
Crysis 2: Extracted gameplay footage from PS3 & Xbox 360

Cynamite has posted a video showing just the Crysis 2 ingame scenes from the latest episode of GTTV in HD. These scenes are from the console versions of the game, showing what is supposed to be "the best looking game on any platform" (Crytek). Enjoy!

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GreenRingOfLife5114d ago ShowReplies(6)
gamingisnotacrime5114d ago

as of late i dont get into hype frenzy, i will rent this game, play it for myself and see if it is worth a buy. meanwhile i will play what is already released and proven to be great

Conloles5114d ago

Console gamers arent because theres nothing to see unless its on PC!

t8505114d ago

Console gaming is like a religion. When Sony or Microsoft say something(which obviously they do to sell their product), it is considered to be the hard truth.

Console gamers are fed all sort of crap. Every other Dev will come out and say oh we have maxed out the *insert here console* except when they release the next game they will spout the same crap. Crytek is doing no different. Devs need to feed console owners such crap to make sure their games sell.

gamingisnotacrime5114d ago

lol at the religion reference. Im a console gamer and i can see what you are saying. Even if the developer is humble like ND or SM they always go for the maxed out comment, or only possible on ____. Well as i said, i dont grt into hype trains anymore just deliver a great game and i will buy it

seinfan5114d ago

If that's the case, PC gamers are like fundamentalists. They don't need to be told anything, they'll just come up with anything to defend their platform and attack others. They will never come to reason.

AtatakaiSamurai5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

a lot of butthurt PC fanboys this gen. Awwwww lol

yes ofcourse you have a pc you built out of sticks and berries that run all your games at max settings.

10yrs ago you'd never catch a pc fan even talking to console gamers. their noses were so far up their own butts it was ridiculous but now they troll console forums like mad trying to get gamers to still believe they have the ultimate gaming experiences and get mad when console gamers say they dont give a crap about pc gaming.

all the time "maxed out settings, maxed out settings, maxed out settings" how low have pc fans become when they always use the 'we get the superior version' fanboy rantings all the time lol

only what 10% of pc gamers actually have high end pc rigs that can push those 'maxed out settings' but they want you to believe 90% of them do. console gamers just have to buy a console for $299 and get graphics the like medium high on pc and that more that satisfactory for console gamers. wait, i thought graphics dont' matter its only gameplay O.o lol

sorry we don't care about starcraft2 or wow as much as you think we should but we'll take crysis thank you very much even though the gameplay doesn't remotely match the graphics :)

butthurt ftw! lol

Strikepackage Bravo5114d ago

Correction, when Sony says something it is considered hard truth, everything Microsoft says is supposedly a lie.

t8505114d ago

Sony said:

ALL PS3 games would run in 1080.. never happened (this is how kutragi marketed the PS3).

Further he went on to say the PS3 shall play games in 1080p and have 120 fps again another lie.

They promoted the PS3 to have BC for PS2 and PS1.. where did that go?

Though the fans will belive them with whatever they are told. Specially with remarks like.... "oh we have only used 50% the PS3 power fo XXX game"..

Lol if you have s much power left over, are your Devs retarted that they didnt use the remaining power? or why not give us better fps, why are most of your first party games running in 720(let alone 1080p), and still running at a mere 25-30fps. Anyone with Basic PC knowledge will tell ya if so much power is left over the game shuld be running at much higher FPS. While some of Sonys first party games are good i personally love uncharted, i wouldnt fall for the pack of lies Sony generally feeds its fanboys with.

shazui1235114d ago

Only crysis and warhead look better than games like uc2, kz2, GT5, GOW3, KZ3... So far crysis 2 isnt topping any of those games visually. Maybe alan wake or splinter cell conviction look worse than some multiplats when ran at max, but not games like uncharted 2, GOW3, KZ2/3, GT5 etc. This is from my personal experience on my asus G73JH and my desktop (q9950, gtx 2950) every multiplat is outdone graphically by UC2, KZ2, GOW3, GT5 etc. The fact is that the ps3 gets all these multiplats, albeit looking slightly worse, but also gets the highest rated (better) exclusive games than the pc. If you only own a pc you can only play the overall much lower rated multiplats. Jus' saying.

