
Top 5 Upcoming Xbox 360 Exclusives of Spring 2010

From the PlanetXbox360.com feature article:

"With Microsoft's X10 expo behind us I thought it would be a great time to look at the top 5 Xbox 360 exclusives to be released during the Spring 2010 window. Each one of these triple-A titles are can be found only on the Xbox 360 console and will undoubtedly be some of the top-rated games of the entire year. How does this list stack up to those exclusives found on Sony's Playstation 3, personally I believe the Xbox 360 has a stronger Spring line-up but that is all a matter of opinion. Either way if you can only afford to purchase a couple games during the next couple months make sure to consider each and every one of the titles on this list; now let's look at the top 5 Xbox 360 exclusives of Spring 2010."

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Pandamobile5219d ago

Two of those games are multiplatform.

Pandamobile5219d ago

Supreme Commander 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction

Method5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Yeah it's just another 360 fanboy site completely ignoring the PC as a valid platform to make their exclusives list look bigger than it actually is.

GreenRingOfLife5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Its a great year to own Xbox 360

Oh and when it comes to the console war (360 vs ps3) its a 360 exclusive
Of course you could always play it in your Microsoft Windows based PC

MGSR THE HD VERSION5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

can't let it go can you Pandamobile?

all the other titles are pretty good, but the one i'm looking forward to is alan wake....and i'm going to get the pc version of that game in 2,00.....never. :)

so i just decided to get it on my 360 which is coming very soon.

BldyShdw5219d ago

Are you five? Whats is the point of saying that...its not like microsoft makes money on every pc game. Im in school for programming. Windows is an open platform (not to be confused with open source- they allow anyone to program for their OS), I could write a game for windows right now and Microsoft would not be entitled to a penny. If you think about the amount of amateur games out there, software etc. - Microsoft don't get royalties since Windows is 'open'.

ryuzu5219d ago

I've double checked that list and, unless my eyes deceive me there's no FPS there!!!

Get me an FPS now!

Let's hope SC finally sees a release - after all this time, it's best just to get it out now - even if it's poor at least the dev team can move on. Same goes for AW I guess.


NegativeCreepWA5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Why is there always some dumba$$ that needs to point that out like no knows.

Anon73495219d ago

And I run games better than you ever will.

I like how bots think the only OS is M$ windows. I don't buy M$ products because they're greedy and sell low quality products for crazy amounts of money.

Vista, Zune, 360, ect

JasonPC360PS3Wii5219d ago

Correction: two of those are 360 console exclusive also on PC with Windows.

Pandamobile5219d ago

Exclusive means only on one platform.

If a game, Splinter Cell: Conviction for example, is on more than one platform, it is multiplatform.

For something to really be an exclusive, it has to be available only on _one_ platform. When are you people going to figure this out?

Raf1k15219d ago

'Correction: two of those are 360 console exclusive also on PC with Windows'
i.e. multi-platform

Saaking5219d ago

SCC and Supreme Commander are PC exclusives!!!

No, but wait, they're also on the 360... um,,, oh... see how stupid that sounds?

we won5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

This comes from a console website so in the console market some of the games are listed as exclusive to the 360 because they're speaking from a console market perspective. Why do you repeat that same BS in every article listing MSFT exclusive tittles? It makes no more sense than making a big deal out of PS3 games with a PSP version.

Not on PS3 is what matters to MSFT and Sony does not benefit. Windows doesn't compete with the 360 and PC is in a different market, this is why MSFT designed the the 360 the way they did.

You're not taking anything away from the 360 by making a big deal about PC releases it was MSFT's plan from the start lol.

I think you know what people mean by now, you're just a Pro Sony PC gamer.


"Main Entry: 1ex·clu·sive
Pronunciation: \iks-ˈklü-siv, -ziv\
Function: adjective
Date: 1515
1 a : excluding or having power to exclude b : limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group
2 a : excluding others from participation b : snobbishly aloof
3 a : accepting or soliciting only a socially restricted patronage (as of the upper class) b : stylish, fashionable c : restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense
4 a : single, sole <exclusive jurisdiction> b : whole, undivided <his exclusive attention>
— ex·clu·sive·ly adverb
— ex·clu·sive·nes s noun"

These games are not on PS3 and the revenue made from both the Xbox and Windows helps MSFT secure dominance in the next gen marketplace over Sony. LOL I can't believe fanboys are turning MSFT's plan of double releasing AAA's on both their Next-gen platforms into a weakness.

