
Gran Turismo 1-3 Sold More Than the Whole Halo Series Combined….wow

Charles King/DCI shares his opinion on Aaron Greenburg's recent tweet about Halo 3 outselling Sony franchises.

"I will be honest and say that it is a pretty impressive feat for a game to outsell 8 other popular titles like that. However, I don’t understand the first part of his tweet “Just in from research team (NPD)”.

Why was the “Microsoft Xbox 360 Stupid and Irrelevant Statistics Department” researching this anyway? Well what the MX360SAISD conveniently left out of their research is that Sony has one of the best selling franchises of all time."

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LordMarius5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

lol, dont ever change N4G

but just to be fair are these NPD numbers because we all know America = World

Bobbykotickrulesz5114d ago

WOW I've known this for a long time! But hey, let's make an article out of it.

wxer5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

"Gran Turismo 1-3 Sold More Than the Whole Halo Series Combined….wow"
oh snap he went there
and yes i agree with this article

WhittO5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

lol its funny how MS think that Game sales = Game quality.

I would have to agree, I mean Modern Warfare 2 is so much better than Killzone 2! ... > /SARCASM <

Thats why they are always playing catch up to other companies who are innovating and not JUST out to extort money.

Side Note - I think they are hurt that Alan Wake failed to sell 2+ million day 1 lol, everything below that is a fail to them? So feel the need to show off sales numbers of their games to try and take away from others.

lociefer5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

lol Aaron,that guy just owned u, now go make a satitstic about 360 outselling happy meals in the last year or somthin

ShinMaster5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Anyways, I don't really care for sales, I just want my awesomez GT5!!! :D

StanLee5114d ago Show
5114d ago
ShinMaster5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Oh, and like 360 fanboys don't do the same, StanLee?
And America does not equal the world.
I don't care what Greenberg said. That guy is always full of it.

telekineticmantis5114d ago

This only affects xbox fanboys i could careless

NYPunk885114d ago


I hate platform wars but even now and then it's ok. lol

The Wood5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

did you mention 360 fanboys in the aaron article......cummon now. Both articles are retarded. Two wrongs dont make a right but this is a retort...so its almost like your condemning the guy that gets bullied for smacking the bully. Love the use of the semicolon btw....not many people use it or know how to.

This whole crap was started by greenberg...He's like the fanboy emperor.. Brag about games for your gamers not sales for your bloody investors and do your best to keep the comp out of your mouths especially when you're being so selective. Same goes to sony mentioning how many hd tvs are hooked up to ps3's vs 360's.... leave the comps names out of it

PoSTedUP5114d ago

i think the "wow" indicates that it really dosent matter and they were being sarcastic. like for example: "hey my store sold more fruits then all your products last year", then the sarcastic reply would be: "well we sold more products in the past 3 years then you, big whoop (wow)"

you see. i think people need to be a little less gullible.

nycredude5114d ago


Yeah just like anytime someone punches me in the face I will punch them back twice as hard. I don't like starting fights but I sure as hell love ending them.


Do you really expect people to take you seriously. You of all people calling fanboys despicable? That means you are despicable also! Duh.

Also talking about fighting fair, why not state the sales worldwide? Fucking bunch of retards on N4g.

Nike5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

The only thing this piece projects is, "Hey, that 360 guy is insulting us by saying his exclusive sold more than all of ours...isn't he just pathetic? Let's do the same to him!"

I find it hilarious that we hate some one for doing something and proceed to repay them by doing the exact same thing.

The context is quite funny, actually. Greenberg only talked about Halo 3 outselling that many games. Why did the author decide to dig up the entire Gran Turismo series (of all things, comparing a driving game to an FPS)? Why not compare a single game of GT to so many of the 360 exclusives that didn't sell like Halo - like, I don't know, how a single GT sold more than the entire Forza series combined?

Doesn't change the fact that this site is just whining and trying to incite a flamewar.

@disagrees: This site says Kaz Hirai should do the exact same thing Greenberg is doing. So far, Hirai hasn't (otherwise it'd 1000 degrees in an hour). Why? Because it's called being a hypocrite. No point in condemning one's actions if you're going to do the same.

morganfell5114d ago

As if Greenburg didn't already suffer from lack of thought when running off at the mouth, it is obvious sheer desperation on the part of Microsoft is now amplifying the problem.

ShinMaster5114d ago

You didn't really think what Greenberg said was 100% accurate did you?
Dude's world revolves around NPD numbers.