Chewy1025114d ago

Im a mild PC gamer and let me tell you about a trend Iv seen with PC games for a long time now.

It's almost pure FPS shooters! Everyone in my friends list on steam plays almost nothing but shooters. Some play WoW and maybe the odd indie game but for the most part of the day, all I see is them playing L4D2, L4D, Killing Floor, Gmod, CSS, TF2, and MW2.

What exactly does the PC have over consoles that's not a MMO or FPS? Oh, and please don't try and bring Crysis into this. Even though it's one hell of a graphics power house. It's still just another FPS.

p.s. IF you want look me up on steam. Id is Chewy102.

nycredude5114d ago


Oh come off it with your BS. You wouldn't know the difference between 720p and 1080p if it bit you in your ass. I have a pc that runs Crysis on High settings in 1080p and while it looks great it's not miles ahead of the best Ps3 games, which runs in 720p. There is more to graphics than resolution. Besides there are low res textures in Crysis all over the place and there isn't nearly as much going on like in Killzone 2.

And what first party games run at a mere 25 to 30 fps. UC2 and Killzone 2 is locked at 30 fps and looks way better than pretty much every pc game not named Crysis on very high and 1080p. GOW 3, which looks just as good runs between 30 to 60 fps. Rcchet and Clank, which looks gorgeous, runs at 60fps, as does GT5.

Oh btw did I mention you can't play any of these games on the PC no matter how powerful or how much money you pump in.

Also you talk like every pc is capable of running games on very high and 1080p with 4Xaa at 60+fps. How much do you think it would cost for that PC. The average pc can't run games better than your consoles can. It isn't because it isn't more powerful, that is obvious but developers don't optimize as much on pc cause by the time your brand new Graphics Card is broken there is new one out.

I have had every console at one point or another and now I have a beast of a laptop. I see clearly enough to know that PC graphics are hyped up a little too much just to put down the consoles.

Chris_TC5114d ago

<<Only crysis and warhead look better than games like uc2, kz2, GT5, GOW3, KZ3... >>

Are you kidding me? Check out some of those in-game galleries of multiplatform titles pushed to the max.

iamgoatman5114d ago

Looks like the idiots have come out to play again.

Every Crysis article is starting to look exactly the same, a handful of people stick to the topic at hand, and the rest start some arguing amongst themselves.

And by the looks of things, the typical Sony trolls have moved onto hating PC gaming, showing what a bunch of insecure, misinformed morons they really are. The need to put down any platform that isn't their preferred is getting rather pathetic. Not to mention their knowledge on hardware and technology is worse than my Nan's.

Some of the other PC gamers aren't helping though, provoking them any chance they get. You're not helping.


Again with the nothing apart from Crysis looks better than PS3 exclusives, when will you stop talking such bullshit? Loads of multiplatform games look better than anything a console can produce, it's the advantage of constantly improving technology. Bad Company 2, Metro 2033, Stalker: Clear Sky, all with DX11 effects. Far Cry 2 and Arma 2 to name some more.

Your preferred console is now 3 years old, and uses aging technology. You seriously can't expect it to produce anything on par with newer and more powerful hardware. Your PS3 exclusives may have the best visuals on consoles, but PC's are in a different league. You PS3 fans repeatedly claim nothing on the 360 can look better because it's hardware is weaker, but somehow that logic doesn't apply to PC's? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Your exclusives are not the pinnacle of graphics capabilities, but does that distract away from their quality? No, of course not, so stop spouting nonsense because you feel the need to defend them. I play games that are 5,10 or 15 years old all the time, do I expect their visuals to still be top of the line? No, that would be stupid. Are they still fun, definitely. So give it a rest.

IdleLeeSiuLung5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Nothing comes close to PC when it comes to GPU power. New technology is coming all the time and it is rolled into the latest and greatest couple of hundred bucks graphics card. No console can compete with that!

However, console games tend to be much more efficient at using their resources as the PC market is somewhat fragmented. You code for the most part as a baseline supporting the odd chip here and there.