Pandamobile5219d ago

But Microsoft has absolutely nothing to do with the PC version of multiplatform games.

Xbox 360 games have a licensing fee that publishers have to pay to Microsoft in order to be able to use that platform. Microsoft and Sony both make money off of every game sold on their platforms.

Unless Microsoft themselves are publishing the PC version of the game, they get nothing. Microsoft doesn't get a dime from PC games. SCC is published by Ubisoft, and Supreme Commander 2 by Square Enix, therefore, Microsft makes no money from them.

So stop acting like Microsoft has their hand in the pocket of every game that releases on the PC and 360.

Charmers5219d ago

Microsoft receives no revenue from PC games that is why they started a console in the first place. The only time Microsoft benefits from PC gaming is when someone buys a copy of their operating system that is it.

Supreme Commander 2 and Splinter Cell are multiplatform titles because the games are on TWO different platforms. Therefore they are not xbox 360 exclusives are they.

2cents5219d ago

these articles need to be titled either "Top 5 Upcoming Games Not on PS3" or "Top 5 Games coming to 360".

Because calling a game an exclusive means on 1 platform, unique to one. This is asking for a valid reaction from the Sony camp who dont own a 360, by ignoring the obvious that some games are on pc.

360 is lucky to have these 5 games available this spring as these are good games to play. There should be no argument about that. But when articles like this add a little sh1t to the mix by posting lies then, what reaction will 360 fans expect?

Among consoles Splinter Cell and Supreme Commander are exclusive to the 360, use the word in context and it works. Alternatively Splinter Cell and Supreme Commander will not be coming to PS3. Thats basically what the 360 camp is trying to say just not in such neutral words

ThanatosDMC5219d ago

I dont get why these people cant get over the idea of PCs being another platform... what does it take away from their favored console? Is chest thumping becoming harder and harder as time goes by?

SilentNegotiator5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

"How does this list stack up to those exclusives found on Sony's Playstation 3, personally I believe the Xbox 360 has a stronger Spring line-up but that is all a matter of opinion"

The writers of PlanetXbox360 can never go without some fanboy language.
What does the PS3 have to do with an xbox website discussing 360 exclusives? Nothing, unless you're an obsessed fanboy.

Pandamobile5219d ago

So what do you guys call a PS3/PC game like Final Fantasy 14 or The Agency if a PC/360 game is supposedly a 'Microsoft Exclusive'?

heroicjanitor5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

When you consider that none of them are out in spring lol, only splinter cell and supreme commander are out in spring and as others point out they are multiplat.

-Alpha5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

It's called CONSOLE wars, not BRAND wars, though some fanboys do take it that far.

Also, I agree there is nothing wrong with 360 fanboys ignoring the PC to call a PC/360 game "console exclusive" to the 360, but that's only because PS3 fanboys find nothing wrong with ignoring PC graphics to crown the PS3 "console graphics king."

Personally, I find them to be both silly manipulations of console fanboys who are trying to fight for second place since the Wii already dominates sales and PC already dominates graphics.

N4BmpS5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

I'll ignore most of the comments but I will say this, Splinter Cell: Conviction and Supreme Commander are both Console exclusive(Console include Wii PS3, 360)PC is a gaming rig am I right so far? I believe so.(if Not you can correct me but don't insult me cuz I'll insult you back) Anyway moving on, I find it retarded of "journalist" to point out who has a better exclusive line up now, I mean seriously Sony finally has a great year in 2009 that beat out XBOX now they want to compare exclusive title line ups every quarter? Why? Sony had their 09 spread out thoroughly through the year, to me it seems like they're taking the same approach. MS has a line up that seems to serve everybody but they have so many titles clumped in season you have to ask, which title will be overlooked and which ones will sell well and which one will be critically disliked(this one matters the least to those of you who have a mind of you own). Oh yeah, you don't have to listen to me for all you know I could be a stupid PS3 fanboy right? (I don't care but)

Shepherd 2145218d ago

Console exclusive. As in PS3 does not get it and any PS3 owner must invest in an expensive high-end PC to play the game in a high resolution, or get a 360. Sorry bout that, thought i should clarify.

