
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - Who Didn't Make The Cut

AusGamers has an interview up with Marvel Vs Capcom 3 producer, Ryouta Niitsuma, who reveals a few big names from both Marvel and Capcom you definitely won't be seeing in the game, among other interesting morsels of information.

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billythepunk5153d ago

such a shame, MT Framework would have made The Thing look amazing, and I don't even wanna think about how good Nemesis or Tyrant would have looked

topdawg1225153d ago

Would have been cool to see what effects they could do with the Human Torch, but we'll never know.

Anorexorcist5153d ago (Edited 5153d ago )

I so wanted to settle the argument of who would be supreme and who would win that fight.

Baka-akaB5153d ago

It seems , but take it with a grain of salt , and mostly judging by their comment+one of the shadows of the trailer and logo , that they went for the super skrull instead , the super villain who possess the powers of all the fantastic 4 . That's a rather clever and interesting way , imo .

Cheeseknight285153d ago

None of the 6 characters they mention are very surprising. Would have been neat to see the Thing though.

Still hoping for Phoenix Wright to make a curveball appearance...

Bnet3435153d ago

Albert Wesker would be a curveball and I'd love to see it happen.

N4BmpS5153d ago

I wouldn't Albert would be a curve ball more like "Oh I knew that was coming Chris is in there" he'd be a welcomed addition definitely curve ball would be Phoenix or Maybe...IDK fill in the blank, I'm rusty on my Capcom characters.

Redempteur5153d ago

if they could make it playable for tatsunoko vs capcom . i ighly doubt they 'll be able to do a phoenix wright character work this time

N4BmpS5153d ago (Edited 5153d ago )

Chris Redfield was a surprise for many, really the teaser was just like all teasers but more exciting. I'm sure they reveal a lot when E3 rolls around. Not too much though they'll most likely stretch out the character reveals for a good 5 months. Or they'll reveal all those characters in the back ground I know Capt. America, Doom and Dante among others are back there.

morkendo5153d ago

B nice if they add green lantern and the flash

KingTavy5153d ago

lol dude thats DC comics. At least u didnt say batman or superman

N4BmpS5153d ago

Yeah but at least they would be in a mash-up game worth mentioning. Lol But that's another licensing hurdle with DC

Sam Fisher5153d ago (Edited 5153d ago )

they don't pull a EA or Activision and not put as many or more Characters as the 2nd one. Knowing Capcom they'll probably give us 20 characters, 500micro points or 3$ to UNLOCK the rest of them (they would already be in the game), or make a new addition like a universe edition or something. i lost alot of faith in Capcom this gen....

IMO Capcom hasn't stepped up to the plate this gen so far. lost planet looks okay at most, but most of their success this gen were reinvented old games (not flaming them, infact i love marvel vs capcom), but lets be honest. Capcom doesn't know what to do anymore, in terms of new ideas.

kraze075153d ago

There's nothing wrong with sticking to the old ways.

Baka-akaB5153d ago (Edited 5153d ago )

sigh , they told you they've got at least 30 characters .
Even street fighter 4 had 25 characters , super sf4 got 35 , without even being a vs title , and never sold you dlc chars yet .

You guys wanna complain about dlc s ? fine i hate most dlcs as well . But take an hard cold look at almost all fighting games this gen , and you'll see that most of the 360/ps3 had colors or costumes dlcs . How many of them bothered with a free championship or tournament dlc and additional content ?

Imo you are just being negative for the sake of it here , as its common on n4g .

This gen they revived a dead 2d fighting scene , revived their arcade 2d classics on xbla/psn , released games as varied in genre and content as :
lost planet , dead rising , monster hunter , okami , phoenix wright , even puzzle fighter etc etc ...

Nasically they had or tried one major title at least in pretty much every category of games , saves fps .
They even follow popular demand ... people wanted sf3 chars in sf4 ? here they come . people wanted MVC2 back and a sequel ? here they are and comes .

The rest is a matter of taste , as we can't love all of those games , but Capcom did a pretty decent job so far .

billythepunk5153d ago

well they tried with Dark Void (and failed) and attempted to reboot Bionic Commando (arguably new-ish), but again failed.

Blue Castle's Dead Rising 2 looks incredible though, so here's hoping after this, those cats are given free reign under Capcom ownership to create a truly awesome new IP

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Every Marvel vs. Capcom Character, Together At Last

Artist Chris Cayco, who we’ve featured a few times before on Kotaku, grew up playing Marvel vs. Capcom (and Marvel vs. Street Fighter) games. His tribute to this, which took him over 175 hours, was to combine every single character to ever appear in Capcom’s crossover series in the one enormous image.

PurpHerbison1565d ago

Love art like this. Good stuff.

PhoenixUp1565d ago

Makes me despise Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite that much more

So much wasted potential


Every Capcom Vs. Game Ranked

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Whether it was a colossal successful partnership with Marvel Comics or a collaboration with rivals Namco and SNK, the “Vs.” series brought unforgettable experiences to the fighting genre.

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Skuletor1692d ago

They should make a collection of all of them, for this gen or the next

PhoenixUp1692d ago

The 90s was a time when videogame IP established themselves heavily to the point where a lot of major companies could start doing crossovers

MIDGETonSTILTS17360d ago

MvC3 did NOT have a larger roster than 2…


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