I still prefer my console, mainly because of the interface and seating position. I also don't want to constantly mock around with drivers, adding new hardware (or feel compelled to) and you pretty much have to use mouse/kb otherwise you get creamed which means no leaning back on the couch comfortably.

With that said there is more to graphics than resolution. In fact, it tends to be the art style that affects the graphics the most. I still think Prince of Persia is one heck of a good looking game, although game play was wise it was blah.

n4gno5114d ago

T850 like others fans (from ms mostly) invent sony's promises, and after tell us they are lying..ridiculous :)

i've always been a pc gamers (even now : it's great to play the 1 or two xbox """exclusives&q uot;"" with better quality and free online) and even with a perfect pc, we can't play games like uncharted2, ratchet, etc and graphics on ps3's exclusives are on par, or even better then pc games on a tv screen.

SOAD5114d ago



These videos prove to me that Crysis on max settings with the Photoreal Mod, which is free, looks many miles better than any game on consoles.

Many many many many many many miles.

frostypants5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Actually, the Cell could smoke the RSX in most graphics processing tasks. The original PS3 spec was to have a 2nd Cell acting as a dedicated GPU. The only reason they didn't was cost and, to a lesser extent, the aforementioned learning curve for developers.

The best looking PS3 games actually offload a lot of the traditional GPU tasks from the RSX to the Cell itself instead. The RSX really is pretty weak, and it's a testament to the Cell architecture that some of the PS3 games look as good as they do.

If you want another superficial example, look at the Folding@Home numbers (if they still publish these). The PS3/Cell architecture destroys the traditional CPUs, and is more in line with PC GPUs. It's the same way with games. Most PC games are far more reliant on a powerful GPU than on the CPU. The PS3 is the opposite. It relies primarily on the Cell, and the RSX is used for mop-up duty (at least, for the better games).

Comparing the Cell to, say, a typical quad core Intel chip or the 360's PowerPC procesor is like comparing apples to bricks. The old assumptions don't apply.

failsoles5114d ago


Stop falling for sonys PR crap. If the Cell was so powerful, then Sonys first party games would be running at much higher resolutions AA and FPS. Clearly thats not happening.

Sony spends alot on their games, I guess they must have terrible devs who cant code to save their lives and therefore are unable to take full advantage of the Cell... NOT

Also if the Cell is so complicated to code for then its not an advantage for the end gamer asides just.. PR Bull(which does no good for a gamer). Cell being powerful yet no multiplat developer taking advantage of it, So when will they take advantage of it when the next gen starts? oh wait wont that be a bit too late?

nycredude5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )


For real youtube vids. I don't need it to tell me what I know. I am playing Crysis right NOW on my computer! I know how it looks like. I never said console is more powerful than pc. I said that pc developers don't take advantage of the pc power cause they don't optimize. Not only are the current crop of the best console exclusives as good looking but they play better than most pc games.

Your vid proves my point. The photoreal mod is a MOD.

This below is not directed at you SOAD:
And what is the deal with retards who come here is call out Sony Trolls like if you own Ps3 and like Ps3 then you don't have any other console or pc. GTFO. Like I said I have owned just about every console this gen at one point or another. I have since gotten rid of my Wii and 360 cause frankly 1) I don't have time for all five platforms and 2) Ps3 and PC give me all the options I need atm.

DaTruth5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Scientific benchmarks are PR crap now??? The stats don't lie!

Stupid 360 fanboys finally faced that their console is crap and now they troll as PC fanboys and don't even have capable PC's!

Ryudo5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Now change what you said about PC fanboys into PS3 Fanboys because it apples just as much to them as see if you get as many agrees.

In reference to this post.

"lol, oh dare
a lot of butthurt PC fanboys this gen. Awwwww lol

yes ofcourse you have a pc you built out of sticks and berries that run all your games at max settings.

