same basic crap why not? At least we'd be spared the idiot race every four years where we're asked to choose between three identical brands of centrist Conservatism-while the know nothings just vote for who the papers tell them to. Farce and so is western democracy.

Can't we have a proper Worldwide revolution and try something new because neither democracy nor Capitalism works in any real sense? If nothing else it would be exciting for a bit and way better than elections. We might even thin out the idiots who clog up the voting as well! Bloody politics, i SH1T it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5081d ago
Inside_out5087d ago

C'mon now, MW2 represents all that is evil and immoral BUT Battlefield is OK...What kind of teacher rationalizes like that. Activision is bad because??? they are successful and he thinks it's ok for a developer to " explore " other publishers, even though they are under contract with Activision...right.

MW2 is extremely popular because it is giving the players what they want. Plain and simple. It deserves all the praise and money it gets. How many games have released at the same price and offered NOTHING.

ThanatosDMC5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

These people need to get MAGed and then they'll see how useless their so-called "skillz" are. But usually, they get kicked out for being whiners and hateful for losing or not being able to kill anyone.

XsteveJ5086d ago

Agreed. I do love me some MAG

Dee_915087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

for playing a game that you dont like ...

AAACE55087d ago

Because for all of it's flaws, it is still one of the best shooters around!

Hear me out before you disagree!

You may like Killzone 2 or Halo 3 or whatever, but neither of those moves at the speed of CoD! CoD is a good mix of realistic shooter play and arcade play! You will get pissed off playing against people with a higher rank, but if you adjust your play style, you should do well.

I have Killzone 2 and Halo 3, and they just seem so slow! I look over at the cases and say I will play them, but never do. It may be because I just don't really like the sci-fi aspect of the games or something else.

I refuse to pay for the map packs for CoD, but for some reason, I keep going back to it! I like to be able to jump right in get some kills, drop javalins on peoples heads, snipe with the .50 cal. with thermal and all of that!

But the most important point i'm trying to prove is.... every game won't be a good fit for every gamer! Some people may think that Perfect Dark Zero or Haze were the best shooters ever created! But that's just their personal choice. They liked how the game was made and the content that was provided.

You may never be able to understand why people like or dislike anything unless you have an open mind!

moparful995086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Just because its addictive doesnt translate to a "great game" Hell alot of people have gambling or drug addiction does that make them great recreations? (rhetorical) You even stated "Because for all of it's flaws, it is still one of the best shooters around"
Ok for me a game full of flaws is a bad game.. I too had a semi mw2 addiction until I started getting soo mad I was having chronic headaches and trouble sleeping and I noticed all the warning signs that I needed to stop... So thats precisely what I did.. Every once in a while I will go back and have a pick up match but I dont spend hours on end playing.. I quickly get bored and find something else to play..

Redempteur5086d ago

where is the realism in COD ?
Soory where is it ? running like crazy die, drop a grenade , get kills ?

COD might be fun for some but it's certainly Not realist

Hallucinate5086d ago

yea um i would really like to know what realism is in call of duty...? the is it thats every soldier has 2 legs 2 arms and a head? cause that really is the only real thing about CoD

AAACE55086d ago

I doubt most of you have actually held a real gun... more importantly ran with a gun! When you run with a gun, you have to stop and adjust yourself really quick to aim and take a shot! The hard thing is, your body is tired so aiming takes a couple seconds. Obviously, this makes a game kinda boring. It would be like using a sniper scope for each aim. So they made the aiming arcadey to eliminate the frustration of trying to aim, which slows the gameplay down.

When someone gets shot or a grenade blows up on them, their bodies react to it realistically. Most times things are moving fast and you don't get to notice little details. I'll admit, sometimes CoD does piss you off and make you hate it, which is where most of you probably got mad and sold it! The problem was you were playing against people who were better than you! A few days ago, I had a kill/death ratio of 29-4. Yesterday, I got 0-11 in a match. Stepping away from the game for a second, you can see the difference with experience.

If you were in a real war, usually the person with the most experience will win. So basically when you're playing, you are playing against who has put a lot of time in on the game... of course they are going to kick your ass! It makes me mad too, but I adapt my play style and do better in the next match!

Nevermind! No matter what I say, it will never change anyone's mind about the game...lol... I almost sound as bad as one of those fanboy's who think their opinion is actually going to change someone else's mind...lol! I think I come here too much. This site is starting to rub off on me!

