AliTheBrit195110d ago

Can't see myself getting this.

gaffyh5110d ago

I didn't like it when he said "the stuff lasts for as long as your are subscribed" meaning if you stop the subcription, you lose a lot of games.

SeanRL5110d ago

Same, unless they add all those awesome features that were rumored.

Off topic: Did anyone else notice that the guy G4TV is interviewing said GTA 5 by accident?

despair5110d ago

umm you guys realise that you get the games free right? $50 for at least a free game, 2 minis and a psone classic per month for 12 months is really good, all the other stuff looks great...

gaffyh5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

Yeah I'll still consider it, but I already have Wipeout HD, so they need to offer stuff that I want. Why don't they just give you $5 PSN credit per month you subscribe, and then you can choose whatever you want to download, or save it up?

@despair - yeah, but if you stop your subscription, the games will stop working. I mean I don't mind it that much, because I don't play many games after a year, but it's nice to know that they are there if I want to play them.

despair5110d ago


yea the idea that you really are renting and don't own the games will get to me, I'm proud of my game collection and the idea that i'm renting some of it is definitely a big turn off, i'll wait to see more before deciding on this.

DaKid5110d ago

If sony gave $5 PSN credit every month that would work out to $60 a year, your paying $50. I think the purpose is to make money.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5110d ago
Rumor5110d ago

all i wanted to hear about

Dee_915110d ago

sony gonna make me broke

ForROME5110d ago

Not Impressed will stick with Live, atleast sony could do is offer a free mic

InfectedDK5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

Hahahahaa lawl..
Did Sony own MS?
Not just a little.. But VERY HARD LAWL HAHAHA

I imagine Kevin Butler "YEA I want free mic and not free wifi" LOL

WildArmed5110d ago

I think that much is obviously.
Sony put a really good show.

Definitely sold me on Move..
and if you backtrack on my comments, I've been hating on it.
But games like Killzone2, SOCOM 4, Socery and what not got me convinced that Sony is backing up Move with not just CASUAL but HARDCORE games.

I still can't believe half the things they announced.

k jules5110d ago

But the biggest surprise was the very good performance Nintendo put up

JAMurida5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

Sony did good but IMO, they showed too much of the multiplat stuff during the game parts. Instead of showing Dead Space 2 and MoH (again) it should of been SOCOM4, Last Guardian and some of the other exclusives.

gaffyh5110d ago

I think Nintendo surprised everyone the most and therefore won. Sony didn't even show Resistance 3 and I am very annoyed, but I'm glad they announced a release date for GT5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5110d ago
ExPresident5110d ago

Depends on how you look at it. If you have a BT headset with the cell phone you own from whatever provider you've got one you don't have to buy cause it'll work with your PS3.

Its all about perspective. Atleast Sony allows me to use whatever headset I want.

rucky5110d ago

Kids don't have a reason to own bluetooth headsets, they're not even old enough to drive.

kharma455110d ago

Some kids shouldn't be allowed headsets online with some of the drivel I have to listen to.

vhero5110d ago

Stick with Live?? Like you had a choice if you wanna play online you have to pay your live subscription to play online with PS3 you don't PSN+ is additional. Do MS give you free games and betas for being a gold member?? Hell no! yet people are saying live is still better?? Fair enough enjoy being FORCED to pay to play online and get no free games. I will get free online games and the choice to have free games if I subscribe.

Deathracer5110d ago

Yea they do give you free games there a few arcade games for free, you get betas and demos early. We also get to demo EVERY arcade game that comes out where PS3 doesn't, we have X game chat, voice messages, better connection quality, louder and higher mic quality, easier game invites, more media options such as Zune,, streaming music while you play games, and many more options PS3 doesn't have. So before your so quick to jump on Sony's dick, think about what Xbox has to offer.

bjornbear5110d ago

maybe eventually you'll find something genuine to complain about

"atleast sony could do is offer a free mic"

and atleast MS could do is offer free online gaming right? stupid.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5110d ago
nikkisixx25110d ago

I'm definatley getting this. PSN is superb now, and I can only imagine what it will be like when you pay for it.

