
Mass Effect 2 Becomes Best-Selling January Release Ever

The NPD's January sales data was recently released, revealing that BioWare's critically acclaimed Mass Effect 2 sold through more than 572,000 copies in the U.S. during the month. EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich pointed out that this makes Mass Effect 2 the best selling January release ever.

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chak_5225d ago

maybe that'll teach them the lesson that many games can come out in other months than october & november :p

Major_Tom5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

That's great but Xbox 360 owners, you gotta buy this game even though it sold a bunch in Jan it's only at 1.6 mil, there are almost 40 mil Xbox 360 owners, what is going on?

Why is it selling slow?

Boob5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

Are you missing a chromosome? You really think all 40 million people are going to buy this game day one? Itll sell great over time, probably around 6 million+. Your stealth trolling fails. Cant wait to see that bubble at one.

How about other exclusives, like UC2? Why hasnt 32 million people bought it? How about MAG? Didnt even make the top 10. But thats probably because of the PS3 shortages. Funny how that news only arose after the NPD numbers were released.

Major_Tom5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

The original Mass Effect only sold 2.13 and that's notably a better title, I doubt the game will pass three million at the rate it's selling.

Gears of War 2 sold 5.5 million, with much marketing, it sold 600-700k less than the first, following this simple formula you can't expect much more return than the initial project investment. However you'd have to include inflation, I think it will hover just around the 3 mil mark, just below it.


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