
E3 2010: Why Valve On The PS3 Can Change Everything

So Portal 2 is coming to the PS3. And previously PlayStation-phobic Valve boss Gabe Newell has given the machine his full endorsement at Sony's press conference. Good news, right? Yay! Woo! Portal! Cake memes! Etc!

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GWAVE5088d ago

When Valve, the PS3's biggest hater, not only switches to PS3 but also gives it support that the 360 isn't getting, you know that things have changed.

dangert125088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

All i have to say is
blu ray
added content
2 full games for the gen on one cd
Dead space 2 and extraction

AtatakaiSamurai5088d ago

Valve has games on the PS3 right now. Just because they didn't bring L4D to the PS3 will forget that Valve has been on the Playstation for years?

AssassinHD5088d ago

I would argue that EA has a game on the PS3, not Valve. Valve has maintained that they had nothing to do with the Orange Box.

eggbert5088d ago

Valve games to PS3. Valve had nothing to do with it because they didn't like programming for the PS3.

LoVeRSaMa5088d ago

I too got the feeling that he was implying that Steam was conning to PS3 in 1 form or the other, we will just have to wait and see.

AtatakaiSamurai5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

You don't even care about making sense.

So you're telling me Orange Box is an EA IP? That because Valve hired EA to help them with a port to the PS3 means it's not their game coding and development but EAs?


Pandamobile5087d ago


Uh, EA has no say over what Valve does. Valve just does what Valve does.

velaxun5087d ago

Valve had nothing to do with OB on PS3. It doesn't matter if it's all their stuff if they played no part in bringing it over. EA did all the re-coding that was necessary for the game to run on the PS3, not Valve, therefore Valve hasn't been involved with the PS3

Motion5087d ago

Lol, nobody said that the Orange Box or Half-Life were not Valve IPs. All they said was that Valve had absolutely nothing to do with porting the Orange Box over to the PS3. That was done by EA, and Valve claimed they had nothing to do with it because they didn't want/like to program on the PS3.

exnihilonihilfit5087d ago

That's what valve said, not us.

AssassinHD5087d ago

I assure you I have no ill feelings toward Valve. Valve is a fantastic development studio, and I have enjoyed many of their games.

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FACTUAL evidence5088d ago

now we all now that we aren't going to get s steam tab on PS3. If Sony is deciding to do so, don't expect it from them for about 3 years.

Sarcasm5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

We'll see the extent of how Steam will actually work on the PS3 though. I'm just happy that Portal 2 is coming.

MorganX5088d ago

Or Valve needs more revenue. This would have been much bigger a couple years ago. Now, meh

IdleLeeSiuLung5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Nah, I think it is a sign of times when the Sony makes a splash by stealing MS exclusives and such. That is basically acknowledging MS, something they didn't do just 3-4 years ago.

In another turn of event, Valve was one of the most hated company from the PS3 consumers. Now they are the most beloved!

In one year, we got multiple company turn from exclusive to multi-platform and it seems the consumers still don't understand that in the end there is no loyalty other than to the $$$!

Tomdc5087d ago

only cos microsoft are always against stuff like that. It is why they wont allow stuff like iplayer on the console either

Old Greg5087d ago

After reading this, it just sounds like alot of high hopes. I mean portal2 is gonna be great, im sure. But after that? Its not like major plans were announced.

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AliTheBrit195088d ago

Be interesting to see how Steam on the PS3 pans out, Also hoping that it may come to Xbox 360

That would be nuts, think about it, PC Gaming, Xbox 360 and PS3 all your hubs linked up by Steam.

spektical5088d ago

except it wont. M$ has closed propietary, meaning they wont let other publishers/developers host there own service to stream updates, etc.

Hellsvacancy5088d ago

Keep dreaming about seeing Steam on the 360 for the reason above

IdleLeeSiuLung5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Steam on the Xbox 360 would never happen. Why? Because MS is smart enough to protect their profits.

I applaud Sony for being such an open platform, but just like the free PSN and the generous hardware offering, their profits are suffering. By letting Steam on their platform they are essentially de-valuing PSN current offerings and potentially (because we don't exactly know what Valve's plans are) hurting their profits.

I hope that whatever partnership Sony has with Valve that at a minimum there is a mutual benefit and not a mostly beneficial to Valve as it seems. Either way, Valve seems to treat their customers really well....

willie62895087d ago

yeah... i wish sony would screw me over so that they can make more profits. /s

I agree it is all business and money, but you don't have to piss off your customers to make money. There is such thing as valuing and respecting your customers.

flies and honey and all that.