10yrs ago you'd never catch a pc fan even talking to console gamers. their noses were so far up their own butts it was ridiculous but now they troll console forums like mad trying to get gamers to still believe they have the ultimate gaming experiences and get mad when console gamers say they dont give a crap about pc gaming.

all the time "maxed out settings, maxed out settings, maxed out settings" how low have pc fans become when they always use the 'we get the superior version' fanboy rantings all the time lol

only what 10% of pc gamers actually have high end pc rigs that can push those 'maxed out settings' but they want you to believe 90% of them do. console gamers just have to buy a console for $299 and get graphics the like medium high on pc and that more that satisfactory for console gamers. wait, i thought graphics dont' matter its only gameplay O.o lol

sorry we don't care about starcraft2 or wow as much as you think we should but we'll take crysis thank you very much even though the gameplay doesn't remotely match the graphics :)"

peowpeow5113d ago

10% is alot though..especially if 5 million ATi 5xxx cards were sold a while back. Count in the rest and you have a preeety big crowd :)

arny5113d ago

since when do consoles have 'medium' pc graphics the graphics consoles have are what the pc had in 200 i would rate consoles as low end pc's

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5113d ago
R6ex5114d ago

Console gaming is value for money.
Can't say the same for PC gaming.

Console's for the masses.
PC's for the rich & elitist.

champ215114d ago

Not true.

Gaming PC costs a 150usd upgrade to the PC you already have at home. A new one wil cost you 500usd that will run games at 1080p.

Consoles while they initially cost you 300usd, over time you pay alot extra for the games. Which is why consoles are costlier in the long run (which is about a year if you are gamer) more if you dont buy as many games).

In the end which one of us doesnt have a PC now adays at home? the point is moot since the PC already needs a GPU to outperform a console multiple times.

Biggest5114d ago

But what if the PC you have doesn't have extra slots on the mother board? What if the power supply isn't strong enough? What if you only have 2 RAM slots? Call PC cheap all you want. Everything isn't upgraded at the drop of a hat for $11 and change. Enjoy your PC. I'll enjoy my console and its inferior version of whatever game that we both get to play. How's that Uncharted 2 working on Windows?

shazui1235114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

does not cost 150 dollars to upgrade your average household pc. To run games at 1080p, lets say no aa, all effects on the very highest, you're going to need at least a 9800gtx+, dual core @ 2.6ghz and 4gb ddr2 ram and even then a few games will not run more than 10 fps with all the settings enabled at 1080p (no aa). My old laptop struggled to run quite a few games at max @ 1600x900, this was using a core 2 duo @2.9ghz, gtx 280m (equivalent to a desktop 9800gtx) and 6gb ddr2 ram. The thing is spending all that money on a computer will let you play crysis on max and multiplats at max. With the ps3 you get to play games like UC2, GOW3, KZ2/3, GT5 which all look better than any multiplat even when ran at it's maximum settings, the only thing that trumps them visually is crysis and even that falls down when it comes to gameplay which is why its not up there with the very best of them on metacritic and in opionions not belonging to pc fanboys

Interesting, In half a minute (yes I time :P) I went from having 0 disagrees to 4 and looking at people saying exactly what Im saying they seem to have spontaneously achieved exactly four disagrees, there's a sour multi-account pc fanboy here that only likes to hear his own opinion voiced.. Lets see who replies to these comments first.....
edit: failsoles, who would've guessed lol. He also spontaneously got 3 agrees so assuming he agreed with himself and both him and his other accounts were disagreeing... the math works out, 3+1 = multi-account fanboy

Ju5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

It's not even that.

It's more like who buys a Ferrari and want's to work on it on his/her own garage?

PC gamers like to batch up their "rieegs" at least once a year (don't tell me you don't, or you wouldn't run to any tech forum to read about the latest brand spanking new graphics board - you can't wait to save up money to replace it once every quater).

I wouldn't even call "them" elitist. They are not. Maybe some are, doubt most of the rich kids build their own (and the few who go an buy a brand new Alienware box are a minority). But the rest are "home constructors" having fun playing with some tech.

Heck I did that for years but you can do that for just so long...

failsoles5114d ago


What does a console gamer do when the next gen console is out?

Usually they would unplug the ageing old machine out and insert the new generation of consoles. Since its a multi console trend. Most console gamers will have all the systems onboard. Leaving no space for the old machine.

