
Konami anounces Contra 4 for Nintendo DS

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc., today announced Contra 4 (working title) for the Nintendo DS. Marking the 20th anniversary of the quintessential action franchise, the game pushes 2D side-scrolling action in an all-new direction with gunplay that spans two full screens, original gameplay mechanics that grant players deadlier abilities than ever before, and frantic multiplayer functionality.

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PS360WII6202d ago

Woot diggity ^^

Glad they are going back to side scrollers cuz this game was never meant for 3D.

kenjix6202d ago

As a PSP owner this is the first game title that really hurts seeing as a PSP version of this game would be light years better than a DS version.

I'll have to hope they're going to be releasing a PSP built Contra game as well, similiar to the Castlevania game coming out. Otherwise I'll get the DS version for my wife's DS.

ItsDubC6202d ago

Why would a PSP version be "light years" better than a DS version? The PSP's 2D graphics capabilities are not "light years" better than the DS's, and it lacks an additional screen.

I like the fact that this new Contra will have a grappling hook. Bionic Commando anyone?

PS360WII6202d ago

Bionic Commando! ^^ Now that's a game that needs to be dug up

VirusE6202d ago

Yet another reason to own a DS

MK_Red6202d ago

AWESOME news. A true sequel to Contra 3. And a 2D one. Im speechless.

firstworldman6201d ago

I love Contra. It's awesome that Konami is showing the DS some major love.
Go Contra!


GameEnthus Podcast ep374: Hudson Enough or Lore Purposes Only

This week Peggy (@MoiraiOW) joins Ti ny (@Tiny415) Mike (@AssaultSuit) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about esports, video games, Overwatch, late 80s movies, board games and more video games.

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Pocket Power: Contra 4

After trying a few different directions, Contra 4 is a welcome return to the classic formula and one of the better Contras overall.

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DefenderOfDoom22761d ago

Wish i can get CONTRA 4 at the PS store .