RedSavage5086d ago

If you think COD MW2 if fast paced, you've obviously have never played Quake or UT

AAACE55086d ago

Yes, I have played Quake! I liked part 2 a lot! I have played Unreal as well... all of them!

That's where they are different! Those are wild shooters. CoD requires just a little more strategy and thought!

But if you hate the game, my point will be pointless to you, and we will keep going back and forth on this with no end!

RedSavage5086d ago

I wouldn't say MW2 takes more thought and strategy, because that almost means more skill. Quake and UT take waaaaay more skill to play than MW2. I guess is that they would be different since COD is way slower, you don't have to process your strategies as fast as you would have for Quake or UT.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
ape0075086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

that this is their "opinions", they hate it so much cause its outselling their favorite soul mate games (I know how they think), they hate it that much cause everyone is proving them wrong, the sales, the reviews, guys on their friendlists, dlc sales on both xbl and psn (even with 15$ price) and most importantly the LASTING EFFECT and REPLAY VALUE, guys lol don't go delusional, just realize\understand the difference between FACT and OPINION

you hate it it's ok don't cry LoL

"modern warfare 2 N4G's nightmare"

and @ GWAVE, that's the most "private universe" comment I've seen, the majority have no taste and I have, what kind of "closed minded\one sided thinking" is that, comment like these remind me of me when I was young, I used to say, Im the best and everyone is wrong hahaha, you don't like it, it's ok but respect other gamers and understand the differences of brain cells LOL in each person

Pumbli5086d ago

Ladies and gentlemen, may I interest you in the best comment I've seen on these "news" so far?

You should also give this guy a bubble and an agree, I sure did.

EVILDEAD3605086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Ape hit it on the nail...+ BUBZ

N4G.com has no idea..actually it's only a small part of N4G.com who make up a fraction of a pebble of a molecule of the amount of COD:MW2 players out there..

The game is FUN..period..

I haven't played in a long time..but it's a game that when a few of your buds are playing and your in the mood..you throw it in and dust off the skills..similiar to Halo

The funny part about the major sheep on the net is they are actually not mad at MW2..it ALL came from the Activision's infamous Sony comment..

Fast forward and NOBODY is touching Call of Duty:MW2..that's why you see at least 5 copies at E3.

If you asked anyone would a console FPS outsell Gran Theft Auto..they would have laughed at you..on the 360 you have two


iHEARTboobs5086d ago

Everything else is just politics.

rezzah5086d ago

My guess is that Cod has become a favorite amongst the casual-harcore gamers. Yes, those that exist within the range of both sides (lol). Also you're are forgetting that the "masses" dont really pay attention to the industry like im how im pretty sure the way you do. To them its a game and its fun, so they do what any other person would do...play it.

bluefresnoday5086d ago

Well said, GWAVE. "The masses":
Hypnotized to follow...
and buy, buy, buy, what and when they're told to do so.

DaTruth5086d ago

To be fair, Madden still exists because of a lack of any Football alternative.

This is what monopolies lead to!

5086d ago
fossilfern5086d ago

Well im having plenty of fun playing BC2 and also Lost Planet 2 online which may sound stupid but it is fantastic online :D

Luchiano5086d ago

I have been looking for a good BFBC2 clan....... Any good ones out there?

iPad5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

This is may sound a little "no lifey" but I only play Mw2 to get high up in the leaderboards.

pixelsword5086d ago

Because theyyyy... want to?

UnSelf5086d ago

i thought it was just me

f7897905086d ago

Developers always underestimate its power.

PoSTedUP5086d ago

idk... why did over 20 million people BUY cod?

socomnick5086d ago

Not correct, the reason Cheap Lite beer always sells more is because the three companies who manufacture Cheap Light beer, the makers of Budweiser, Miller, and coors have a stranglehold on the market. They spend So much money on advertising and have deals with retail chains to place their products in prime space.

Legosz5086d ago

The sad thing is, the "masses" as you say, are stupid americans.

BX815086d ago

The masses seem to have taste since the masses approve, It's da minority such as your self that dis approve! Don't hate cheese toast! GWAVE LULZ!!!!!!!!!! Now let's watch all ur male mates and BFF'S disagree! Bring it on ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jeseth5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

COD is popular because it is easy enough for a novice to pick up and play and also hard enough to where you really have to practice to be elite. Its fun to play with friends and easy to play alone.

