
Activision Can't Keep Screwing People Over and Stay Number One

Craig Hasselback writes: "Activision just continues finding new ways to go from the popular publisher that stayed the course and rose to number one, to being the big jerk that is too big for their own britches as my grandpa would say. Since becoming the number publisher, Activision has done everything possible to piss off gamers."

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logichurtsfanboys5162d ago

Well sadly, until the average gamer realizes that they are getting screwed over, Activision is going to be number 1 for a while(as much as I hate to say it).........

BeaArthur5162d ago

Well since the population of sites like this only make up less than 1% of the fan base they will probably be on top for awhile. We can see what Activision is doing but those 2.5 million that just bought the new MW2 map pack have no idea.

Chris3995162d ago

A consumer's only power is with his/ her wallet. Until people start speaking with that, there will be no change. And as Bea pointed out, we're in the minority here, us informed enthusiasts.

The average consumer is entirely unaware of the conflict going on at ActiBlizz and the fragmenting of Infinity Ward. Nor do they care. I guarantee that come fall of this year (about time for another MW release, no?) they'll be standing at their local Walmart waiting to pick up a copy of MW.

maxcer5162d ago


"Like pigs to the trough, people gobble up each new COD release."


2Spock5162d ago

Well there are rumor's of activision holding your family hostage if you don't buy their games. Ohhh crap speaking of which i need to go buy "How to train your dragon" on all platforms....hope it's not to late.

Pika-pie5162d ago

They can only be number one for so long without giving us new and original franchises. They can only milk things for so long.

Music games are on the down
Tony hawk ride was a massive flop
WoW wont last forever
COD is all they have. Seen as how MW3 wont be made by infinity then it wont be as successfull.

raztad5162d ago


General consumer is not aware of developers, publishers or those details. Dont expect COD to go down because IW demise, and it makes sense, why people should be concerned with game industry inner politics? fans take things to heart but random Joe doesnt care.

coolcole935162d ago

Perhaps we should make some positive PSN chain spam.

Make one about how Activision are ripping you off and to send it to everyone on your friends list.

Megaton5162d ago

With massive ad campaigns reeling more and more consuming zombies/pop culture retards into the gaming world, you're gonna have more "gamers" who are completely clueless to what's actually going on in the industry. We at N4G are an extreme minority, and even here a lot of people still went out and bought MW2 knowing the things Activision does.

It's hopeless.

erathaol5162d ago

Even if sales begin to falter, as they are already doing because they are driving their major franchises into the ground, Activision will continue to be at the top because of one major reason: Blizzard. Everyone seems to casually just block it out of their minds that the two companies are one and Kotick is President and CEO of the whole thing.

Got to hate how life just likes to bite you in the butt sometimes.

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Yi-Long5162d ago (Edited 5162d ago )

... it seems they can.

You need to get the message across with your wallet!

If you LOVE gaming, and if you HATE the way Activision is doing business: DON'T BUY ACTIVISION GAMES (or buy them used) and certainly DON'T BUY THEIR DLC!

It's THAT simple!

Pika-pie5162d ago

^^ I bought MW2 used for that exact reason

vgn245162d ago

Amen. Honestly all the major pubs are starting to become jacked up. Take-Two with the DLC on BioShock 2's disc. EA with selling "DLC" that unlocks content in sports games instead of playing to earn it.

They're all borderline A-holes

Yi-Long5162d ago

... and that's just why I avoid buying more and more games for full-price. When developers are already announcing they'll be DLC-scamming/milking their customers with a certain title, I JUST WON'T BUY THAT TITLE!

Bioshock 2 looked interesting, but I didn't pick it up. Assassin's Creed 2 looked interesting, but I didn't pick it up. Forza 3 looks great, but I didn't pick it up. Why!? DLC.

For all these games, I'll just wait untill someday soon they're 20 bucks, and hopefully have all the DLC included on the disc, and IF I'm still interested by then, I'll pick it up. That's how I did it with Fable 2, with Fallout 3, and pretty much with every game that we know will DLC-milk us.

Now, if they would release a great game AND also make the promise that all future DLC for that game would be FREE, I would probably support such developers and buy their product FULL-PRICE.

So THAT's the only way they would get my 50-60 bucks. Certainly NOT with DLC milking, cause that just makes me spend my money elsewhere and/or wait for the inevitable price-drop after 6-12 months orso.

It would be nice if gamedevelopers would treat their customers the way they themselfs would like to be treated when THEY are customers.

Millah5162d ago

This gens DLC is seriously one of the worst things thats happened in the industry. I can't even explain how much I hate how badly publishers are milking it and taking advantage of it. Expansion packs are nothing new, but the way publishers are doing it now is just sickening.

But unfortunately the uninformed masses that all play Activisions franchises don't know and don't care about what Activision does and will just continue to buy new COD games and endless DLC.

VG_Releaser5162d ago

They will never learn. They all do it.

BeaRye5162d ago

Cynical much? They don't all do it.

Falloutxii5162d ago

Overcharging is the problem. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games but the dlc is overpriced. dlc should cost a few dollars or it should be free.

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Is Guitar Hero Coming To The PS5 Or Xbox Series X?

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Cacabunga16d ago

I miss those times with Rock Band, DJ Hero and all rhythm games.

BeHunted16d ago

Thank you for supporting Microsoft by purchasing Guitar Hero.


I just don’t see this being nearly as popular as it was back in the day. These kids are way too attached to phones and tablets to care about plastic guitars and drums. Would be cool if it did return but I just don’t see hype for it like the good old days of gaming.

DarXyde16d ago

Or....in the modern era, it could support real electric guitars and drum sets...?

I think we can do better than the buttons at this point

ThatArtGuy16d ago

Rocksmith does real guitar.

DarXyde16d ago


All the more reason to get with the program.

S2Killinit16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Hmmm maybe you are correct. Unfortunately. Also, there is the VR rhythm games already in the wide which are very popular. But back in those days we only had gutar hero.

Gaming4Life198116d ago

I would gladly buy a guitar hero collection or just guitar hero 2 again on series X or ps5.

neutralgamer199216d ago

Most likely answer is both platforms because why leave out 60-70 million platform gamers

Dandalandan11716d ago

Make it some kind of collection or greatest hits then I'm sold

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Call of Duty killed Guitar Hero but the world is ready for its return

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Thundercat77449d ago

Guitar Hero was good. The problem was Activision started creating many versions. Guitar Hero had the every one year cycle like COD and people felt they were being robbed.

myfathersbastard449d ago

It was even worse then that. My roommate and I were big into rock band. Had a concert sized sound system for it in the shop. Both rock band and guitar hero were doing a yearly release yeah, but then also doing song packs and band packs every other week almost at one point. AND releasing them on physical disc. Before we stopped we had litterely dozens of discs for different songs and bands. They just never stopped coming out. People can only handle buying so much for 1 game.

Ra3030448d ago

Why in the hell would one want to spend time to learn a button mashing order when you can lean to play a real guitar in the same time frame.