What he said about Halo 3 means sh--. How many GOTYs has Halo 3 won???
This is what Uncharted 2 alone achieved:

adram5114d ago

@Nike : euh it did, Gran Turismo 3 outsold forza 1+2+3, and still 6m more add what ever game you want gears for example, you happy now

badz1495114d ago

call me a fanboy if you want but I still think that this article is unnecessary! it's like giving Greenturd what he wanted!

tordavis5114d ago

The guy who wrote this article is no better than Aaron Greenberg. Actually he's worse.

rezzah5114d ago

Yes you may have known this for a long time, but that fatass up there didnt. which is why we just read his dumbass tweet.

UltraNova5114d ago

This is bullshit from both sides... If Nintendo came with a Mario statistic both MS and Sony will shut up indefinitely! Although Sony didn't reply yet, but hey they shouldn't anw.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5114d ago
dangert125114d ago

lol i love this site entertainment @ its finest lol

negrito2115114d ago

this is entertainment at its finest lol. that was like a knockout punch right there

Crystallis5114d ago

LOL..I was waiting for a counter article to Aaron's comment earlier..

karl5114d ago

Aaron just got owned!

R2D25114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

The Wii outsold the PS3/XBOX 360 combined.

I forgot - the Wii does not count because its not an HD console LOL

-Ikon-5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Entertainment at its finest? How boring could your life be to make such a claim.

theonlylolking5114d ago

This is why we come back 2 N4G all the time...or is it?

ELite_Ghost5113d ago

didn't even include prologue and GT4, pwned!!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5113d ago
La Chance5114d ago ShowReplies(4)
-Alpha5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )


Utter childishness. Both "articles" are a prime example of why people view N4G as a total joke with no credibility. It's a circus around here.


Oh yeah, it's entertaining, but a complete joke how easily people buy into the silliness. Both newspieces should have never been approved but we all know how much of a joke the report system is.

goodfellas275114d ago

I love the entertainment. ;)

TheTwelve5114d ago

Stop being so serious, Alpha-Male, sheesh. You're not getting paid.


Tony-A5114d ago

I would've been MORE shocked if this article didn't pop up. I knew someone would do it.

I just think it's funny how someone who's supposed to be professional about all this was the one who starts things like this and brings up NPD like he doesn't care about the other people who enjoy his product around the world.

-Alpha5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Don't mean to come off as serious, just commenting on how silly it is ;)

Why do I have to get paid? :/

TheTwelve5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Because you're acting like this webpage is your livelihood, and that its integrity is somehow important to your well being. Chill, son.


Convas5114d ago

and TheTwelve, his comments are perfectly fine. Both parties are acting predictably childish.

Did you not see his GIF he put up, he teasing. He's not taking this too seriously.

"Chill, son."

-Alpha5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

So I have to get paid to make comments like that? I have no idea how you managed to conclude that this site affects my integrity and is my livelihood just because I laughed at how much of a circus it is.

Edit: I'm still confused, why do I have to get "paid" to make the comments I do? I have no idea what you are trying to say :/

TheTwelve5114d ago

Just like I have no idea how you can't find this entire thing to be hilarious and fun. Unless you work for Microsoft of Sony, that is...i.e., paid.

Finally, you can adjust the filters so that such "news" that you detest won't even appear on your screen. That's the best part about the new design; you can dabble in what you think is "silliness" only if you choose.


acere5114d ago

yea yea but u like your bubbles a lot


klado5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

@ Stop being so serious, Alpha-Male, sheesh. You're not getting paid.

Exactly, fallow those lines Alfa dud, and you'll discover give some laugh to then and when, is healthy and you won't need plastic surgery later at your old Alfa facet.

Just notice how these with 4 bubbles are too conceited about this..come on, how many times has this kind of story happen since the new n4g? none, so?

On topic...had to copy this comment...GT 1,2,3,4,5P Outsold Gears of war 1,2 – alan wake – forza 1,2,3 – Halo 1,2,3,wars,odst COMBINED

Another One5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Oh I agree with Alpha Male so much. It's so ridiculous that either story got accepted, especially this one since it's simply a stupid rebuttal to an another stupid "story".

Sure, it's funny, but not necessary. Oh well, I can still laugh at the fanboys taking it too seriously. Especially the first story that has 350 comments.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5114d ago
goodfellas275114d ago

LMAO! They never see that's a global economy that we are in.

