
Nier Starts Poorly in Japan this Week

From VGChartz - "The drought of important software continued for a fourth week in Japan, with no games topping 50,000 units on a single platform, let alone 100,000 units. Nier from Square-Enix did top 50,000 units across PS3 and X360. It was easily the best performing game of the week.

Still, a flood of big content comes next week. There is potentially up to a million units of software sold between Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 when they arrive on PSP and DS April 29 and April 28. Preorders for Dragon Quest now stand at over 320,000, while Metal Gear has over 240,000 preorders. Super Street Fighter also has over 20,000 preorders for PS3.

Preorders continue to slowly trickle upwards for games releasing after Golden Week as well. Super Mario Galaxy 2 has about 10,000 preorders for Wii. Monster Hunter X360 has 15,000 preorders."

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Anon73495160d ago

Nier is gonna be like one of those niche titles that take a long time to sell well, and with word of mouth the game will catch on.

It's defiantly a good game.

TotalPS3Fanboy5159d ago

release Vagrant Story 2 instead.

Braineater24485159d ago

I havent seen a single bit of advertising on the game. How is anyone who doesnt frequent game blogs supposed to know about it?

Raoh5158d ago

well for one thing, its confusing to the japanese...

what if your a ps3 owner and want nier gestalt? 360's arent selling in japan so i dont see people buying a 360 for gestalt.. and like i said if they wanted gestalt, maybe they wont want the ps3 version replicant.. unless your an rpg gamer and you would want to play both...

this just seems like such a silly move to have two separate stories in japan where where console ratio is lop sided.. would maybe make more sense to do this in the states..

Anon73495156d ago

This is pretty much confirmed in japan.

The JP 360 and North America have the inferior version.

The reason behind it was because they didn't think the JPPS3 version would sell at all in north america, so they planted in some random "manly character" and other bullsh.t to make it "appeal" to north american gamers.


A NieR Retrospective with Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and Keiichi Okabe

Shuhei Yoshida chats with Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and Keiichi Okabe about their work in the NieR series.


Why Action Game Cameras Suck (Mostly)

One thing about the action game genre that has less evolved and to an extent has even gotten worse is the use of camera in most action games.

SinisterMister631d ago

Good read. Some of the games mentioned in the article really do put you through your paces in terms of getting the camera right.

Bathyj631d ago

Manipulating the camera in over the shoulder view games is as much a part of the game play as it is in a first-person shooter. It's not a crutch to have a close-up camera it's a design decision to give the look and feel the developer is going for. God of Wars no cut camera is a feature many loved and gave a great connect to the action and story. Would Last of us's story have the impact it does if it was top-down isometric? I doubt it.

This article feels like an ad for Bayonetta by the end.

Cameras pulled way back so the characters are tiny is fine if that's what you're going for but it doesn't mean all games should be like that.

Nacho_Z631d ago

I don't have a lot to add to this but I'll say that whenever there's an option to do so I'll always have the camera close in.

Football games are a good example, yes if you zoom out to a birds eye view you can see everything unfolding like a general on a battlefield, and you'll be effective, but it's not fun to play that way in terms of enjoyable gameplay or immersion.

Solitariussaint631d ago (Edited 631d ago )

Wow this writer sucks at modern action games. Controlling the camera with the right stick has been a thing since the original DualShock, it's been commonplace ever since.

If you have trouble with God if War '18 and Dark Souls camera angles, then you're pretty much bad at controlling the camera period.

I prefer having the camera up close too for the most part, I wanna see more detail and be up close to the action.

Hofstaderman630d ago

Why use God of War as a thumbnail? I didn’t have an issue with the camera


The Best Post-Apocalyptic Games To Play in 2022

BLG writes: "It’s hard to get away from the post-apocalyptic genre. It saturates film, television, and video games. Nowadays, it seems like there’s a never-ending supply of destruction. Media, developers, and storytellers are obsessed with how people survive once the world ends. And with good reason! We all love getting to see a somewhat familiar world marred by zombies, the fall of man, or nuclear disaster. There is a certain excitement in imagining what society does once the world has fallen apart"

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