Oh and before i leave i wanted to add that the PC platform wouldnt be where it is today without dirty old Microsoft.

goflyakite5218d ago

Panda you're wrong, it's different when you're dealing with the 360.

It just is.

insomnium5218d ago

"PS3 fanboys find nothing wrong with ignoring PC graphics to crown the PS3 "console graphics king.""

There are far more consoles that are capable of handling KZ2 and UC2 graphics than there are PCs capable of handling PC games at higher settings than KZ2 and UC2. This is the fact you forget so conveniently.

We are saying "console graphics king" only because we recognize it would be wrong to call it just king. It would be incorrect. The x360 fans however call these PC/x360 games console exclusives only to try and up the merits of x360 and cast a shadow over PC.

See the difference? We do it to recognize PC for it's merits and x360 fans do it to take merits away from the PC.

"Personally, I find them to be both silly manipulations of console fanboys who are trying to fight for second place since the Wii already dominates sales and PC already dominates graphics."

Wii is played by children. It doesn't matter how much it sells. It is for children mostly. It has no games whatsoever (when compared to ps3) for an adult gamer like me.

Cold 20005218d ago

Wow some people are REALLY butthurt up in here!

Cant wait to get me some Splinte Cell :)

Charmers5218d ago

"Oh and before i leave i wanted to add that the PC platform wouldnt be where it is today without dirty old Microsoft."

Actually it is the other way round, Microsoft wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for the PC. You wouldn't be gaming on an xbox 360 if it wasn't for the PC which has been used by Microsoft to fund the xbox 360.

Jinxstar5218d ago (Edited 5218d ago )

This is the definition of exclusive. It is a little bit dated but you get the idea.


Apart from that. The line up for the 360 is a good one. Glad they are getting some games now. Comparing 360 to PS3 is apples to oranges though. everyone has a preference and no one is wrong.


Nobody has any problem with someone saying a game is console exclusive. It's when it is called a 360 exclusive that people get up in arms. The title to this article is "Top 5 360 exclusives" Not "Top 5 360 console exclusives" I have no problem when you call a duck a duck but when you try and call a duck a goose Ima tell you that your full of it.(Consult link provided above)

As far as graphics king goes... I mean I have a rather high end PC and for the most part I love buying games for it. I just bought bioshock 2 and am a little over half way through it. I have played crysis, AOC and a lot of games on my PC and marveled at the graphics(Not to mention sweet steam deals of the week. Psychonauts for 2$!!! Love steam). That being said, and this may just be me, I prefer the... Art direction... Maybe... of games like Uncharted and God of War. Just sitting there and looking out at vistas and seeing little flocks of birds flying way the heck off and just taking in the beauty... To me I prefer it. I dislike Crysis as a game even though it's pretty amazing physics wise. The environments though I just don't care for. The jungles get very dull after a while... The game felt very samey to me start to finish.

Uncharted you go from a museum to jungle to temple to war torn nation to crazy train sequence to Himalayan mountain village to ice cavern to another temple to shangrala and back home again... Amazing variety imo... Pacing, Scale and everything is in tact. Even though Crysis may be "Technically" better as far as graphics. For my viewing pleasure I would take most PS3 games TLG, GOW3, UC2, GT5, HS, Etc... This once again is a "To each his own" though. PS3 is by far the "Console graphics king" and durn close to anything out on PC. Aestetically surpassing anything on PC and technically very very close. So to me. If it makes sense it is the "Graphics king" Because "Graphics" by definition include things like Graphic art and design. As far as engine modeling and physics crysis wins hands down but from a graphical stand point... I believe if you took someone out of a retirement facility or some 3rd world country who had little to no experience with videogames and showed them 10 minutes of crysis and 10 minutes of GOW3 and used the "best" sequences in each game to show off how great they both are. 99% of the people would say GOW3 looks better... because the line is so blurry right now for everything. Graphics are more then just polygon count. It really is also design and looks.... Take that for what you want. To me and many on here the PS3 is the graphics king and I bet a lot of critics would agree....

Edit: Disagree's explain yourself please. I would simply like to learn and understand varying opinions. I would like an interesting discussion... =D If your not up to it then game on anyway =D

Shepherd 2145218d ago

Did i mention the 360 in that statement? Nope, i only referenced it when i made the statement about console exclusives.