As for your other analogies :

Lite Beer = Mass Production, Average Grade Ingredients, Easy Drinking = Less $$$
Craft Beer = Smaller Batches, More Time To Make, Higher Quality Ingredients = More Money.

McDonalds = $1 Double Cheeseburger in 1 minute.
Restaurant = $9 Burger that takes 20 minutes.

Madden is FUN.
Wii Sports is FUN.

Give me Sam Adams Boston Lager or Dogfish Head IPA for the price of Bud Light and a 1/2 lb. Swiss Mushroom burger for $1 and Lite Beer and McDonalds will be out of business. Your food and drink analogies suck because they only boil down to money and convenience.

Your gaming anology is kind of sad because it sounds like you are too good to play games many others find fun. There are all kinds of games for all kinds of people.

You aren't any better than the guy drinking Coor's Light, eating Chicken Nuggets, and playing COD with his buddies. In fact, the way you put yourself above people I'd say you are probably less of a person than "the masses".

Get off your soapbox.

ape0075086d ago

yeah people saying they are better than everyone usually have emotional problems and inferiority complex, most of n4g posters are (im very sorry to say that) totally pathetic

Bubble Buddy5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

It's because as bad and broken and horrible COD is obtaining many complaints from me and my friends, it's still addicting and as much as we play U2, NBA 2K10, K2, we still end up playing COD.My friend b*tches about COD 24/7 and got Battlefield but still ends up playing COD most of the time. Perhaps the friends who are always on it contributes a lot to it. Friends who aren't really "gamers".

gtamike5086d ago

Cause no skill is needed in COD4/MW2, if the same players started playing Unreal, Quake or even HL2DM they would get owned big time.

gtamike5086d ago

cause it's crap/buggy/no skill/campers and has over priced map packs, thats for starters.

Syronicus5086d ago

It's funny to me how BF:BC2 was going to be the savior for those so upset about MW2. Now look at y'all... Can't just let it go.

5086d ago
ThatIrishGamer5086d ago

Autoaim was patched out of KZ2 just after launch. There's no autoaim anymore - hasn't been in AGES.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 5081d ago
Hellsvacancy5087d ago

Two weeks of online was enough for me, far too borin, i played COD3 online more then i did MW,MW2,WAW put together

Gettin PROPER bored of BC2 now aswell, i might sell it, it needs more maps ASAP

outlawlife5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

you won't get free maps, EA already exhausted the supply of free maps that were already on the disc

another reason I ditched that game, the vip code business sucked, they made you think you were getting free stuff but really all they did was lock things already on the disc

very weak startegy, but not everybody realizes what is actually going on

a_squirrel5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Actually, DICE said themselves that the only thing that ISN'T going to be free (VIP members) are things like optional modes, costumes, etc.

They specifically said that maps themselves are free for VIP members.

Yes, those maps were on the LIMITED EDITION game. Not too sure about the normal version, but still ,they're trying to cut down on pirates and used games.

D4RkNIKON5087d ago

I told you to get your ass on Killzone and you said you were drugged up and in too much pain to play. Drugged is how I roll, it's not an excuse

Downtown boogey5087d ago

Killzone 2 was pretty good but after you get EVERYTHING in it like I did, it gets boring as well. Though I always disliked the fact that Killzone 2 didn't have much depth when it came to basic shooting gameplay, meaning that no matter how good you were, when you came head to head with some noob, both equipped with the same weapon, the outcome could easily be in favor of either one of you.
Do not disagree if you won't be able to back it up as well!

Gawdl3y5087d ago

Are you crazy? Any old noob can't pick up KZ2 and perform well.
When I was new to it, I constantly got my ass kicked when I played with people not near my level. Even when we had the same weapon, I'd be outgunned because they're better at aiming. Now that I'm good at the game, many times the same but reversed happens. I see someone at the same time that they see me, we start shooting at the same time, but if my aim is better I kill them. It's not easy as 1-2-3 either.

thong_pounder5087d ago

@ Downtown boogey I'll agree with u, the reason when i got killzone 2 and in the first match my kill death ratio was around 30/5. the single player is fun, but online is boring not too many weapons every single player has the same weapon, i stopped playing it after my first day, don't know why people keep saying killzone 2 has the best online

TrailerParkSupervisr5086d ago

Threw my back out last Sunday, been laying on my floor ever since. Just went to doc and got steroids shot into my lower back, a script for hydrocodone 10m and 10, 5 mili of valium.