Result at the end of the generation use probably lose the ability to play any of your old games, and now must run out to buy new games.

Software purchased over a gen is the most expensive asset a gamer does have. I am sure most gamers buy 15-20games a year.

59 X 20= 1180usd worth of games a year, times that by 5. You get about a 5500usd worth of investment on games all lost when a console gen ends. Start of the gen you must run out to buy any game that is out since you have no games to play on the new system.

PC side of things, most PC gamers by now have 100's of games in their collection. Most playable.

See all the console folks begging their respective console maker for the remake of such and such game. Looks sad that they must repurchase wht they previously could play on their last system.

Software losses alone on consoles make them the most expensive platform to play on, nevermind the other disavantages.

lve2playbball5114d ago

I agree with Ju...PC is definitely not for the "rich & elitist"
I grew up with Macs (is what my dad used), and I remember when I decided that I wanted a Windows PC. I was in 7th grade and some kid brought the original Rainbow 6 to school. I saw him planning his mission, setting waypoints, loadouts, etc. I thought that was the coolest thing (and it was at the time).
I got into building computers in the next few years and worked many crappy jobs. The first job I had, besides mowing lawns, was as a telemarketer (I was 16). I worked for one month--making $8.50 an hour--until I had enough to buy the parts, and built my first PC. After that I was constantly looking to upgrade my "rig" with whatever money I could scrounge. I've never met a 'rich' PC gamer...ever. I know they exist, but like Ju said, they buy Alienware.
It's funny seeing the fanboys (most of them PS3) reaction every time someone mentions the graphical capabilities of a high-end PC. WE GET IT GUYS--you love your PS3, and more specifically "UC2, KZ2, GOWIII, GT5, etc" ...

Another thing...It's ridiculous how PS3 boys always include KZ3 and GT5 (and before its release, GOWIII) in your PS3 propaganda. I know they will look good, we all do, but they AREN'T OUT YET.

btw I have PS3 & 360 (& a decent PC)...I actually didn't enjoy KZ2 at all. But UC2 is one of my favorite games of all time...as is GOW.

CMON disagrees

kevnb5114d ago

the ones that realize what they are actually buying.

ProjectVulcan5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Everyone stop arguing about PS3 or PC. Pc + PS3. Its the perfect HD combination, PS3's exclusives and a lot of the ultimate versions of games on 360....

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5114d ago
MNicholas5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

There's no per-object motion blur, only the generic, cheap, camera blur that so many games have nowadays.

Learn about rendering motion blur on a GPU:

Killzone 2 had incredible motion blur but then again their engine was built to utilize the Cell processor.

The cinematic quality of the motion blur in Killzone 2, which requires recalculating vertex transforms from the previous frame (basically doubling polygon calculations) then finding the differences, required less than 10% of a single SPU but can be prohibitive on GPUs.

Sadly, this kind of compromise is common in multiplatform games and it goes both ways.

raztad5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

This is off topic:

Hey, I got a honest question for PC dudes.

I want to built a CHEAP but powerful enough PC to run STALKER:Call of Pripyat at 1080p (plugged to my TV through HDMI), 4xMSAA, v-synced and 30+ fps. I need some advice, I'm on a budget and cant expand more than $150 on a graphic card.


YouAndSpaghetti5114d ago

CHEAP? won't happen, Call of Pripyat is a system hog, un-optimized pos, your going to lag one way or another, be it spikes or stutters, $150 won't get you 1080p 4xMSAA and 30 fps+. Save up.

Theonetheonly5114d ago

depends on if you want DirectX 11 enabled or not. :)
let me know I build Pcs for a Living.

ChozenWoan5114d ago

I got my 5850 for less than $150... but that was back in Nov. You still should be able to get one near that price.