IdleLeeSiuLung5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

I'm not saying they should piss over all their customers, but a business needs to profit in order for it to be able to support it's customers. When you buy a product you place a value on it and consider it worthwhile or not. Let the market decide....

If Sony went out of business (which they won't!), it is neither good for me nor you! When a business model works, it benefits everyone. However, everyone seem to think it is fine that a huge corporation loses some money, after all it is making millions!

Godmars2905088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Out of the three titles on the Orange box, Portal 1 had the least amount of issues. With argument about weather or not they even did the port, the fact that they've never had a bug-free release, I just don't what them making this Steam-thing an open portal they use for constant patching, they need to do better.

Honestly for all we know steam might brick consoles.

likedamaster5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

"Valve still has to prove itself."

Funniest comment I've read all day. Thanks for that.

Edit: Btw, EA did the Orange Box port for PS3 not Valve.

Ri0tSquad5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

As of now, Valve's games on PS3 are mediocre ports. Regardless of who was given the responsibility of porting their games to PS3, it reflects their own work. Valve needs to "prove" that won't happen again.

Persistantthug5087d ago

Bought it with my PS3 Jan 2009.....

It runs fine.
I still play Team Fortress.

Do any of you own the game on PS3?

Cevapi885088d ago

i guess you have no clue what steam is...pretty sad when you think about it

unrealgamer585088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

You know I would absolutely destroy you In a debate about this, But I always seem to get suspended afterwards.

So I'll just say this I know what steam Is and to say one thing would change everything Is Idiotic, Especially when you consider It will ultimately arrive on live.

So what Is It supposed to change?

Yes, It's exciting but let's see how It will play out before we call It the second coming


Exactly but It seems the peanut gallery has forgotten valves expeience with the ps3 over the last few years

Cevapi885088d ago

please dont....i dont want to go cry into my pillow...really its going to come to live?? did you forget Newell bashing MS for being so closed off...how is Steam going to come to Live when they like open machines...ohh and i guess it will be another one of those great features to keep paying for Live

nveenio5088d ago

Of everything you said, the only thing I agree with is that Steam on PS3 will not change everything. In my opinion, Sony has already changed everything. How? By listening to fans. Fans wanted hardcore motion control options, Sony listened. Fans wanted Valve to show the PS3 some love, Sony made it happen. Fans wanted more PSN options to rival Live, Sony made it happen.

Sony has taken the strongest position in the console race because they listen. And that's awesome.

Now, if they'd just make a Move game where you rub lotion on Marissa Miller.

squallheart5088d ago

bubbles for you. Well put paragraph and i especially agree on your last game recommendation.

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Steam's highest-rated game is now less than a dollar in the Spring Sale

Jack writes: "Yet again browsing the latest offers in the Steam Spring Sale has led us to track down the very best. In terms of price to quality, we don’t think that it gets much better than this. Portal 2 is now less than a dollar, and if you haven’t got it already, now is the time to pick it up."

TheEroica63d ago

Portal deserves to be one of steams highest rated games... It's almost tetris levels of perfect game design.

TheEnigma31363d ago

It's a great game, but highly overrated. But for $1, it's an amazon deal.

Friendlygamer63d ago

Valve should bring their games to ps5

Kados63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Gotta love Steam. Just got Portal 2 for .97 cents CAD. Should have been $1.29, selected the bundle with Portal 1 and 2, which gets a 25% discount, already have Portal 1, so it removes the cost of that, and still applies the full 25% bundle discount to Portal 2. 90% + 25% discount.

Friendlygamer62d ago

That's sweet, I've been thinking about building a modest pc to play some oldies


All the Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Given the medium's wild diversity, this primer of the essential video games everyone should try is a good place to start.

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thorstein70d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218370d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga70d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno70d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name70d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno70d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno70d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure70d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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The story behind Portal: Revolution — A fan-made prequel to Portal 2

Chris Brandrick, writing for overkill, speaks to Stefan Heinz, the lead developer on Portal: Revolution, a new fan-made campaign prequel to Portal 2.

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StalinSupremacy122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

valve suck so much at making games now, opting just to smaug on top of an enormous pile of money,
that fans got so desperate that they have to make their own games.
this industry is fucking over.