Brewski0075110d ago

I agree. It might not be on launch but I will get this in the near future. It wont break the bank for me. :) Im so impressed with sony this year. epic.

The Great Melon5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

I might just get this for the discounts as I am starting to buy a lot of stuff off of the PSN now. Spring Fever was the undoing of me, I just kept buying things each week.

Godmars2905110d ago

And now that its $50, people are still complaining.

OSU_Gamer5110d ago

so you think its worth it?

Its one thing to charge for online play, but you and your cronies out of anyone should know that this is not worth $50.

JackBNimble5110d ago (Edited 5110d ago )

So if you don't think it's worth it no one is forcing you to get it. You still can play online for free and everthing for regular psn service stays the same, No one can complain about this.

Godmars2905110d ago

Just that, as people will tend to do I guess, the amount of complaining they're doing is the same as when the thing was over twice the price. That they're looking at access to demos, betas and PSN games, "so long as you subscribe" as only a negative.

Honestly, who hasn't become bored with a game outside of 3 months let alone a year? And its not like they'll take away any trophies you earn.

vhero5110d ago

Live is $50 and you get less! you get the ability to play online gaming and a few things I can do on my mobile phone! $50 might seem a bit (shouldn't to xbox owners) but no doubt you are gonna get way more than $50 worth of content I mean the first game they said they giving this month is wipeout HD that game alone is worth like what $10? plus you get a ps1 classic and a mini so $20 content a month? I make that $240 content a year for $50. Go away fanboys saying its not worth $50.

MorganX5110d ago

I'm more than willing to pay for PSN if it performed like Live! from chat to standardization of invites (it's a chore on PS and different for just about each title). Even blocking a user, on PSN you can only block messages. On Live! a blocked user can't join an online game you're in. Then there's performance. And the store, no previews most of the time, Live! marketplace just easier to navigate.

After finally getting into PS3, I can't go back to Xbox (though I could add one) but PSN just isn't up to Live! standards. For a free services, it's fine. But I'd rather pay $49.99/yr for Live!

I don't need free demos, Quore, or little games and such.

Cenobia5110d ago

I don't understand the willingness to pay for something that should be free. Sony will eventually catch up to Live even if it isn't until the PS4. Why would you voluntarily pay for something that is eventually going to be available for nothing. You are basically begging these companies to standardize subscriptions for online gaming, which is idiotic.

You should be hoping that Sony improves the service so much that MS finally drops the pay-to-play model.

MorganX5110d ago

It's been a couple years already. Plus, the developers deserve to get paid for their work. Developing and infrastructure like Live!'s couldn't have been easy or cheap.

What I'm not interested in is paying for a bunch of demos and minis, and mags, etc.

zeksta5110d ago

Well.. this site failed to mention they'll be annoucing more features in the coming weeks... -_-

MorganX5110d ago

Thanks for that. There's still hope.

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Gamescom: Ubisoft renames Project Dust

News just in from Gamescom - Ubisoft has renamed XBLA, PSN and PC title Project Dust to simply 'From Dust'.

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Improved Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 arcade game early 2011

Capcom are unveiling their next Bionic Commando 3D side-scrolling action game dubbed Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 at GamesCon.

Capcom have promised several improvements including a makeover on the 'bionic arm.'

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ShiNe-Box-5047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

This is GREAT news, overall.

This, along with Pixel Junk Monsters, was the best DD title of 08'.

Making over the bionic arm makes me nervous though.

r0gueZA5047d ago

Im hoping the arm is tweaked and not completely re-done


How 'From Dust' Turns Manipulating Nature Into A Game - Joystiq Preview

Joystiq: "It's hard to judge just how well this gameplay works without a chance to try it out ourselves, but the concepts on display in this short hands-off demo have us pretty excited to play god when the game hits Xbox Live Arcade, PSN and Steam early next year."

SeanRL5046d ago

Looks really good! and it's a psn title?

mantisimo5046d ago

of Doshin the giant on the Game cube in fact it reminds me a lot of that game.

might be interesting will have to wait and see.