
Xbox Live – Nintendo's Next Target?

From wiichat.com

"With next month's new format E3 (July 11th to July 13th) looming over us like a mysterious cloud, there's recently been rumblings of Nintendo unveiling an Xbox Live style downloads system for Wii. Given the popularity of the format and the Japanese company's ever growing desire to expand its media functions it seems that we may get the first glimpse of this at July's Expo."

23478ueyur_9382236205d ago

I don't know about this. I don't think Nintendo can just jump in and beat Xbox Live. Xbox Live is well established, Nintendo I believe is the farthest behind on online play? I can't remember, haven't played the Wii in a while.

power of Green 6205d ago (Edited 6205d ago )

Not a smart thing to do with Wii's limited capabilites and MS's connections/relationships with big time companies.

Below: Yep Wii's fanbase is most likely Casual consumers that aren't Hardcore enough to buy upgrades for something thats not as capable as the other options.

Well if the demos were free maybe they can use some sort of streaming tech. If you bought a wii for the price then hopefully you don't get charged for viewing a demo as that kind of defeats the purppose in both the sense; a cheapy isn't going to want to be nicled and dimed to death, the point of a demo is to decide if you want to spend money on something.

23478ueyur_9382236205d ago

Yeah, like for the demos, you'd be required to buy an HDD, so I mean it cannot match what is offered via Live unless they expected every Wii owner to bust out on upgrades.

N4GayFanturds6205d ago

DREAM on (to who ever would think this is remotely possible) Nintendo doesn't have the manpower nor the pocket book. They don't even have the resources to do xbox live locally, in Japan only.

God of Gaming6205d ago

Yea... Sony can try and get there with PSN but Nintendo has NO chance... I am sure they will have a nice download system but it will not have the fantastic built in features of LIVE.

toughNAME6205d ago

no one company can take down the monster

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