ShiNe-Box-5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

N4G will never change!

The earlier face-lift done to this website hasn't done much to change the way users post.

PoSTedUP5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

if you dont like it, GET OUT.

its fun, entertaining, hectic, all out games+ game dev wars, fan wars, corporation smack talking, great talents, great persoinalitys etc. I DONT WANT IT TO CHANGE.

N4G FTMFW, i loved you guys+ games+ devs, from the start.

@ dangert, i agree bro

Nike5114d ago

"its fun, entertaining, hectic, all out games+ game dev wars, fan wars, corporation smack talking, great talents, great persoinalitys etc. I DONT WANT IT TO CHANGE."

If I changed around the terms a little, I'm sure I'd get the tone for the movie, Wall Street. :P

IdleLeeSiuLung5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

I think the point was that one game outsold 8 other heavy hitters on current generation. That is a feat, but once you start combining games, then it doesn't make as much sense.

Either way, who really cares? A good game is a good game regardless of it's sales. The only games that matters for sales is online games as you got a bigger pool of people to play with....

Oh, GT series has sold tremendously well so it definitely deserves it's praise!

BakedGoods5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

According to VGChartz:

Halo 3: 11m

Uncharted 1 & 2: 7m
GoW III: 2.5m
Resistance 1 & 2: 5.6m
Killzone 2: 2.3m
Total = 17m

So apparently 11m > 17m? Even if the VGChartz numbers are old, I highly doubt Halo 3 caught up to 17 million. Also, even if you include ODST we're still only at 16 million sold.

So what does this bullstat mean? Microsoft's getting nervous.

Tony-A5114d ago

Greenberg was only referring to NPD, like always. Everything else is invisible to him.

jizzyjones5114d ago

He means in the US only, like when he said "360 has outsold ps3 2-1" only in america.

BakedGoods5114d ago

My bad. Didn't clue in that Microsoft cherry-picks numbers.

Microsoft Xbox 3605114d ago

Not to mention Gran Turismo is a true "hardcore" game. That says a lot. GT does not need the mindless casuals to sell.

The Wood5114d ago

did you mention 360 fanboys in the aaron article......cummon now. Both are retarded. Two wrongs dont make a right but this is a retort...so its almost like your condemning the guy that gets bullied for smacking the bully

wages of sin5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Needs to be replaced. I hope this recent shuffling of executives isn't over at Microsoft, and that it leads to him being removed. Not so much because of what he said this time (which is not being being reported accurately) but becuase I generally don't like the way he does his thing. Peter Moore and Jeff Bell were much better.

Good point you made earlier

darthv725114d ago

While it is very true the GT series has sold more than the Halo series. It cant be argued that the games in the series have sold more than the previous release.

GT 1 actually sold more than GT 2 and GT 3 sold more than GT 1. GT 4 did not outsell GT 3.

Looking at halo series, you can see the next version has outsold the previous each time. Halo 1 outsold by halo 2 which was outsold by halo 3. I am not talking the spin offs I am talking the main games.

Sales numbers wise, for a series to progressively sell better each time is hard to do. Like it has been said about movies. Sequels generally have a tough time besting the original but it can happen.

Now the question on my mind...why are we even debating something like this. It is a statement of the obvious. New N4G look same N4G taste.

Aquanox5114d ago

How many units has GT sold in this generation?


Sez 5114d ago

Shhhhh. Leave them be

next there will be a thread about how MS OS's has sold more than Sony TVs. Or how Sony Walkman have Sold more than zunes put together. Both companys can go back and forth with it. Fanboys really need to stop getting butthurt by these guys comments.

Oner5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 4.65 Million (not including digital sales)
Gran Turismo PSP 1.8 Million

All info freely available on the net ~ http://www.polyphony.co.jp/...

Trolls will be trolls.

-Bubbled down & disagrees to reflect their clear inappropriate behavior.

Aquanox5113d ago

You guys must be crazy if you think industry has just frozen and sales will come from heaven as if this was still the generation when Sony had more than 100 million consoles in the market.

First of all, Sony has 1/4 the console market it had back then. At that time, Forza wasn't a well stablished franchise, there was no Dirt, Grid or most of the other great racers this generation has seen.

With all those facts combined, GT5 will never have nearly those numbers anymore. I'm sure it will still really good, but reaching those figures will only be in the most rabid fanboy minds around.

joemayo765114d ago

still doesn't fix Halo's crappy sp campaign (online is fun tho)

Also anyone else get a Kanye West vibe when reading this article

"Yo Greenburg, I'm really happy for you, I'm a Let you finish, but Gran Turismo is one of the biggest selling video games of all time!"