E46M35114d ago

You could go for a single 5770 atm. which should cost you about 125usd.

later on when you have the money add a second 5770. Crossfire both of them. Thats gonna give you performance around the level of a 5870gpu which costs around 400usd ;-)

good luck

nycredude5114d ago

Do you have 1,700 to spare. Get the Asus G73jha-1 laptop. Plays just about everything on high at 1080p and has hdmi out. Gpu is Ati radeon 5870 Mobility.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5114d ago
solar5114d ago

Crysis 2 will be a dumbed down version of the first. which is 1) bad for the progression of PC gaming, and 2) bad for the progression of console gaming. console gaming is 4-5 years behind PC gaming to begin with, but a complete stop to progression is not good for PC or console gaming as a whole.

beardpapa5114d ago

the player needs lasik done. Every thing a block and a half away looks blurry.


thewhoopimen5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )


Great High res shots of Mass Effect2 and MW2 for the PC, but neither of them have higher poly NOR higher res textures than the PS3 titles you are working to discredit. Sorry dude. 1920 x 1080 on a 20k poly charc is still 20k. What we should really be looking at is the 50+k poly charcs on Uncharted 2 blown up to 1920 x 1080 to see if having double the poly makes any difference at higher res.

Also, while we're talking about multiplats, why don't we compare mocap between the ps3 exclusive vs. multiplat PC titles. I guarantee you killzone2 or uncharted 2 look better in motion than ME2/MW2 and certainly even better than the vaunted Crysis, especially between transition moves, like landing jumps, going from running to climbing a ladder, etc.

I'm curious because at 720p, it does seem like the 25k poly charc from GOW3 isn't noticeably inferior to Uncharted 2s, but I think most of the poly is wasted on reproducing hair.

N4g_null5113d ago

This is what direct x 11 is for. Make a 20k-40k character and then use tessalaton on the pc. It works perfecly and we don't need the remake every thing. This is the only reason you don't see giant jumps n pc Polygon counts unless your just filling the screen with static meshes like ut2.

Every thing your complaint about is art related and not powe related. We've had cgi quality animation tools for a while yet we don't always get great returns. So what you see is cost cutting measure mostly also. Yet mostly a lack of skills. I hate to say it but most game artist can not hang with movie vfx guys even f gaming tech can get close to real time cgi.

See the difference. I can buy a cheap laptop that puts avid workstation to shame now. The power is there yet the funds are not always. Cost is getting out of hand and the returns are narrowing.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5113d ago
dirthurts5114d ago

As a huge fan of the original I'm amped about the next Crysis. I'm just glad the console gamers will get a piece of the piece.
Here's to hoping the PC version doesn't suffer for it!

iamgoatman5114d ago

Same here.

Quite a few of my friends were interested in the first game, but never had a PC capable of running it. Just so long as they don't limit the PC version to cater to the console crowd, I'm all for more people enjoying the game.

Roll on later this year!

Fireseed5114d ago

Yeah i doubt it'll sell well on consoles, PC gamers have different tastes than console gamers kinda the reason I see Portal and TF2 as amazing games as my console biased friends think they're steaming shit piles. Besides $ony fanboys are still in love with the idea that the PS3 is more powerful than a gaming PC.

sourav935114d ago

and I think that only idiots would say that consoles are more powerful than pcs in terms of gaming. Its to be noted that I do not have a gaming pc nor do I play pc games. My favourite game currently is Uncharted 2. However, my dream is to own an Alienware area 51 alx to play crysis and other amazing pc games. The point of this comment is that please do not blame all sony fans for something only some idiots believe. That is all.

Fireseed5114d ago

I would never blame a gamer. I blame $ony, M$, and even PC fanboys the difference between a gamer and a fanboy is a gamer doesn't like a game, while a fanboy thinks anyone who likes the game is retarded. My favorite game at the moment is Starcraft 2 (Mac), but can't wait for inFamous 2 (PS3). So don't feel bad you're a true gamer not a fanboy.

BloodyNapkin5114d ago

Steaming piles of @#$%, huh? I like the way you manifested that comment. But anywho i knew alot of people that was mad the first 3 months of the game cause TF2 did not play very well online. And i just gave up on it and said i would never buy another valve game again. Sure they got it fixed and working good later on. Sure the Ps3 isn't as powerful as a gaming PC. But for dollar for dollar the PS3 wins hands down.

