
Can BioWare Put the RPG Back in MMORPG?

You can't help but wonder whether BioWare's upcoming MMOG, Star Wars
The Old Republic, will be able to port the same roleplaying aspect their successful single player games are known for to a new platform. It is a question Mattlow ponders in his latest editorial.

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EpsilonTeam5203d ago

Oh god i miss Bioware of the past. All we need is a Baldur's Gate online from them.

I really miss the old days. Gems like "Lands of Lore" from Westwood and "Stonekeep" from Interplay wont be coming anymore.

Slinkey5203d ago

I agree with you on the Baldur's Gate online but I dont think bioware would get the ok from ea to do a niche mmo from my forefathers days :P. But I do think that bioware can rejuvenate the mmo genre by making the mmorpg more about the story then the loot and where better then the star wars universe is there to have a great story take place :D!

Tony P5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

I am totally jaded on MMOs so I have very little optimism.

Immersion is a key factor in my RPGing. But in MMOs at least 70% of the population is trying to break it. More likely they don't care. The bad players are doing stupid player tricks; the average players are bored to tears collecting boar heads and feathers and all that BS; and the good players treat the game like a damn spreadsheet.

I'm not saying people have to do D&D "ye gods! forsooth!", but it helps to have people treat it more like an experience and less like Facebook.

And if it's unclear, I'm saying I don't think BioWare can overcome any of that.

evrfighter5203d ago

Wow impressive. I most certainly would have never imagined that I'd see such a precise breakdown of mmo gamers in such a small paragraph.

what's really impressive is that I would have never imagined I would have found it in the comments of an n4g article.

SaiyanFury5203d ago

Tony P gets it right. I don't like MORGs, as I call them for short (Massively-played Online Role-playing Games). They all pretty much have the same formula; level up in an area, collect whatever items to sell to NPCs in an area, collect money, get better equipment, and move onto the next area and do the same thing. Personally, I find them boring. That's just a personal opinion. If a person likes MORGs, then more power to them. MMOs have very little immersion and are more about action than anything else.

DARK WITNESS5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

after bioware's last effort, it will prob end up a TPS...

DarkBlood5203d ago

was the past kotor games not sort of tps *ish* in the first place? I mean one would think its already like that if you can use guns beside lightsabre.

DarkBlood5203d ago

judging by the pictures from past articles it doesnt seem too graphically good not that i'm complaining or anything. I can sigh a relief that my computer in its current state should handle this ok.

hopfully when the warranty wears off i can just changes parts in this computer rather then build a whole new one from the ground up since im kind of a newbie at rigs, at least the structure will have already been done so making the rest alot easy to build and cheap too lol.

JeepGamer5203d ago

If there's one thing that annoys me it's when an MMO has a big quest event that you mean nothing to in the grand scheme of things.

WoW had a perfect example of this when, as an Alliance character, you went in to Under City with the two of the games major characters. One of them decides to be a jerk and the other doesn't.

You have no choice, no option, no 'well I think...', you either follow along behind the jerk or fail the quest.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Still Receiving Updates 11 Years Into Release

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PapaBop427d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator426d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336427d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop427d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.


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