Dee_915114d ago

still dont make it better than any of the games it outsold

Sez 5114d ago

That depends. People have different taste in games. You may feel halo sucks compared to those games. But other may feel halo is better than those games.
No sales don't mean quality. But when you make a comment about halo's sales don't mean it's a quality game. The same thing can be said about GT being that it had no real competition until Forza came out.

Dee_915114d ago

you missed my point lol
i wasnt saying halo sucked or was better .. i was saying the same thing you just said

5114d ago
BattleAxe5114d ago

I wonder how Greenburg is going to pull his own foot out of his A** now?

Sonyfanclubpresident5114d ago

Times and things have changed this generation.
There is no way the new GT will reach it's past sales.

FPS are the in thing now.

Sorry ,but I'm right.

Noble Spartan5113d ago

Cry Moar ! LOL Halo Reach will devastate every single PS3 exlcusive made from PS3 in one blow PS3 exclusive down the drain. Damage will be matter of 24 hours.

Feel sorry for PS3 exclusive they don't sell much I guess.

Halo Reach will destroy

Killzone 3
Killzone 2
Little Big Planet
Metal Gear solid 4
Heavy Rain
Resistance 1
Resistance 2
Resistance 3 ( already doomed without announment )
Motorstorm 1 & 2 & 3
God Of War 3
Uncharted 1 & 2

everything PS3 has got to offer is finished i guess.

spooky2055113d ago

One good game > 14 good games. Clutching to straws pretty hard there eh? Sales do not equate to a good game. Miley Cyrus sold millions of records yet she sucks compared to a person that can actually has the talent to sing.

TROLL EATER5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

false facts. entire gt series

Gran Turismo 1997/1998 PlayStation 178 11
Gran Turismo 2 1999/2000 PlayStation 650 27
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 2001 PlayStation 2 180+ 34
Gran Turismo 4 2005 PlayStation 2 722 51
Gran Turismo Portable 2009 PlayStation Portable 830 45 Locations (72 Layouts)

[edit] Secondary Releases
Title Year Released Platform
Gran Turismo Concept: 2001 Tokyo 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Seoul 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva 2002 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue 2003/2004 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo 4 Online (test version) 2006 PlayStation 2
Gran Turismo HD 2006 PlayStation 3
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 2007/2008 PlayStation 3

==== 55 million

compare to only 4 or 5 halo games woooow

vhero5113d ago

OH NO HE DIDNT!!! LOL Fanboyism at it's best. However you think Greenburg will read this?? Or care?? Or Respond?? Nope..

otherZinc5113d ago

This isnt NPD, and if it isnt, youre counting pack-ins.

IcarusOne5113d ago

These butthurt fanboys need something to soothe the pain. This is frakking retarded.

Thank you n4g for always standing tall and representing those aspects of gaming that elevate us all. Thank you for never pandering to the immature or the insecure.

Or not.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5113d ago
basicsameh5145114d ago

wow more winy fanboys..gess someone got hurt by the article saying halo sold more than a bunch of ps3 exclusives

Imperator5114d ago

Yea becuase sales = quality. LOL

Who cares what sold more than what. I buy ONE copy of the game and that's the copy I care about. As long as I like the game and it sells well enough (which most Ps3 exclusives do), I'm fine.

Orochi Avlis5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

It's fact.
If you hear something that's wrong, wouldn't you correct it?

I mean that's all anybody does online. Just wait for somebody to make a tiny mistake, then 10 people jump on that person to show how big their e-penis is.

acere5114d ago

the truth will find u

mookins5114d ago ShowReplies(1)
whateva5114d ago

waits for the Wii Sports has outsold ______ article

poopface15114d ago

good thing there are pretty much no wii fanboys here. They wouldnt survive the onslaught.

spooky2055113d ago

Cue santa and the M&Ms "THEY DO EXIST!!!!" *faints*

CharlesDCI5114d ago

Then you guys need to go and tell people like Greenburg to keep stuff like that to himself.

RatFuker5114d ago

chrome wheeled fuel injected masterpiece. damn straight.

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981152d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii152d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies152d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer189d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog189d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned189d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c189d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb189d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72188d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman189d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows188d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72200d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai200d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ200d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil200d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces