
PlayStation Move Isn't Much More than a Wii HD

I had high hopes for PlayStation Move since its announcement. Having played around with various titles for about an hour today, I have to say: if Sony's technology is better, it isn't showing in its first-gen software.

Frankly, I'm not sure that it ever will.

dc15108d ago

..this guy would be the lone discontented voice in a room full of very impressed journalist.
Just saying.....

ryuzu5108d ago

Not much more than "Wii HD" huh? Is that supposed to be a negative thing?

I think Sony would be absolutely ecstatic if this turns out to be as successful as a Wii with HD features. Sales would sky rocket.


nveenio5108d ago

It is the Wii HD, it's just that the graphics aren't the only HD thing about it. The precision is HD, the game quality is HD, the hardcore selection is HD--it's motion control that works, and Sony proved that during their conference. The closest thing to a buggy performance they had was the PGA11 demo, but even that was nothing compared to Nintendo's Zelda demo. They practically had to cancel the demo due to "interference".

- Ghost of Sparta -5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Kinect isn't much more than EyeToy. Who cares? Is "Wii HD" supposed to be an insult? The Wii is the most successful console of this generation.

Close_Second5108d ago

I agree in part to your statement.

Both the PS3Eye and Kinect are nothing more than webcams with a built in mic. Although the Kinect is more advanced in terms of using a second lens for better dept reception and works in lower light conditions, they both do nothing more than relay image signals to the console, where the real work is done. So, once you add Move into the mix the Sony offering does both motion capture like Kinect and the Wii. Surely this is the best of both worlds?

However, it would not be too difficult for MS to introduce a Move peripheral of their own at some stage. That to me would then give the advantage back to MS.

After all is said and done its the games that will differentiate the MS, Sony and Nintendo offerings in terms of motion controlled games. Basically, if the Wii can do it then I would say that the 360 and PS3 can do it better if for no other reason than they have a hell of a lot more processing might under the hood.

I like Kinect and think it will do well as long as it does not fall into the EyeToy trap. That is, games that appeal to casual gamers only and offer not lasting appeal or depth. However, the problem is, if you use Kinect with an Oblivion style game you have to wonder just how long you'd need to be on your feet...

nveenio5108d ago

I, too, believe that M$ could release a peripheral for use with Kinect. The only roadblock I could see for them would be one of the following:

1) Waiting to see Kinect adoption rates...low adoption = no more hardware.
2) Patents...does Sony own a patent that would prevent M$ from copying their tech (e.g. tracking a piece of hardware with the camera)? I haven't checked into this, but most hardware is always patented.
3) No need...the casual market may eat Kinect up as-is. If they do, M$ won't push it any further. They have a notorious record for only doing "just enough".

sikbeta5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Totally True Guys, PS3 + Move Deliver More than a wii-HD would ever do, PS3 is the Awesome Gaming Machine That Covers All Kind of Aspects in Gaming, Appealing to Every Kind of Gamers, Built With The Best Tech this Gen, adding Loads of More Features and with an increasing Library of Amazing Games

PS3 = It Only Does Everything

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DJexs5108d ago Show
Corepred45108d ago

sure sounds like it. i thought people were always asking for a wii hd. and now that they it somewhat its a bad thing cuz its from sony? smh

callahan095108d ago

This guy needs to just stop. Has Gizmodo ever said anything positive about the PS3? They're constantly trolling on the PS3 and anything related to it. In fact, some third-party peripheral manufacturer just released a shoddy controller for PS3 that's vaguely shaped like a 360 controller and Gizmodo goes and writes an article about it saying that it's the best controller available for the PS3 and you might actually be able to enjoy playing your PS3. What the hell is that about? First of all, there's a preference involved. Some people like the Dual Shock more than the 360 controller. I can't stand it when these guys try to make it out like there's some objective fact that the 360 controller is better. Fact: it's not. People have different preferences, deal with it. Second of all, that controller can't hold a candle to any console manufacturer's actual official controller. But of course they say it's better than Sony's controller because they don't do anything but troll on the PS3.

randomwiz5108d ago

i think this is the first positive...ish thing they've said.

Christopher5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

So... his complaint is that it's no more than the Wii because the casual games sucked?

***Now, whether Sony can make sure a few bad apples don't taint the consumer's perspective of the bunch***

Aided tremendously by journalists who don't have any knowledge of the type of games they're reviewing, of course. I mean, let's call a gesture-based game like Lights Out laggy when in fact it just waits until you complete the full gesture before it performs the on-screen maneuver...

What the heck has happened to game journalism in the last five years? I swear it's like everyone has been lobotomized or something.

"I went to test Diablo, but I couldn't spawn any grunts or anything. Worst RTS ever!"

Edit: Here's what we need - someone with a Wii and the PS Move standing side by side trying out each of the games and detailing how each one is different and how capable each controller scheme is compared to the other. Do this for the sport, party, and hardcore games.

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

"I went to test Diablo, but I couldn't spawn any grunts or anything. Worst RTS ever!"

HAHAHAH! Bubbles up!

sinclaircrown5108d ago

The Wii HD is what people have been asking for! So now you have a 'Wii HD' that's also a PS3, BluRay player with free online gaming, and 3D movie support. Throw on top of that we're in the season of price cuts with new sku's hitting shelves.

Yeah, Sony really dropped the ball here huh?

syanara5108d ago

Wii HD would be great so I consider this a good thing but beyond that Wii Motion Plus doesn't even have anywhere near the accuracy of Move nor the first party support like sony has.

sikbeta5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Playing with a console that Cost Them nothing, you know FREE... oh, someone needs to tell them they can't flip the Thing when it's reading a disc, cos the disc will end up with scratches...

beardpapa5108d ago

It's Wii HD with hardcore games.

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DoomeDx5108d ago

Wii-mote = 2D

Playstation move = 3D + Alot more precise + it looks better

Mista T5108d ago

its so frustrating because people always talk out of there ass before looking at the facts, thank you wesley-dw

once again, if anyone didn't catch it, the PS eye detects 3d space

g0green5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

come on guys no reason to be close minded, the moves technology is more advanced and yes it is in hd which gives it an edge over the wii, but this isnt gonna be the end all be all. Apparently just like kinect there is lag and it is not 1:1 as others claimed, there is still several months till release so im sure this can be ironed out and become a great platform

edit: honestly guys ps MOVE receives a little just criticism and everyone calls gizmodo liars and fanboys, they are a tech site not games and they are reporting what they experienced, as far as i know you guys havnt played so you have so no reason to be ignorant

Seferoth755108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Complete BS. Nice of you Mr T to back someone speaking BS and not the truth.

It doesnt tack in 3D huh kid? Is that why in CoD you zoom in the sniper rifle be moving the controller forward?

All it took was knowing 1 game to know you dont know what you are talking about..

Also from this report it isnt more precise. Who do we believe? Sony fans who think everything they do is perfect or someone who actually used the product when you didnt

It seems the only reason Sony fans are excited is because you all are completely clueless to how it actually works.

sikbeta5108d ago

PS3 + 3D + Move = The Best Way To Enjoy Gaming...

Grodd5108d ago

I wish there was a Wii HD.

3sq5108d ago

Yup, and Nintendo 3DS, graphic wise, is what a Nintendo DS should have been. Instead they gave us DSlite, DSi and DSXL. WTF!? milk milk and milk. Now just release a HD console already Nintendo...or are you gonna milk some more?

Seferoth755108d ago

Just as many PSP version also. I dont see you crying about that though.

DoomeDx5108d ago

Me to.

im a hardcore gamer myself,
but i love playing casual games with my girlfriend!

edgeofblade5108d ago

Uh huh...

Start swinging a Wii Motion Plus a few times in Sports Resort's sword game and tell me how accurate it is.

Not. Very.

I've said it before... Sony is keeping the promise of 1:1 tracking that Nintendo simply could not.


Yea and why is Nintendo winning the console race if they couldnt live up to the "1:1" tracking? Mabye cause its pretty accurate for everyone and it will keep selling and selling while Move WONT sell because Wii is the future and the rip offs are not.

Shadow Flare5108d ago

so you want to play crap quality inaccurate games as long as it means the console will sell well. Got it. You might like natal then

claterz5108d ago

The wii's main selling point was never that it was precise, the reason it sells is because it's the only console aimed towards casual gamers who wouldn't want a PS3 or 360. Now that people have seen the precision of the Move they realise how precise the Wii really is.

kneon5108d ago

For the typical casual gamer, and the games they play, accuracy is not necessarily a good thing. They typically don't have the skills to make use of a highly accurate interface, they need more forgiving controls. you can do that in code for an accurate control mechanism but you can't make an inaccurate control system more accurate in code.

The Wii is successful despite it's short comings. All the non-gamers I know that bought a Wii bought one because they played some game at someone house and thought it was fun. Plus there was all the hype about shortages. They didn't realize how quickly the games get boring. Now they rarely use them unless they have friends over. Ours is turned on maybe once a month at most.

Seferoth755108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

@news, you are arguing with fanboys who never used either the Wii remote or Move.
Wii sports resort works perfectly unless you are retarded.

It makes them feel better about Move to make false claims about Wii they cant back up.

@below, if you guys were real gamers you'd already know Move will be better than dual analog. Its just as accurate as the Wii and its the superior way to play FPS on consoles.

If you maybe broadened your horizons a little, you would gain so much more knowledge about gaming.

Disagree all you want but you guys are getting excited over what Wii owners had for FPS controls for almost 4 years now and acting like it is something big and new.

MysticStrummer5108d ago

Don't be silly, NEWSWATCHERS. Nintendo is winning because casual games with motion controls are easily accessible to the masses. Wii is accurate enough for casual games, not for the kinds of games that hardcore gamers want to play. Kinect may be precise also, but the lack of a controller severely hampers it's potential to be used with hardcore titles. Microsoft will eventually introduce a controller to go along with Kinect, which will immediately negate the "look ma, no controller" novelty factor. Both systems will sell, but I don't see how it can be argued that Move isn't clearly better overall.

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