The PC platform would be no where near what it is today without Microsoft. Microsoft pushed the platform over 30 years ago and is today the most commonly used operating system in the world. But because its MS you dont wanna believe that do you? You only hear what you want to hear, like everyone in this world.

IdleLeeSiuLung5218d ago

In regards to exclusivity? Why do you care if MS get's paid or not? Why is that even an issue?

Sounds like somebody has an agenda against MS.

Charmers5218d ago

"You only hear what you want to hear"

The same could be said for you Shepherd 214 if Microsoft hadn't done the operating system for the PC someone else would've. However the demand for the PC would still have been there. In short Microsoft owes an awful lot more to the PC than the PC owes to Microsoft. If MS stopped making windows tomorrow which do you think would disappear Microsoft or the PC ? It would be Microsoft because other companies would step in and show MS how it's done.

You just like to think Microsoft is "god" for some bizarre reason.

Shepherd 2145218d ago (Edited 5218d ago )

Youre one of those "if they hadnt done it someone else would have" type of people. Thats childish, you could very well say that about ANY thing.

If Sony hadnt become an electronics giant to meet the higher tech demands of consumers that was rapidly growing in the 70's, 80's and 90's, someone else would have. If Gangis Kahn hadnt taken over most of Asia, someone else would have. If Bruce Lee hadnt made Martial Arts popular and brought it into the mainstream, someone else would have. But no one denies their greatness simply because "Someone else would have" if they didnt.

No, i dont think MS is a God for some bizarre reason, i think that they are a failure at producing hardware, and i stick by them simply for their software. But ive been branded a fanboy already, im sure, so all of this is useless.

IdleLeeSiuLung5217d ago

I heard somebody call my name and take about my greatness!

I agree with you. Let's add Google to the mix as well.

By the way, if you aren't a Sony fanboy on this site, you are automatically branded a MS fanboy regardless of your stance.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5217d ago
mrv3215219d ago

Just to let you know splincter cell is also on PC.

mrv3215219d ago

Do you need an English lesson?

A 360 exclusive implies it's only on the Xbox 360, if it's also on PC then it's not a 360 exclusive. A 360 EXCLUSIVE means you MUST OWN A 360 to play it. That is not the case.

PepperJack5219d ago

conviction is the biggest for me

LaurenKB1235219d ago

They should have added the XBLA titles, then this list would be ultra-ownage....update please!

GiantEnemyCrab5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Crackdown 2 for sure! As well as Splinter Cell and Alan Wake and if you are including 360/PC releases why not mention Metro 2033?? Which looks to be a graphical powerhouse!

So much potential goodness coming in the spring!!!

Glad you put in some bonuses because Toy Soldiers looks to be a really good for an XBLA title.

And there is NNN2 representing the Japanese devs.. The same ol Dynasty Warrior clone.. So done with supporting Japanese developers.

EDIT: Wow, took not even 1 minute for my comment to be posted to get a disagree.. I'm speaking for myself you fkers so piss off. That goes to you 360 homers and PS3 homers as well.

5219d ago

Crackdown...who the hell wants crackdown unless it comes with a beta code

Anon73495219d ago

Enjoy not playing Demon's Souls and other FROM Software games.

I'll gladly enjoy some of the best games, gaming has to offer. Japan makes like 50% or more of the world's best video games. American on the other hand? They make crap rehashed games like Halo and COD. Enjoy playing bad games and FPS for the rest of your life.

RockmanII75219d ago

Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Dynasty Warriors

do you need more

Shendow5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

I don't see Crackdown 2 being a seller in less it comes with a beta like it did with Halo, other then that it might just fail.

I in joy Crackdown but it isn't a most buy game on my list Vs Halo, plus theirs to many games listed for 360 that would be just better to get on your PC if it has the power to run it.

As for me, I can run Mass Effect 2 with no problem on my PC, plus I already got the HD screen part cover by Sony (A Sony HD TV).

@_@ wow it just count my comment as a reply....weird but ok.

JeffGUNZ5218d ago

Crackdown was one of the more enjoyable games I have played this generation. Single-player wise.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers50d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran850d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto49d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia50d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger50d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie50d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

50d ago
Profchaos50d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie50d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh50d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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