DA_SHREDDER5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Okay, do you idiots realize that the ps3 has a 3.2 Ghz cell processor? The only thing that is limiting the ps3 is the RAM memory. The ps3 could mop the floor with the competition if it had more than half a Gig of memory. I wonder what you pc dudes are gonna say when a new and improved cell comes out with the ps4, that not only is a cpu, but a gpu and with 3 gigs of RAM. You pc guys are a dying breed.

@ Winter Soldier

Community huh? PC community is even worse then console community, hackers are 1 million times worse on pc then on consoles. Which is why i dont play on pc anymore.

champ215114d ago


Lol shredder so if the cell is so powerful then why did sony at the last moment decide to go for a dedicated gpu(PC tech)?

Also Ghz has nothing to do with how powerful a chip is. Remember the old P4 it used to run at 4ghz before it was discontinued yet the dual core cpus of today running at 2.6ghz will outperform that old cpu by miles.

raztad5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )


My guess is The Cell BE is a nightmare to code for, so a more standard GPU obviously help to soft the learning curve. The SPUs are the principal workhorse behind PS3 exclusives no the RSX.

DA_SHREDDER5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

Im sure there are many reasons why they put a crappy GPU on their system. For one, dbag devs who aren't familiar with console architecture can at least try to make a game. BTW, if the gpu is such garbage then why are there games that look as good as Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 on the system? Its obviously not that shitty.

Oh and I agree Champ. My single core lap top is alot faster than my 2.8 ghz dual core I had last year. Maybe the ps3 being powerful has something to do with multi threading, which leads to less bottle necks when transferring information from one side of the chip to the other. Ive seen documentary about the benefits of Cell computing. And I guess one of the perks is how smooth and fast the data transfer rate is. Regardless the cell is still in its infant stage. I see it taking over core computing considering core computing is almost maxed out. More than a quad core and computing turns into a cluster fuck. So engineers say.

Why did I get a disagree. Almost everything I just said is a fact, besides my opinion on why there is a crappy GPU in the ps3. Its opinion because you said it was, i was just trying to speak your language. Personally anything more than a 9800 GTX is over kill imho.

@ Sourav 93 Your dream is to play a 3 year old game on Max settings on pc? Wow, if thats the case I wanna play Dragon Warrior 4, in 1080p with online and full destructibility. lol. Now thats really dreamin huh?

t8505114d ago


Dude had they not put the crappy GPU in there, RSX for that time really was crappy i agree, The PS3 would have been a PS2.5

No way the Cell can compete with a GPU like RSX when it comes to Graphics. Having 2 Cells in the PS3 would have botched the performance of the entire machine. Sony would have loved to use 2 cells since they wouldnt have to deal with nvidia then.

n4gno5114d ago (Edited 5114d ago )

gamers are gamers ! and today they are buyin more consoles then hi end PC, it's a fact (pc gaming is not dead, but less powerfull than before : because online where only for pc)

ps : T850, why would you whant a more powerfull ps3, when even the most powerfull pc, costing 3, 4 times more don't outperform a ps3 (not maxed out !), and don't offer the same game quality...if you had to buy a "cell" for your pc in 2007, it would have cost 5 or 10 time the ps3 price (by the way, don't forget that super calculator are often made with multiple ps3)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5114d ago
dirthurts5114d ago

Fanboys are funny. But they really miss out on so many great games.

Fireseed5114d ago

I know one thing that can never be beat on PC besides graphics is the community so many great games live on for years, and all the mods and community updates give the games new life that you can never get on consoles. Best examples are the Unofficial Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Patch which fixed like over 3,000 bugs, and Starcraft an age old game that I still play online.

mal_tez925114d ago

I like how its on consoles now, seeing as how I sold my PC

I'm liking the graphics and destruction, hopefully the shooting is fun

nickjkl5114d ago

in a darth vader voice : the fan boy is strong in you green

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1428d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1812d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071812d ago (Edited 1812d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141812d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1811d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1812d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1812d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1811d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1806d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


13 Awesome Games Set In Real Places

Jum Jum from Unleashthegamer writes: We gathered the best real setting games we could think of if you’re looking for something in a familiar location to soothe your thirst for real-world games.

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