You're on 10 well buddy I'n on 11!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5086d ago
The Meerkat5087d ago

Because Halo: Reach isn't out yet.

Xwow20085087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

thats the problem with most of the 360 users:halo>gears>cod,hal o>gears>cod..etc.

Cold 20005087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

The problem with most PS3 gamers is that they care what 360 gamers play while 360 gamers dont give a damn that PS3 gamers prefer playing COD rather than KZ2 or Resistance or whatever.

Lionhead5087d ago

You seem the opposite of what you are preaching ;)

bjornbear5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

of obnoxious frat boys' games line up


pixelsword5086d ago

@ cold2000;

You might have had a point until you crapped all over yourself.

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Downtown boogey5087d ago

Dude... Four of my friends on PSN... MW2 pretty much every day. One of them even first played it hours a day for months and when he stopped he mocked it in his comments in several childish ways.
And guess what?
He got right back to it. I just keep calling him a hypocrite.

Gawdl3y5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Hehe, gotta love the comment mocking. When I got sick of MW2,
my favorite comment to use was, "Shit > MW2."

Nike5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Well, MW2's got it's issues. And so does Halo. And well, so does the first MW. But in some way, they can still be fun.

Though to clarify, this is how my preference usually goes when I have those 3 games in front of me for multiplayer:

Call of Duty 4>>Halo 3>>Halo 3: ODST (4 player firefight local's got me hooked)>>>>>> ;>Modern Warfare 2 (I'm still amazed at times how many choices they gave - and how so many of those can break the gameplay)

Haven't even factored Gears 2's Horde mode into the equation.

Lex Luthor5086d ago

@The Meerkat

Oh Snap!

Halo:Reach is gonna murder all.

BubblesDAVERAGE5086d ago

Will not sell as much as COD.....it will probably to about the same as reach

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PantherDST5087d ago

I've Quit COD ever since MAG and BFBC2 came out. There was simply too much glitching, boosting and the like going on for me to enjoy it.

knightdarkbox5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

because mw2 was awesome?

why does every1 hate on mw2 anyway? that game was a solid FPS and i ha loads of fun with it.. maby the haters just suck at it?

Infinity ward makes good games and they definitely improve upon the mistakes they made in cod4 and just make it better in general.

deal with haters of mw2..

LordMarius5087d ago

so you associate ones hatred with their skill.
Guess you must really suck at Heavy Rain then...

Lionhead5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

lmao +Bubs

Just saw his bashing and hating of Heavy Rain earlier

Fool troll

OSU_Gamer5087d ago

Thats the same argument that people make with Demon Souls, its acceptable then?

Lionhead5087d ago

Demon's Souls wasn't as ridiculously hard as people make it out to be.

9 times out of 10 when you die, it's your own mistake. So yes.

DaTruth5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Demon's Souls isn't so hard as it is punishing! Every little misstep will leave you dead and every little dude can potentially kill you. If you die, there are no save points, you go back to the beginning(well technically there are in the form of shortcuts, but they are few and far between) and sometimes you're carrying lots of Souls(cash) and you lose that shit and it hurts!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5086d ago
ZombieNinjaPanda5087d ago

They improve upon their mistakes?

So you mean to tell me the outrageous online is improved on over the last game? You mean to tell me that now that Juggernaught is gone, we have nothing to counter stopping power? That you can knife someone from literally 10 feet away? That you can have unlimited grenade launcher rounds in about 10 seconds flat?

Okay, I understand people's definitions of improved upon are different, but you're kidding yourself if you think MW2 is anywhere near improved.

xHarvey5087d ago

I agree with you it was a solid FPS but that's about it. It's over rated and in my opinion very unbalanced. This game encourages Camping with its over powered kill streak rewards. They tried topping Call of Duty 4 by simply making everything bigger and giving you more( Rewards,perks,guns etc). Call Of Duty 4 is a much better game. The only features I love from Modern Warfare 2 are the round winning kill cams,host migration,titles, and emblems.

gypsygib5087d ago

I loved COD4 and got bored of MW2 after 3 weeks; it had a far worse single player and poor online due to the excessive reliance on comboing hapless users with constant air attacks.

RememberThe3575086d ago

I spent a lot of time with COD4 and MW2 disappointed the shit out of me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

Here is a look at the first two maps of Season 6 for Multiplayer.
La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G297d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood297d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G297d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade297d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality297d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator296d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G296d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85297d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G297d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo297d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg297d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast296d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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